Esphome pulse meter vs pulse counter. Frequent resets when using webserver and pulse counter.
Esphome pulse meter vs pulse counter The new approach works good, for 2 Mar 16, 2023 · Hi 🙂 I want to use an ESP8266 for reading an Watermeter with an impulse Sensor. Dec 4, 2024 · Additional Inherited Members Data Fields inherited from esphome::sensor::Sensor: float state This member variable stores the last state that has passed through all filters. restore (Optional, boolean): Whether to store the intermediate result on the device so that the value can be restored upon power cycle or reboot. Sorry if this is a stupid question as I am new to coding and ESP. Can I simply introduce deep sleep? Will the coprocessor handle the pulse counting? Will the counted pulses then simply be send during the awake time? Mar 11, 2024 · Hello all, I have connected a reed switch to two different GPIO to have both a binary_sensor and a pulse_meter, as I wanted to troubleshoot strange pulse/min nb I was getting. In my case; 1 pulse == 0. With ESPHome I have created a pulse counter to get the used water in m3, so I can read this and connect it also with the energy dashboard. This will provide you with a pulse, every pulse is equal to what has been defined by the meter. There is sample code available, but I can’t get it to work, as my GPIO Pin (13) always ends up “high” after boot, but I need it to be low, as my water sensor provides a high signal. May 11, 2024 · Using esphome’s recommended pulse_meter I have the following working setup: # Better sensor using pulse_meter which measures time between pulses rather than pulse frequency sensor: - platform: pulse_meter pin: number: GPIO14 mode: INPUT name: 'Water sensor pulse' # Sometimes the sensor keeps triggering, so we debounce the binary sensor here. 1. I want “hourly Rain Fall”, “Daily Rain Fall” and to add later “yearly rain fall”. Reply reply The PCNT (Pulse Counter) module is designed to count the number of rising and/or falling edges of input signals. That drop of 0. Update interval is 60 seconds. The manufacturer sells some "smart meters" for that thing, but I didn't want to pay a couple of hundred euros for a external service (connects to their servers), that I can do myself for a fraction of the cost locally. ESPHome then increased the counter constantly. You will need software inside whatever is receiving the pulses on a digital input pin to count the pulses and convert them to a number - either an accumulated count (if it’s the pulse output from an energy meter, that count will represent the total energy) or a rate, which in that case would indicate power. The problem is the pu… Dec 20, 2023 · This meter has a hole for a reed contact sensor. In short, you Dec 14, 2021 · So idea is that pulse_meter component tracks both rising and falling edges of the pulse (meanwhile doc says that only rising one). Thus, while not fixed, we need some pulse divider to divide sensor pulse count by two and put result as pulse_meter input. 0001 M3 x 10 == 1 liter. 01s However, the total: of this sensor still seems to include the total including those that have not been returned to HA because they excluded by the debounce filter. the pulse sensor will always give you the counts in a period of time, e. The counting of the pulse is strange, because it is reading 600watt more than is has to be. Upgrading from 2023. I’ve tried putting the debounce filter on the total sensor, but that hasn’t worked - because its not a Apr 22, 2019 · change unit_of_measurement: to L/Hr may be. The pulse counter is integrated in HA via ESPhome, so far so good. Sep 12, 2019 · I think there should be a separate pulse counter that increments with each actual individual pulse counted since a given time/period. pulse_counter sensor is working fine even with much higher frequencies. Sep 6, 2023 · As I understand it, the pulse_counter and pulse_meter are similar, but not the same. Reset reason is “Timer Group 1 Watchdog” or “Software Reset CPU”. That means that the update interval for the pulse_counter should be shorte than that. The pulse sensor connects to a Tehama TW-160B-P module and has ~2. My Jun 3, 2020 · Hi, I’ve got a light sensor on the flashing led of my electric meter, and using the pulse counter in ESPHome, I’ve got it working fairly well, and it gives a ballpark figure in KW every 60 seconds. For some reason, my hall sensors did not pay attention to the magnet on the last drum. That magnet can be recognized by a proximity sensor. The sensor is working (hardware) however i’m not able to get the pulses into Home Assistant. Furthermore, each \n Tips: \n. ResetPulseCounter to address task number 2 or the task with the name GasZaehler. I use a entity called “bewaesserung_pulses” which is counting the pulses when water is flowing. 