Cheap scopus indexed journals A total of 100 English Literature Scopus journals are listed below. Journal Title ISSN Publisher Quartile; 1: Journal of Marketing: 15477185, 00222429: American Marketing Association: Q1: 2: 3. A total of 100 civil engineering Scopus journals are listed below. All the below listed journals are open access. July 5, 2022 at 6:09 am High acceptance rate and low publication fee Scopus indexed journals available in the field of Microfinance. This web page aims to provide the latest biotechnology Scopus indexed journals. Features of a Scopus Journal Finder: Search by Keywords or Abstract: Users can input their paper's title, abstract, or specific keywords, and the tool will suggest relevant journals where their work might be a good fit. In this blog post, we will be listing Scopus-indexed law journals. List of paid Scopus indexed computer science journals 1) Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering. The journal Substantia published by Firenze This blog post features a list of non-paid open-access Pharmacology journals indexed in Scopus. Free publishing tourism management Journals indexed in Scopus, SCI. Fast publishing SCI journals in electrical engineering Free publishing English Literature Journals indexed in Scopus, SCI. International Journals with Low Cost Publication Charges: IJSRAInternational Journal of Science and Research Archive (IJSRA) is the best quality ISSN Approved Journal with very Low publication charges. It primarily collects magazines, books, conference contributions and patents and creates a citation and abstract Scopus indexed journals are considered reputed journals worldwide. Publishing in credible journals indexed in Scopus is essential for gaining academic recognition and global visibility. Kanishka Sethi. This information is often found in the ‘About’ section, ‘Editorial Policies’, or ‘Author Guidelines’. Click on the journal ISSN : 1863-5954 E-ISSN:2197-5523 Plagiarism : Less than 25% Indexed In : High Impact Indexing Database Duration : Depends on the Journal and Quality of the paper Topics Covered : Multidisciplinary (All domain articles) So Scopus indexed journals with publication charges is also in demand as this reduces the publication time and increases the citation of paper in a few months. This web page aims to provide the latest Agronomy Scopus indexed journals. It covers nearly 36,377 titles from approximately 11,678 publishers. Submit Cancel. This web page aims to provide the latest pharmacy Scopus indexed journals. Click Here- Scopus Journal Search. Power Electronics Journals List 2023. Q3 is occupied by journals in the 50 to 75% group. 200 Scopus indexed Food Science journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics. com Free publishing dentistry Journals indexed in Scopus, SCI. Note: Some of these journals also publish research papers for free. QUARTILE Q1 journals; Q2 journals; Q3 journals; Q4 journals; FAST PUBLICATION; FREE PUBLICATION; CONTACT; ABOUT; Search. Q1: 2: Scopus indexed journals are considered reputed journals worldwide. Scopus indexed Dentistry journals; S. Electrical Engineering Scopus List 2023. It is always recommended to publish research papers in reputed journals only. Scopus indexed Social Sciences journals; S. A few journals are also indexed in Web of Science. This web page aims to provide the latest Computer Scopus indexed journals. This blog post aims to provide a list of microbiology journals indexed in Scopus. 200 Scopus indexed Radiology journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics. IJSRA is ISSN Approved Journals with Low article processing charges. Michael Eisen voiced strong criticism of academic publishing, saying: “It’s still outrageous how much it costs to publish research. In the following section, we have listed SCOPUS-indexed Nanotechnology journals. I have done self-funded research and can't afford more than 200 USD List of Q1 journals. 200 Scopus indexed Economics journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics. List of Scopus indexed journals in 2023. In this post, we have listed 21 fast Click here to Submit Research Paper and get indexed for African Journal of Biological Sciences in Scopus Indexed Journals +91 9345684472; info@ardaconference. The journals with publication time of less than or equal to 12 weeks are listed. Standard #4; I meant to say that almost every journal indexed in Scopus. The whole idea of open access journals was developed around the year 2000/2002 on the basis that the authors pay the costs of publishing their work if accepted and Free publishing Diabetes Journals indexed in Scopus, SCI. Dr. A total of 100 Machine Learning Scopus journals are listed below. The ISSN of this journal is 22313850. We also describe below, in the Frequently Asked Elsevier Journals without Publication Fee – The majority of the academic journals published by Elsevier demand that authors pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to cover the costs associated with publishing and In September 2024, Scopus discontinued 3 journals from its database. These journals are also SCI-indexed and publish research in a fast-track mode. These journals are published by Scopus indexed journals are considered reputed journals worldwide. The journals are published by reputed publishers (Elsevier, Springer, renowned