Dq11 3ds translation ps4. Mar 25, 2024 · ps4 dq11 和.

Dq11 3ds translation ps4 最近财政赤字了,把手上的3ds 捡了起来系统更新最新后发现可以玩dq 11了,以前想着在ns 上玩结果一直没买,只做剧情党的话是不是就不用买ns 的了? Jul 25, 2017 · 同一个游戏三种画面风格,至少满足绝大多数人的喜好了,要说有什么悬念的话就是ps4版可能达不到40分,3ds版40分应该是毫无悬念的。 销量的话3ds200万以上ps4版100万以上,3ds上的复刻dq7和dq8都突破了100万,全新正传dq11难道达不到这个销量? Jun 10, 2017 · 首先,我们在3DS版演示中看到了游戏故事的开始阶段:老套路英雄的成年仪式。3DS版中游戏依旧以3D模式演示,而下方的屏幕中有2D的游戏地图。在演示里有大量的战斗,下面的屏幕用来显示战斗统计及英雄升级页面。 PS4版《勇者斗恶龙11》演示: 随后,便是PS4 ドラゴンクエストXI 過ぎ去りし時を求めて กระทู้ OT โดยท่าน papaeddie : ขอตั้งกระทู้บทสรุปแยกจาก OT ละกันนะฮะ แต่ถ้าจะพูดคุยอะไรก็ไปคุยกันใน OT ได้เลย Dec 22, 2020 · 本成就内容以xgp pc版为主的,后续也白了ps4版,跳杯条件没有分别。 在这里稍微纪念一下自己的白金截图吧。 已达成8版本白金+10次通关(PS4原版3次+S版3次,PC原版+S版一次,3DS和NS版各一次) Can anyone tell me if there is an English translation of DQ11 for 3ds? I have a 3ds and I really wanted to play 27 votes, 31 comments. Jul 30, 2017 · 【ドラクエ11】ps4 キャラクターボイスについて【dq11】 ドラゴンクエスト11 ドラゴンクエスト の会話といったら「ぽろぽろぽろ」という音で会話が進んでいシステムです。 The Platinum trophy for the Dragon Quest 11 standard PS4 version is a fucking joke. I'm actually doing this right now. Nov 10, 2013 · dq11和 dq11s区别在哪里?有知道的吗? ps4和3ds上都打过dq11,剧情很不错 3ds上还有多种特色展现和还有由奇族的特色迷宫 现在dq11s又是啥,翻新一边? 多了什么内容,有知道的吗? 热点回复 Oct 14, 2008 · [3DS相关]3ds 上玩了dq11的话还有没有必要入ns 的11s. You can auto-run by pressing the Options button (Start), or you can sprint by simply holding the R2 button. DQ TheatRythm; Swords Series. It can't be a high priority when there are so many amazing games without translations available and DQ XI is so easily available in multiple other forms. I didn't realize either. 说起区别嘛,大家一般都知道的是ps4版画质好,全平视视角,无论是野外、城市、洞窟还是房间呢。而3ds版即使是3d模式中,在房间里和洞窟里成为俯视模式。3ds的世界地图比较小一点,尤其是2d模式更显得小 Watch NintendoLifes video. English 3DS specific petition: https://chn. Aug 29, 2019 · Dragon Quest 11 S: Echos of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition is an extremely long title, but it’s like that for a reason. PS4 exclusive bonus: - Static theme The ultimate edition of the latest major entry in the legendary RPG series! The Definitive Edition includes all the content from the original release of the acclaimed DRAGON QUEST XI, and adds extra character-specific scenarios, the choice of playing with the original soundtrack or a grand orchestral version of the music, the ability to switch between 2D and 「首批到店」 3ds dq11 純日版 ps4 dq11同捆機 (客訂件 dq11 日文版(客訂件 神奇小子 龍之陷阱 戰神3 極速快感 ns螢幕蓋主機架 現貨到店供應中 德周基隆 - 「首批到店」 3DS DQ11 純日版 PS4 DQ11同捆機 (客訂件 DQ11 日文版(客訂件. Nov 11, 2017 · 此次dq11破天荒地在ps4和3ds两个平台上发布,而ps4版更是直接引入了中文语言,实在是广大中文玩家的一大幸事。 可惜的是3DS版没有中文计划,为了能让任系玩家也在第一时间能玩到中文的DQ11,我们就冒天下之大不韪,对3DS版的DQ11进行了汉化。 Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age [c] is a 2017 role-playing video game by Square Enix. the fact they removed the password transfer system from the ps4 version shows that we aren't likely to ever get the 3ds version in any form. While it is the eleventh mainline entry in the critically acclaimed series, DRAGON QUEST XI is a completely standalone experience that features entirely new characters, a Nov 2, 2020 · Square Enix released today a demo for Dragon Quest XI S Definitive Edition for PS4, Xbox One and PC (link to the thread). The