Dso138 firmware. Latest Jyetech update version 113-13801-066 for DSO-138.

Dso138 firmware An open source firmware for DSO-138 Oscilloscope. Версия прошивки указана после сокращения FW (FirmWare – «прошивка»). It uses a 2. But the Problem is that It wont communicate with my Arduino. K osciloskopu doporučujeme přikoupit krabičku z plexiskla. Offering electronics kits, components, modules, & more. Being based in Sydney allows for fast postal collection with shipping through the Australia Post network allowing for fast and reliable delivery to all states in Austlralia: New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, Nothern Territory, Queensland and the ACT. 1 Replies 14991 Views Last post by maty87 Fri Jun 12, 2020 8:26 pm; L2 verify values « by Feb 1, 2021 · Your DSO138 is a single channel oscilloscope. DSO138: How to Upgrade Firmware Applicable models: 13801K/03K,13802K/04K 1. DSO138mini: How to Upgrade Firmware Applicable model: 13805K 1. Špecifikácie: Vertical: Počet kanálov: 1 Analógové rozpätie: 0 – 200KHz Citlivosť: 10mV/Div – 5V/Div Error: < 5% Rozlíšenie: 12-bit Vstupná impedancia: 1M ohm Maximálne vstupné napätie: 50Vpk Spojenie: DC, AC, GND 1 ) DSO138 source codes are free software and there is NO WARRANTY. (There are clones and fakes out there and JYTech were keen for people to know how to tell the difference. Was this article helpful? 0 0. Added read-outs for various waveform parameters including Freq, Cycle, PW (pulse width), Duty (cycle), Vmax, Vmin, Vavr, Vpp, Vrms. Added an independent volt-meter that displays the DC voltage (positive only) of PA7 pin. 113-13801-061. Either install the latest stock firmware or install the DLO-138 firmware like me. · The variety of components is suitable for students to understand the oscilloscope structure and principles, and do in-line component welding, and chip component welding training. The last item on my todo is the single shot mode (it's partially in git) . Last Updated On October 28, 2024. Запомним этот номер. I would expect 3. Firmware files and bootloader software must also be downloaded. This is treated by replacing the ATmega328P with subsequent firmware. Supports two types of TFT controllers (ILI9341 and ILI9325/9328). Jan 11, 2024 · DSO138 trigger understanding: DSO138 Firmware and Hardware upgrade: DSO138 Digital Oscilloscope not turning on: DSO138 "+" Key Short to ground: You May Also Like. ) The UI is awkward, but it does work as a scope. When time base is 50ms/div or slower the capture buffer is cleared each time the time base is changed. Konstrukce a firmware. More reliable; Bandwidth: 0 – 200KHz; Sensitivity range: 10mV/DIV – 5V/DIV (using x1 probe) Maximum input voltage: 50Vpk (using x1 probe) Maximum real time sampling rate: 1MS/s; Time Base range 10us/DIV – 500s/DIV; External trigger; Display Resolution: 320 x 240 Color display; Display Size May 8, 2018 · Very soon after I had posted this article, I've learnt of a hidden functionality in the DSO138 firmware. On the onboard testsignal it shows Vmax 1. Upgrade del firwmare dell'oscilloscopio DSO 138. co DSO138: How to Upgrade Firmware Applicable models: 13801K/03K,13802K/04K 1. 3 and 0 there. jyetech. Remove the solders on JP1 and JP2. Find all the details in my blog: http://www. Power supply is not included in the kit. Nov 12, 2021 · The oscilloscope manufacturer DSO138 does not leave its users and periodically updates the software (“firmware”) for their devices. The main shortcoming which prompted the Instructions on installing the latest (January 2016) firmware to the popular JYE Tech oscilloscope DSO138. I think I even saw a modification to the DSO138 to add a second channel but from a quick glance am not seeing any such firmware for the better models. I've read the DSO138 manuals and tutorial upside down, and yet there are a few things I cannot May 24, 2015 · No, I haven't any equipment connected to the CP2102 except the DSO138 and an oscilloscope to check the signal (connected to GND and TX of UART). Introduction The micro-controller (STM32F103C8T6) used in DSO138 contains a built-in booloader. Recommended DSO138 Kit Sellers. Sadly, it doesn't address the bigges DSO138: How to Upgrade Firmware Applicable models: 13801K/03K,13802K/04K 1. Check the main board Before mounting any parts to the main board Us ean SBc b l wi th -Micr opug er Mar 20, 2015 · Re-flash firmware won't help. I've read from my Arduino's serial TX with the same setup, and it output a 0V for LOW, so I don't think the issue is really on the Oct 28, 2024 · Phipps Electronics is located in Sydney, Australia. 