Javascript prevent event from firing twice body. so to add a binding between input tag & label use the for attribute of label. toggle("nav-active") }); Apparently when I put May 22, 2011 · Note the timeStamp when everytime the keydown event happens. use event. i had the same issue where when the map was clicked, two events were fired simultaneously. vb), it will cause the event to be fired twice. Jul 7, 2015 · So I replaced the Google maps event listener with a JQuery event listener to be more specific and target a specific element by it's ID attribute. on('change', myFunction); Then I did some Googling and I saw that I could/should do May 28, 2012 · So you can prevent iframe onload twice by change your code in the following way. I have a click event that executes the function toggleNav() bound to a anchor tag. How can I prevent this? function renderSeats(movieImg, title, release_date, dummyPrice = '3000') { // selected items //this is only a part of the code . function complete() { var div = document. Google Maps event listener (fired twice) google. change(function (e) { // this triggers first triggerProcess(); }); myButton. Then both jQuery's click event and DOM's mouse click event are propagated to the span element and its onclick listener is triggered twice, hence it alerts twice. When clicked a frame should show to give feedback that the element is clicked. ready(function(){ function tioOverload(e){ May 4, 2021 · So i have implemented this logic for a drag and drop area, where if the user adds a non image file, i alert the user that the file is not an image and its a invalid format. Event bubble to the label. What is the best approach for preventing this behavior? I'm trying to make an image with area tags where I can click on each area and show an alert. I only want the mouseover and mouseout events firing once! Once for entering the panel another for Jul 2, 2016 · @nnnnnn sorry but "onclick" is auto generated code we cannot remove onclick event and if we want to attach events add them through jquery but we cannot remove onclick at any time and note "onclick" event handler runs last – Dec 29, 2019 · The onchange event is bound only once per the method above. Prevent jquery event running twice. maps. Prevent the duplicate function onchange event jQuery. May 22, 2011 · Note the timeStamp when everytime the keydown event happens. aspx source. log(). js which has above global function. prevent. EDIT: It seems that the change event fires twice on the enter key. Up to now I used basic HTML5 Dragging but now I switched to using the library interact. Modified 14 years, 2 months ago. But when I manually click the radio buttons, the change handler is not triggered twice. First of all, I mapped the questions and inside that mapping, I mapped the options which belong to that question. In other words, it should only fire once. What are the ways to prevent this from happening? Possible Solutions: Call event. Here is an example in xxx. jQuery will queue the bindings so if you bind several click events to the same element, when you click it, they will all fire. document. In deleteBtnEvent(), however, you're binding an event listener to all delete buttons on the page. Here is the JavaScript: jQuery(document). Aug 7, 2021 · I have certain text input fields where if users change a value and then blur away from that text field, the js will fire an ajax request to update that value in the db. This can be achieved in the below possible ways. on('keyup', null, 'right', forward); $(document). Please note that if you click just in the checkbox the callbacks works fine, this is because the event on the label is raised by the checkbox. If you are using the alert for testing only then try using console instead (although you need to remove it for testing in IE). js. Sep 16, 2019 · Even when you remove the event listener inside the mouseup event listener. While it’s registered once in the DOM, the event appears to execute twice during an actual click. Sep 23, 2016 · bind a single click event, if you are calling this multiple time then first remove the click event and the append it once again or use one(). When I click on the checkbox, sometimes the onchange event fires once, sometimes it fires twice. jQuery Mobile page load events delegated javascript fires May 29, 2013 · My solution for a similar issue was to create a separate, hidden, submit button. Dec 1, 2012 · // // The idea here is to allow the developer to register listeners for the // basic mouse events, such as mousedown, mousemove, mouseup, and click, // and the plugin will take care of registering the correct listeners // behind the scenes to invoke the listener at the fastest possible time // for that device, while still retaining the order of Jun 18, 2016 · I have 2 pages, both of them included global. window. deleteBtnEvent(), presumably to bind deletion to the delete button that was just added. I've tried several suggestions/answers from other stackoverflow posts but none have wor Oct 15, 2012 · Why is the keydown event invoked twice? javascript; jquery; Javascript onkeydown event fire only once? 2. My attempt is with event listeners for every element. Dec 18, 2017 · To prevent that you can try defining the callback function before hand. Feb 13, 2022 · Ok, You say: When you have multiple subscriptions to an event, you get multiple callbacks to your event callback (one for each subscription) so can You please explain me WHY doesn't the following explicit multiple event subscription: media. how to prevent SAVE button/onclick event