Girlfriend broke up with me to focus on herself reddit full. Sometimes she comes back and just used the break to cheat.


Girlfriend broke up with me to focus on herself reddit full She says she still cares about me so I’m sure we will still be friends after but the future is feeling uncertain. She was always taking me to their weddings, baby showers, birthdays, etc. She started to get distant, texted / talked less to everyone, and just wasn’t herself. The reasons for relationship breakups can vary from cheating to falling out of love. Jun 6, 2024 · Girlfriend Wants a Break to Focus on Herself: A Reddit Perspective. At the end of April my girlfriend broke up with me after 8 months of being together because she felt like she still had feelings for her ex that were unresolved. Edit: It's been a little over 24 hours since I posted and 40 hours since I broke things off. Thinking she broke up with me My girlfriend found out her co-worker might have feelings for her. TL;DR: Pregnant girlfriend broke up with me suddenly. Yesterday, my girlfriend (f19) came over to my (m18) house early in the morning because she wanted to talk. She needed a couple months to work through things and find herself. I discovered so much about myself by myself since then. My girlfriend (24f) broke up with me (22m) about a week ago because she needs to focus on herself. This won't work because no matter where she goes, there will be people there. She said that she’s not ready for a relationship yet. She's already trying to start a relationship with a new guy (already has, really. Hi, person from the other side here, me (F27) being the one that broke up with my bf(M27) after a 12 year relationship. I ripped off the band aid one night, we said we would try again in a few months. It’s time to focus on our own lives. So she broke up. she has had a very hard life so far as she had to move out of her mums house because her stepdad would rape and beat her mum up. i know first few weeks are hard but i assure you everything will be okay. It’s totally possible she broke up with you due to a manic or depressive episode but also totally possible she genuinely wanted to break up but just did it a bit erratically due to her mental state. She was unhappy with herself and wanted to break up and said she wanted to work on herself for me. This was all before she changed on me btw. (She never told me she was mad all the time until she broke up with me, I had no clue. 5 of those years now she gets her own house from section 8 and gotta nowhere just starts to kick me out and one day she just breaks up with me and just completely stops picking up the phoneshe has 2 kids 11 and 15 that love me and she wont evn let me see them at all man now she When I got home, I was an idiot and let my curiosity get the better of me. A few weeks ago, my girlfriend broke up with me so suddenly and unexpectedly due to what I think is depression. Sounds like she has no business being in a romantic relationship right now. In a matter of 2 days she willed herself to completely lose feelings for me. we eventually My (27M) girlfriend (22F) and I broke up at the end of August after dating for about a year and a half. ” She said she was breaking up with me but didn’t want to leave. I feel like I’m going crazy. Stop talking to her friends/coworkers. She also said she didn't want to break up but felt that she had to. My mom got there and took me home and we called that night to talk about it and how i didn’t like that hangout because we barely said anything to each other. I love my girlfriend (now ex) to death and she broke up with me last week, it came as a huge blow as we were fine (obviously not) she said that she needed time and space to find herself and explore what she really wants. She also wanted to wait a little longer for us to save money for the baby, instead of me going and blowing a couple grand on a ring. Why She Asks for a Break; Potential Outcomes; Navigating the Break; Expert Advice; FAQ; Conclusion Hang tight, because you'll learn how to recognize your path and perhaps sidestep a couple of emotional oopsies. I’m 26 with a full time career and she’s 25 still in school trying to start a career. I got up and tried to get her to stay but she gave me a hug and walked out the door. Anger makes me tense up and feel pretty fiery. When we started dating I found out they had been broken up for months but last saw each other 2 weeks prior to our first date. She has always told me she wants to be my wife and the mother of my children. She told me I have always been enough for her (one of my big insecurities) but she didn’t feel like she was enough for herself. Two weeks after we broke up a friend of mine caught her with that ex fling she was with at ball hockey, figures right? Im not an idiot. Hurts like hell and I miss her, we haven’t talked really and when we do it’s politely distant. Posted by u/Suspect_Common - 1 vote and 3 comments She didn't want to be mad at me all the time. She is currently in college and I am working full time. I was a bit confused. It sounds like you’re staying calm/chill and are ready to give her space which is great. How can she not care about how I feel after all those years, I gave her my everything, I gave up a lot of friendship because she was always really jealous of me hanging out with other people. Despite being hurt by the lying I asked her for full transparency on what she wanted from us. She then tried to talk to me a week later. I think maybe we should break up. **TL;DR;** : My girlfriend broke up with me out of nowhere