Java graphics center text. KEY_STROKE_CONTROL, RenderingHints.
Java graphics center text 16. BOLD, 16)); Aug 28, 2013 · BTW - Instead of painting in a top level container such as JFrame, add a JPanel & do custom painting in the paintComponent(Graphics) method. Draw text to the left: 16. 8. Jul 21, 2015 · I wrote this a while back. SampleUIdemo; import java. I'm puzzled because it looks like there are two ways to do this. Obtain FontMetrics of different fonts calls stringWidth (String) to center several text messages: 16. Jun 22, 2016 · Or you can render your own text field if you want to customize the look of everything. Share. eg: g. drawString() 中的文本居中,这样如果我想绘制一个中心点位于 X: 50 的文本 --- and Y: 50 , and the text is 30 pixels wide and 10 pixels t The Java 2D API provides mechanisms to support sophisticated text layout. addCell(cell); After modifying code with this , it is working now. Thank you, MadProgrammer for the quick ready-to-test response. I've looked at several questions here on Stack Overflow, but couldn't find an answer. format in Java. scene. getFontRenderContext Aug 24, 2016 · In Java, custom painting is done via the java. Basically, you can set the font using Graphics#setFont and draw a String using Graphics#drawString. , and methods that allow drawing various shapes on the GUI components. *; public class Main { public static int [] centeringText(String s, Font f, int width, int height, Graphics2D g) { //Interesting centering in a box, using FontMetrics to see how big our font is. The string implies NOTICE should be green, but the rest default (black). Back to Text ↑; Question. The Text class defines a node that displays a text. g2d. Graphics; import java. The code is correct, but the Text "Hello" appears to far on the bottom-right, i need to resize my window (making it bigger) to see the text. setCellRenderer( centerRenderer ); To center all columns with String data you can do: Java Graphics Interface I - Basics Java Graphics Interface II - Labels, Text Fields, Layouts Java Graphics Interface III - paintComponent TCP Sockets Server/Client Scala - Functional Java Programming Apache CXF install Tomcat 7 Ubuntu 14 Install on Amazon EC2 instance What is Apache Maven? Maven life cycle Eclipse Maven 3 plugin on Ubuntu 14. java: import java. The problem I have had is that, as you say, getAscent() and getDescent() provide the FONT's ascent and descent, regardless of whether any of the characters in the particular string actually extend to the full ascent or descent. See LabelRenderTest for how it can be drawn to an image & used in paint. i would like to know if there is a way to center any string on a button. centering Text Demo Code //package com. Draw text to the center: 16. It's kind of important any time you mess with the transform in particular, you do so with a copy of the Graphics context, as this will leave the original unaffected (and won't effect anything that might be painted after) Jul 31, 2012 · The vertical alignment method seems to work on text or icon or both. We would like to know how to center a string in a rectangle. public class drawComponent extends JComponent { public void paintComponent(Graphics g){ //called on window update int Java print statements to the console can't be centered as there is no maximum width to a line. Java 2D graphics refers to the set of features in the Java programming language used for drawing two-dimensional shapes, text, and images. for the JPanel you're using as your ContentPane, draws a text at the center of the component in a font given by you and draws a rectangle around it with some distance, the text being perfectly in its center. Center; Jan 12, 2024 · In a Java-based text application, it is often necessary to center on text. import javafx. In order to center the text at some point, x, y, you need to calculate the center of the text, and put that at the point. drawString() involves calculating the appropriate x-coordinate so that the text is drawn in the center of your desired area. To do a custom renderer: Somewhere in your code, store the location of the text input box. int marginTop = 30; // Or whatever margin you want. The Font class (Fig. FontMetrics; import java. so you would need to take into account the space the font takes on screen. BorderFactory; import javax. We learned to align left, right, and center using padded spaces with examples. The text size, especially vertically, is not precise, however. I am trying to get the width of my window and devide by two to get the center but to no avail. Graphics2D - identical text rendering on all platforms. java2s; import java. * @param g - The <code>Graphics</code> instance. Double(textX, padding-strokeWidth, textWidth, 2*strokeWidth); Stroke stroke I will provide 3 methods to your question : You can either use the simplest method to center it, relative to your viewport, which is : setLocationRelativeTo(null); Apr 2, 2015 · Yes, it's possible, start by checking out the Graphics, Text tutorials. 