from firing twice?? i'm trying to save team of 10 players in mysql. aspx: Aug 2, 2019 · This listener outputs "submit" to the console twice. This is not the solution for your example but a solution for the same problem. Nov 27, 2019 · You basically have two event listeners placed on this code though. enter image description Nov 15, 2019 · The event is indeed attached but when I click my link the alrt is displayed twice, as though the event occured twice. removeEventListener("click", handleBackButton); } It happens when the same class or whatever attribute you are binding also has the same name parent or child. It seems that my closing event fires twice, but returns 'undefined' the first time (or second time, depending on which opening link you Jul 19, 2012 · if you want to make sure that the registered event is fired only once, you should use jQuery's one: . Check that you aren't handling the key down event on a parent control. el. stop="onSubmit" in you're child component because it will be inherited from the parent component'; Mar 8, 2012 · This will fire the first scroll event immediately and then get you a scroll event approximately once every 100ms while the scrollbar is being moved and then one final event after the scrollbar stops moving. Feb 13, 2024 · Troubleshooting JavaScript Click Event Triggering Twice (EIS) The JavaScript click event is being triggered twice, despite being defined and initialized only once in the code. one( events [, data ], handler ) Returns: jQuery Description: Attach a handler to an event for the elements. The slight difference would be the click event was fired twice vs the same click event bound to the element twice. What is more than likely happening is you have code that is moving or manipulating the element that the code is contained within which causes the browser to re-execute the script block. But i couldn't think of perfect solution. aspx. post("dConverter",{aid:'lib-geo $('. You can change you onclick function into this: TL;DR. I want to prevent this from happening, so I already used a flag (boolean) to indicate if it was executed by setting it to true. Jun 15, 2022 · Your problem is coming from registering the event listener in a non-react way. HtmlElementEventHandler(testii); ((System. Click -= new System. I. I have been able to avoid this by adding a function that adds the OnChange function at the Form OnLoad, this allows you to handle when you want to attach the function to the OnChange event. I've noticed the bug is only with Chrome. Although you're correct that the order is undefined, it is defined in DOM Level-3 (FIFO), and every test I've done in Gecko suggests that this order is consistent in the current implementation (this is for an internal app that only needs to work in FF3). onload=frameOnload; // attach onload event after the iframe is added to the body Then, you will only get one onload event, which is the event the document really loaded. As you can see I stopped the propagation, so how could this happen ? Thank you Oct 25, 2013 · I searched, found some solutions, but they dont work. preventDefault() and . Someone suggested me to do this in the PHP script (in my case save. Click += new System. The code inside there is already executing. When I remove the line of code that disables all the input fields, it works as expected. But the problem is that event handler sends request twice. Instead of using event. Jul 31, 2011 · After that, the mouseenter and mouseleave events continue to fire just fine, but both the element's html and its data have the same "test" string, so it doesn't change. The div's dimensions change and so the following series of events takes place: Aug 8, 2021 · But the problem is when I hover over a panel it triggers (good), but then when I hover over another element inside that panel it triggers a the mouseout event and then the mouseover events again when I move to another part inside the panel. Forms Jul 15, 2021 · However, that same listener may be triggered during a later stage of event flow, such as the bubbling phase. $('#lib-geo57'). Now, The relation is when you click on label there a are two events which bubbles up here: 1) Click on div (which you expect) 2) Click on input (which is also expected) Sep 30, 2014 · I'm employing Object-Oriented Javascript, in conjunction with registering event listeners. Apr 18, 2011 · Check your button declaration in your . stopPropagation(); }); is sufficient. I was asked on my post about showing a loading image when loading AJAX content with jQuery how to disable the button that loads the content while it's loading, and then re-enable it again once the content is fully loaded. Separately, they work fine. com which shows its details but, for some reason, it executes the function twice or even 3 times, skipping 1 or 2 objects that have to be shown. log('event fired'); evt. I'm not a fan of this solution because the solution is not localized near the problem. I don't know if my problem is specific to this Nov 15, 2010 · Prevent Javascript from being executed twice. Instead of this pass the event object from the event handler and in the function check the event code Jan 18, 2018 · It is caused due to event bubbling. More so, you have two ifs which mean after running the first if-else statement, it should go-ahead to run the other if-else. cancelBubble = true; In case of W3C model browsers use event. stop(). getElementById('log'); Aug 30, 2020 · You are attaching the event twice , once inline in html and other inside the enterKeyCheck function. To do so, add