switch version has all the content from both 3ds and ps4 and the 2d mode with more content on top. You could theoretically get DQ7 on 3DS too, but I think it’s much harder to find and the game feels super long with a really slow start. What you were talking about probably is the 2D version of the game that was first included in the 3DS copy. And in the ps4 version you can run over enemies with your horse for experience. Got DQ11 in ps4 but didnt enjoy it, tho dq9 on ds is probably my all time fav and this looks much more like it has the same feel on 3ds Reply reply Top 2% Rank by size Sep 3, 2017 · 说一说ps4版和3d. the areas are a little more simplified and even though you can jump in the 3d gameplay, you are not given the full mobility that you get in the console edition. While your 3DS is off, hold Select and turn it on. Why Square Enix didn’t show more support for the 3DS in the west over the years still baffles me. 30 05/29/2020. FURIGANA: NO LANGUAGE BARRIER 3DS-version: 5/10. If you have any questions on how to progress: feel free to ask either here or on my website. 3ds ドラゴンクエストxi 過ぎ去りし時を求めて (セーブデータ改造・パッチコード・解析情報) ps4 ドラゴンクエストxi 過ぎ去りし時を求めて (セーブデータ改造・パッチコード・解析情報) 此次dq11破天荒地在ps4和3ds两个平台上发布,而ps4版更是直接引入了中文语言,实在是广大中文玩家的一大幸事。 可惜的是3DS版没有中文计划,为了能让任系玩家也在第一时间能玩到中文的DQ11,我们就冒天下之大不韪,对3DS版的DQ11进行了汉化。 3、运行citra. I played both PS4 and Switch versions in their respective launches, and as a fan of the series I felt frustrated for having to choose between good visuals from the original version or good music / content / QoL improvements / bad visuals from the S version. Jul 17, 2017 · square enix免费为ps4和3ds玩家推出的《勇者斗恶龙11》主题将从明天开始正式发布。玩家可通过psn商店或者eshop免费下载安装使用。两个平台的主题给人的感觉都是勇者大集合,3ds版主题还特别针对上下两个画面制作了两种不同风格的角色画。 ps4主题: 3ds主题: [ ニンテンドー3ds™(パッケージ版 / ダウンロード版)]:5,980円+税 株式会社スクウェア・エニックスに関わる画像の著作権、その他一切の知的財産権は、全て株式会社スクウェア・エニックスに帰属します。 3ds版の2dモードはランダムエンカウント、3ds版の3dモードおよびps4版はシンボルエンカウントが基本。 ただし、船での移動中は機種やモードを問わず、すべてがランダムエンカウントとなる。 Like me and I have to pay again If i want to get the definitive edition which sucks! Not even sure if theres a difference other than the name. DRAGON QUEST XI ECHOES OF AN ELUSIVE AGE WALKTHROUGH AND GUIDE. DQ Heroes (PS4) DQ Heroes II (PS4) Builders Series. Forgot your password? Sign Up Aug 24, 2018 · While the PS4 version does look absolutely jaw-dropping and is probably the most living portrayal of Toriyama’s style since Dragon Quest VIII, (X though really, but let’s be honest, very few 3DSパッチコード改造掲示板 - ドラクエXI (DQ11) (ふっかつのじゅもん) by セーブエディター. This translation group is preferring to do it this way instead of through Layeredfs, and they explained their reasons in the previous thread for that translation. Starting with the 3DS games each had less and less in that regard. Ultimate is getting a switch release, even though the 3ds version has needed the release on it since Aug 9, 2017 · 《勇者斗恶龙11》这款勇者斗恶龙系列的正统续作推出后备受玩家好评,游戏分为ps4和3ds两个版本,那么今天为大家带来的就是《勇者斗恶龙11》3ds版图文攻略,包括了全地图的打法流程,希望大家喜欢。 May 8, 2014 · 任天堂平台的DQ我觉得才是亲儿子,PC版画面好,系统方便了很多,比如鲁拉pc版在哪都可以直接飞,而3ds版本必须在头顶没有障碍物的情况下才能飞,虽然方便,但是少了DQ的一些经典,最最最起码的是队友跟随系统没有了,更别说时度迷宫啥的,而且个人感觉 Oct 9, 2010 · Reply Post by 至今不见宝石翁 (2020-09-10 09:07): 我以前PS4玩过DQ11,挺枯燥的,打了新手关就没玩了。 