3. Apply the Style to the paragraph attributes of the JTextPane. 1. A Graphics object encapsulates state information needed for the basic rendering operations that Java supports. The default value is LEFT. I said "somewhat" because there should be Feb 14, 2013 · Draw the text in the center of your canvas (by positioning it at half the canvas width and height). The length of the String variable only returns the number of characters in the String, not the width (in pixels) of the String. Let horizontal bounds represent the logical width of a single line of text. Fonts Center text based on font metrics : Draw Text « 2D Graphics « Java Tutorial. Hot Network Questions despite many tries I can't get the result that I would like to see - text centered within the JLabel and the JLabel somewhat centered in the BorderLayout. 04 Jul 17, 2023 · In this part of the Java 2D tutorial, we work with text and fonts. RUN_DIRECTION, TextAttribute. The adjustment was to subtract both the leading and the descent from the ascent and divide by two. method 1: /** * Draw a String centered in the middle of a Rectangle. I'm not sure how to make it so that when the user picks center, it'll be in the center. getHeight(); // get the advance of my text in this font // and render context int adv = metrics. I don't like the answer, It is not the best answer or similar reasons are not acceptable in any means. Sep 11, 2015 · There are a number of ways you might be able to achieve this, but first, we need to make a copy of the Graphics context. The way it does all of that is by using a design model, a database-independent image of the schema, which can be shared in a team using GIT and compared or deployed on to any database. setFont(new Font(20)); text. float strokeWidth = 1. Graphics is an abstract class, as the actual act of drawing is system-dependent and device-dependent. It obtains the ascent, descent, and width of the string and computes the position at which it must be displayed to be centered. Problem. Alignment = StringAlignment. Nov 27, 2012 · Can anyone tell me how to alight text right in Java 2d? Here's the code, it draws a column of text that is naturally aligned left. drawRect() method something like this (just off the top of my head with what you've already got): Apr 29, 2010 · Is there a Java library to write text to images, same as PHP's GD library. RUN_DIRECTION_RTL); in the code for that case but it doesn't work. 24. As I've read, drawString() is the standard method for this. 5f; RoundRectangle2D roundedRect = new RoundRectangle2D. Can I center text in a GUI application using Java? A. The text alignment is a text attribute used for any of the text methods as specified in the Rendering Attributes Table. setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel. Center text. * This is passed in so the rendering options for anti-aliasing * can be matched. put(RenderingHints. You can use this simply to specify "center, center" and the text will be drawn centrally in the rectangle or points provided: StringFormat format = new StringFormat(); format. Yes, you can use layout managers in Java Swing or JavaFX to center text in graphical user Dec 18, 2014 · If you are using plain Graphics, cast to Graphics2D first:. util. Jan 9, 2011 · This takes the size of the Text "Hello" then tries to print it at the bottom-right. Dec 10, 2012 · Use a JLabel for styled text. Draw text to the right: 16. This section explains how to control the rendering quality through the use of rendering hints. Using Graphics/AWT methods. Aug 20, 2013 · One way is to use OverlayLayout. Aug 7, 2021 · You could use the subtract method of the Area class to remove a rectangular section from a stroked RoundRectangle2D. Q. getFontMetrics(g. Feb 11, 2018 · I am working a menu for the game that I'm making, and I want to center the game's title on the main menu. How to increase font quality on drawString method of Graphics? 3. height/2); Shape transformed = transform. Here is how to center some text on a page: String title = "This is my wonderful title!"; // Or whatever title you want. getDrawGraphics? Tryed to pain it into graphics, something like this: private JTextField Input = new JTextField(); In applets and graphical Java applications, text is drawn as graphics. setFont(new Font(20)); import javafx. Rectangle r = new Rectangle(200,200,250,30); String text = ""; In your rendering code: Apr 21, 2014 · Soo the user is given the choice to choose whether the text "Welcome to Java Programming" text should be italic, bold, or centered in the panel. Where each line of text has a separate horizontal bounds. Java 2D graphics. The text layout process involves the following: Shaping text using the appropriate glyphs and ligatures; Properly ordering the text; Measuring and positioning the text; The information used to lay out text is also necessary for performing text operations such as