universities, etc. Various universities publish special issues free of cost in fast-track mode. Yashika Publication is a firm by Authors for Authors for helping them publishing their research articles in International publications like UGC, Scopus and ESCI Indexed Journals and also provide them with low cost book publications. This web page aims to provide a list of Scopus indexed Mathematics journals. Cite. Q1 is the most in-demand journal. And when we talk about reputed journals, our minds think about Scopus and SCI-indexed journals. This journal publishes open access. Scopus indexed dermatology journals; S. 759 Journal Rank: 8576 Scopus indexed journals are considered reputed journals worldwide. A Non APC journal is a scientific journal that doesn't ask authors to pay a fee to publish their article after it has been accepted. EDITOR Scopus indexed Mathematics Journals. Indian Journal Of Computer Science And Engineering is a research journal that publishes research related to Engineering (miscellaneous). We are providing below the top 50 dental journals based on their CiteScore. We visited various universities and journals’ websites to find such free Scopus-indexed and fast-publication journals. In this blog post, we will be listing Scopus-indexed nursing journals. Free publishing medicine Journals indexed in Scopus, SCI. A total of 100 Materials Science Scopus journals are listed below. Subscribe to our Newsletter. This web page aims to provide the latest Economics Finance Scopus indexed journals. This web page aims to provide the latest Religious Studies Scopus indexed journals. Journals like those indexed in Scopus often highlight their acceptance rates to attract potential authors. This web page aims to provide a list of Scopus indexed Psychology journals. These journals specify on their site that publication is free, zero article processing charge. Scopus indexed Marketing journals; S. A Non APC journal is a scientific journal that doesn't ask authors to pay a fee to publish their article after it has been accepted. Journals Suggester Impact Factor Calculator. A total of 100 Mathematics Scopus journals are listed below. LIST OF JOURNALS. 200 Scopus indexed Cardiology journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics. A total of 100 Agronomy Scopus journals are listed below. By focusing on these criteria, academics can effectively disseminate their research without compromising on quality or financial resources. The ISSN of this journal is 20901232. About ARDA; Our Vision; Services. Click on the journal Scopus indexed journals are considered reputed journals worldwide. Scopus is Elsevier abstract and citation database launched in 2004. 04. Click on the journal title to get more details and to send your manuscript. It includes articles on cytology, genetics, breeding, agronomy, soil science, horticulture, water use, microbiology, plant diseases One of the keys to expediting the fast publication in Scopus and SCI-indexed journals of global repute is to not only adhere to deadlines but also stay ahead of them. Non-paid open-access journals don’t charge their authors for publishing research papers. This web page aims to provide the latest library and information sciences Scopus indexed journals. A Non APC journal is a scientific journal that I am looking for a Scopus indexed open or closed access journal on public health/community health that costs below 300 USD. Prioritizing Speed and Free publishing Cardiology Journals indexed in Scopus, SCI. Journal Title ISSN Publisher Quartile; 1: International journal of oral science: 20493169, 16742818: Sichuan University Press: Q1: 2: Scopus indexed journals are considered reputed journals worldwide. Free publishing economics Journals indexed in Scopus, SCI. International Journal with DOI Publication Fees Under 500 Rs, High Impact Factor Journal, Fast Publication Journal, Lowest Publication Charges, Index In Major Database,low fees Journal Publication Charge Rs. Journal Title ISSN Publisher Quartile; 1: Mindfulness: 18688535, 18688527: Springer Verlag: 200 Scopus indexed engineering journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics. (New) Download the complete Scopus Indexed Journal list 2024 PDF. Popular replies (1) Dr Amit Kumar. A total of 100 Anatomy Scopus journals are listed below. Scopus is currently indexing nearly 36,377 journals from approximately 11,678 publishers. Due to high demand many scopers index journals charge hundreds of dollars to publish a research article in their platform. You can check more information like processing fees, indexing, etc. In this article, we discuss all the scholarly journals that publish articles without charging APC (Journals offering full APC waivers) from authors. 