Lehigh bare primer breech plugs for sale. Thats around another $25 total.
Lehigh bare primer breech plugs for sale Mar 4, 2013 · The Lehigh breech plug will work with either the Knight Bare Primer Bolt or the FPJ Bolt. Bare primer is more reliable with BH209 and much cleaner. Jan 16, 2008 · I have this one breech plug that I have acquired along the way, I know its from knight and I believe its 209 for a long range hunter or a disc ? Which bolt would it work with ? Which adapter would the bolt use ? I had a bolt with my long rang hunter that had a metal adapter that would lock into The DISC Extreme 209 Bare Primer Conversion Kit converts Knight DISC Extreme and Long Range Hunter muzzleloaders to shoot a 209 Bare Primer ignition system. $16. If they are on the very loose side with say a Win209, i would try a fatter primer even if it is shorter. Just for clarification. the cons are the breech plug for bare primers wears out fast when shooting BH209 powder. html Adapter for the bolt. almost. 97) Knight Mountaineer 209 Bare Primer Conversion Kit Method #2 parts links Lehigh breech plug ($16. Aug 1, 2007 · Modify bare 209 Lehigh breech plug to fit NS primer. Mar 29, 2013 · The Lehigh bare primer conversion is beautifully machined. Let us know what you find out thanks Brian Jan 22, 2012 · Originally the plug had a convex face. Nov 24, 2013 · Looking for Lehigh bare primer breech plug and bare primer adapter for Knight UL . I proceeded to shoot my best group of the year shown below. hockeyref; Dec 9, 2022; Inline Muzzleloading; Replies 1 FOR SALE Uberti 1873 SAA Cattleman BP 5. I guess SSK makes them know. I will include some shims to achieve the desired primer crush with your primer of choice. Jan 3, 2016 · I received my Lehigh Breech Plug for shooting BH 209 out of CVA muzzleloaders back from WMD Firearms today. Note I used a Knight B/P tool with the center drilled out with a 5/16" bit. Jun 17, 2017 · Bolt, breech plug, adapter The bag the breech plug came in with the fpj breech plug I took out This is a breech plug for a mountaineer, a little longer than the extreme breech plug And the picture of the bolt with the adapter and breech plug for the extreme out of the gun! Hope this helps clarify what I was talking about. You will need a Knight Red Plastic Jacket bolt to complete the conversion. Muzzleloader Breech plugs for Knight muzzle-loaders. Sep 21, 2024. I shoot 3 different Disc Extremes. Feb 17, 2021 · I have two breech plugs for caps ( 1 for #11 and 1 for Musket) and a conversion kit for 209 primers for the Ruger. These are the Knight plugs with removable vent-liner. Is that what they are and does it have a removable vent liner? Jul 15, 2022 · Sportsmans bare primer bolt body Kit ($64. Mine has been converted with a Lehigh breech plug, and a Knight Disc Extreme bolt, and of course the breech plug adapter. I have a mountaineer conv. 037 which I think is a little large. Jul 17, 2019 · It makes sense about the blowback from pressure. The Lehigh Bare Primer Adapter won't fit into the bolt (opening too narrow) that came with the Knight Bare Primer Kit. Curiosity had me measure W209 primers from an open box. based MLs. It would be more difficult because it is a FPJ plug. M. FITS ONLY KNIGHT ROLLING BLOCK (KRB) MUZZLELOADER; Ignition System: 209 Bare Primer *All Breech Plugs are final sale and non-refundable; This item usually processes in 3 to 5 business days. kit from Sportsman’s in cart on sale but haven’t bought as I don’t see a means to an end in my efforts to go bare. 030. Please email us at sales@knightrifles. Inline Muzzleloading Jan 15, 2015 · As for my custom conversion. I attempted to cycle 3 different brands of 209 primers (W209, Rem STS, and Fed 209a) and had the same issue with Dec 29, 2007 · Herschel mentioned in his thread that his new Lehigh breech plug almost came with a tight enough head space. I purchased the Knight FPJ bolt conversion, Lehigh bare primer breech plug and Lehigh adapter. I removed that to make the plug flat & the just slightly drilled the face with a 5/16 drill bit. 00 Delivered for two. Years ago, I sent Lehigh this gun and he actually altered my bolt and gave me some adaptors that made the bolt into a bare primer adapter. He has 20 or 30 for sale right now. The Lehigh plug was never made for the Ultralites or Mountaineers. I have used them all hunting season with excellent results. I clean/drill out the breech plug. Oct 22, 2009 · I thought CVA would be metric has well I have a CVA Optima Pro 12 guage that has a metric breech plug much bigger breech plug 20mmx 1. Keep your black powder rifle in top condition with a muzzleloader Breech Plug from Knight Rifles. Knight open primer breech plug will close with no primer,but will not close with primer(3/4close). CVA 209 Stainless Steel Primer Breech Plug $ 12. Lehigh bare primer plug with 1 vent liner. 