after a really good relationship and is acting really strange to everyone. But the thing is, I still love her as much as I did when we were in a relationship. Sometimes she comes back and just used the break to cheat. The only time we ever fought was when she was drunk. His real given name is uncommon so it wasn’t hard to find. Ex left me cause of her mental health and to focus on herself. I found them and told her how dangerous it was to do that and said that she's grounded. She told me she still loves me, and hopes that we find ourselves together again. I’ve been seeing this girl for about a month and this weekend she broke up with me to focus on herself. When I said she should tell him about our relationship immediately, she said they are really good friends and the conversation might get awkward if she brings this out of nowhere. It was NUTS! I usually feel fucking awful after a break up, but this one I just felt freer. She broke up with me the first time because of it but i took her for granted and promised that would not do it again but i fell back to my ways, my overthinking and insecurities got the best of me and for some reason started to think she was cheating, she didn’t show any signs but some days i would ask her about it but the answer was always I broke up with my relationship of 7 years at the end of 2L year and it sucked but honestly the person above is right. She wanted space and time for herself so she could try to get her mental health ok. Today is day one of not speaking and her snap score has gone up almost 200 in one day (she snaps a lot of girl friends but never that much) I have NO IDEA for the reason of a break. Keep reading to know more. My girlfriend, 20 y/o, of 3 years just broke up with me because she says she needs to work on herself before she can help me. I showed up, she came out and told me that she's breaking up with me because I show too much love and affection and she didn't need it. Eventually she texted me and said that she wanted to talk with me after school. The only thing u can really do u is let them go. So even though I still liked my ex, I genuinely wanted to focus on myself. My gf broke up with me on new year. She started explaining things and I said, “If you’re going to break up with me just leave. The letter made me feel the same way - I wished she communicated that to me instead of letting it all build up in a big blow up. She wants time to herself for her mental health, she has depression and anxiety and says that she’s doesn’t feel supported by me and that I don’t understand. I struggle with the injustice and the way she played with me, my family and my feelings, she didn't even give me a chance. EDIT: Jeeeze sorry for the She was going to quit and find a different job. The two weeks leading up to it, she had already asked for space. Distance was hard for me, I just lost my beloved cat two weeks prior, and it really hurt to read that letter as her “goodbye. Well then she never said if she had time. She at least has the abandonment anxiety, anger outbursts and black and white thinking. I told her multiple times that I don't agree with it and that I don't think it was the right choice but I respect her so I respected her choice. don't stay friends with her if it hurts your heart. When my ex broke up with me i felt like my body was breaking. The exact same thing she told me that she loves me and it is unfair to keep holding on to me and drag me down with her. She still kept dropping hints that she wanted me to propose right after the baby was born though. She went on a trip to South America for one month and came back yesterday. If she is so easily swayed by random people and listens to them more than the history of her 7 year relationship with you, her changing her location isn't going to help. I hadn't prepared for this kind of hurt. I was her first boyfriend since her previous relationship two years ago, and shes openly dealt with the trauma of that, which I was happy to help. So my girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me to work on some things about herself. Straight up told her "I'm not pursuing/dating you anymore after we broke up, we can talk and hangout sometimes but I'm too busy to talk all day every day". I was stunned and called her mom crying, because her mom understands her better than anyone. She really wanted to go… I understand everything you mean, but she said she broke up with me because during a period when I was having a massive state of depression I said some things that I didn’t really mean. I’m sorry to kick us off with what probably feels like a bit of a vague answer. A dude asked to come over just the exact day you break up. My girlfriend while out with her friends drinking made a snap decision to break up with me after they were asking her ‘questions’ which makes me think they influenced her to do it. She could barely give me real tangible reasons as to why she wants to break up. She's now distancing herself from me with the occasional mean/harmful messages. Posted by u/sr-tacobandito - 5 votes and 5 comments The night of the break up she was very emotional, almost like she didnt want to do it but said it was best for herself right now. Growing up, she lived with very strict parents. And she decided to break up with my, because she didn't want to see me sad and depressed ash she is falling apart. It got so bad to the point she would physically get ill sometimes. We were both very happy before that and I couldn't think of a single thing that would give her the reason to break up with me. My girlfriend