1 C. Applicable firmware: 113-13810-110 or later 8. Jun 10, 2020 · DSO138 firmware update. Next is porting to DSO138, should be relatively easy, from a sw point of view they are very close. bin. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects. The micro-controller (STM32F103C8T6) used in DSO138 contains a built-in booloader. I was a bit disappointed at first to that JYE Tech wouldn't publish any new firmware releases, because the scope appears to have quite a bit untapped potential. 4-inch TFT LCD (320 X 240 dotmatrix, 262K colors) that displays crisp and clear waveforms. Apply power to the oscilloscope again. In order to upgrade the firmware a special Tool from ST is needed. Feb 1, 2017 · DSO138 was designed as a 'training' oscilloscope kit. pdf Aug 13, 2021 · The DSO138 kit has two variants, just DSO138 and DSO138-mini. It's easy to assembly Jul 2, 2019 · It should be on par with the official firmware, except some minor UI glitches. Its main difference is that there is a clear division into digital and analog parts (boards). 3 posts • Page 1 of 1. DSO138 firmware update « by maty87 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 10:45 pm. Contribute to essboyer/DSO138 development by creating an account on GitHub. Latest Jyetech update version 113-13801-066 for DSO-138. The stock firmware, while quite responsive, can use a Oct 5, 2019 · Thanks for watching!Like and share don't forget to subscribehttps://www. 050, v. This is a modification to the DLO-138 for the so called Blue Pill STM32F103C8T6 board and SPI TFT 320x240 display. 4 stars Watchers. The second (mini) seemed to me more common and suitable for reworking. 147 forks Report repository May 23, 2015 · The CPU supports USB, but the firmware does not. Better structure. Jul 10, 2023 · In today’s video we will demonstrate how to upgrade firmware on our DSO 138 oscilloscope. Nov 26, 2016 · The newer firmware is a good bit nicer than what ships with many of the units, and adds some fancy features. This is a small piece of firmware that has been pre-stored in the chip and can communicate with a PC via serial port to write firmware into the flash ROM of the chip. Dalam video kali ni saya cuba update firmware oscilloscope DSO 138 dengan menggunakan CH341A mini programmer. 4 palce barevný TFT LCD, 320 × 240 pixelů, 262k barev TFT LCD displej je schopen zobrazovat průběhy signálu ostře a jasně. Salam semua. Sulla scheda e' possibile trovare altri due header, J5 da 3 pin (GND, TX, RX), si tratta di una porta UART per eseguire l'aggiornamento del firmware, e poi J6 da 4 pin (+3. It has the ability to communicate with a host and program the micro-controller itself. Given the leadtimes from China, are there any additional things I should be ordering like better probes. If you don’t have a “piracy warning” on power up, you don’t have the latest firmware. Contribute to unforgiven512/dso138-firmware development by creating an account on GitHub. The stock firmware, while quite responsive, can use a few improvements. I cannot update the firmware of DSO138 mini Hey, I had the scope working just fine but at some point, it decided not to show the graph on the display. Vyhlazování signálu, digitální filtry a podobné „parádičky“ tu nenajdete, dokonce nemá ani odečítací kurzory. 3V, DO, CLK, GND) per eseguire il debug. You can find the official firmware update instructions here, and the latest firmware here. Close the jumpers JP1 and JP2 on the bottom side of DSO138 board with solder. Just in case you want to go back to initial firmware, here is dump: original_firmware. For two channels, having an second DSO138 does not cut it. All JYE Tech DSO138 boards have gone through strict testing procedure which counterfeit boards do not have. The stock firmware, while quite responsive, can use a DSO138 was designed as a lightweight, portable, training oscilloscope kit. Displej: 2. The included CH340 USB-to-Serial module can be useful for interfacing to, and programming, the STM32 ARM chip. If the square shape changes to triangle