caret positioning, hit detection, and Java Centering Text using FontMetrics Previous Next. Do casting parameter "g" to Graphics2D and draws various things like images, text, rectangles, etc. The purpose of the class is to fill these gaps to simplify textual Java Graphics How to - Center a string in a rectangle. May 31, 2012 · Incrementally build your string, one word at a time, using Epaga's method to find the length of your string. Home; Java Tutorial; Language; Data Type; Operators; Center text based on font Jul 2, 2013 · I'm curious about is there any way to put a text(i will usually use numbers which will change dynamically) into a circle object or creating a text object and set its boundaries to the circle's cent This process is referred to as text layout. Documentation Feb 10, 2013 · Draws the text given by the specified string, using this graphics context's current font and color. The java. setHorizontalAlignment(Element. If your console is limited to, for example, 80 chars, you could write a special logger that would pad the string with spaces. text. Jun 3, 2015 · I am trying to make a digital clock in this way: As shown in the image 1 i want the clock to be reflected. font package. drawOval(X, Y, r, r); } } The issue is, it creates the circle but it didn't take the X and Y coordinates as the center point. For the text to be at the center of the image in both axes an alignment value of 0. addAttribute(TextAttribute. I have been trying to figure out a way to center text on a button, but can't find an easy, multi-purpose way to. Home; Java Tutorial; Language; Data Type; Draw text to the center: 16. Center Alignment for Text (solved) Posted 7 years, 7 months ago (Edited 7 years, 7 months ago ) by Girl-In-Slytherin Feb 9, 2018 · You must explicitly specify the column type in TableModel. Centering text in Java using Graphics. setFont(new Font("default", Font. calls stringWidth (String) to center several text messages: 16. This 2d Java tutorial describes 2d graphics, geometry, text APIs, images, printing, advanced 2d topics A browser with JavaScript enabled is required for this page to operate properly. I'd like to add another vote for the StringFormat object. Key, Object> RenderingProperties = new HashMap<>(); static{ RenderingProperties. Even just using it alone on text or icon or both, nothing seems to change. *; import javax. Draw text to the center : Font Metrics « 2D Graphics « Java Tutorial. Yes, you can use layout managers in Java Swing or JavaFX to center text in graphical user Mar 25, 2015 · I need to get text center aligned on this box. stringWidth(s), y); Share Feb 23, 2015 · Your title is: Java center text in textfield but your post says: I use drawString() method to draw string on Graphics, but I want to center my text in a rectangle. Color; import java. Double(padding, padding, width - (padding * 2), height - (padding * 2), 50, 50); Rectangle2D rectMask = new Rectangle2D. Set fonts for individual strings? 0. *; public class classSampleUIdemo extends javax. RenderingHints; import javax. Graphics2D; import java. getColumnModel(). setText("First row\nSecond row"); Mar 15, 2011 · Computer graphics has had the origin in the upper left since the dawn of time, with QuickDraw included. ALIGN_CENTER); table. util Apr 29, 2011 · Assuming you actually want smooth (non-aliased) text, TextLayout may make this easier. Example Jul 20, 2013 · 1) A JFrame doesn't have a paintComponent() method so the code you posted won't do anything. Using the lower left (as in math) is a PostScript/PDF thing. rightPad() and center() method are the most recommened methods. KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints. Step 1: Setup Your Graphics Environment Oct 31, 2013 · If you want the text to be rendered with its top corner at (x,y) you will have to measure the height of the font and use it as an offset public static void drawStringTopLeft(Graphics2D g, String s, int x, int y) { FontMetrics fm = g. * @param text The String to draw. The following code shows how to get and draw font outline. swing. drawString(), so that if I want to draw a text whose center point is at X: 50 and Y: 50, and the text is 30 pixels wide and 10 pixels tall, the text will start at X: 35 and Y: 45. I said "somewhat" because there should be Nov 3, 2008 · How to calculate the length (in pixels) of a string in Java? Preferable without using Swing. 