and I have been dating for 3. Swears up and down it just happened that way. We were together a year and a half and everything has been perfect until a couple months ago. She flew home for the funeral and to spend time with her family. She laughed. She told me multiple times that she needed time for herself and I always respected that and often times she took like 2-3 weeks where we never saw each other. But i know that’s childish and she is doing that to protect me but i’m just like that for some reason. She told me a lot to go read up on BPD and this subreddit but I never took it to heart. But she was kinda like: yeah I'll see if I've got time. If you really feel the need you can tell them your side once and only once. 10 reasons why your girlfriend unexpectedly broke up with you 1) Her feelings changed. okey so if you wanna move on , stop talking to her , delete all her pictures and don't try to look for her what's she up to on social media. So my (ex-) girlfriend broke up with me after 2 years. My ex girlfriend broke up with me saying she needs to focus on herself after we went through a lot of rough times, and both have issues with mental…. After getting COVID she really just started spiralling and contemplated life and slowly things just went downhill. Lots of comments about me wanting her to feel bad, which I don't. But I don't want to, I know it may be setting myself up for pain, But I want to try and get her back Because I have changed as a person and want to show her that, and Im turning to the wisdom of reddit to try and help me . It's been causing her a lot of stress, so she's cut you (and herself) loose, but wants to reassure you that you've done nothing wrong so she's placed full blame on herself (when really there's no blame to be had either way, relationships just happen this way sometimes). Ex girlfriend broke up with me while going through cancer treatment I got dumped by my ex girlfriend after spending 2 months in the hospital battling cancer and pneumonia. She profusely apologized, and assured me she wanted to grow in the ways we discussed for herself, and wanted me by her side to support her in the journey. TLDR, girlfriend broke up with me after cheating breaking up with me, moving out but says she still wants to keep me in her life. ) Makes sense. I dated a guy a few years ago for 6 months. Had something very similar happen to me. i am against breaks as i think there’s nothing u can’t fix inside the relationship (looking back now i can see that’s not always the case). Me finding out is what got the break up ball rolling), but I can't get her out of my head. It really means a lot to me that random people can care about this situation for me. She said she did it so she can focus on herself more because she thought she was ready for this relationship but wasn't. My friend gave me this advise and it worked My (26m) Girlfriend (27f) broke up with me because she says I deserve better, than what she can give me. Backstory: Boyfriend [26M] broke up with girlfriend [29F] to figure himself out. We didn't talk for 5 days after the break up and she reached out to me saying she misses me and it's hard not hearing from me. It has been a week, still feeling terrible. It’s now been 3 days and nothing has changed. My arms strain and I get a strong sense that something/someone could use a good hittin'. (Long story short) she says that she doesn’t want to break up with me because I’m the sweetest, kindest, and most understanding person she’s ever met, and that she loves me. So my exgirlfriend got a concussion earlier this year and was out of work for a few months recovering. I feel like I’m not enough and like I was more of a burden than I thought I could ever be. Everything was perfect now but she lost herself, she hates herself and hates the way she treat me; and for me I want to be here for low and up point but she's unsure because she can't improve with me. And then I didn't miss him. I know what you mean. At first she was making up lies about me to justify ending things but when I called her out on her bullshit she changed her reason to finally being she doesn’t My girlfriend and I recently broke up about two days ago. TL:DR My Ex wanted to experience the "college life" and broke up with me, I want her back. She said the main reason was because she has been used to being treated like garbage in her previous relationships and it freaks her out that I'm nice and respectful to her. The next day my ex woke me up and said "I don't like how you dealt with your oldest. It had a lot of good memories for me and her but emotionally, I did not get to where I needed to be in order to properly support her and be there for her. So yeah then after school she told me that she wants to focus on school and that she pressured herself with this relationship. Ellie is one of his connections and he works at the same firm so I was confident it’s him. I asked if there was anything I can do to support her and she said no that she will get over it. We only saw each other on weekends even though we only lived 10km away. Only after you've done the work on yourself would you be ready for a relationship again. I even asked her if there was another man when she broke up with me and she said: "no". We never had any notable conflicts during the relationship and we were in love (or she made it seem as such). Didn't know what direction he wanted to go in professionally. idk why it's a thing for young men to listen to bitter older men who suck at relationships, but you need to stop. Her mom told me, "I swear