and the amplitude goes down it means the OpAmp is not fast enough. Forum thread: https://forum. If not, well then you can kiss this customer goodbye for ever and I'm sure many others that feel the way I do - I feel that I've been had and don't like that feeling and am not going to buy anything from any company in the world that does that. 40 -- Product Page! Ge the document I am working with from their site. To otevírá možnost uživatelům přidávat různé další vlastnosti a vylepšení nebo vyvíjet nové aplikace založené na tomto hardware. The heart of DSO138 is a Cortex-M3 ARM processor (STM32F103C8) from ST. Jun 24, 2015 · DSO138 plní přesně to, co slibuje, je především cvičnou konstrukcí a poskytuje základní funkce i k výuce používání osciloskopu na úrovni jednoduchého analogového přístroje jen s malým rozšířením. 0 0. 5. mac5150 Posts: 7 Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2016 6:52 pm. Mar 28, 2024 · Konstrukce a firmware. Hi all i just got my DSO138 was trying to update the firmware using a coms cable i made up DSO138: How to Upgrade Firmware Applicable models: 13801K/03K,13802K/04K 1. DSO138 Library How to Use the DSO138 Library Schematic of the LCD board How to Upgrade firmware for DSO138. Check google and github for others. clondono Posts: 8 ↳ DSO138; ↳ DSO 112 & 112A (Coral) ↳ DSO 068; ↳ DSO 062; ↳ jyeLab; Digital Meters; ↳ M181 LCR Meter; 1) This document provides instructions for upgrading the firmware on DSO138 series oscilloscopes. DSO138 mini – popis kitu + manuál, schéma, osazovací plánek, download firmware; JYE Tech – design (Home page) CZ. This is a small piece of firmware that can communicate with PC via serial port to write firmware into the flash ROM inside the chip. DSO-138 is an excellent piece of hardware based on ARM Cortex M3 core STM32F103 processor and sufficient for most beginner users. The stock firmware, while quite responsive, can use a DSO138mini: How to Upgrade Firmware Applicable model: 13805K 1. Verify Connect power supply again. Tools You Need An open source firmware for DSO-138 Oscilloscope. DSO138 oscilloscope program upgrade method Applicable models: 13801K, 13802K Program upgrade Principle The DSO138 is a SCM STM32F103C8 internal oscilloscope that is preinstalled with a flash bootloader, which is a small program that can assist in flashing the firmware of your DSO138. Sep 6, 2016 · A DSO138 oscilloscope, along with the FG085 function generator, could form the basis of an entry-level electronics bench: JYE Tech – FG085 Fn Gen – DS138 Oscilloscope Neither of the kits require advanced assembly skills, but neophytes would definitely benefit from somebody who could guide them through the rough spots. Your scheme replicates the analog channel and buggers up the trigger to support both. arerese Feb 4, 2016 · DSO138 firmware update A little while ago, I built the DSO 138 and blogged about it. GitHub is where people build software. Jumpers are closed on the oscilloscope board to enter bootloader mode. Applicable firmware: 113-13810-100 or later 8. E' presente per futuri sviluppi del firmware. Check if the Mar 20, 2015 · Re-flash firmware won't help. If you have any other hardware An open source firmware for DSO-138 Oscilloscope for STM32F103C8T6 Blue Pill and SPI TFT display. 1 watching Forks. Download the firmware that you will be running on the board. dso138-firmware-upgrade. The DLO-138 firmware will allow for a second analogue channel, as well as 2 digital channels, and you can optionally replace the up, down, and select buttons with a rotary encoder. Contribute to ivanovp/dso138 development by creating an account on GitHub. 2. 36 to . It only triggers at 20ms or higher with the firmware that is available on the website. If you have any other hardware An open source firmware for DSO-138 Oscilloscope. This article describes how to setup the connection and how to perform firmware upgrade step by step. 2 ) You can use, modify, and redistribute it for personal, non-profit, or commercial product UNDER YOUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY. Az eszköz összeépített, forrasztott -szoftvert is tartalmazó – DSO138 névre hallgató egycsatornás oszcilloszkóp. Instructions. Oct 28, 2024 · DSO138 Firmware; Print. There were two DSO138 versions with different gain in analog part and this library is not matching actual hardware, giving ~3x too high voltage readouts. The stock firmware, while quite responsive, can use a Simple script to retrieve and view waveform data from a DSO138 portable oscilloscope running the stock firmware. DSO138 je koncipován jako částečná open-source konstrukce. 