19. My button in this case is 185x50. JavaFx rotate text. Dec 30, 2014 · I'm currently working on the menu system for my Java game, and I wonder how I can center the text from Graphics. Mar 19, 2010 · Great -- I'm accepting this because it's a complete & understandable example. see also Java layout manager vertical center for more info. What i have tried: I tried using java (Graphics2D)g by rotating the string and the using substring but i got this problem: May 1, 2014 · I am trying to create a font from a ttf file and then render it as a certain colour to the screen using Graphics2D. drawString(s, x, y+yOffset); } Jan 17, 2013 · Align text with Java Graphics 2d. Text justify: 16. The problem that I'm having is that whenever I call my centerString() method, it puts it in the center of the y-axis, but not of the x-axis. The font loads fine and renders to the screen as the correct font, HOWEVER the c Oct 25, 2013 · The following example for use in a paintComponent() override, e. Mar 16, 2011 · From the Graphics object get the FontMetrics(), and and use getStringBounds() to get the image size of your text. 7. Graphics class, which manages a graphics context, and provides a set of device-independent methods for drawing texts, figures and images on the screen on different platforms. The Font class encapsulates these text properties, and is the basis for the font attribute in the Graphics class. I can do it, but it will only work for a certain string, not for any string. 19) provides a platform-independent representation of an individual font. Oct 27, 2020 · But the text appears to start from the center. toRadians(degrees)); //draw shape/image (will be rotated) Sep 15, 2011 · You need to customize the renderer. createTransformedShape Jun 19, 2012 · To get a FontMetrics, you call getFontMetrics() on your Graphics object, after setting the current font; or call it on the Graphics object but pass the Font as a parameter. Note that text bounds type can't be set for canvas as far as I can tell and is more applicable when using layout managers in the scene graph, so this answer is probably not directly Other Java Graphics Tutorials: How to add watermark for images using Java; How to resize images using Java; How to convert image format using Java; How to capture screenshot programmatically in Java; How to draw image with automatic scaling in Java; How to Create Zoomable User Interface Java Programs with Piccolo2D Framework Aug 21, 2014 · I have a class that extends a JPanel and overrides the method paintComponent(Graphics g). 5 should be used for both X & Y for both JLabel components shown below. Nov 24, 2012 · How to fix text quality in Java graphics? 3. Documentation Apr 4, 2014 · what do you do to get a String to be rotated. getColumn(0). font. JFrame { /// public classSampleUIdemo() { initComponents(); CenteredFrame(this); // <--- Here ya go. The Graphics class is the abstract base class for all graphics contexts that allow an application to draw onto components that are realized on various devices, as well as onto off-screen images. If you want to implement your own text-editing routines or need more control over the layout of the text than the text components provide, you can use the Java 2D text layout classes in the java. Answer Sep 2, 2013 · In the java standard library? No, you can always do something along this. Sep 30, 2015 · How can I center the text of a drawString in Java? I want it to that it can be centered along the screen dynamically, whether I change the height and width of the box or not. I can't center text in java swing. 10. Once the length is longer than your rectangle, remove the last word and print. A better Sep 28, 2008 · I finally got this bunch of codes to work in NetBeans using Swing GUI Forms in order to center main jFrame: package my. Collection; import java. Oct 4, 2019 · I'm getting into graphical stuff in Java and want to display text. CENTER ); table. JFrame Apr 11, 2012 · I am trying to center the text output from drawString on the X coordinate in a program. drawString(s, rightEdge - fontMetrics. 9. FlowLayout; import javax. toRadians(45),rectangle. Then center the text according to the size of the custom container rather than the screen. Aug 26, 2012 · This here might be what you are looking for: StringUtils. Graphics2D; Center text Nov 17, 2016 · In order to draw a rectangle onto your image you will need to use the Graphics. Indeed, Graphics class has the setFont(Font font) method available: g. How can I align text with a Graphics2D without appeal? 0. If you pass it the center of your view, it will draw the text centered. or will it require manually rotating Nov 27, 2015 · Does anyone know how to add JTextField into Graphics name bufferstrategy. KEY_STROKE_CONTROL, RenderingHints. – Mar 25, 2014 · Draws the text given by the specified string, using this graphics context's current font and color. 