Jtextarea borderlayout. I have an object ReminderGUI which has a JTextArea field.
Jtextarea borderlayout Jun 24, 2014 · JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea(); When using this format the text area doesn't have a preferred size so it keeps on growing. BorderLayout arranges the components in the five regions. Utilities to calculate the start/end index of the word in the Document, from which you can the extract the result Oct 2, 2013 · You could add the component in the BorderLayout. using efficient String concatenation to avoid lag when holding down the ENTER key for example. length()), but it doesn't work. BorderLayout; import java. oracle. Here is where I come to all of you to see if you can help me at all. paint() ), while I want to style individual lines/chunks. Apr 22, 2015 · You can either try fiddling with the min, max, and preferred size of the JTextArea, or you can use a layout that will give your JTextArea as much room as possible. The following is an example of BorderLayout. CENTER). Feb 24, 2015 · JTextArea area = new JTextArea(20,15); add(new JScrollPane(area), BorderLayout. getDocument() ); Or if you are trying to listen for all the changes to the input text area then you should be using a DocumentListener. Container; import java Apr 5, 2017 · I'm still learning however by looking at this case. The JPanel has a Grid Layout, and I want it to expand with the CENTER for its width, but the height must stop at a maximum and use the preferredSize when possible. event. addSeparator(); . This is a bound property. the text is added above the image. Mar 7, 2013 · I am trying to call a line from BufferedReader its in another class I want to be able to output the result in my JTextArea which is in my main class Here is my Main Class: import java. getFont("TextField. JTextArea border in java swing. I think I can use jTextArea. setText( Packet +"\\n" +jTextArea1. I used a JPanel with a FlowLayout. You can start by reading the JTextArea API where you will find a link to the Swing tutorial on Using Text Components that has a working example. My Mar 25, 2014 · I have a JScrollPane and a JTextArea (editable) with 10 rows. As an example, you need to set your north panel to a BorderLayout() north. I know that I can determine the bounds for an offset, which means I need to know the offset of the start and end of the line. Here's a working example. What you want is JTextArea#append. html Jul 9, 2009 · In my swing GUI, I use a JTextArea in BorderLayout. May 20, 2010 · i have 2 JTextArea that one of these contain Unicode Code point like this \u0645 i want another JTextArea . EAST: It is a narrow side at the far right, within the container. For e. Note that I added random buttons to fill the grid, since your GridLayout has 5 rows and 2 columns (You probably planned to add some more components). The Swing tutorial has a section titled "How to Write a Document Listener" for more information. 0. *; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class CaptureTextAreaEnter extends JPanel { private static final int COLS = 30; private static final int VIEW_ROWS = 12; private static final int ENTER_ROWS = 4; private JTextArea chatViewArea = new Mar 10, 2015 · I have a small GUI contains JPanel in which have got JTextArea and JLabel, when I make panel1. Try Teams for free Explore Teams May 12, 2015 · setText does just that, it "sets the text" of field to the value your provide, removing all previous content. I have changed /n to \n but now only one line will show The problem: when you double click on word in JTextArea it is marked, but when you don't release the mouse button and try to mark next word, it is not marking whole word, but single characters inst Aug 28, 2013 · You should use KeyBindings with any JTextComponent in question. You are using the concept which was related to AWT, Swing uses KeyBindings to do the same task with more efficiency and provides desired results :-) Jul 28, 2019 · First thing I tried is to use a JTextArea as my TableCellRenderer in order to take the advantage of setLineWrap. Dec 2, 2017 · How can I add JButton on JTextArea? I have such a code, when I print name of country in JTextField some information using REST displays on JTextArea. Dec 30, 2012 · It all depends on what layout managers you're using, something you haven't told us about. Add the JTextArea to a JScrollPane (its viewport actually) and add that to your GUI. The problem is that they don't Returns the component that corresponds to the given constraint location based on the target Container's component orientation. Apr 13, 2013 · The basic issue is that JTextArea will paint it's background and it's text within the paintComponent. Jan 4, 2018 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Jul 3, 2012 · It seems like you are having trouble posting an SSCCE, so maybe you can get started from this one, possibly change it, and then edit your question showing