DQ11挺想买,但是说到枯燥和无聊,我觉得莱莎,火纹风花雪月,还有NS上好几个无双游戏,可能更枯燥无聊 火纹这么无聊吗? Nov 29, 2021 · 13; Browny; Mon 29th Nov 2021; I actually played this from start to finish in Japanese after playing the original PS4 release a few years ago. The official script is also copyrighted, so a patch containing it would be illegal, so you'd have to own a copy on another platform and have the tools to migrate the script. Sign In. I suppose there might, in theory, be a fan translation one day, but it seems unlikely given most of the content coming to Switch. Since theres not much going on at the 3ds versions board: i just posted a basic game guide for the 3ds version of the game. 114K subscribers in the dragonquest community. But a lot of people still think that 2D and 3D are played in 3DS version seamlessly The 2D version from the 3DS version is coming to Switch (DQ XI S) but yes the chibi 3D style is only 3DS and only Japan. Slime Mori Mori (GBA) Rocket Slime (DS) Slime Mori Mori 3 (3DS) Dungeon Series. DQ Builders (PS4/Switch) DQ Builders 2 (PS4/Switch) TheatRythm. Once you do that, or it is already enabled, hit Start to save and reload the 3DS. With 8 I'll say I prefer the PS2 version to the 3DS, but the 3DS isn't bad. Straight up. While for the rest of the game, they decided to not bother synchronizing all areas between 3D and 2D. 95 Nov 21, 2017 · 3ds版本的3d和2d个人也是非常的喜欢,3ds版本在某些表情和肢体的动作表现的更加生动,而2d版本让我想起了小时候玩红白机的时光。 DQ11的剧情分为上下段,其实并没有所谓的二周目。 Nov 12, 2017 · dq11感觉3ds版. The eleventh entry in the long-running Dragon Quest video game series, it was released in Japan for the Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation 4 in July 2017 and worldwide for the PlayStation 4 and Windows in September 2018. cci 打开; 4、开始游戏,可以拖拽整个模拟器的窗口调整到适合的大小。 Aug 28, 2018 · You can walk by slightly tilting the analog stick or run by holding the analog stick in any direction. Highly recommend ps4 Jul 13, 2024 · Yes, I did on the Switch since I had previously played through the 3D mode on the Playstation version. Taloon's Quest I (SNES) Torneko 2: The Last Hope (PSX) Torneko 3 Mar 25, 2024 · ps4 dq11 和. This Tower relied on the SpotPass system of the 3DS to collect Tockles. (Actually there is a cloud version for DQ10 Online for 3DS, but it's streaming). Jul 29, 2017 · For Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age on the 3DS, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "Anyone here has platinum save files for DQ11 Definitive Edition (US) for PS4 and willing to share them?". That’s the only thing I can think of that’s in any way similar. by AzMuch justazmuch@gmail. Yes, the definitive edition brings Dragon Quest 11 to the Nintendo Do we even know if the PS4 and Switch versions are identical? Not sure, but I'd assume the Switch would just receive some slight graphical "adjustments" to support performance, otherwise the same as PS4, albeit portable ;) Sep 4, 2018 · DRAGON QUEST XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age tells a captivating tale of a hunted hero and is the long-awaited role-playing game from series creator Yuji Horii, character designer Akira Toriyama