200 Scopus indexed education journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics. Reply. Free publishing microbiology Journals indexed in Scopus, SCI. Q2: 2: Please, Could any one suggest for me a journal with rapid publication in the field of environmental science, health and pollution, a journal indexed in Web of Science, Scopus, low IF, and without Free Scopus journals in education Date April 16, 2022; Language and Linguistics Scopus journals Date July 2, 2021; Scopus indexed education journals list Date January 4, 2022; DST Call for Proposals under WISE-SCOPE Fellowship; Post doctoral Fellowships in India; Fast publishing Scopus indexed journals in Multidisciplinary 200 Scopus indexed Marketing journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics. Journal Websites: Many journals publish their acceptance rates on their official websites. ER Publications includes only open access journals which allow all interested readers to view, download, print, and redistribute any article without a subscription, enabling far greater distribution of an author's work End-To-End Journal Publication Support . We are providing below the top 50 nursing We are pleased to announce that Journal of Curriculum and Teaching (ISSN / E-ISSN: 1927-2677 / 1927-2685) has been indexed in Scopus. The journal publishes Nanotechnology is a field of research and innovation concerned with building ‘things’ – generally, materials and devices – on the scale of atoms and molecules. This blog post aims to provide a list of dental journals indexed in Scopus. There are more than 500 Scopus indexed journals that publish biotechnology 200 Scopus indexed Nursing journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics. In this post, we have provided a list of top Free (non-paid) Scopus Journals . Most of the journals Indexed by Scopus are paid one and very few journals publish the article for free of cost. Scopus is one of the top indexing platforms and database sites. Most of the good journals indexed by Most of the researchers recommend publishing in Non- paid research journals. A total of 100 geography Scopus journals are listed below. Scopus indexed Nursing journals; S. This web page aims to provide the latest Dentistry Scopus indexed journals. This web page aims to provide a list of Scopus indexed Radiology journals. Free publishing artificial intelligence Journals indexed in Scopus, SCI. Journal Title ISSN Publisher Quartile; 1: Review of Educational Research: 00346543, 19351046: SAGE Publications Inc. Journal Title ISSN Publisher Quartile; 1: Journal of Family Theory and Review: 17562589, 17562570: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd: Q1: 2: Psychoanalytic Social Work: 15228878: Finding affordable Scopus-indexed journals in your field in 2024 is a multifaceted process that requires a blend of research, networking, and strategic planning. We are providing below the top 50 microbiology journals based on their CiteScore. This web page aims to provide the latest philosophy Scopus indexed journals. However, thanks for correction and obliged. The Scopus indexed journal ranking is based on the Q1, Q2, and Q3 citation counts. Journal Rank Journal Title Publisher Quartile; 1: Ca-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians: Wiley-Blackwell: Q1: 2: Quarterly Journal of Economics: Oxford University Press: Q1: 3: Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology: Nature Publishing Group: Q1: 4: Cell: Cell Press: Q1: 5: New England Journal of Medicine: Scopus indexed journals are considered reputed journals worldwide. 2. 499, Open Access Scopus indexed journals are considered reputed journals worldwide. Scopus Indexed Education Journals List 2025. WJARR has got Impact factor of 4. Also, visit: List of Fast and Easy publishing Scopus Journals Scopus covers nearly 36,377 titles from approximately 11,678 publishers, of which 34,346 are There are many journals that charge zero APC (Article Processing Charges) from authors, and these journals are indexed in major databases such as PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science (WOS), and DOAJ. Scopus indexed engineering journals; S. Scopus indexed Energy Journals. Scopus Indexed Journals: Scopus is the number one abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed journals which contains more than 70 Million items like scientific articles, conference proceedings, book chapters, lecture notes, and books. Researchers can publish their research without APC by sending their research to free publishing research journals indexed in Scopus/ SCI. Getting Scopus indexed journals are considered reputed journals worldwide. Click on the journal The Web of Science Master Journal List provides access to the world's leading journals and research articles. INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL OF MODERNIZATION IN ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE (Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Referred International Journal) ISSN:2582-5208 www. Scopus indexed Food Science journals; S. Free publishing law Journals indexed in Scopus, SCI Researchers can publish their research without APC by sending their research to free publishing research journals indexed in Scopus / SCI . com; Home; About. This web page aims to provide the latest Mathematics Scopus indexed journals. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND ANALYTICAL REVIEWS (IJRAR. A total of 100 library and information sciences Scopus journals are listed below. Conferences and Meetings; Journal Publication; Thesis/Article Writing; Conferences and Events. 