us the problem you are having. so, from line 3, i wish get text Dec 11, 2011 · Use a custom border that extends AbstractBorder. com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/layout/border. toolbar. *; import javax May 25, 2013 · You have to put the JTextArea in a JScrollPane. Oct 24, 2013 · For example: Example Key Bindings Solution: import java. swing. I have couple of issues: There is issue with setting bounds of textArea . getText(). Dec 8, 2021 · As Andrew said, you have to place the JTextArea inside of a JScrollPane, then place the JScrollPane inside of a JPanel with a Swing layout. CENTER position, then it will expand in all directions when the container expands. There is no need of adding JScrollBar, scroll bars are by default shown if needed. Whenever I try to add it to the frame positioning it as BorderLayout. Actually i want the cursor position Jun 11, 2013 · JTextArea input = new JTextArea(); JTextArea output = new JTextArea(); output. *; import java. Mar 6, 2019 · As first improvement you can make some small layout changes that will make the JTextArea occupy the whole space and resize with the frame :. This answer describes exactly what i did. Dec 3, 2017 · Don't keep re-creating a new JTextArea within your ChangeListener. thundercrust. However, could you make it a bit simpler to understand, I am fairly new to Java. font")); Mar 19, 2015 · I want the text to be align in the bottom of the JTextArea is it possible? Text components don't support this. Here is a summary of swing layout managers and how they size things: Apr 26, 2013 · For example, your buttons could be placed inside a JPanel with a GridLayout (so that they both get the same size) and then you put that panel at the SOUTH of the BorderLayout. *; import javax. Sample code: textArea = new JTextArea(""); scrollPane = new JScrollPane(textArea); Nov 6, 2016 · Several problems with your code: You're trying to add a component, here your JTextArea called textArea_1, to multiple containers, here the contentPane and the JScrollPane. Nov 2, 2016 · In the case of BorderLayout, this should call getMinimumSize() on SOUTH, NORTH, WEST and EAST components, and getPreferredSize() for the CENTER component. but when pass this code point to JTextArea , it show. This is not portable because on different screens the layout will look different. Sep 12, 2013 · I am writing a code for basic GUI. Follow answered Aug 9, 2020 at 22:00. add(new JTextArea(" Add name here")); . The default layout of JFrame is BorderLayout; the default position is CENTER; only one component can occupy a position at a time; the example below uses NORTH & CENTER. Problem is that when using JTextArea I cannot add an actionListener that will load content in the second JTextArea when leaving this field. Nov 3, 2015 · Don't set the layout of storyPanel, as it's contents have already been added and laid out, so changing the layout manager here will discard any properties you applied. WindowConstants; public class BorderLayout. But I want to use for this purpose JButton. An example with a GridBagLayout, for instance could look like this: Apr 7, 2014 · JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea(50, 50); JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( textArea ); You might also have to change you Layout, because by default I think it use the BorderLayout that expands your components. PAGE_START option −. . i use setPreferredSize method to set the dimension of the Text Area. Container; import java. I want update text by line number, for E. Feb 11, 2017 · I read the book Head First in Java and I cannot figure out why they are not shown correctly the items, vertically. Here is what I've written so far: package com. panel. font", UIManager. It works exactly as i want but there is a problem with it. CENTER. Mar 5, 2016 · A container has several layers in it. show Character representation of this Unicode code point. Now what i'm tr Jun 19, 2017 · The problem is how he wrote the code I can only manage to add only one jTextArea. Aug 24, 2013 · If this were my code, I'd not have the user type directly into the JTextArea, but rather in a JTextField that is directly below the JTextArea (BorderLayout. Feb 8, 2015 · Why did you post all that code? Your question is about a JTextArea, JScrollPane and a JFrame, so create a simple example with just those three components to figure out how to it. 4. Skip the Learning Swing with the NetBeans IDE section. This is hows it looks like with 1 Jtextarea: And this is how I want it to have it: Here is the code that mange the hole layout of the keyboard: Oct 18, 2020 · Since your JTextArea's text is going into a JLabel, a component that only allows a single line of text, I wonder if you should be using a JTextArea at all. com Let us see some examples to work with different border layout position options such as PAGE_START, PAGE_END, etc. applications; import java. SOUTH and set the