the following code in the event listener function itself: function handleButtonClick(e) { e. If you use an event handler such as onClick, onChange, or onScroll and want to prevent the callback from being fired too quickly, then you can limit the rate at which callback is executed. The issue occurs when you use droppable and sortable on same element. event. This doesn't seem to be an event bubbling issue. stopPropogation() and event. just set it to false and the event wont fire twice. So this means after second bindEvents(), clicking the button will console. An anonymous function has no signature, hence when you define the event with it, it will think that this is supposed to be a new event listener and invokes it multiple times. Inline Javascript contains addEventListener() calls (click events). If user clicks on the same page on the left-side menu twice or more, the inline JS gets loaded twice or more, thus the event listeners get added multiple times to the same element. Then alert pop up twice. Aug 25, 2012 · jsFiddle I use a customized drop-down menu which runs on jQuery events and animations. Oct 7, 2013 · However, if you change the value, and hit the enter key to trigger the change, the event fires twice. You can test each, by implementing a click handler that does nothing (except use the mechanism from the answer you choose). – Sep 7, 2018 · I created a quiz app and it has questions and options. Apr 26, 2017 · I have following jQuery code to prevent double clicking a button. I've tried adding event. addEventListener("change", listener); DOSN'T make the event Mar 2, 2011 · If you remove the alert call it only fires once. Events will bubble down through the visual tree. How can I prevent the code that disables the fields from firing the event a second time? Thanks in advance. addEventListener("click", toggleMode); Aug 20, 2013 · I have the following code. 1. setView([0,0], 3) //Set "tap" to false Jan 16, 2016 · The scroll event (as well as the resize event) fire multiple times as a user does this. It will emit both the DOM's mouse click event and jQuery's click event. stopPropagation(),e. trigger('change')? Why is the behavior different when doing it manually? Oct 7, 2022 · You dont need to add the event @submit. e. Jun 29, 2012 · And it's definitely Javascript problem because if you hit google and search for event fire twice you will see that Angular, Jquery and backbone etc all are somewhere firing events twice or even thrice. appendChild(ifr); ifr. getElementById('inner'). Input Fires Keypress Event Twice. target. Here's a code example: Jan 25, 2021 · The keyup event will be triggered twice for the key combination Shift + Tab. Might look something like this: var hasTriggered = false; myInput. Jan 24, 2018 · I was having duplicates events with this code that was purposely supposed to run multiples times: $('selector'). This is handy if you want to reuse the same button multiple times to send AJAX, but you want to deactivate its event while waiting for a response. For some reason, it is firing twice, and i have no idea why, anyone know why? My localscript: local BuyButton = script. Instead, I use a global boolean to check if the function has fired. It turns out that if you use event. try the following: The ready event cannot fire twice. Dec 24, 2018 · When the page loads, the event handler is triggered twice. Changes based on a time based frequency. Sep 2, 2022 · is there a way to prevent this from being called twice or is because I have a input radio tag inside the button tag. Windows. The up and down approach working fine for me but its firing the event multiple times. In Angular. Each one carries out a different command, but I find that when double clicking on the element, in addition to firing the double click event, the click event is also fired twice. Oct 1, 2014 · For some reason, the event listener is firing twice for each element when passing arguments into an anonymous function. Obviously, when you change a child, parent also gets changed (its child changes). It works like so: You click the first, visible button. Ask Question Asked 11 years, but cannot figure out how to stop all JavaScript events from firing when clicked. Apr 5, 2019 · This is a known issue with jQuery UI. js file: const mainAccordion = document. Oct 31, 2014 · the problem is, if you click an Entry Link on main slide, then click the Search Subpage Link in main navigation, then click an Entry Link on Search Page then click the Back button on the results page that page slides down and up like the event is firing twice? –. map('map', {zoomControl: false, tap: false}). addEventListener("click", () => { const navigationWrapper = document. But if I just comment : export() { let cells = []; // some code here to fill cells console. log('exporting component'); // this. and jQuery Mobile Event Fires Twice at a Time. If you have a 'runat=server' and onclick="button1_click", and you have an event handler in your code-behind (ie. The first alert will say on and the second alert will say off. Every option has its own onClick event handler for setting the answer and that event handler sends the answer to server. preventDefault(). So, it's seems that it's javascript behind this. Jan 18, 2017 · Everything works fine when using bindEvents() only once, however for example calling it again in ajax callback results in listener executed twice. Apr 23, 2021 · I am trying to prevent specific buttons from continuously firing but have had no luck with any of my methods. preventDefault() will stop browser events (including our focus). var map = L. Prevent the nesting of event listeners, except when one would rely on the other. I am using Page_ClientValidate() to ensure that the double click is prevented only if the page is valid. The problem occurs when I activate the drop-down via mouseenter several times, which results in the menu slid I am trying to create a custom video player using javascript, the code should display the overlay on onmousemove event it does trigger the code but for some reason twice, I think it is happening because of double full screen div's on top of each other but I cannot figure out the exact reason. This multiple times firing of event causing the top and down events works slow and slows over all Feb 11, 2013 · But the event is firing twice. By registering the listener via. Going by your code, why not try something like: Oct 1, 2013 · Prevent all javascript events from firing. One event for the Shift and one event for the Tab. _excelExportService. stopImmediatePropagation() in an event handler attached to a jQuery UI Dialog field, then, for some reason, the dialog can no longer reference the newest instance of global variables and instead uses the version of global variables prior to jQuery UI Dialog Mar 7, 2022 · I am using this event listener to fire an event which basically updates my state of Interval in a useEffect and enabling me to go up and down in my table. preventDefault() use these two shown below. alert(':D'); } ) $('. click ( function() { // If been bo CAUTION: Many of these answers prevent the click handler from executing twice at the same time, but do NOT prevent it from executing two times in quick succession. It works fine. Also I am new to angular, is there a document that explains this concept out there? Thanks! How about just removing the event first with -=, if it is not found an exception is not thrown /// -= Removes the event if it has been already added, this prevents multiple firing of the event ((System. The console. , the click event on element el will register once and, thus, fire once. Aug 12, 2014 · Note that you have used jQuery's click method. open =false on the handle select method Oct 10, 2009 · using one() would remove the event handler after the first time the <a> link is clicked. Jan 16, 2022 · Button event firing twice or more - Scripting Support Loading May 27, 2020 · Seems like the problem happens because the onChange event handlers are not being cleared properly (maybe product defect) hence added twice and triggered twice. It does not work. or. This could be a panel or the containing window. I guess that happens because of the focus switching inside the event callback. Why is the event handler being triggered twice when using . exportAsExcelFile(cells, 'global_view'); } Nov 29, 2013 · Assuming you have attached an event listener to the button, one approach is to just remove the event listener from the button and attach it afterwards again if needed. Please see the code for the different methods I have tried. I wouldnt consider rebind/unbind on every event as a good solution. Document. How do I prevent this? As users might accidentally click on a button more than once, it is desirable to avoid causing any event bound to the button from firing twice. Due to this small delay when loading the page, the button remains active, and if the user clicks twice, it will fire twice, making two ajax requests to the server and opening two windows. Use mousedown rather than click because, as @Selvakumar Arumugam explained, focus fires when mousedown is succesfull and event. You can add the following code to a button's onClick event in order to prevent multiple clicks from causing the action tied to the onClick event from firing multiple times. 0. Triggering an event on child propagates upward toward its parent. The problem is that the alert() method is sometimes firing twice and I have no idea why. Sep 19, 2016 · Hope this will solve your problem. The following adds a condition to check for the existence of the new field. Therefore I created a function in the app. This is simply done with opacity. php). However, I've never gotten that to work. leex file. – Jul 10, 2012 · I have a problem with a content overlay script I am developing. Click handler function inside another click handler function attaches the same click handler multiple times based on the sum of clicks. If I change the bound function to the following: function(evt) { console. If so, target the handler more directly at the elements in question. I am only clicking in one DIV at a time, but the click handler is firing twice. You can adjust the frequency of the event by changing the argument to the setTimeout (what is currently set to 100). This can be achieved in the below possible ways, May 15, 2020 · jQuery onChange event handler firing function twice. Note that you can use the following code as well to reproduce the issue: To simply prevent firing focus when clicking on div just use mousedown + event. To help this, the best practice is to debounce. preventDefault(), as these seem to be common suggestions with jQuery events Jan 9, 2019 · Console. – Klaudio Milankovic Oct 20, 2014 · In the example below go will work exactly once, unless again is clicked, in which case go is again reactivated for the purpose of a single event handling. JavaScript On Change function firing only once. It loops over JSON to produce a nested ul list. Dec 31, 2024 · Hello, I am trying to make when a GUI Button is clicked, a RemoteEvent Fires, but i have a problem. Not sure whether it is