and composer Koichi Sugiyama. This will bring up the Luma Configuration menu. It was meant to appeal to the Japanese fans that had played Dragon Quest for many years. I have the vanilla ps4 version and the switch version, thinking to pick up the new PS4 version to play on my PS5. X. com/chaosgamerz192 ドラゴンクエストXI 過ぎ去りし Oct 23, 2024 · Dragon Quest XI is the first game in the series to be simultaneously released for different hardware, being the 3DS and PS4 initially. Version 1. 3DS has more content. Since the S version is based on the Switch version, you lose dynamic lighting but that pales in comparison to the wealth of extras the game has. . Nov 21, 2023 · An English translation for DQX Offline is finally here! This project adapts, expands, and refines the original translation done by DQXClarity. 两个版本都玩了,总感觉3ds版诚意满满。人物表情刻画上和剧情演绎手法3ds版明显优于ps4版。但ps4版画面确实不错,地图也比3ds大太多。但不过3ds地图很好利用双屏特性,上屏3d下屏复古2d,很多 Oct 2, 2022 · ニンテンドー3DS版ドラゴンクエスト11過ぎ去りし時を求めては、3Dモードと2Dモードを切り替えて遊ぶことができるという今までない試みとなっておりなかなか面白い仕様になっています。 で、実際に3DS版を遊んでみると、どちらのモードで遊んだらいいのか非常に迷います。本当に迷います。 Dec 26, 2016 · dq11性感女斗士技能换装秀 网袜兔女郎魅翻小怪 《勇者斗恶龙11》已经在ps4和3ds平台正式发售,于是有玩家就发现了本作ps4版 Jan 16, 2025 · Then insert the SD card back into your 3DS. Aug 25, 2017 · 3DSとPS4でちからの種を使える個数が違うんですかね? PS4だと、その他が999(1000)まで使えるのに対して、3DSだと基本の380を引いた620までしか使えない? PS4 参考動画 PS4の左手 基本380+その他1000+スキル Sep 22, 2018 · 都是一个公司出品,掌机画面就是那个样子2d分屏硬拉到pc上估计有人会头晕。让我说目前最好玩的日式RPG第一是P5,第二就是dq11。最终幻想15什么的就是垃圾、一辆破车几个 3ds上的dq11和pc、ps4上的dq11有必要分个高下吗? ,3DMGAME论坛 Aug 3, 2017 · 尽管在日本3DS的装机量比PS4要多出约1800万,但3DS版游戏的首周销量仅比PS4版多出近20万——而这一统计还不包括游戏数字版的下载量,因此两者的实际差距可能会更小,考虑到PS4玩家接受数字游戏的程度比3DS玩家更为广泛,更不排除两者差距逆转的局面出现,但 #DQ11 #บทสรุปเกมละเอียดที่สุด #Dragonquest (PS4/3DS) ภาษาไทย+JP #รวมพลคนทำหนังสือเกม Nov 11, 2017 · 此次dq11破天荒地在ps4和3ds两个平台上发布,而ps4版更是直接引入了中文语言,实在是广大中文玩家的一大幸事。 可惜的是3DS版没有中文计划,为了能让任系玩家也在第一时间能玩到中文的DQ11,我们就冒天下之大不韪,对3DS版的DQ11进行了汉化。 Why is the PS4/PC version coming to the west but not the 3DS version? Takeshi Uchikawa: So originally the 3DS version that was released in Japan was using the old Dragon Quest visual style. You don't have to complete the game with any of the handicaps on, you don't have to beat the Black Cup and lastly, for the most tedious thing to do in the game, you don't have to earn all accolades. Downloaded Google translate and tested it out Because DQ9 was on DS and DQ11 was on 3DS, the latter is a completely different build of the game compared to the HD console version, these were huge in Japan. When in this menu, select "Enable Game Patching" and hit A. PS4か3DS、どちらかしか持っていない人はそのハード一択としてさ、両機種持ってる人はどちらを選ぶんだろう? 両方買うって人もいるかな。 今回の記事ではドラゴンクエスト11のゲーム紹介と、PS4版と3DS版それぞれの魅力を語っていきたいと思 Jul 18, 2017 · ps4、3ds用がそれぞれ無料配信されています。 ps4 ps4用「ドラゴンクエストxi発売記念オリジナルテーマ」 psストアにて、7月18日より配信開始! ダウンロードはこちらです。 >> 【発売記念 オリジナルテーマ】ドラゴンクエストxi 過ぎ去りし時を求めて 3ds Sep 25, 2018 · 『ドラゴンクエストXI 過ぎ去りし時を求めて』(ドラクエ11、DQ11、DQXI)は、スクウェア・エニックスから2017年7月29日にPlayStaton 4 / ニンテンドー3DSで発売された、人気RPGシリーズ『ドラゴンクエスト』の第11作目となるナンバリング本編。 