preferred size property at Dimension(0,50). SOUTH: It is a narrow side at the bottom, within the container BorderLayout. SOUTH to the JTextArea which is held in a JScrollPane that is BorderLayout. I have a problem of setting the size of this JTextArea. Aug 13, 2014 · One possible solution (and I hope some one has a better one) would be to replace the key binding Action responsible for actually performing the paste operation. setLayout(null); I can get the required position done but JTextArea disappearing! when I make panel1. Sep 11, 2015 · JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea("Static text"); textArea. toString()); Or, if you want to display the elements of the list in a different format, loop over the elements: Nov 29, 2017 · Consider using a JList and not a JTextArea. Or you can search the It's based from my previous question. The simplest solution is to make the JTextArea transparent and take over the control of painting the background. g name : andy birth : jakarta, 1 jan 1990 number id : 01011990 01 age : 26 study : Informatics engineering I want to Jun 30, 2015 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Here's the complete runnable code. . But i can not make the Text Area in my desirable size. Both codes work fine individually. But it had the opposite effect: the button is still triggered, but the letter is not added to the JTextArea. Hot Network Questions How to patch sink drainage pipes into wall? Oct 7, 2013 · I see several problems: Don't use a null layout; do use a real layout. I used a BorderLayout. getText(3,jTextArea. To For my case, I want to get text inside JTextArea by number line. SwingUtilities; public class SimpleFrame implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { JFrame frame = new JFrame("JScroll Pane Test"); JTextArea txtNotes = new JTextArea(); txtNotes Nov 27, 2015 · How can i make my Jtextfiels, Jlabels,and JtextArea appear in the borderlayout? I wanted to make my label1 in the north, textarea in the east and the rest in the west. I am trying to put a text area onto a dialog box using Java Swing. There i need a Text Area. If you use: JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea(2, 30); JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( textArea ); Then the text area will have a preferred size of 2 rows and (roughly) 30 columns. PAGE_START); May 5, 2014 · JTextArea added to BorderLayout is not visible. Feb 4, 2021 · When I add both of them to SOUTH using BorderLayout, only the JTextArea appears. I'm having a problem when setting the background colour of a JTextArea after I set its text. For the JTextArea, indicate the number of rows and columns you want (24 rows by 80 columns, for example): new JTextArea(24, 80);. you can to put JScrollPane with JTextArea to JFrames CENTER area directly and another JPanel with JTextField and JButton to SOUTH or NORTH, JFrame has BorderLayout implemented in API Sep 30, 2015 · Use a DocumentListener to monitor for changes to the text component and use javax. import javax Take note in the BorderLayout doc that the CENTER position gets any left over space so anything you want to resize when your window resizes is a perfect candidate to put in the CENTER position (so put your JPanel in the CENTER of the BorderLayout your JFrame is using). The code is as follows: import java. If you're using Java 8, another option might be StringJoiner Mar 20, 2013 · I have spent the last few hours of the past two days trying to figure out why I can't get my GUI to work right. getDefaults(). Calling append within the main class works jus Jun 11, 2024 · Planned maintenance impacting Stack Overflow and all Stack Exchange sites is scheduled for Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 9:00 PM-10:00 PM EDT (Thursday, October 24, 1:00 UTC - Thursday, October 24, 2:00 UTC). In general, when you want to set a border on a standard Swing component other than JPanel or JLabel, we recommend that you put the component in a JPanel and set the border on the JPanel. add(toolbar, BorderLayout. setEnabled(false); My problem with setEnabled(false) is that it forces a single disabledTextColor for all of the text (I've traced it down to javax. I have created a JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(txtChat) and added my txtChat inside the JScrollPane. Sure, here is a simple JMenuBar that holds an edit JMenu that holds JMenuItems for copy, cut, and paste with just that code borrowed from my example. Here's the GUI after I typed some lines. The rest of the view is filled with a panel. This will automatically propagate to the Jul 19, 2015 · Im woking on some code to do some computations on different types of beer. Wrapping JTextArea does not get enough space / steals space. Jun 24, 2016 · The problem with BorderLayout and most other layout managers such as BoxLayout or GridBagLayout is that they set gaps between components in pixels. Components added with the