2 One way or another the option for automatic updates was off. 1 #include "pulse_counter_sensor. The brand is systeme-sh. Therefore I thought that I am correct with the following code: sensor: - platform: pulse_counter pin: number: GPIO13 mode: INPUT Here is some of the code used in ESPHome: sensor: - platform: pulse_counter pin: 21 id: livestock_water_usage name: "Livestock Flow Rate (GPM)" update_interval: 5s filters: - lambda: return (x * 0. Feb 22, 2022 · I have several pulse_meter sensors configured using the same pin. This value is correct. Create a new ESP32 device in ESPHome and use the following YAML configuration underneath the default configuration that is created in the device Jan 19, 2022 · Luckily, the analog output is more varied. Power spikes are appearing Oct 4, 2023 · A third option could be to change the Pulse Meter Sensor into a Pulse Counter Sensor, but I don’t expect this will make a difference in this case. - lambda: return x * (6 * x - 8); I found another function based on the manufacturer characteristics ( F = (6 x Q - 8)) but same here, the reading is not accurate. I’m using the sketch below: sensor: - platform: pulse_counter pin: number: D6 allow_other_uses: true name: "water pulse" id: water_pulse - platform: pulse_meter pin: number: D6 allow_other_uses: true name: "Water Pulse If I add i to the pulse_counter sensor I get an output pulse every time the pulse counter updates. See pictures. What should be the Battery impulse counter based on ESPHome with ESP8266 and PCF8583 acting as hardware counter. cpp. 6 pulses per l/min for YF-B6)… I am not interested in the flow rate - more the water consumption Pulse Width Sensor¶ The pulse_width sensor allows you to measure how long a given digital signal is HIGH. I’ve chosen the 88pulses/L. I'm using the pulse_counter platform from esphome. ESP8266 based pulse counter for home utility meter compatible with ESPHome, Tasmota, etc Sep 9, 2019 · I’ve added a water flow meter using a Wemos D1 mini and ESPhome. Also the total rotations and such are reported correctly. Having not doing any research beforehand - the basic idea was the meter would produce pulse outputs - applying similar pulse_counter feature from ESPHome as implemented on the Power Meter skids would give me my water flow rate readings per min/seconds and summing it up would give total water volume consumed. 1 Each unit is in effect an independent counter with multiple channels, where each channel can increment/decrement the counter on a rising/falling edge. From this you can calculate the radius, which is 0. Why would I use the one over the other? Pulse Meter Sensor¶ The pulse meter sensor allows you to count the number and frequency of pulses on any pin. May 27, 2021 · I recently discovered pulse_meter and have been using pulse_counter. Today it happened, that the meter stopped on the magnet and resulted in a constant HIGH from the hall sensor. I've run them for a few weeks now parallel to the official counters, and I have a lot of differences I just can't get a grip on. For ESPHome, you can then use the pulse meter sensor using below configuration: Adjust GPIO12 to match your set up of course. No power related issues observed. esphome: , esphome: name: solarmeter platform: ESP8266 board Jun 8, 2020 · I was thinking about the pulse counter myself, as Im also using it on an s0 meter and a water meter. The optical sensor is mounted in a 3D-printed housing which is affixed to the pulse LED on my Landis & Gyr electric meter. 1 May 31, 2019 · Greetings fellow humans, I wish to build a thingy that tracks the flow of water from our borehole pump to the tanks. After a bit of reading I stumbled across “Pulse Meter” which looks to be the better counterpart of the pulse counter. Additional Inherited Members Data Fields inherited from esphome::sensor::Sensor: float state This member variable stores the last state that has passed through all filters. For normal use of water, the water flow may vary a lot during a minute. 1 liter! so I use this code for esphome node: sensor: - platform: pulse_meter pin: 12 name: "water flow rate" icon: "mdi:water-sync" id: water_flow_rate accuracy_decimals: 1 unit_of_measurement: "l/min" timeout: 15s filters: - multiply: 0. The counter starts working after the second pulse. 5v DC going through the actual sensor via 2 wires labeled COM and PULSE. It validates just fine with Esphome v1. 