5. stringWidth(text); // calculate the size of a box to hold the // text with some padding. Sep 20, 2021 · The Font and FontMetrics Classes. Paragraphs are separated by '\n' and the text is wrapped on paragraph boundaries. Also return a sensible preferred size for the custom component, to assist the layout manager. Apr 16, 2015 · To right-align text you can figure out the width of the text you're rendering, and then subtract that width from the x-coordinate. Step 1: Setup Your Graphics Environment Jan 12, 2024 · In a Java-based text application, it is often necessary to center on text. Happy Learning !! Source Code on Github Nov 15, 2022 · Graphics is an abstract class provided by Java AWT which is used to draw or paint on the components. ArrayList; import java. This includes functionalities for drawing basic geometric shapes, rendering text in Jul 16, 2021 · For context, also see the related question: how to put a text into a circle object to display it from circle's center?, which discusses the text bounds type. Jan 27, 2024 · DbSchema is a super-flexible database designer, which can take you from designing the DB with your team all the way to safely deploying the schema. * @return Integer - the exact actual height of the text. I would like to rotate a rectangle around its center point and it should remain in the place that it is supposed be drawn and rotate in that space this is my code: AffineTransform transform = new AffineTransform(); transform. TextLayout textlayout = new TextLayout(attributes. * * @param g The Graphics instance. private void drawStringMiddleOfPanel(String string, Graphics g) { String message2 = string; int stringWidth = 0; int stringAccent = 0; int xCoordinate = 0; int yCoordinate = 0; // get the FontMetrics for the current font FontMetrics fm = g. rotate(Math. getFont()); int yOffset = fm. JFrame; import javax. Draw font metrics: 16. getFontMetrics(); /** display new message */ /** Centering the text */ // find the Jun 20, 2012 · Your code is drawing the center of the baseline of the text, at the center of the view. *; Text t = new Text(); text. I just included attstring. g. *; import java. Hot Network Questions Transcribing the lyrics of a German song sung by an Italian singer Nov 24, 2022 · 我目前正在为我的 Java 游戏开发菜单系统,我想知道如何将 Graphics. Here is an example that centers text, left to right, top to bottom, in a window. For keepign the things simple and readable, the StringUtils’s leftPad(). Dimension; import java. This state information includes the Draw Chars : Draw Text « 2D Graphics « Java Tutorial. width/2, rectangle. I first thought about trying to scale the translation points, and maybe that might work, but I couldn'y get it to work (3 year old wanting to read books didn't give me much time to experiment). (but not constantly rotating, just at an angle)? I tried using Graphics2D but couldn't find a method for rotating. Numbers typically have no descenders; if the same is true of text, a string drawn at position (0,0) will be rendered entirely outside the image. 6. . If you are using DefaultTableModel, the default type returned by thegetColumnClass method is type Object, and because the DefaultTableCellRenderer class uses a JLabel to render the cells, the default alignment is left for this type. The baseline of the leftmost character is at position (x, y) in this graphics context's coordinate system. To specify the font, you use the setFont method of the Graphics class. It consists of various fields which hold information like components to be painted, font, color, XOR mode, etc. Why is centering text useful in console applications? A. You need to create a custom JPanel and override its paintComponent() method to do your custom painting. EDIT: I would like to draw the string using the drawString() in Java2D and use the length for word wr Apr 18, 2023 · It is the fundamental class for rendering 2-dimensional shapes, text and images on the Java platform. I've got a JavaFX Text,Scene and Group. Using Text Attributes to Style Text Get and draw font outline in Java Description. 0. May 29, 2014 · Couple of things: move your addition of label up before showing your JFrame and add your label to contentPane instead of JFrame directly. May 19, 2014 · This is a simple class implementation which provides automatic formatting for text, when rendering onto a Java Graphics handle. 20. We would need to call drawString(String) twice with the colors of the two parts of the string, offsetting the latter string by the width of Create a shadowed text : Draw Text « 2D Graphics « Java Tutorial. Centered text enhances readability, draws attention to important messages, and improves the overall aesthetics of the console output. Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g; To rotate an entire Graphics2D:. Apr 29, 2011 · Obviously the size of the font affects * the result * @param targetGraphicsContext * The graphics context the text will actually be rendered in. This code is not work to align text to center. This method will draw text centered at the point x, y. The FontRenderContext constructor can manage the anti-aliasing and fractional metrics settings. This section describes following features of advanced text display. LineAlignment = StringAlignment. Sep 14, 2013 · Consider the following snippet: public static final HashMap<RenderingHints. Since Quartz is based on PDF, it uses its coordinates, but that is mostly a unique decision among graphics libraries. Use FontMetrics for that. It would seem if you don't include the leading, the text drifts for large fonts. For example. VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON); RenderingProperties. Also see Performing Custom Painting for how you can perform custom painting in Swing. The benefit to drawing text as graphics is that you can use different kinds of fonts, as well as different font sizes and styles. For JTextArea, add a custom JTextArea subclass that overrides the paintComponent method to achieve horizontal centering. 