a bug or not, but I think the problem comes in when you change the DOM in the dragstart handler. The reason the first box works I presume has something to do with the fact that its position is before the other boxes in the DOM and when you change the DOM, the position (?) of the first one isn't affected and the dragdrop events fire reliably. const toggleBtn = document. Forms. stopPropagation() to prevent this from happening. To troubleshoot this issue, one might consider using the unbind method You are adding the event listener to the label, you should add the event listener to the checkbox because the label behavior copy the same of the input assigned in for. stopPropagation(); Oct 18, 2018 · Once you attach event listener to a parent and click on a label it fires twice instead of once. I have a button that calls a javascript function using an event handler. For some reason, the event handler is being called twice. Apr 6, 2018 · I want to check when a transition ends, but it fires twice / multiple times, I want to check only one time when I click the element and call the function, and not again when remove the class, I tried with one(), stopPropagation() or even return false at the end of the function but it didn´t work, how achieve that? Here is a example: the "tap" boolean is defaulted as true when map class is created. WebBrowser)sender). load() is called. MouseButton1Click:Connect May 20, 2022 · If you use an event handler such as onClick, onChange or onScroll and want to prevent the callback from being fired too quickly, then you can limit the rate at which callback is executed. Aug 2, 2018 · I'm working on a script that will show a user different page content in a specified div when the user scrolls up or down. From what I understand about event listeners, if the function applied to eventtarget has already been registered, repeated attempts to add this same event listener will be ignored. You're running your code twice, and thus setting up two handlers, each of which is firing. Sep 1, 2015 · Whats wrong with your approach: Firstly never insert the input tags inside the label, thats not a good way to construct markup in html. You can handle this case by writing a condition in the callback function to allow only numbers (considering the OTP will be numeric) by taking the value of the key pressed by the user using the event. one('click', function() { $. May 29, 2017 · This should only fire the event once, so if it is firing twice I would check a couple of things. click(function (e) { // this triggers second triggerProcess(); }); function triggerProcess { // If this process has already been triggered, // don Content contains inline Javascript. Further I’d like safe the information that Jan 28, 2021 · Hello everyone, I try to use an Javascript Event Handler in my root. querySelector("#toggle-btn"); toggleBtn. Firefox does not trigger the event twice, and IE does not even support the enter key to trigger change on an input. Here is my button (I am using a php object to generate the code, Feb 19, 2015 · The problem is that a function calls on the next object from Parse. log() twice and so on. The reason the mouseenter fires twice consecutively is because of the borders. stopPropagation(); } Sep 3, 2013 · I've come across an issue where jQuery events fire twice after $. If both are pressed at once, however, and held, the player shoots twice. However I see the point if the mouseup event must not trigger if the mousedown hasn't been triggered first, but that can be solved in other ways. html. Use the keyup event instead of keydown $(document). js this behaviour causes the click event to be triggered for both the tags. stopPropagation() when the event is invoked. Just set "tap" to false. Sep 6, 2016 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Jul 16, 2016 · In addContact(), you call this. Here you are using droppable and sortable on same element droppableArea Inorder to solve this, instead of drop method of droppable use recieve method of sortable. Calculate the difference between current timeStamp (t2) and the previous timeStamp (t1) (a) If the difference is less than some predetermined threshold, then it is the second keydown (means we have already executed the code to happen on that event). That will prevent your event listener to be added in the event loop over and over. log should trigger only once $('html'). Check this demo to figure it out. That is what causes your code to fire the CustomEvent twice. You can have a static flag that disables any more triggers once the first trigger has occurred. log is printed twice. This post shows how to do this, and it will work whether it's a link, button or some other action which calls the AJAX loading function. With both "tap & click" included, I can't seem to figure out how to avoid firing the event twice on Events bubble to the highest point in the DOM at which a click event has been attached. Here is the code I am using to handle the inputs (removed other key events for brevity) I am working on a webapp with drag 'n drop functionality. getElementById("main-accordion"); mainAccordion. Nov 16, 2016 · Small demo. Like in the mousedown event listener where you need to add the mousemove event Aug 25, 2019 · I'm handling both the click and dblclick event on a DOM element. This function is ran when a button is clicked. You click the checkbox. For some reason the events keep firing twice. Any one know why/how to prevent it firing twice? javascript; jquery; html; jquery-ui; Share. In your case click event on image also