1mm of rain. For The following schematic and YAML are for building and configuring a pulse water meter reader using an ESP32 board and ESPHome. With an update interval of 60s, I expected touching the signal pin quickly 3 times would result in a pulse counter value of 3 pulses per minute. I hope there are two measure unit. Go to the documentation of this file. I notice that ESPhome has a Pulse Counter, which is basically how a flow meter works: there’s an inline rotor with a magnet in it, and a hall sensor that notices when the magnet comes round again. Solution with proximity doesn’t work with grid water meter that has plastic wheels. liters per hour, during the last hour, so if you want to have the liters ever since you’ve opened the faucet you have to integrate the sensor, unfortunately the integration sensor is buggy on 1. (87 as by supplier quality control) But you can find also 1pulse or 2 pulses per Nov 3, 2024 · pulse_counter_sensor. Hardware. ResetPulseCounter or GasZaehler. May 23, 2023 · Hi, I try to build a battery driven Water Meter. That is giving super high per minute estimations My binary sensor goes on and off correctly, showing TRUE when it should. Assume i’m missing something obvious here, my esp YAML is: # Gas Meter Pulse Sensor 1 Jul 10, 2024 · thanks . The below now causes the counter to go crazy and increment at a high rate endlessly. h:23:0, from src/main. The unit of measurement for this sensor is seconds. 1 by Theo Arends Tasmota shows 93 watt. When using multiple instances of Pulse Counter tasks, use a prefix to address the right one. I’d also like to be able to edit this value from within HA in case I loose counts for some reason. With increasing frequency it then shows only these values - 8600 RPM, 10 000 RPM and 20 000 RPM - completely off values. Use a Utility Meter helper in Home Assistant and point it at the ESPHome entity, it'll keep tracking the increase on whatever reset period you use and the actual pulse counter value doesn't matter. There are 2 things we want to measure here: 1- The active power in Watts, or the current waterflow in l/min Dec 21, 2023 · I had the same issue with my water meter: “multiple use of a pin. This gadget can detect and count pulses from various com The ATM90E26 internally works based on pulses and this value converts a pulse into Wh, which are emitted as forward_active_energy etc. Now I found the pulse_counter with the “Total” attribute which should give me the total pulses, so I built a Sep 25, 2022 · Tasmota version: Tasmota 12. My goal is to see the amount of bucket tips. For it a have ordered me some ESP32_Bat_Pro devices from EzSBC. I’ve just tested to use pulse_counter & pulse_meter on the same IO pin - which seems not to work … but in my opinion, this limitation does not seem correct to me… 27 // Set the pin value to the current value to avoid a false edge Dec 27, 2020 · pulse_width doesn't output on every pulse, and measures the width of the high or low state rather than the time between edges (which gives significant inaccuracies for slow-pulsing devices like gas meters) pulse_counter doesn't actually count the total pulses (though I see that Pulse_counter measure total pulses esphome#1173 has been merged but Jun 10, 2022 · That is weird. It appears to work when fed pulses on my bench, but I’d like to initialise the kWh total to the same value as on my electricity meter. h" Mar 26, 2021 · Hi all, I am running water meter on ESP32 with ESPHome installed. 2. I connected it to the ESP between IO14 and GND. The power meter examples are near identical — which is also my use case. I have attached a reed switch to the gas meter and every time the second decimal place completes one turn the switch gets triggered. The water meter is a NMT Versamag NSF-61-G and sends 1 pulse for every 10 gallons used. The project uses a 5V LJ18A3-8Z/BX Proximity sensor from AliExpress. set_total May 4, 2022 · I wanted a reliable water meter. 66 pulses/kWh, or 3200 pulses/kWh. Will attach more logs to show both of these. The pulse light is the correct amout, when i do a check in the homewizard who use the same puls. 106133 mm. esphome: name: home-water-pulse-meter esp8266: board: esp01_1m logger: api: captive_portal: ota: password: "4ddc5ac48879ecc7d06a3c031e497e8d" wifi: networks: - ssid Oct 6, 2023 · The code is easy and simple and you find it on many places over the web ( i used pieter brinkmans code but there are many others) I also tried pulse meter and pulse counter. It is intended to be a drop-in replacement for the pulse counter component. io). What I would like to do is convert the counter into (near) realtime watt meters or water flow meter in case of the water based pulses. 