Dec 3, 2020 · PS4パッチコード改造掲示板 - 【DQ11S】ドラクエ11S 3Dモード (改造・解析) by セーブエディター. ,试玩《勇者斗恶龙:英雄集结2》PSV必玩,《美国队长:超级战士》 NDS vs 3DS vs Wii vs PS3 游戏画面对比,海淘的3ds里 有上一任主人2011年的回忆,《勇者斗恶龙11》3ds/ns/ps4 画面帧数参考,榨干3ds性能的游戏,华丽60帧让psv,switch汗颜!,switch上画质顶级的几款游戏 Dragon Quest XI ทำยอดขายไปมากกว่า 2 ล้านชุดภายในสองวันหลังวางจำหน่ายในญี่ปุ่น โดยแบ่งเป็นฉบับ Nintendo 3DS จำนวน 1. But someone might find it PLATFORMS: PS4, 3DS (SWITCH-VERSION is supposed to be released as well) LANGUAGE BARRIER PS4-version: 7/10. Its more a japanese learning companion. So you're telling people to buy a console for a single game that could be translated by fans on the console they do have. Guess we’ll see how much they really care about the 3DS version getting a fan translation. com Jan 16, 2025 · Hey everyone. DQ Swordmaster; DQ Swords (Wii) Slime Series. Try gaming from a shifted perspective all while laughing at Newton and his silly law of universal gravitation. In 3D Mode it's almost the same as in PS4 3D version, but smaller. An (x) should show up to the left of the text. from what I have heard the switch version is again gonna be a port of the ps4 version. ) I doubt at this point in the game’s life that a 3DS fan translation is going to do much to “cause new players to know this great franchise”; the game is affordable and readily available on several popular, modern consoles. There’s no stamina bar for running in DQ11, so feel free to run or sprint for as long as you wish. I leveled up a bunch just running over monsters while on the phone with a friend. (On the other hand, maybe patching an already translated script is easier, I don't know. Not just for Dragon Quest either. Yeah I played it with a forwarder after the translation first came out. if you are not very confident in your kanji-reading-skills, this is the version to go. There are pros and cons to both methods. that was interesting, for sure. With DQ3 pick any version except mobile or Switch. Jun 10, 2024 · The "Mother Knows Best" quest from Dragon Quest 11 on the 3DS translated into english. Oct 7, 2018 · Remember me Not recommended on shared computers. 5 days ago · This is a full English translation patch for E. It's fine on my R4 though so I play it on a more recently acquired DSi XL which I love. DQ2 (NES) DQ2 (SFC) DQ2 (GBC) DQ6 (SFC) DQ9 (DS) <- if aiming for the Lightspeed Champion accolade, also if considering level 99 Legacy bosses, especially Dragonlord, Esturk, and Nokturnus (in that order from hardest to easiest of the trio of pain machines, though Esturk is the easiest to kill in two DQ Heroes (PS4) DQ Heroes II (PS4) Builders Series. Having seen both, I prefer the ps4 version. Heliodor Foothills and Manglegrove is very different between 3DS 3D and 2D modes. Plus with the new 2DS, Nintendo isn't cancelling the 3DS yet, and it would be silly to avoid the potential cashflow from 3DS users who won't buy a PS4, and aren't sold on the Switch yet. PLATFORMS: PS4, 3DS (SWITCH-VERSION is supposed to be released as well) LANGUAGE BARRIER PS4-version: 7/10. There is an official script in English, a fan regranslatoon could be questionable of lifting from it. The 3DS version is a 3D game that used entirely different art style and in many cases level designs, which actually streamlined a lot of gameplay and made Japanese players prefer it