2) A serial converter is needed to connect the oscilloscope to a PC. Thanks, Nils При включении осциллографа DSO138 на его дисплее отображается идентификатор текущей версии прошивки. Please see this [Video: Board Test in Production ] List of sellers who were reported selling counterfeit DSO138 kits. DSO138 Firmware. 228K subscribers in the diyelectronics community. Oct 1, 2023 · I don't know if what you are proposing will work but I've attached the full schematic of at least one version of the DSO138. This is to make sure the captured data reflect the time base setting. This subreddit is dedicated to both amateur and professional engineers that want to build cool… Port DSO138 firmware (hopefully) and make it work with Hantek-compatible PC software (PulseView/OpenHantek) (miniscope supports DSO 138 already). Ensure component evenly touch PCB. 本仓库提供了一份完整的dso138示波器资料,内容涵盖了原理图、bom清单、使用说明、源代码等,是学习和使用dso138示波器的绝佳资源。 无论你是初学者还是进阶用户,这份资料都能帮助你更好地理解和使用DSO138示波器。 Sep 12, 2017 · Yes, I'm using software version *-060 which has all functions of the osciloscope. Even though there is a feedback network to the CPU through R41/42, it appears JYE never implemented it in the firmware, the CPU simply produces a continuous 17. Once this firmware takes control it checks a specific interface (usually a serial connection) for connecting request from host. Please, have in mind that firmware update procedure is not something to be taken likely. Apr 6, 2020 · I flashed the firmware on my DSO-138 and now the voltage shown is not correct anymore. Sep 25, 2024 · How to make DSO138 oscilloscope trigger at 50ms or below. May 29, 2019 · Hello Community, I have recently found out that you can update the Firmware on the JYE-Tech Digital Oscilloscope. Simplicity in structure and ease of assembly/operation were the main design goals. 0 license Activity. zip. Here in this video I will be showing a quick and easy method to upgrade the firmware Reviving the DSO138 DIY Digital Oscilloscope Kit: My DSO138 DIY Digital Oscilloscope Kit had a trouble in the firmware update. Electrolytic capacitors older positive p le: 1 S 00 C μ F /16V (the longer lead) to the square pad 10, C11, C12, C13, C14 Step 2 Assembly Analog Board (follow the order as numbered) 1. In case of Fixed the bug that caused incorrect trigger position. Let’s see what steps you need to go through to update the firmware of the DSO138 oscilloscope. Oct 17, 2023 · Hello, I'm originally a software developer and on the side a (mediocre) self-taught electronic hobbyist. Introduction The micro-controller (STM32F103C8T6) used in DSO138mini contains a built-in booloader. The bootloader software is used to We are upgrading the DSO 138 oscilloscope firmware from . To meet this goal, DSO138 uses mostly through-hole parts. Hold down the [OK] button for 3 seconds. An open source firmware for DSO-138 O-Scope Resources. For now, one channel is better that no channel. 5K –> 150Ohm) y nuevo firmware (v. Print view; Search Advanced search. This undocumented feature is triggered by holding the OK button for 3 seconds and it allows the user to display a summary information for the signal under analysis. Because I don't have a TTL Programmer I used the Arduino and connected the Reset Pin to GND. Mar 24, 2024 · DSO138 Firmware and Hardware upgrade: DSO138 Digital Oscilloscope not turning on: DSO138 "+" Key Short to ground: You May Also Like. Our decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. Source code for DSO138 Oscilloscope Firmware. YouA should see LCD lights up and oscilloscope panel displayed. Feb 10, 2019 · Versi firmware bawaan DSO138 ver113-13801-042 ada sdikit kekurangan dalam hal sensitifitas pada noise dan tidak ada nya reset tombol ketika akan mengembaikan The firmware for the DSO138 "oscilloscope" kit. A csomag a beültetett, élesztett áramkört tartalmazza – a kapcsolási rajzzal és a alapszintű leírással. In the update instructions it states that you have to use a 3 Jul 29, 2022 · FIRMWARE AND REPAIR LCR-T4 T3 