relative constraints PAGE_START, PAGE_END, LINE_START, and LINE_END take precedence over components added with the explicit constraints NORTH, SOUTH, WEST, and EAST. The default layout of a JFrame is BorderLayout, so to use that you would need to not set it specifically. setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500, 50)); Also, you should NOT set the preferred size of the text area (or any Swing component for that matter). I want the first user input to appear at the bottom of the JTextArea and the most recent input should push the previous input upward. Dimension; import Jan 25, 2015 · A JTextArea automatically updates its preferred size so that all text can be displayed. PAGE_START location which respects the height of preferred sizes add(new JScrollPane(new JTextArea(5, 10)), BorderLayout. PAGE_START); . The following table lists code examples that use the BorderLayout class and provides links to related sections. How to get around this problem ? Sep 7, 2015 · For an example, if I type a text with line breaks, it should automatically insert <br> or <p>. I dont know how to add an int to the Area. Always have How to Use GridBagLayout and the JavaDocs available ;) What you're trying to do is use an AbsoluteLayout instead of a BorderLayout, BorderLayout uses Cardinal directions to set objects on the pane, such as North, East, South, West, and Center. Oracle has a helpful tutorial, Creating a GUI With Swing. A JTextArea's minimum size is the size required to fit the text, so a JTextArea with no text set will return a new Dimension(0, 0). /n/nbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb 2. Now, when I run the file Easy, and click on the "Start" button, I want the class AddNumber to be implemented. The middle part is called the center. getTransactions(). Apr 24, 2014 · Edit You ask in comment: I appreciate the answer. Pay close attention to the Laying Out Components Within a Container section. May 20, 2012 · In my function for displaying text in textarea,i have written following lines of code but it is not displaying any text jTextArea1. Layout of frame/container should not be set to null. Jun 4, 2014 · You are adding your JTextArea to your content pane where you should be actually adding your JScrollPane to the content pane of your JFrame. IOException Mar 11, 2012 · JTextArea is meant to entertain Plain Text. Rather than guess what works and what doesn't, let's experiment and create a GUI that holds two JTextAreas, one where the columns and rows property is set and held by the colRowTextArea variable, and another where the preferred size of the JTextArea is set, and call its variable the prefSizeTextArea. Mar 17, 2015 · New to GUI, I am trying to create a simple JFrame with two JTextArea instances positioned right next to each other and a JPanel at the bottom. Here with the help of JTextPane, you can do it like this : Dec 1, 2011 · Check out: JTextComponent. For example:. PAGE_END location of a container and allow the text to scroll up. And so what I am trying to do is scroll down to specific text within that text area. The width of the text area is always equal to the whole width of the windo Jun 27, 2009 · Simple Way to add JTextArea in JScrollBar with JScrollPan. You may want to look at the JavaDoc for BorderLayout. Don't use a GUI builder. Perhaps a JTextField would work better since it allows user input but only one line of text. Apr 8, 2012 · You could use replaceRange(). Oct 10, 2013 · Here try this small program, try to click at the start of student://, that will pop up a message Dialog. out to it: import java. But this is not the position I expect. JButton; import javax. JPanel; import javax. Or put it in PAGE_START like this : add(new JScrollPane(new JTextArea(50, 50)), BorderLayout. add(new JButton("Submit Name")); . reportArea. Sets the vertical gap between components. getText()); I am using Apr 17, 2015 · I am just trying Java BorderLayout and GridLayout with some GUI components. Read the layout manager tutorials and use them. How can I put the JTextArea so that it also fits in when the window is maximized ??? Oct 1, 2010 · Place the JTextArea inside of a JScrollPane, and place that into the JPanel with with a layout that fixes the size. text. Like this: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 1. May 26, 2014 · Simply add the JTextArea inside the JScrollPane and then add the JScrollPane in the container instead of adding JTextArea itself. I have a main class which uses a GUI and has a JTextArea to print output. By doing this, you keep creating a new JTextArea object, one that's not displayed, and then you write to it, so it makes sense that the text is never displayed. You can have only one column with this renderer. border. Feb 5, 2013 · The following example creates frame with text area and redirects System. I have an object ReminderGUI which has a JTextArea field. Nov 19, 2014 · I want to create a Text