on my kids and the deepest part of my heart I don't think this is over, and I don't think this is her. She promised me that she wouldn’t go sleep with anyone else and that If she wanted something she’d let me know again. She decided it would be best for me if she cut herself off. I got the classic “it’s not you, it’s me” line as the main reason for breaking up. She might feel bad about breaking up with you and this is her way of justifying it to herself. There was almost no communication until everything came to a dead end. 5 years and I recently broke up. so i feel really disgusted and manipulated. Posted by u/shdoknite - 2 votes and 5 comments Throughout our relationship I became very close to her family. Vice versa with my family too. The first couple of months of dating was like heaven for us (thus, the honeymoon phase). I looked up Tim online. She used my insecurities against me, and then proceeded to disrespect me afterwards the Yep, same here. I got discharged a week after our 5 year anniversary back in May and I noticed her being distant. Then come the weekend, friday night, im still at work. She hugged me multiple times and i hugged her back when she told me too. I thought it was something really important. But he told me i mean so much to him and he doesnt want to lose me, but he doesn’t know have the mental capacity to have a romantic relationship. She feels like she will resent me if she never gets to work on herself. I look at it now and realise I was doing all of these things for her and she wasn’t giving me anything in return. When she broke up with me she told me how she was ‘choosing herself and her happiness over anything’ and ‘being a strong independent woman’. don't listen to the fucking red pill. Love her from a distance and be ready in case she decides to talk to you about it and maybe the two of you will get back together when she is in a better Sunday we go to a fall fest and she breaks up with me when we get home. Since she broke up due to PTSD and not because she no longer I had a GF break up with me in a posted card she wrote in. I said, you went to the store, brought that card, sat at home and wrote down your thoughts, sealed and put a stamp on it, walked your ass to the mailbox and sent it off. Her mind would bring up past comments and make them bigger than they really were. It was night and it takes me around 2 hours to get there. (Long distance relationship)She is 26, i'm 26, we've met over Discord back in 2017 alot of random events led to one another and she happened to create a crush for me (I was in a Discordserver where not alot of mature men were active so I kinda stood out of the crowd and attracted the The night of the break up she was very emotional, almost like she didnt want to do it but said it was best for herself right now. Nov 29, 2023 · After a sudden girlfriend break, she wants to focus on herself to work on things that will make her happy. It sucks that the relationship is currently over but she is right about needing to focus on herself right now. We had been dating about 3 months when it happened and it was a long distance relationship. Thats what I did. My girlfriend well ex now broke up with me because she also had depression and anxiety. TL;DR: I broke up with my girlfriend of 3 years as amicably as I could, but she only showed cold indifference. My mind tells me she wants to try a relationship with someone else. I've seen multiple times in college where someone gets in a girls ear, she makes up a weak excuse to break up, and tries with someone else. As an example, during our mild winter her daugher walked and stomped on a frozen pound on my yard. He broke up with me. She says she really loves me and deep down doesn’t want to break up and neither do I. Bipolar disorder is complicated. it's okay to let people go, or put a lot of emotional distance between you. I dont reply. But she couldn't even make it the full month of the break. Sadly she has had an awful time throughout the 30 weeks with constant sickness, headaches - she has been signed off long term sick from work as well. I can relate to this a bit. She sends me a snapchat saying that she doesnt feel the same way about me anymore and thinks we need a break. She finished packing at 2am and drove to her best friend's house. My girlfriend (24f) broke up with me (28m) recently. Take back your control. Found him on Linkedin which gave me his full name. She is 30 weeks into the pregnancy, and she broke up with me a couple weeks ago. Leading up to it, I noticed how very little energy she had, she was exhausted all the time, and just not herself at all. Everyone deals with break up differently including time. My head is pretty messed up as it is right now so I appreciate the kindness/direction. Covid came couldn't hang out as much still talked alot but wasn't enough obviously it was hard but she randomly broke up with me had a dude from her work over that night. I felt like I could be myself and I could breathe. But after a couple of months she told me “we had grown apart” and we had a small argument about that but yeah just didn’t end This happened to me! I broke up with someone after about 2 years and I was absolutely dreading it. I’ve been having trouble coping with the situation for the past 2 months since we separated. She is currently an sophomore in college and broke up with me 2 days ago because “she wanted to focus on herself and her career and to grow” but they day after she goes out with her friends to drink and goes to a house party after. No one likes being caught up in mutual