1 update it counted the pulses properly, 2-3m³\\day. I test it with a 1L jar where I also have 60 seconds to test it. - platform: pulse_meter pin: 16 name: "Water this hour meter" id: water_this_hour_meter internal_filter: 100ms timeout: 30s tot… Nov 2, 2024 · The problem When using pulse_meter, esp32 frequently restarts at irregular intervals. I want to track my water usage on the ZENNER ETKDI-N with preinstalled reed contact which counts ≥1L/Impuls. 367 Everything runs fine, and I get the values in HA, but I would like to have them also as a daily value: As May 11, 2020 · Hello, Could you please help/clarify if the following scenario possible to implement via ESPHome: Catch pulse at gpio and immediate report it and time from previous pulse. 7. - platform: pulse_counter pin: 12 unit_of_measurement: 'mm/min' name: 'Rain Rate per minute' filters: - multiply: 0. 1 compiled on Sep 25 2022, 14:12:10 ESPHome shows sometimes 160W, 60W, 120W. 0, the pulse_meter function seems to have broken/changed. Nov 2, 2024 · I am counting pulses from two power meters and a heat meter and getting counts which I can match pretty closly to the meter screen outputs. Jan 2, 2022 · Hello, I would like to measure the wind speed with an anemometer, which outputs one pulse per revolution with the pulse counter. Configuration variables:¶ power_id (Required, ID): The ID of the power sensor to integrate over time. So I’ve purchased a pulse flow water meter from Amazon (about 55euro), I’m in Europe and the item reached me from Germany. Apr 6, 2024 · Hello! I have configured the pulse_meter sensor to read out my water meter. I found out that pulse_meter is unable to read more than 120 Hz of pulses (7500 RPM). Jan 8, 2024 · After a lot of research i bought for my old water meter a optical pulse counter. io) 1 Like jimmyeao (Jimmy White) September 20, 2022, 10:13am Sep 18, 2023 · Hi All Has somebody ever managed to calibrate this sensor the right way ? With the following recomended function on another thread, I get crazy values (500 L when the tap is opened for 2 seconds). For example this can be used to measure PWM signals to transmit some value over a simple protocol. Processor appears as having a high load when Webserver is accessed as it reports slow and without complete results. The pulse meter shows a reading like 845,114. Water flow is measured by flow sensor, and I used Pulse Counter Sensor: - platform: pulse_counter pin: D7 name: "Flow" update_interval: 5s filters: - lambda: return (x / 27. cpp Sep 12, 2020 · Hi, I collect pulse from several sources (Kwh pulse counters and watermeter) See below image, channel 0-4 are the pulses counted every 10 seconds for 5 different sources and channel 5-9 are the total pulses counted for the same fie sources. We can make divider hardware with couple of triggers or software (if you have enough free pins) Jul 15, 2022 · Just use a pulse counter - typically the buckets tip once per 0. D1 Mini32 is supplied by 3A 5v supply. I have this code, but it is getting values I have no idea where it comes from. Aug 28, 2021 · So ive got a pulse counter i want to debounce to avoid two simultaneous values being returned - so ive set - debounce: 0. 06 and Pressure Factor: 0. Sep 15, 2021 · My supplier (ActewAGL in Aus) provides in the downloadable quarterly data that has ‘Usage in m³’, ‘Average Heating Value’ and ‘Pressure Factor’. however when I examine the espHome output I get a number of lines which duplicate the information and confuse my spreadsheet. I have created a pulse counter with ESPHome and a utility meter inside Home Assistant that tracks the total daily usage based on the pulse counter. Please help. 25V when the mirror is not facing the sensor, and when it is, the voltage drops to 0. Dec 4, 2023 · Hello! I am new here in the community and als a newbie acc. 07V should be enough to build my own pulse counter. For each 1 L of water, the sensor will send one pulse… So far, I already have my configuration… esphome: name: watermeter friendly_name: WaterMeter esp8266: board: d1_mini restore_from_flash: true early_pin_init: false # Enable Home Assistant API api: encryption: key: ********* sensor: - platform: pulse Oct 19, 2022 · The problem I am using the pulse counter sensor for my gas meter. Daily and hourly increases Nov 9, 2021 · The problem Hi. The ESP32 contains multiple pulse counter units in the module. May 24, 2019 · Describe the problem you have/What new integration you would like I have photoresistor counting blinks on energy meter. Nov 1, 2023 · Working on adding a water meter to Home