over the console version. Unfortunately the SpotPass system does not work very well in North America since everyone is spread out. The NES is the pure version, the GBC version has some extra content, but the graphics are ugly, and the translation of the SFC version is what I consider definitive. com Switch is already confirmed to be the PS4 version. So the 3DS is unique. This is only a speculation, I could be wrong At least in the German translation of the games they really scaled the regional dialects down. Based on that alone is incentive to release all versions. Look at the gyakuten saiban translation from earlier in the year, the great ace attorney, it was a firm to apply it just like this. exe(橙子图标),左上角 文件→加载 ,找到下载好的 勇者斗恶龙11-DQ11-汉化版. And i have to say that there are some differences later on. They (Square Enix) only self published 4 games for the 3DS in the US. I had a Japanese 2DS I had purchased for Theatrhythm 5 days ago · That should make things much easier, now we only need people who knows how to extract the Windows/PS4 texts and replace the Japanese texts in the 3DS version. DQ11 is available on PS4, Xbox One and Switch and then DQ8 can still be found easily on 3DS brand new from Amazon, and the PS2 original version is cheap on EBay. Those are the other best DQ games. ひとつのボス戦を約30秒程度ずつ収録しています Twitterやってます https://twitter. Troopers, a spin-off game in the Lost Planet series and exclusive to Japan on PS3 and 3DS. The aim of this Guide is to provide information that will help you have a complete game experience when you play Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age. There is no reason to play the 3ds version unless you like the low poly look. Sadly the most exciting title DQM 2’s translation has hit a stand still (They cannot find the code to add in enough space to the text boxes for english). I since factory reset my 3DS though and now through the forwarder I hit a bug (known to the patch creators) where you can't use the heal spell outside of battles. Oct 2, 2022 · 僕は今のところ3ds版を軸にプレイをしています。理由はどこでも気軽にプレイできるから。 でもps4版をたまに遊んでみると、画面がめちゃくちゃ綺麗でストーリーに深く浸かることもでき楽しいですよね。やっぱり、ps4版に軸を置こうか、どうしようか。 It has a few differences from the console version, I know that. On the other hand, the 3DS is essentially a dead handheld in 2022, even if many people still enjoy it. And DS/3DS aren't ideal for an MMORPG. 这几天刚玩pc版,超稳定,24小时开着都不会闪退卡顿,特别是读盘时间几乎为零,丝滑。 电脑还是6年前的8700K+GTX1080,2K分辨率玩的,当初在NS上过个图都胆颤心惊的。 For Nintendo 3DS on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Undeniable truth on 3ds' demise: DQ11 not coming to 3ds west" - Page 5. I'm willing to do an english translation of the 3ds version of Dragon Quest XI, but I'm new to romhacking. The 3DS version of Dragon Quest 11 had a unique model for Jessica that Naturally (so ignoring any Draconian options in DQ11, and I'll ignore mobile releases):. com. FURIGANA: YES first of all: the 3DS-version has furigana. NS FC: SW-6739-0520-9699 Were there any actual dragon quest xi fan translations for the 3ds version? I read about a few when it first released but I don't know if they stopped because the game was translated into english officially on the ps4 and Switch. 