triggers click event on parent div. Note that jQuery provides the same facility: Aug 12, 2016 · Event bubble. The left key moves the player left, the shift key fires a weapon. addEventListener("change", listener);media. getElementById("navigation-wrapper"); navigationWrapper. Ask Question Asked 14 years, 2 months ago. <body onmousewheel="alert('Why are you aler Jan 19, 2013 · In your case this will prevent multiple event binding. [If there Mar 23, 2018 · I have this problem when using event listeners and jQuery. Jun 2, 2011 · I'm binding the window. . Aug 27, 2015 · When the user clicks a button, jquery loads an ajax page and then shows the modal windows. Parent local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local ToolRequest = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("ToolRequest") BuyButton. key property. Solution 2: Stop the propagation before the event hits the parentEle: The other option is to prevent the event from bubbling up in the first place if there is a click on a child element. The problem is that I wrote a test to get such an event to fire and I notice that the inner 'blur' event usually fires between two and five times after I tab out of the input field: Mar 31, 2014 · Also, "preventDoubleClick" is a misleading name, afterall it's not prevented -the user still double clicks - you just block it from firing the event, I think – James Commented Apr 14, 2009 at 6:28 Feb 20, 2013 · This helped me as well as far as stopping event from firing twice, but also messed me up big time. If so, er, don't Nov 29, 2010 · I have looked at all of the issues people are having with event bubbling and jQuery firing twice, but I can't figure out this issue. " You go to the last image because the function is called multiple times. The event handler is placed in the load() callback function, and this seems to be the only place where events fire twice on the script. Jan 19, 2017 · I have this function that runs for several seconds with the use of setTimeout. the HTML code for it is as follows Apr 25, 2015 · Until stopImmediatePropagation() is implemented a custom event handler is the best solution, so I've marked it as the answer. In plain JS something like. The checkbox is the child node of the label. In case of Microsoft browsers use event. addEventListener('click',function (event){ event. If team is same and onclick event occurs nothing should happen. I have to run global() in both place for certain reason, how to I prevent it from firing twice? like page 1 is layout, it will always run global() first. I have tried using e. Feb 3, 2022 · For some reason I have to call the same function twice because of that my event are firing twice. classList. Is there a simple way to prevent this from happening? Apr 17, 2018 · When I click the button, the export() function is called twice, ans so I get two different excel files, and two console. Right now I'm testing the functionality with just having 2 different alerts pop up when the user scrolls. Jul 29, 2018 · To my surprise, onSave is called twice if preventDefault() is called, but only when clicking the "Save and Close" button (this behavior doesn't happen when clicking the "Save" button). I am trying NOT to handle clicks on label as this is done by the browser. on('keyup', null, 'left', back); And set your events a single time Everything works as expected, until I press 2 keys at once. onload event like this // It's a little more complex than this, I analyze if there is any other function // attached but for the sake of the question it's ok, this behaves the same. I don't know why the click event is bound twice to the element. To prevent alert pop up twice when you click the checkbox. So in your example, even if you didn't have any other explicitly clickable elements in the div, every child element of the div would bubble their click event up the DOM to until the DIV's click event handler catches it. You have to add an event listener to the inner child and cancel the propagation of the event. The first button is disabled. HTML : pass the event as parameter to event listener function Apr 3, 2017 · This is usually be cause of the bubbling principle of click event: When an event happens on an element, it runs on it, its associated elements,its parent and other ancestors. onload = myfunction; Onload is triggered twice on my local machine a several times on the production server Feb 25, 2014 · No matter what method I use to detect scrolling on the page the event is triggered twice. Mar 1, 2018 · Hi everyone, I am facing a really weird problem which somehow just occurs sometimes: I am trying to implement something similar to a list where you can select one or more elements. ajax'). That can be done like this: Aug 21, 2013 · I have tried unbinding the click event, but it fires sometimes twice sometimes 5 times!! 2011/08/prevent-jquery-live-handlers-from-firing javascript code in May 23, 2017 · If the key is kept pressed, the event is sent every time the operating system repeats the key. keyup(function (e) { i That sounds more like you were binding the same click event twice. addDomListener(control, 'click', function() { toggleLabels(); }); JQuery event listener (fired once) Jul 14, 2017 · So since click propagates (and jQuery faithfully replicates that when doing event delegation), it's firing for the innermost match, and also for the outermost match. click ( function() { // If been bound then we need to return here. I would ideally not want to have to hard code a this.
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