Assistant, using an ESP32. I’m keen to understand the two platforms a bit better (out of curiosity). Watch the build on YouTube. I am working with 1. Tapped into the 3 wires (VCC, GND, DATA) of the magnetic flow meter. Rather than counting pulses over a fixed time interval, the pulse meter sensor measures the time between pulses. I tried the pulse_meter as well, but I never got it to run reliably. Now I want to save on battery and use deep sleep. I got really excited when I saw a bunch of articles on stack exchange about this and the idea is to run i²c Oct 18, 2023 · In view of the “Pulse/liter vs Q characteristics”, the update interval of the pulse_counter should be short enough to allow for a constant water flow during the interval. 62 pulses/min It should be closer to 13 Sep 30, 2018 · I am using pulse sensor, the value unit is "pulse/min". Oct 3, 2022 · I’ve made an energy meter using the ESP home pulse counter. E. In this post the differences are nicely explained. If I try to detect the input pin status in a lambda in the "on_loop" section of the "esphome" component, I never detect it because the input signal is too short, and the scan rate is too slow to detect it Jun 3, 2022 · Hello, I would like to track the current state of my water meter, and i have been able to get esphome to give me a pulse everytime one liter is used. 0; unit_of_measurement: "l/h" total: unit_of_measurement: "l" id: amount name: "Amount of water" Generally it works I've set up pulse counter sensors for my electricity usage. Rain Gauge: 1 pulse = 0. After a reboot, the ESP skips the first pulse and no data appears in the HA. However this is a very unprecise way of measurement Nov 8, 2022 · So, we will connect the LJ18A3-8Z/BX proximity sensor to our board with the ESP, be it ESP8266 or ESP32, and then we will glue the sensor to said water meter spinner. g. You can use a filter if you want to throttle that. My code explicitly turns off both the pull-up and pull-down on the input pin and it works fine provided I don't enable the pulse counter but as soon as I add the line of code to turn on the counter, the input pin flips up to 3v and stays there! Measurement of water consumption directly from your water meter with a TCRT5000 like sensor and ESPHome. 1 # 10 pulses Jun 29, 2019 · Thank you for the rapid response! I might have misunderstood the filters as well as the component. Before Aug 23, 2021 · I started off with a cheap and easy to buy YF-S201 Hall Effect Water Meter flow sensor. I have got a pulse counter (wemos d1 mini with esphome API) mounted to my gas meter. My esp config yaml … sensor: - platform: pulse_counter name: "Flow rate" pin: GPIO2 update_interval: 60s filters: - lambda: return (x / 1. The pulses are counted as pulses per minute by ESPhome. It was kind of hard to find reference projects using the same setup. I’ve tried setting the target sensor up as a platform: homeassistant sensor and reading it back from there but I always get back a value of MAX Aug 17, 2023 · The problem Greetings. 4km/h. Frequent resets when using webserver and pulse counter. ESPHome version: 2022. 9612 Jan 14, 2023 · Trying to set up my gas meter with ESPHome. After diggin in the code some I figured out that Jan 6, 2021 · I´m also trying your custom component. Luckily the meter provides a spinning wheel that contains a magnet. When testing, I simply touch my two cables together from the ESP32 to simulate a ‘pulse’ and seem to get random readings, but never 1ft3. If the anemometer delivers one pulse per second, the wind speed is 2. So the have the same pulse reading but in Home Assistant de readings are more. pulse_meter: Pulse_counter vs pulse_meter - ESPHome - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant. Furthermore, each Feb 12, 2021 · Actually it should be 60 liters / h … The meter measures with 1 pulse per liter. Pulse Counter Sensor¶ The pulse counter sensor allows you to count the number of pulses and the frequency of a signal on any pin. I have a pulse counter on an ESP32 which is working perfectly. However, I’ve been unable to get accurate readings via pulse_counter: There’s a more or less linear relationship between my threshold adjustments at the sensor and the number of pulses I’m getting, but that is more of a mechanical/optical problem Nov 2, 2024 · void attach_interrupt(void(*func)(T *), T *arg, gpio::InterruptType type) const I have a hall sensor that monitors the gas meter (it has a tiny magnet on the inside). In case of a problem with reading data from the sensor, disable filters/multiply and internal_filter in the program and check the log. Your problem reminded me of mine when the reed switch was too deeply immersed in a magnetic field. 