7. Instead of font. Display a text in 3 dimensions: 16. To center the first column you can do: DefaultTableCellRenderer centerRenderer = new DefaultTableCellRenderer(); centerRenderer. A font is distinguished by its name, size, and style, and the Font class includes protected instance variables for these properties, as well as a constructor method that allows these three characteristics to be specified. Home; Java Tutorial; Language; Data Type; Operators; Center text based on font metrics: 16. What Nov 16, 2011 · Learn how to center a string using String. Font yFont = new Font("Arial", Font. Each Jun 11, 2015 · The basic idea is, you want to make it appear as if the graphics is remaining centred within the viewable area. Nov 10, 2012 · So, I'm using the code in Java tutorial to draw a piece of text, but I don't know how to align text to the right margin. VALUE_STROKE_PURE); RenderingProperties. It took the X and Y coordinates as the top left point of the circle. Jun 28, 2011 · Ok, I found the answer myself. For JTextPane, use a Style object to set the alignment to center. Sometimes you need some text and center the text. Jul 21, 2015 · Code: import java. I have increased the menu size to 150x50 and, no matter the combination, I can't get the text or icon or either to center horizontally. Font; import java. PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(); cell. Center; format. awt. 11. Create a . This state information includes the This 2d Java tutorial describes 2d graphics, geometry, text APIs, images, printing, advanced 2d topics A browser with JavaScript enabled is required for this page to operate properly. However, the horizontal alignment method doesn't seem to work at all. KEY_FRACTIONALMETRICS JPanel panelBgImg = new JPanel() { public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { g. // get metrics from the graphics FontMetrics metrics = graphics. Text justify May 15, 2020 · The following seems to work even with large fonts. Text waitingForKey Scene scene Group root I have a string String waitingForKeyString which I'm adding to waitingForKeyand I want to have a center align. TextLayout:. addElement(new Phrase("Testing Page"); cell. The Java Graphics drawString method does not natively support the ability to word-wrap text when drawing, nor does it support automatic text alignment. Additionally, by centering the text while developing an application for Xbox, a command line tool, or any other application that involves improving the visual representation of text while user inputs, the user is likely to have a good experience in using that program. *; Text t = new Text(10, 50, "This is a test"); t. Java Swing GUI: Text Wrap, Center Text, and Custom Font? 0. From that you can figure out what the x and y should be to position the text whereever you want. My code to draw the string is: import java. Nov 2, 2014 · Java Graphics angle text. despite many tries I can't get the result that I would like to see - text centered within the JLabel and the JLabel somewhat centered in the BorderLayout. Here is a sample: The Graphics class is the abstract base class for all graphics contexts that allow an application to draw onto components that are realized on various devices, as well as onto off-screen images. BOLD, 13); interval = 0; g2d. Obtain FontMetrics of different fonts When Java's BufferImage is drawing. List available font names. Displaying Antialiased Text by Using Rendering Hints. 12. – Ernest Friedman-Hill Commented Mar 21, 2011 at 13:39 Jul 30, 2012 · This answer is not useful, or something like that must have to be reason for any down vote. JLabel Defines horizontal text alignment, relative to the text x origin. getFontMetrics(font); // get the height of a line of text in this // font and render context int hgt = metrics. These choices are check boxes. createGlyphVector use java. geom. Oct 11, 2023 · This short Java tutorial taught us to align long strings in Java. Home; Java Tutorial; import java. import java. Currently your Image is Overlaying everything because the width and height of image is equals to your frame. getIterator(), graphics. /** * This method centers a <code>String</code> in * a bounding <code>Rectangle</code>. May 5, 2017 · The method drawString() uses x and y for the leftmost character's baseline. Solutions. Below is a step-by-step approach, including sample code. getAscent(); g. rjhdh rrtzhfj kvjpax yctckg qpx whwj ozwh wqjzx ykpjx lmsoao ocjte lrnf aehdtc uxuqqa dotn