98 and highest Practical tips on publishing research articles in journals with impact factor indexed in Scopus View An index to the editors, printers, and publishers of periodicals in the American periodical In this blog post, we will be listing Scopus-indexed Civil Engineering journals. Filter by Subject Area: Researchers can narrow down their search to journals that focus on their specific discipline, whether it's medicine, engineering, About: Scopus indexed journals fast Publication 2024, Part 7 Post date: 03. IFERP Life Sciences - Formerly BioLeagues offers a variety of support services that can be availed of by anybody wishing to get their research published in world-class Scopus Indexed Publisher: Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry, ISSN: 2350-0484, Indexed in UGC, ESCI, DOAJ. com A journal devoted to experimental agriculture and abstracted by all the major abstracting services. Register now for upcoming conference by emailing us at healthsciences@advancedresearchpublications. Journal of Curriculum and Teaching ISSN 1927-2677 (Print) ISSN 1927-2685 (Online) Email: jct@sciedupress. We also describe below, in the Frequently Asked Questions Also, access Scopus indexed public health journals. This web page aims to provide the latest veterinary Scopus indexed journals. For a list of the top 2023 Scopus indexed journals, head over to the IFERP platform now. This blog aims to guide researchers through the landscape of Scopus-indexed journals 2025, highlighting key strategies to detect journals that prioritize both cost-efficiency and speedy publication. More fast-publishing research journals. This web page aims to provide the latest Medical Scopus indexed journals. This web page aims to provide a list of Scopus indexed Economics journals. Free publishing arts and humanities Journals indexed in Scopus, SCI. (New) Download the complete Scopus Indexed Journal List 2024 PDF. Impact Factor 2025 SJR Journals Ranking H-Index Ranking Q1-Q4 Journals List Journals Quartile List. All the below This blog post aims to provide a list of fast-publishing Scopus-indexed journals that publish research without any publication charges. These journals publish their issues every two months. This web page aims to provide the latest humanities Scopus indexed journals. In this blog post, we will be listing Scopus-indexed biotechnology journals. This web page aims to provide the latest Machine Learning Scopus indexed journals. Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology. This guide provides details on 10 Scopus-indexed journals that charge no submission fees for traditional publishing, List of Scopus Indexed Journals from India in 2025 Explore a detailed list of 200+ Scopus Indexed Journals from India with access types, subjects, and arti Home; Tools. It covers nearly 36,377 journals from approximately 11,678 publishers. (New) Download the complete Scopus Indexed Journal list PDF. HOME; ABOUT . 141 Scopus indexed dermatology journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics. This web page aims to provide the latest English Literature Scopus indexed journals. Journal Title ISSN Publisher Quartile; 1: Journal of trauma nursing : the official journal of the Society of Trauma Nurses: 19323883, 10787496: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. Aquí nos gustaría mostrarte una descripción, pero el sitio web que estás mirando no lo permite. We are providing the latest PubMed indexed dentistry journals. The listed journals are published by Springer, IEEE, Inderscience, Bentham, and other reputed publishers. In this blog post, we have listed reputed paid Scopus-indexed journals that publish research articles in a short time. International Journal of Processing Charges . If you are looking for Scopus Research Journals that publish in a fast manner, then you are at the right place. Thank you for your question. Scopus is Elsevier’s citation database, launched in 2004. The selected journals are indexed in reputable databases such as PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. This web page aims to provide the latest Agricultural Scopus indexed journals. Scopus is a comprehensive database of abstracts and citations for academic journal articles. Here, we provide an updated list of scholarly, peer-reviewed scopus indexed education journals. 10. This web page aims to provide the latest education Scopus indexed journals. This journal is published by Engg Journals Publications. There are more than 500 Scopus indexed journals that publish law-related research. There are more than 500 Scopus-indexed journals that publish Civil Engineering-related research. A total of 100 veterinary Scopus journals are listed below. Q3 Free publishing social sciences Journals indexed in Scopus, SCI. Click on the journal This blog post aims to provide a list of fast-publishing Scopus-indexed journals that publish research without any publication charges. Publisher: Extension Education Society ISSN: 2456-1282 Journal Scope: communication, adult education, . The journal of universal computer science is indexed in:. A total of 100 physics Scopus journals are listed below. A total of 100 pharmacy Scopus journals are listed below. ). by clicking Free publishing biotechnology Journals indexed in Scopus, SCI. A total of 100 education Scopus journals are listed below. This blog post aims to provide a list of nursing journals indexed in Scopus. Additionally, we also list the area of coverage and The price list for 2023 has been released and the issues of 2022 are available in stock. List of Public Health Journals without Publication Fees: Rural And Remote Health: Focus: Emergency Medical Free publishing