1 total: name: "Water Total" icon: "mdi:water" unit_of_measurement: "liter" accuracy_decimals: 1 filters: - multiply: 0. Add a time sensor to do an on_time: reset of the sensor at the end of the day. 10 # pulses x 0. On the ESP32, this sensor is even highly accurate because it’s using the hardware pulse counter peripheral on the ESP32. Use case: power meter provides 3200 pulses per 1 KWh, pulses as is goes to DB where math could be applied since 1 pulse is 1/3200 KWh; time between pulses is momentary power consumption: (3600/3200)/(time between pulses in Oct 18, 2024 · Good day, I am new to ESPHome, but not new to programming in C. May 4, 2021 · pulse_meter will send an update every time we detect a pulse, this is a key advantage over pulse_counter. ESP. Rather than using the pulse counter sensor that outputs in pulses per min scaling it to get power then feeding that to the energy meter sensor. 1mm for default 60s total: unit_of_measurement: 'mm' name: 'Total Rain' filters: - multiply: 0. set_total_pulses service to set the total value to match my gas meter. The PCNT (Pulse Counter) module is designed to count the number of rising and/or falling edges of input signals. But I struggle in Aug 7, 2017 · I've looked through the documentation for the pulse counter and can see no mention of pull-up. Is this something i can connect to my ESP? Or would i have to get a separate sensor and mount it to the meter? Feb 20, 2023 · What is the function of each of the sections named plateform:pulse_counter, platform: pulse_meter, platform: pulse_meter and platform:template? This should help to explain at least the difference between the pulse counter and pulse meter: Pulse_counter vs pulse_meter - ESPHome - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant. Until the 11. binary_sensor is perfectly In this video, I'll show you how to build a versatile pulse meter using an ESP32 and an OLED screen. I started a new project, counting my power-pulses with an energy-meter and S0 interface. . It is simply 2 cables that make continuity every ‘pulse’. 15. The 3 wires are then connected to D1mini and am using a pulse_counter sensor of ESPHome. The value of the ‘Average Heating Value’ and ‘Pressure Factor’ are different for each billing period but are very close, for example for the last to bills I get this: Average Heating Value: 38. Feb 2, 2022 · I managed to get a pulse for every 0. The problem When I try to use pulse_counter sensor (used in the hlw8012 sensor that I actually want to use) the counter stays on 0, but when I manualy create a pulse_meter sensor it works. I used the pulse_counter. Water meter uses pulse_counter sensor to count pulses per minute and total count. h:11:7: error: redefinition of 'class esphome::pulse_meter::PulseMeterSensor' class PulseMeterSensor : public sensor::Sensor, public Component { ^ In file included from src/esphome. LED blinks 1000 imp/kWh. Switching to pulse_counter and the issue I'm trying to set up the pulse counter sensor and want to know of a way to just literally count the pulses. 000 times for every 1kWh used. > - platform: pulse_counter > pin: GPIO18 > id: vodomer_esp > unit_of_measurement: 'l' > name: Průtok vody > icon: mdi:water > internal_filter: 13us > > total: > unit_of_measurement: 'l' > name: 'Stav vodoměru' Both flow and total values are sent Mar 6, 2021 · Hi @noxx I am also now collecting data from the gas meter using a reed switch. Try to determine at what value your magnet is located (for me, this is the number 3), and try to place your magnetic field sensor I built a DIN rail mountable pulse water meter reader for Home Assistant using an ESP32 board and ESPHome. Jan 10, 2025 · Hi there, I´m new to HA and ESPhome and have a irrigation, where a pulse counter counts the pulses of flowing water to calculate the consumption of water. 9. My energy-meter is this model: ORNO OR-WE-520 with 800 imp/kWh I am using an AZDelivery D1 Mini NodeMcu ESP8266 I collected some infomation by checking some community-platforms, web-sites, youtube-videos and so on. Components: ESP8266 Module (for example NodeMCU); Photoresistor Module; PCF8583 Real Time Clock Aug 25, 2020 · I have a nodemcuv2 with a photoresistor on a pulse meter. The setup uses the existing flow meter (turbine) of water softner. Jan 21, 2023 · Hi Guys, I’m in need of a bit of help here. I am using a Wemos D1 R2, and a YF-DN40 water flow sensor (the big one). So every rotation I receive a short pulse (red area) and a long one (time between the red marking). The entity shows me the correct count, that is working. 