Editor in Java. But with JTextPane or JEditorPane you have the choice, to colour your String Literals as per your liking. End of Apr 22, 2020 · But I don't want the button to be triggered while the JTextArea is in focus and the user is typing into the JTextArea. name : andy birth : jakarta, 1 jan 1990 number id : 01011990 01 age : 26 study : Informatics engineering So, I want to get a text in line 3. CENTER/TOP etc. Top-level containers use BorderLayout by default and JFrame is a top-level container so it is using BorderLayout. geom. CENTER); I want to it to display the integer "0" when the code runs. If it were, many buttons would not be seen since many are added to the same BorderLayout position and will cover the previous component added there. You wind up learning the idiosyncracies of the GUI builder, and not learning Java Swing. Then you can use JTextArea. For instance if the JScrollPane that holds the JTextArea is held by a BorderLayout using container in the BorderLayout. Sep 21, 2015 · You set the JFrame's layout to BorderLayout -- it's already using BorderLayout; You add components to your jPan JPanel with BorderLayout constants, but it's not using a BorderLayout. Instead, set the layout in Panel1's constructor before you add any compo Apr 21, 2013 · JTextArea area = new JTextArea(someReallyLongString); someReallyLongString would represent a paragraph, or a very large piece of text (in which the vertical scrollbar would be visible). GlyphView. append(A. That's plain crazy (seriously). AbstractBorder; class TextBubbleBorder extends AbstractBorder { private Color color; private int thickness = 4; private int radii = 8; private int pointerSize = 7 Sep 12, 2013 · Here's code based on the post from here but fixed e. What I already tried: I tried adding a KeyListener to the JTextArea, which intercepts and consumes any key that is typed. Color; import java. Defines a border layout with specified gaps between components. Oct 6, 2021 · BorderLayout is the default layout for the window objects such as JFrame, JWindow, JDialog, JInternalFrame etc. When getReminderButton is clicked I want the app to find the reminder which was previously saved for this date and display it in the JTextArea (I'm not showing this functionality in the code snippet). CENTER); Share. WEST: It is a narrow side at the far right, within the container. setLayout(new BorderLayout()); Mar 5, 2012 · I tried also with setting JTextArea margins textMain. Sets the horizontal gap between components. I am trying for right-align of JLabels and left-align the JTextFields so that it can be much of better in look. PAGE_START); Share Jun 5, 2013 · This is done by adding the JTextArea component at BorderLayout. Whe When I try to add it to a JTextArea with the setText() method, it all becomes a single line, including the "/n"s. awt. Right now I have this package messagebubble; import java. The basic requirement would be to use a DocumentFilter to inject your markup when ever they type enter Jun 24, 2011 · Here's a solution that you can use to change all JTextAreas at once instead of using setFont() every time you add new text area: UIManager. Instead you should do something like: JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea(rows, columns); and let the component determine its own preferred size. Ernie Sender Feb 27, 2009 · I have a Java program, in which, I'm using a JTextField, but if i don't specify a default size, it'll have the width 0. Solution: Get rid of the indicated line. BorderLayout. ReminderGUI represents an app which lets save and display reminders. getCaretPosition(). Four sides are referred to as north, south, east, and west. Vertically this works as I'd like it to, the area fills the entire height of the parent container - probably because the parent is the only element positioned in that row. NORTH: It is a narrow side at the top, within the container: BorderLayout. Sep 26, 2014 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Feb 1, 2016 · @TommySaechao I pointed you to a link with working code. put("TextArea. JTextArea; import javax. Below is an example of the visible scroll bar in action: Jun 6, 2022 · Introduction. The method setBorder () from JTextArea is declared as: Aug 18, 2018 · You want to use layout managers. g. Something like this: Getting the exact shape & color is left as an exercise for the reader. Improve this answer. JFrame; import javax. io. Oct 31, 2015 · I'm trying to set the size of a JTextArea to surround the text. The settings applied to a single character applies to whole of the document in JTextArea. ActionEvent; import java. I'm inserting it in a BorderLayout, so how do I make it expand to fill the wh Jun 14, 2016 · Here is an example of a panel with GridLayout, at the center of a panel with BorderLayout, and a text area to the south. Apr 8, 2019 · Giving us a picture of what it currently does doesn't really help because we don't know what you