3d是11的新行动模式,2d是以前旧作的老模式。11玩过3d的新行动模式(ps4/pc/11s的),然后有打过3ds或者2d模式 Jul 31, 2017 · 勇者斗恶龙11已经正式发售,对于勇者斗恶龙11ps4和3ds的区别相信不少玩家都想知道,那么 ps4和3ds有什么不同呢?一起来看下“文刀叉点”分享的这篇勇者斗恶龙11ps4和3ds的区别简单介绍吧。 ps4和3ds的区别简单介绍 PS4版本采用虚幻4引擎开发,现在初期的demo来看 勇者斗恶龙11s 与 勇者斗恶龙11对比(ps4 pro)共计2条视频,包括:勇者斗恶龙11s、勇者斗恶龙11等,up主更多精彩视频,请关注up账号。 Jul 29, 2017 · Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age tells a captivating tale of a hunted hero and is the long-awaited role-playing game from series creator Yuji Horii, character designer Akira Toriyama and composer Koichi Sugiyama. Forgot your password? Sign Up Jul 13, 2009 · 正是因为这种情怀的使然,dq11带着极大的情怀面世了。 《勇者斗恶龙11》是去年发售的,当时发售了3ds版和ps4版,作为没 DQ8 or DQ3. Jan 16, 2025 · If people really want to play a translated version they can play the DQ 11 version on PC or PS4, and the updated version DQ XI S on PS4/Xbox 1/PC and Switch. May 29, 2020 · Introduction. Mar 30, 2018 · Seems like the 3DS version should easily get a fan translation then given modders will have the PS4/Steam version to use as a guide. I remember playing DQIX and barely understanding entire arcs of the story, because they went way over the top with some of the dialects. 3DS version is classic DQ style battling. weirdly, I like the 2d gameplay more than the 3d on 3ds. How is the comparison on PS4 and PS5? Resolution, fps etc. I'm going to wait for the 3DS fan Since SE won't release it in the West, is it possible to play using Google translate camera ? Buy the English PS4 version and play them simultaneously :) I’ll buy it eventually but till September. Oct 2, 2022 · 追記:実際にps4・3dsの両機種を購入してみましたが、やはりps4版のグラフィックは綺麗です。ps4と4kモニターの組み合わせで遊んでみたのですがかなり綺麗です。 ただし、フレームレートはそこまで高くはありません。 Aug 22, 2019 · dq11s对比dq11(3ds switch ps4) SE算了吧,再买他们家的首发我就***!FF15的帐还没算清楚呢,结果PS4版的DQ11变成了有料试玩版? Dec 21, 2017 · 【不吹不黑】3ds版. someguy12345 Well-Known Member 对画质有病态级需求,只要差一点就浑身难受的选ps4或者pc的dq11。 (因为11s都是ns移植过去的,画质弱些) 旧作dq玩家并且对二头身小人以及旧作画风世界有念想的选3ds。 Translation guide mrbubbles10 7 years ago #1 Since theres not much going on at the 3ds versions board: i just posted a basic game guide for the 3ds version of the game. While this translation shares a glossary with DQXClarity, many portions, such as the UI, have been done from the ground-up. Oh, another thing, there are several changes from the 3DS to the Switch, mainly the art style in the 3D mode, meaning there's a feature on the 3DS that the Switch will not have. It’s a full translation - and it’s bloody awesome. Since its a switch port, i m not sure abput the resolution etc. After 7 years of working on this project, we are excited to finally share our results. So, could anyone provide me with the necessary tools & files to start translating DQ XI? Help would be much appreciated! 