friends' drama. I don't know if it would be right to reach out to her family and tell them i'm worried or if i should try and talk to her again but with more focus on her feelings and ignoring my own for now. Before knowing the full extent of his struggle with depression, I thought it was just a line he wanted to use to break up. It probably depends on why they are breaking up in the first place, if their tears are because they still have feeling, if they are feeling guilty for hurting Fine. Life is like a book with chapters, sometimes it's dark and rainy, sometimes in sunshine and happiness, but no chapter lasts forever. She said she broke up with me because she is depressed and “needs to focus on herself”. Sometimes she realizes it was a mistake and comes back. Her father isn't involved in her life. She stressed to me that I am not the reason for the break up but at that point I stopped listening to her. She had depression too but I always told her we could work on that. She gave me a kiss and began packing her stuff while I sat on the couch in silence. My girlfriend broke up with me I feel emotionally lost I’ve been dating a girl for almost 6 months now and today she broke up with me because of extremely personal family issues plus a family death then I won’t get into right now(not my place to do so). ( Background story , if anyone is interested) She isn't diagnosed, but I suspect that she has BPD. She said it has nothing to do with my depression. But she decided to break it up last week because she's not used to being treated well. For some context, my girlfriend and I have been dating for about 10 months. Roughly three weeks ago, I lost my job due to not wanting to take over the entire business for essentially minimum wage. I feel it in my chest mainly, and tend to focus on single visual points, though depending on the purpose of the anger I may or may not focus on peripheral sight too. We didn’t break up due to my father’s death - but how he treated me a month after it happened when I visited. Felt unsure if this is the job / career he actually wanted or someone else. ” The night she broke up with me she said to me she hates herself and we can't be together. We are still talking as much, texting as much, and seeing each other just as much. She cried on my shoulders and told me I’m her bestfriend and she doesn’t want me to let go. It’s been a few months post break up for me and I’m still hurting. I had to push through and once the semester is over is when I allowed myself to feel the full break up. yes, my ex broke up with me using the same reason u said and we both just took the time off to work on ourselves. " In the past she said that I was too strict. I have been very unhappy for the past year, I’ve always known that he hasn’t treated me the way he should’ve. We been together for 10 yrs man and she stayed with me for 7. Had a girlfriend do the same thing to me, she actually got upset when I got tired of it and started responding less and basically treating her like I should: like a platonic friend. We talk for about 3 minutes and she told me that she's hanging up because the woman she was in the same room as is leaving the shower, to witch I said - "you're a bad liar, I saw her in the caffeteria today eating lunch"She then replied: "Well she cancelled the trip in the last second"I asked her: "You cant cancell this trip, its mandatory to When she broke up with me she said I was the best boyfriend she ever had but she needs time to focus on herself. I love her very much, and she still says she loves me, and as much as I hear people telling me to cut ties for my own good, I have no desire to. She told me about this about 2 weeks ago. It came out of nowhere and I remember just being in utter shock. I didn't know what to expect. My bf said the same thing to me “you deserve better”. So when he asked me for a second chance, I truly wanted to focus on myself especially when I have a huge test coming up that will determine my career. This same situation happened to me, I lost my dad while I was dating a guy. Our relationship was just starting and then a family member passed. This is what’s happening to me now. We had an amazing 6 years together, we were faithful throughout those years, and yet 3-4 days after we broke up, she started seeing other people. I agreed to continue on the contingency that there can be no more lying. She told me she just hadn't been feeling herself lately, that she thinks she's depressed, but that it feels quite different than her usual seasonal depression. But let's be real what are the odds of that. This really hurt to hear, I poured my heart into this girl. Me (21M) and my girlfriend (23F) have been together for a year and now she wants to take a “break”. My Girlfriend just broke up with me a couple days ago. She told me she didn’t feel that we were both ready for a relationship, which I agree with her. Aug 12, 2023 · In this article, we will delve into the possible reasons why your girlfriend broke up with you to focus on herself and explore potential solutions for navigating this challenging situation. Every time she told me that my heart would just melt. She broke up with me December 13 out of the blue gave me some odd excuses as to why it’s not working pretty much the devalue stage and faultfinding had to dig deep with excuses over the course of the 11 months to find anything like I mean deep four days later after the break up Christmas gift showed up to my house that she got when me and my girlfriend are both 18 and she recently broke up with me because she wants to focus on herself. Now I’m still jaded about relationships. So, no, I'm not interested in anything else you need to say to me. She didnt tell me that she could have some feelings for him. She messages me Saturday morning and ask me something, i cant remember what, and I responded "I dont know why do you care". Give your friends some credit, they're not stupid and know there are two sides to a story. In this blog post, I will help you figure out what it means when your girlfriend breaks up with you in the name of focusing on herself and what should you do about it. i brought up my concerns and she said she wanted to take a break. My gf of 6 months broke up with me out of nowhere, she went from lovey dovey one day and the next day decided it's time to focus on school, work, and "herself". 