0) * 60. I would like to count The Pulse_meter function in combination with TCRT5000 sensor on a Ferraris energy counter is counting a pulse by getting high and also by getting low. I’m using the counter/meter with totals for both functions and they work, however the Jan 12, 2020 · Hi, i have a gas meter i want to track in Home Assistant. My problem however is that i cannot find a way to add a counter that allows me to set the current reading on the watermeter. 0) * 12. After the update it counts 100- Feb 11, 2023 · I built a “smart” water meter with ESPHome and Home Assistant, based on the project by Pieter Brinkman. 3, but when I compile it I get some errors: In file included from src/main. Running on an ESP32s, my meter output is 1 pulse = 1ft3. The original issue is resolved (although unclear what happened, I didn’t change anything) but I discovered a new, smaller one: pulse_meter is counting slightly more pulses than binary_sensor. I have put a reed contact sensor in the hole and connected it to an esp32 board. 5 pulses per l/minute for YF-S201 and 6. The output from the pulse counter sensor is in pulses/min and we also know that 10000 pulses from the LED should equal 1kWh of power usage. cpp:44:0: src/pulse_meter_sensor. Sep 11, 2022 · Edit: Mean to attach this info on pulse_counter vs. 16. ResetPulseCounter, [GasZaehler]. ESPHome code: Sep 11, 2019 · This is part of the ESPHome config: sensor: - platform: pulse_counter pin: number: GPIO12 inverted: True mode: INPUT_PULLUP unit_of_measurement: 'mm' name: 'Rainfall' filters: - multiply: 0. 254mm Anemometer: 1 pulse per second = 2. I tried to use esphome pulse_counter with a filter -initial value but the problem i have with this is that everytime it Reset the counters (pulse counter and total counter) of P003 Pulse Counter. If I install an ESPHome update the total value will be resetted. I initially started out using “Pulse Counter” which seems to be quite successful. I am using ESP8266 3D printed my own rain gauge. The difference between these two sensors is nicely explained here: ESPHome_Pulse_counter vs pulse_meter. The problem is the pulse meter sensor in ESPHome appears to be inaccurate, in that it tells you how many times it’s flashed in a given period, and thus is confined to give whole numbers. Also, the pulse_counter has more options to tweak the set-up, like count_mode and use_pcnt for ESP32 hardware support. 1); unit_of_measurement: "Gallons/minute gpm" - platform: integration name: "Livestock Total Water Usage" unit_of_measurement: "Gallons" sensor Jan 15, 2023 · Hi I am wondering if it somehow is possible to utilize ESPhome in building a simplified water usage meter ? I am thinking about using an YF-S201 or YF-B6 water flow sensor - but the challenge is, that these outputs a signal based on the water flow (HZ = 7. Feb 2, 2022 · A water meter is an analog measuring instrument. You can find the schematic and YAML configuration Nov 8, 2022 · So I’ve set up the pulse_meter sensor to read out my gas meter and I’m trying to figure out how I can persist the total number of pulses between reboots / updates, since the total value returned by the sensor resets to 0 when I update the esp. Oct 11, 2022 · I built something for the same power meter type, using the approach documented in Tracking gas usage with ESPHome, Home Assistant, and TCRT5000 | Savjee. How do I stop thesee lines of output with 0 decimals of accuracy [07:28:11][D][pulse_counter:174]: ‘Pulse CounterA’: Retrieved My electricity meter comes with a IR pulse diode that ticks 10. The setup seems to give an average of pulses/min but I don't want this. However, due to the use of the pulse counter peripheral, a maximum of 8 channels can be used! Pulse meter is better and more accurate for power, and timing of energy increase. In the specs I have found a value of 0,5 liter per pulse. Oct 29, 2022 · I’ve built HA Glow to measure power consumption at the house meter via the pulse led, using a ESP32 devkit with the recommended light sensor. ive been trying to get this to work properly and noticed that i have vastly different values when using _meter instead of _counter. This is kind of a hack, it might help you, remember x is supposed pulses in a whole minute, so every time you need pulses you have to divide it by 60 seconds Feb 3, 2021 · The output is what it says, a pulse. I want to se total rain. Do i make a mistake or can i fix this via the settings of the pulse_counter ? globals: # eacWSZ-50A # Impulsauflösung: 1000imp/kWh # Impuls Anschluss: # Schaltspannung 5-27VDC, Strom≤27mA ≤100mW Feb 2, 2023 · Guys, I’m struggling with two things to understand the pulse meter sensor: 1: Does the optional total counter sensor only sum up all pulses for as long as the ESP is not being rebooted? On other words: Is the total counter being set back to zero when the ESP gets rebooted? 