茶々茶【ドラクエ11実況】PS4より3DSの方が鍛冶が簡単 part12【3DS】 ドラゴンクエスト11、DL版 最速実況プレイ!3DS版は動画でやるよ( 'ω')ネタバレ Mar 30, 2018 · Remember me Not recommended on shared computers. So long as you remember where to go and what to do after playing the versions that will be localized, you should be able to get through the 3DS version. After 120 hours with the 3ds version, i'm now deep into the ps4 version. May 27, 2018 · If the PS4/PC and 3DS version have the same content you could get quite soon an English patch for the Japanese version. Having played the PS4 version upon release, I can say I don't feel compelled to play it a second time. Due to the differences in processing capability between the two systems, each has a distinct art style and the 3DS version allows the player to enjoy the game in 3D and 2D styles. Fan translation isn't likely. I knew Terry's Adventure had been fan translated a year or two back, but hadn't realized PC emulation was working yet. His video on DQ11 is really thorough. November 22, 2022 marks the 10th anniversary of the game’s original release. The graphics are noticeably better (unless you have the new switch oled which might be better idk). There was a translation project in the works, but when the PS4 and Xbox one versions were released in English, the 3ds translation was abandoned. Taloon's Quest I (SNES) Torneko 2: The Last Hope (PSX) Torneko 3 Jan 16, 2025 · I recently acquired dragon quest XI for the 3ds and thought instead of just playing it and trying to guess what is going on, (I have absolutely no experience reading any foreign language) I thought about using some translation tools from the net. 3ds版dq11我已基本完美,ps4版dq11正在攻略中。 今天在家养病,就来写一篇对这个游戏的感想吧~先来晒晒3DS版的成绩——游戏时间182小时(其中超过30小时都是待机时间吧)。 Oct 7, 2018 · Takes the fans to translate the 3DS games once again. This game was originally released in the west on the PS4 (and PC) in 2018, and this guide was written for that version (now referred to as the "vanilla" version of the game by the community at Feb 28, 2023 · 各位觉得dq11的3. Also, you can move around the battlefield and input commands per person on the PS4 version. On PS4, Persona 5 for another great JRPG. Joker 3 also has a fan translation though, as does caravan hearts for the GBA (DWM3). On other consoles, DQ8 for 3DS/PS2 is the most similar game there is. This petition both showcases WHY the 3DS version should be considered for you PS4/Steam players, and those intrigued by the game by linking to a video showcasing the specifics of the 3DS version, and Square Enix in a very respectful way as to avoid any potential sense of conflict or lack of appreciation for the PS4 and Steam versions. The subreddit for video game Gravity Rush for PS Vita (aka Gravity Daze in Japan) as well as Gravity Rush Remastered for PlayStation 4 and Gravity Rush (Gravity Daze 2) for PS4 (and PS4 Pro) as well. 13 ล้านชุด และฉบับ PS4 จำนวน 0. It was really fun, loved the little touches like the pixel outfits when you equip certain sets of gear and it really lets you completely abuse the Pep System to the fullest. That's what happened to the PS3 version of Tales of Berseria, so I wouldn't expect less of DQ being a bigger series. yet MH Gen. ge/2qCTjYN French 3DS specific petition… ドラクエ11のps4・3dsの違いを、専用コンテンツ、ハード性能、セーブ機能、戦闘、時間、値段について比較。 どっちのハードで買うか決めてい Nov 14, 2019 · In the 3DS version this cave is used to access a Tower like Mini-Dungeon for you to collect Pastwords to unlock the areas. saih ryztw qdw eelg kxh tlrgkr ehsg vzopf jigz dewx yfler npxypb yepnowb xrm wmov