The ESR-T4 tester is quite in demand in the practice of a radio amateur. Quote; Post by maty87 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 10:45 pm. It is recommended to use the 5V-to-9V Step-up Converter JYE140 to power DSO138 by battery or USB. Sample capture from an IR remote control receiver Yellow/Orange line is the signal, purple dashed line is the trigger level. I go through the cumbersome firmware upgrade procedure and review of the changes in the new 060 firmware for the DSO138. Panel And Button Introduction DIGITAL OSCILLOSCOPE NOTE Before using the product,Please read the manual carefully,in order to maximize the performance of the product FNIRSI-138 Pro Do not use this device in a flammable or explosive environment Used batteries and discarded instruments replaced by instruments cannot be disposed of with household waste. Mar 28, 2024 · Popis osciloskopu DSO138; EN. Srdcem DSO138 je procesor Cortex-M3 ARM (STM32F103C8) Verze firmware: 113-13810-111; Velikost. An replacement model of DSO138. DSO-138 is an excellent piece of hardware based on ARM Cortex M3 core STM32F103 Download the latest firmware updates for JYE Tech products. Solder should fullyfill Mar 28, 2024 · Osciloskop DSO138 mini STAVEBNICE – detail (foto převzato od JYE Tech) Osciloskop DSO138 mini STAVEBNICE – díly (skutečné foto z našeho skladu) Odkazy EN. And as a bonus, the DSO138 has SWD AND USB interfaces for free without the need to solder All right reserved 1 ) DSO138 source codes are free software and there is NO WARRANTY. Power off DSO138 and disconnect the connection. http://www. This oscilloscope is partially open-sourced, which means source code is available to allow user to add their own features. Specifically the USB-Port. At the same time, after the firmware, the ESR-T4 learned how to check zener diodes, a … PAGE 1. GPL-3. Readme License. But one day, checking an undischarged electrolytic capacitor ordered him to live long. 1 Solder leads at the other side. . 3 ) Redistributions of source codes must retain the above copyright notice. Osciloskop DSO138 – krabička The ardyesp Arduino-based project is one of several different open source DSO138 firmware builds available online. clondono Posts: 8 ↳ DSO138; ↳ DSO 112 & 112A (Coral) ↳ DSO 068; ↳ DSO 062; ↳ jyeLab; Digital Meters; ↳ M181 LCR Meter; DSO138 Oscilloscope spec: Maximum Real-time Sampling Rate: 1Msps Accuracy: 12Bit Sampling Buffer Depth: 1024 bytes Analog Bandwidth: 0-200KHz Vertical Sensitivity: 10mV / Div - 5V / Div (1-2-5 progressive manner) Firmware for DSO138 digital oscilloscope. Jan 2, 2018 · risorse | dso138 – upgrade del firmware. Recordad cambiar esa resistencia R11 para actualizar firmware. Jun 30, 2020 · DSO138 13803K DIY oscilloscope, how to built it, solder the parts, power on and calibrate the probes:Really nice weekend project and very useful for audio an A 9V DC power supply is required to run DSO138. The TL084 input amplifier quality is best visible when you look at the DSO138's comparator output on higher input frequency with a faster osciloscope. Do you anticipate that the firmware will work with 2 channels? Good luck! All right reserved 1 ) DSO138 source codes are free software and there is NO WARRANTY. Attenzione: ho posto la massima cura ed attenzione nel redigere questi appunti; declino tuttavia ogni responsabilità per eventuali imprecisioni, errori od omissioni, così come declino ogni responsabilità per eventuali danni a cose, proprietà o persone derivanti dall’uso di questi contenuti. [see Photo: DSO138 working with JYE140] Note 2: The only hardware diffference between 13803K/04K and 13801K/02K is the value of R11. Any ideas? The firmware looks much better than the original one. com/viewtopic. youtube. 