2: The following example from the desciption website linked above does confuse me: on_: then: - pulse_meter. This is my electric meter which is housed in a dark cupboard. But every time the led goes red the log shows 80-120 pulses (fluctuating a little) instead of 1. im using an ESP32 which apparently has a good pulse counter circuit or something. be (same sensor and code logic, just for the power meter instead of the gas meter). 1 to 8. Sep 7, 2021 · Hi all, I’ve been attempting to measure my power using a photoresistor over the LED on my meter. Because the weather station is out on the roof I’m trying to figure out a good way to run some CAT5 Ethernet most of the way and have the brains located in the attic. First is "Total pulses count" ,it is for "How many pulses the sensor has caught". 4km/h). Code below. The reed closes, when a Liter water passed the counter and opens again, when a new liter starts to pass the counter. - hugokernel/esphome-water-meter Jul 26, 2020 · I have a weather station with wind speed and rainfall detectors, these both use the pulse_counter option in ESPHome. Common values are 1000 pulses/kWh, 1666. I assume this is caused by bouncing effect of the digital output of the sensor. 18V. ” change the pin schema as below and it works (allow_other_uses: true) sensor: - platform: pulse_counter pin: number: GPIO27 allow_other_uses: true update_interval : 6s name: "water pulse" id: water_pulse - platform: pulse_meter pin: number: GPIO27 allow_other_uses: true name: "Water Pulse Meter" unit_of_measurement: "liter . 0; unit_of_measurement: "L/hr"` Mar 17, 2023 · # Example configuration entry sensor: - platform: pulse_counter pin: 12 control_pin: 7 name: "First Pulse Counter on Pin 12" - platform: pulse_counter pin: 12 control_pin: 8 name: "Second Pulse Counter on Pin 12" control_pin will be set to LOW to read the meters of this line (RJ45 cable). I switched it to on now, let’s see what happens. Matching it against an existing meter is useful in that it allows visual confirmation for some devices that blink an LED for each pulse. When task is neither All of my data coming in looks good except for the Pulse Meter. 13 but you can use the template filter as is there on the first post in order to ESPHOME: pulse_counter vs pulse_meter Qualcuno mi potrebbe spiegare la differenza tra pulse_counter e pulse_meter? Ho letto le relative descrizione sul sito di ESPHome ma non riesco a capire in cosa differiscono. Mar 2, 2022 · The problem. I can fill 1L in about 15 to 20 Oct 30, 2018 · 1 pulse = 2Wh of energy in your case, just counting the number of pulses (keeping a tally) and dividing by 2 gives you a total energy used meter. Apr 2, 2023 · The problem. Here’s my (very basic) code: sensor: - platform: pulse_counter pin: number: 13 mode: input: true pulldown: true name: "Pulse Counter Feb 6, 2021 · Hi, I’ve got a light sensor on the flashing led of my electric meter, and using the pulse counter in ESPHome, I’ve got it working fairly well, and it gives a ballpark figure in KW every 60 seconds. Why did I have to build my own pulse counter? Because the built-in version only supports digital inputs, not analog May 7, 2021 · I’d like to measure flow and amount of water which is used by watering system in one cycle. After some discussions in Jan 15, 2024 · Updated using pulse_meter integration (used for several months with much better accuracy) Removed parts not directly related to water consumption measurement (led, temperature measurement) Having changed my meter, I no longer intend to designate a suitable support for the Sensu R-315 meter. I’ve calculated the pulses as 17 per min per litre of water (it’s 1pulse per gallon of water through the meter). Homeassistant is displaying the L/min water flow no problem, I added a second sensor to the ESPhome config to divide by 60 giving the actual flow in L/sec Jan 19, 2023 · I’m pretty new with esphome, I want to make a small weather station with the weather kit from sparkfun ad both the rain gauge and the anemometer send pulses to keep track of precipitation and wind speed (ex. I have my Energy monitoring setup and working well using an ESP32 which is fed with the digital output from a LM393 optical sensor. The output voltage is around 0. ykpenrvzdwqjdrkqeffiemkkwwdqdfcgpahngxtlupcnhnlclzktxanmihpmhmpxcsjaechczreuit