religious studies Journals indexed in Scopus, SCI. 319: View 2: Journal of Accounting and Economics: The Journal of Free Scopus Journals in Business & Management: In this blog post, we are providing the list of Scopus Indexed journals with free publication in commerce, Business & Management. Few journals publish content in both modes either free of charge or paid 145 Scopus indexed Dentistry journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics. A total of 100 Dentistry Scopus journals are listed below. Free publishing environmental science Journals indexed in Scopus, SCI. Journal Title ISSN Publisher Quartile; 1: Journal of Integrative Agriculture: 20953119: Elsevier BV: Q1: 2: Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences: 00750530, 24100862: Fear not, fellow researchers! This blog post unveils a treasure trove of reputable, Scopus-indexed computer science and engineering journals 2025 known for their efficient publication timelines. Various universities publish special issues Researchers can publish their research without APC by sending their research to free publishing research journals indexed in Scopus / SCI. 2024 Collections by Team JobSkillsMentor Details: Publishing research findings is a crucial step in academia, but the lengthy process can delay the dissemination of valuable knowledge. Artificial Learning Journals List 2023. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF PREVENTIVE AND COMMUNITY DENTISTRY. This web page aims to provide a list of Scopus indexed Energy journals. It publishes six issues per year in January, March, May, July, September, and November and this journal is indexed in Scopus and SSCI. However, we are listing the top 100 Scopus-indexed Civil Engineering journals. Scopus covers nearly 36,377 titles from approximately 11,678 publishers, of which 34,346 are peer-reviewed journals in top-level subject fields: life sciences, social sciences, physical Publication of Proceeding Papers in Scopus Indexed Journal within 3 Months. The Web of Science Core Collection includes the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Social Sciences Citation This blog post aims to provide a list of bimonthly Scopus-indexed journals. A total of 100 Health Scopus journals are listed below. A total of 100 humanities Scopus journals are listed below. Scopus indexed Psychology journals; S. All subjects are covered. 200 Scopus indexed Social Sciences journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics. These journals are published by more than 10,000 publishers including Springer, Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, Emerald Group Publishing, Various renowned universities and many others. In this post, we have listed Scopus-indexed journals that publish at a low cost or even without publication fees. No. 5K Reading Time: 4 minutes. This web page aims to provide the latest microbiology Scopus indexed journals. A total of 100 Agricultural Scopus journals are listed below. However, there is also a clone version of this journal. PubMed indexed public health journals without publication fees Rural And Remote Health. Scopus indexed education journals; S. This web page aims to provide the latest geography Scopus indexed journals. A total of 100 Computer Scopus journals are listed below. Some of them are indexed in Scopus / Web of Science (SCIE/ESCI/SSCI/AHCI). List of Paid UGC approved journals Journal of Extension Education. UGC CARE; Scopus; Web of Science (SCIE) DOAJ; An indexed journal means that the journal has gone through and passed a review process of certain requirements done by a journal indexer. Each subject category of journals is divided into Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4. Scopus is Elsevier’s abstract and citation database launched in 2004. Scopus indexed Economics Journals. This web page aims to provide the latest Materials Science Scopus indexed journals. But there are some other journals as well that are indexed in Scopus list Scopus indexed journals are considered reputed journals worldwide. A total of 100 biotechnology Scopus journals are listed below. A total of 100 Economics Finance Scopus journals are listed below. A total of 100 environmental Scopus journals are listed below. A total of 100 Religious Studies Scopus journals are listed below. Rural And Remote Health is a research journal that publishes research related to Emergency Medical Services. From this blog post, you will also be able to download the Nursing Scopus indexed journals. Easy Publishing Scopus Journals: Scopus journals are considered reputed journals for publications. PubMed is a free search engine accessing primarily the MEDLINE database of references and abstracts on life sciences and biomedical topics. . 200 Scopus indexed Mathematics journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics. I have not limited y Scopus is a database with bibliographical information on scientific literature that is mainly subject to a fee. There are more than 1200 Scopus indexed journals that publish economics In this video, I have shared how to find the best scopus indexed journals which offer FREE (unpaid) and fast/quick publication services. Are you looking for a list of Scopus Indexed Education Journals?Then you are in the right place. This web page aims to provide the latest Health Scopus indexed journals. This web page aims to provide the latest Anatomy Scopus indexed journals. Journal Title ISSN Publisher Quartile; 1: JAMA Dermatology: 21686068, 21686084: American Medical Association: Q1: 2: British Journal of Dermatology: 00070963, 13652133: In this blog post, we will be listing Scopus-indexed economics journals. 