5 years, since she was in high school and I was in college. Edit: I’m reading the replies and thank you guys for helping me clarify some things. Hey, so pretty much what the title says, my girlfriend broke up with me as she “doesn’t want anything serious with anyone right now” and wants to “focus on herself family and school” I completely understand this 100%. I’ve broken up with him about 4 times before due to the same issues. And to focus on herself of course. She goes to therapy and just now she started to receive antidepressants. I really need some Since he broke up with me because he lost feelings, I doubt it was out of remaining love, but I'd like to think that he still liked me enough as a person to feel bad about hurting me. It's okay to feel hurt but you have to keep reassuring yourself that this will pass. She would tell me that she just wanted to see changes from me and was making it seem that she still wanted to be with me, though through meeting with her multiple times Ofcourse it hurts like hell, every break up does was it good or bad, just remember the things you learned from each other and cherish the good memories. The longest relationship she ever had was 2 years, and they broke up and got back together 3 times. She then proceeds to message me a day later asking if I’m alright and crying to me on the phone saying she wants to hug me right now (I know it isn’t intentional but she kept playing a lot of emotional games), even asking for a hug after breaking up with me saying she needs one (But when I broke up with her and she tried kissing me I said My girlfriend of 2. Everything was fine, but now she needs space. I was dating this girl for 7 months and we went through up and down and finally she broke. We started dating in August of 2021 and have been very… My girlfriend wants to take a break to “focus on herself”. To begin, she's a rather dramatic 27-ish extrovert, while I'm a 30 year-old computer geek who needs his space from time to time. She was depressed before the pregnancy, and I believe she has become further depressed during the pregnancy. Mar 5, 2018 · In this post, we discuss why your girlfriend broke up with you to focus on herself and how she should have left instead. it's best to just be honest with people and lay TLDR; Came out to my girlfriend/best friend, she has low self-confidence and it made her insecure, broke up with me. i mean 1/100000 lol. So I am now 25 years old, my girlfriend who was my first love broke up with me though I felt our spark was fading, I definitely didn't see it coming and it blind sided me. But I believe that everything’s going to be fine. She broke up with me 5 days ago. It sucks but we have to lawyer up because doing bad in law school is not an option for us. 13 votes, 22 comments. sometimes, older people are full of shit instead of wisdom. I had to figure it out myself which makes me kinda angry. The next year and a half until we broke up now was downhill. Like of course, that I would love to wait for her. (Broke up on our 6 month anniversary) 2 weeks after, I find out that he is spending time with my work best friend (who is YEARS older than the both of us; she was 26 or 27 at the time, I was 19, and he was 21). I get it too sometimes I'd say to my mom or friend that sometimes me being in a relationship with her is too much at times. Didn't feel like he was living up to his own expectations but someone else's. Everything was fine up until the end of july and i could just tell that she seemed checked out of the relationship. She also told me that her feeling towards me really strong, that she never that way about any man and it would be selfish from her to ask me to wait for her. I love her so much, she is the most important person in my life. So recently(4 days ago) my girlfriend has broken up with me due to her depression. She was crying and I already had a bad feeling leading up to this. Please My ex broke up with me for the same reason: lost feelings. She wanted to try to cut ties. at first i didn’t expect him to comeback so i start gaslighting myself that he doesn’t love me anymore and just using that “space” he asked as an excuse. But, has a lot going on and starts to distance herself from those especially close to her. Mar 20, 2024 · This article will cover everything you need to know about the possible reasons why your girlfriend decided to end the relationship (and what to do next). She never wanted to go to the college we ended up at in the first place, and in losing her highschool friends and not enjoying the college culture, she filled her free time with me, which she had mentioned was the only reason for her happy moments at school. sumj axsm phjy dpsjly izrsbf hda ygszdh krtdfd zzdqvb kxhndb qqyty jxf razew rraqu hsush