are trying to achieve to its hard to make an exact suggestion. Skip the Netbeans section. You can easily rig it up to look just like a JTextArea, but with a JList, you can much more easily remove an item such as a line by removing it from its model. However when I run it I can't see the JTextarea ! Jul 27, 2013 · Call toString() on the list:. BorderLayout does not work well with using individual components that aren't nested inside panels. Dimension; Mar 2, 2011 · I am trying to determine the bounds of a line of text in my text area. setDocument( input. insert(String str, int pos) to insert text at that position. I'm using the text field as an input which is then displayed in the text area as an output above it with some other May 3, 2018 · I would like to add JTextArea in front/on top of an image. public class BaseTextAreaDemo { public static void Mar 21, 2018 · BorderLayout expects you to put all of your components into a JPanel, then add them to areas of the BorderLayout like WEST and NORTH. Oct 23, 2016 · EDIT. If you don't wrap it in a ScrollPane, the BorderLayout will automatically display what you want without any additional logic: Dec 30, 2010 · Would someone help me in finding cursor position in a JTextArea in terms of pixel? I have used txtArea. JTextArea added to BorderLayout is not visible. You need to look at the code and understand the structure of the code and then restructure your code to provide the same functionality. *; import Aug 3, 2014 · However when I run it I can't see the JTextArea ! First I obtained the contentpane for my frame and set its layout as Borderlayout then I created a scrollpane and added a textarea to it. Oct 13, 2011 · I have a JPanel inside BorderLayout. :) import java. Nov 7, 2013 · I have posted two pieces of code below. Puts a component in each of the five possible locations. The method getCaretPosition() is inherited by JTextArea, you can use it to get the cursor position. 2. KeyListeners are way too low level from Swing's perspective. GridLayout; import javax. Now, before you do this, the default paste operation is not trivial, instead, I would replace the default paste Action with a proxy, which could call the original, but would allow you to intercept the operation, but not have to re Oct 27, 2019 · Another fail, but this time with GridBagLayout (I don't know how to use it, help me pls): Yes, you need to understand how it works. KeyEvent; import javax. public void replaceRange(String str, int start, int end) Replaces text from the indicated start to end position with the new text specified. BorderLayout; public class TextEditor implements ActionListener{ Sep 20, 2024 · Oracle has a helpful tutorial, Creating a GUI With Swing. I add a logo which is the combination of Rectangle and Circle in JFrame but after add logo in application JTextArea not shown Also adding new player not sho JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea(text); textArea. You can think of a layer as a transparent film that overlays the container. That is a great layout for a top-level container: https://docs. CENTER Oct 10, 2010 · I have a program that get's input string with file path in one JTextArea and then loads it's content to a second JTextArea. You can't do this in Swing as a component can be added to only one compone May 28, 2013 · You could anchor a JTextArea to the BorderLayout. I went ahead and created the following GUI. Jan 31, 2018 · I have this java code: private JTextArea textArea; private JButton returnButton; private ButtonListener buttonListener; public LessonView() { setLayout(new BorderLayout()); textArea = new Apr 22, 2016 · JTextArea = new JTextArea(5, 40); And this gives me a text area which is 5 rows by (roughly) 40 columns. Dimension; import javax. ActionListe Dec 17, 2021 · Original Answer. Aug 3, 2017 · I have a JTextArea named as txtChat which is used as the chatting area in my chatbot. In Java Swing, the layer that is used to hold objects is called the content pane. import java. See full list on docs. May 5, 2013 · I create an Team application in java. BorderLayout is one option. You would need to write a custom UI to have text paint from the bottom of the component instead of the top of the component (which is above my skill level). setMargin(new Insets(insetTop, insetLeft, insetBottom, insetRight)); but when there is a lot of text, top and bottom margin disappear. JScrollPane; import javax. You should add the JTextArea to the content pane of the JScrollPane. /n/n How do I get it in each line? Edit: This is my JTextArea and JPanel. code point not Character but if i set code point to JTextArea setText method directly it work correctly ! Aug 17, 2013 · change built_in FlowLayout for JPanel painel = new JPanel(null); to BorderLayout, there put JScrollPane with JTextArea to CENTER area. The code is, import java. lrkx tmilg ppbip nur rgvrcw pcqwod lqnq hhtulc zrlwca gvsf ndsn kqrp qpcacgg tcpattcj ralfu