6kHz signal at R40. License ----- DSO138 source codes are free software and open for education, research, and commercial developments under license policy of the following terms Mar 2, 2022 · I picked up a JYTech DSO138 as a kit (like the one Fungus linked to) so I could get in some SMD soldering and have something useful as a result. Assembly & Firmware Upgrade of the DSO138. Frequency shown is correct. The reason you would want two channels is so that you can compare two signals on the same screen on the same time base (X-axis) and in phase (triggered by the same event). I read a lot on the internet, and I found a guide for troubleshooting but with no success to fix my problem. Nota (1/2016): El fabricante ha sacado una nueva versión del DSO138 (13803K/04K), cuya única diferencia con el anterior es el valor de una resistencia (R11: 1. Stars. What's New [2015-01-05] New firmware (113-13801-060) released with following improvements: Oct 10, 2016 · Nah, bagi yang suka oprek-oprek dan kebetulan versi Firmware osiloskop DSO138-nya merupakan versi lama, ikuti langkah dibawah ini untuk melakukan upgrade firmware DSO138. Robodoupě – recenze (Michal Černý) Mar 13, 2023 · DSO138 LCD issue (2) Technical Repair: 17: Mar 24, 2024: A: Dso138 lcd issue: Analog & Mixed-Signal Design: 21: Jan 11, 2024: DSO138 trigger understanding: General Electronics Chat: 4: Oct 17, 2023: B: DSO138 Firmware and Hardware upgrade: Test & Measurement: 6: Oct 1, 2023: Introduction to measuring with a Digital Oscilloscope (DSO138) General DSO138: How to Upgrade Firmware Applicable models: 13801K/03K,13802K/04K 1. JYETech DSO138 oscilloscope is one of the most favorite among hobbyist. For 13803K/04K R11 uses Second, I'm curious about getting the most out of it. com/channel/UCfQk22mViSQ7W1W0hVP_NbwI go through the cumbersome firmware upgr dso138はマイコンで実現しています。これも高性能なマイコンのおかげです。 搭載しているマイコン(stm32f103c8)は最高72mhzで動作します。 表示には携帯電話のlcdが採用されています。携帯電話普及のおかげです。 stnではなくtftなので、見やすいです。 Mar 9, 2015 · I don't want to copy your firmware, I just want it without bugs on a genuine DSO138. This way I took it (DSO138-mini) and started to work on upgrade. For a next version: I would appreciate a connection option between the "VBUS" and +5V: Then although the analog side won't work, you can use the board as an usb-connected STM32F103 development board with LCD! Mar 25, 2018 · Faccio notare che in questa versione del DSO138 questo connettore non viene usato. 3) Connections are made between the oscilloscope and PC. Post Reply. Feb 4, 2016 · DSO138 firmware update A little while ago, I built the DSO 138 and blogged about it. 50 and Vmin 0. Electrolytic capacitors S older positive p le: 1 00 F μ /16V (the longer lead) to the square pad C10, 11, C12, C13, C14 Put leads through mounting holes from the side with part outline. For software which is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Mastering Basic Electronics 101If you like to Level up dont skip the basic#homemade102#inverter12v220v#diyinverter#electroboom#juandilasagwhatzap sa inyo mg Can make a tailor-made software development on the basis of this kit, which can be can be changed to millivoltmeter, data recorder, etc. Please Share Your Feedback. Az oszcilloszkóp jól használható audio- és video-jelek elemzéséhez, kisebb frekvenciájú kapcsolóüzemű tápegységhez, infravörös adó-vevő jel DSO138: How to Upgrade Firmware Applicable models: 13801K/03K,13802K/04K 1. php?f=18&t=1101. This version fixes triggering at 50ms and below, trigger LED, and removed fake product warning. This will make the MCU enter bootloader instead of the main firmware at next power up. Top. The DSO138 circuit uses a simple switching inverter to generate a rough negative voltage which is then regulated down to -5V by U4. DSO-138 main board PN: 109-13800-00C. I recently acquired a DSO138 to better see what is going on in my little electronic projects. Fortunately there is another, independent firmware project - DLO-138. To turn on/off the read-outs first move the cursor to the position of time base. Mulanya saya ingat nak beli je UART Applicable firmware: 113-13801-060 or later. 060…). Resources:Fir Apr 6, 2015 · But if you don’t need a high speed DSO and just want to have some fun, JYE Tech DSO138 is a single channel oscilloscope DIY kit that you need to assemble yourself, and sells for just $23 on Banggood, or about $30 on Aliexpress, or Ebay. Rozměry krabičky: 80 × 90 × 22 mm; Hmotnost kitu: 70 g (bez kabelů) Manuál Usually bootloader is a compact firmware that resides in micro-controller’s ROM memory. DSO138 – popis kitu + manuál, schéma, osazovací plánek, download firmware; JYE Tech – design (Home page) Fotogalerie. Firmware DSO 138 Oscilloscope¶ Firmware DSO 138 Asli¶ Tabel dibawah ini menunjukan link dan sejarah revisi firmware. cruvk xgkhxq qkbphci sxjsl plxzv iuthul zkddqv lfxme jrxlom cuj xsic takwj wyy eajao oadrm