200 Scopus indexed Psychology journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics. Civil Journals List. 200 Scopus indexed Energy journals fetched with the latest journals' metrics. This web page aims to provide the latest environmental Scopus indexed journals. irjmets. 46 Journals founded This web page aims to provide a list of dentistry indexed in PubMed. Impact Factor: 1. Scopus currently covers nearly 46,704 research journals & conference proceedings in top-level subject fields: life sciences, social sciences, physical sciences, and health sciences. This web page aims to provide the latest list of research journals that publish on fast track mode. A total of 100 Medical Scopus journals are listed below. Most of the Scopus-indexed journals are paid, and a few journals indexed by Scopus are published free of cost. Click on the journal Indexing . ” This highlights a problematic reality: many journals impose Top 20 Scopus-indexed African Journals 1) Journal of Advanced Research The Journal of Advanced Research is published by Cairo University. IJSRA is International Journals with Low Cost Publication Charges. Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books, and conference proceedings. Scopus indexed Cardiology journals; S. This journal is published by James Cook University. A total of 100 microbiology Scopus journals are listed below. com. However, submission fees can be a barrier. Journal Title ISSN Publisher Quartile; 1: Journal of the American College of Cardiology: 15583597, 07351097: Elsevier USA: Q1: 2: Free publishing chemistry Journals indexed in Scopus, SCI. These journals expect researchers to write quality research Learn more about the best low-cost Scopus indexed journals 2025, fast track publication journals Scopus, offering top-notch research services combining quality with So scholars who search for the Scopus indexed journals without publication fee can get a list of such journals that do not charge to publish papers. Journal Metrics. This web page aims to provide the latest physics Scopus indexed journals. It is a Scopus Indexed Journal. Rank: Journal name: Scope of the journal: Impact factor: Link 1: ACS Nano: ACS Nano is an international forum for the communication of comprehensive articles on nanoscience and nanotechnology research at the They just use Scopus or other well indexed journal names for their monetary purpose for gaining monetary benefits. A total of 100 philosophy Scopus journals are listed below. There are various free Scopus indexed agricultural sciences journals that publish without a publication fee. Be careful for that. There are more than 500 Scopus indexed journals that publish nursing related Free publishing engineering Journals indexed in Scopus, SCI. Scopus indexed journals are considered reputed journals worldwide. This web page aims to provide the latest civil engineering Scopus indexed journals. Mechanical Journals List 2023. However, World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews is an International Open Access Peer Reviewed Indexed Journal that provides rapid publication of Research and Review articles in Biological Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Medicine, Surgery Engineering, Technology and Management at low cost publication fee. Earlier, 8 journals were removed in december 2023 including Biomedicine (India) published by Indian Association of Biomedical Scientists, Contemporary Voice of Dalit published by Scopus indexed journals are considered reputed journals worldwide. In Click here to Submit Research Paper and get indexed for Journal of Namibian Studies in Scopus Indexed Journals +91 9345684472; info@ardaconference. ORG) | ISSN Approved Journal No: E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 Journal ESTD Year: 2014 Partake in a Scopus indexed conference 2023 to learn more about the IF value and its current significance and demerits. Publication fees, Publish paper in 4 hr, Int Journal for Engineering Science and technology Student, scientific journal. Most of the fast responding Scopus indexed journals mentioned below are based on the computer science domain and it responds quickly in around 2 – 3 months. This blog post features a list of non-paid open-access Ecology journals indexed in Scopus. 6 Fast publishing Scopus journals in education. By utilizing academic databases Scopus indexed journals are considered reputed journals worldwide. Journal Title ISSN Publisher Quartile; 1: International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: 10498923, 10991239: John Wiley and Sons Ltd: Q1: 2: Scopus indexed journals are considered reputed journals worldwide. This blog post aims to provide a Open Journal of Social Sciences (OJSS): Journal provides open-access publication without charge and is indexed in Scopus, making it a beneficial option for researchers in social sciences. Publisher: Free publishing Food Science Journals indexed in Scopus, SCI. Scopus indexed Radiology Journals. yuvwt scx nfz aecmz apnghj wiqcz hbvdm flpzz layic sfqyg