510" w/primer, the length of the new (domed) NFPJ plug is 1. Get a 4 pack of vent liners at the same time. The order is with Muzzle loaders. Dec 13, 2009 · To convert the T-Bolt over to 209 primers all you need is a new breech plug if you want to use the red primer holders the breech plug is P/N-M900021 and if you want to use just the bare 209 primer the breech plug P/N-M900045 these are breech plugs for the MK-85 and the TK-2000 shot guns Oct 4, 2005 · The load was 270g Deep Curl, 110g BH209, green Harvester sabot, and STS primer. Using real black powder or the Pyrodex powders would alleviate some of the problem. Combo Tools; Bare Primer Breech Plugs; FPJ & Orange Disc Breech Plugs; Western Breech Plugs Dec 21, 2007 · The other option is the bare primer bolt BODY from Knight and a Bestill bushing plug. Sep 17, 2019 · 2002 - 2004 use 7/8" Breech Plugs. The problem is I have 10,000 noble sport primers that are just a little too big in diameter for the breech plug. Jan 22, 2025 · (1) new Lehigh Bare Primer Adapter. I mostly used 275 to 325 gr bullets with various sabots, usually with 110 gr of BH209. Which has a bare primer bolt handle and a bare primer breech plug for the disc. NS = 2002 NT = 2003 NU = 2004 2005 on use 5/8"Breech Plugs. The FPJ is experiencing problems now as well slips the catches and tightens. To get a good seal in Omega rifles requires one to use the Woodman adjustable breech plug, or the Bestill plug. $30. 45, . 99. Jun 26, 2013 · It evidently wasn't quite long enough for my primers, as it has an O-ring in the primer socket, but it worked good with the O-ring in place if i correctly recall. I just checked the breech plug and it was . I would contact CVA before running a tap down the bp hole or threading the bp. It worked ok but not great. 99 Read more Mar 29, 2013 · The Lehigh bare primer conversion is beautifully machined. Fast Shipping. Nov 12, 2020 · Im not familiar with how large Lehigh cut those primer pockets in the CVA plugs. NV = 2005 NW = 2006 NX = 2007 Metrics Unlimited or Precision Rifle Bullet are both options for bare primer 209 ignition. Well it seems the Lehigh plugs for my Ultralight did too. It does not fit the Knight Mountaineer or Ultralight. 2 breech plug - Well i finally broke down and ordered a breech plug for a Knight and it arrived today. 50+ bought in past month. All 3 have a Lehigh bare primer breech plug. The adapters are strong stainless steel, they won't crush. 45 and . Lehigh only made removable vent plugs for the older DISC rifles before being contracted by Knight. $25. Bestill makes bushing plugs for the Ultra Light/Mountaineer. Aug 6, 2014 · The Knight Opinion Post got me thinking of an old breech plug I had purchased for a LK-93. com? I have shot the MR with T7 and Win209 primers and dealt with the crude ring. 99 Add to cart; 52 Cal Muzzleloader Cleaning Jag $ 23. I don't recall much about shooting with it and didn't stay with it for May 9, 2021 · Personally I would change it out for Lehigh bare prime Breech plug and a primer adapter. 370 Dec 14, 2021 · The bare primer conversions can be nearly blowby free and very little fouling if any will get inside the bolt body. I have at least 20 different breech plugs for the H&R/NEF Huntsmans and Sidekicks. C. 030" to 0. In many cases I think the Bare primer plug 'may' have less blowback, cleaner. But my breech plug is knight. This Breech Plug's Hole is not that Big. Forums. If it works as well as i expect it to then I might outfit all my Knights with them. If you want to shoot Blackhorn 209, you will not be able to reliably ignite it with the orange primer carrier, or the . 50 https://sskfirearms. It was made out of 17/4 stainless with a removable vent and really made the guns a lot cleaner to shoot. I also have (2) new Lehigh bare primer breechplugs listed for sale. Good for All Calibers, and Exterior Gripping Grooves for Breech Plugs, Gun Jan 16, 2008 · This is a bare 209 breech plug that fits - KP1 , vision and shadow. Jun 8, 2020 · X3 for the Lehigh bare primer adapter. (A new vent liner is already seated in each breech plug) "New" heat treated, stainless steel vent liner. Jan 14, 2025 · Just once is all it takes to ruin the seat with a poorly sealing primer. Feb 25, 2018 · The rifle arrived with FPJ BOLT and open primer breech plug installed. Lehigh is a better and cheaper plug. This kit will eliminate using that adapter that comes with the other conversion. Anyway, I have some pictures below with the following three plugs from left to right, Lehigh, Western, CVA OEM Blackhorn plug, for comparison purposes. They all used the same plugs until the Mountaineer came out. Nov 30, 2012 · If you have a Knight DISC Extreme or Elite and you might want to convert it to bare primer rifle Lehigh Defense is now making the conversion products you might need. Waiting on some Teflon Tape ( Stainless Steel Gray) to install the Lehigh Breech Plug. Thats around another $25 total. It holds the primer in place with a magnet. Flash Sale; Shop the Outlet; Shop Knight Rifles; Shop Bullets; Shop Sabots; Shop Loading and Shooting. These were $44. Jul 15, 2019 · "New" BP fits CVA 2010 and newer Accura, Optima, and Wolf. 654" from mating surface w/primer, the length of the old (pre-FPJ) 209 plug is 1. The plug has a dome powder end. 7 out of 5 stars. The new plug is just longer than the Extreme plug and all the additional length is on a small rim on the powder side. Jan 15, 2006 · Just recieved and shot my new Lehigh plug for my knight bolt action LRH. 5 pitch the other that measured to 5/8 is is a 45 Cal Optima Pro. $20 per set. With no vent liner, the pressure on the primer appeared to be greater, and they mostly leaked soot. A LRH, a Master Hunter and a Disc Elite. 96 after the 25% discount, so they are a bit more money than the alternative, but machining and specs will be top shelf. Mine did not. I jumped on the 209 primer bandwagon back then and when BH209 came out, I started using it with good results. Dec 14, 2020 · 1) Get the FPJ model but also buy the Lehigh NFPJ adapter and the Lehigh bare primer breech plug. I hate it. 50 and . Dec 24, 2009 · Okay men, I am at a point where I am waiting to get a nitride breech plug, back ordered for a CVA MR. CVA, Traditions, Knight, Thompson/Center & More! Best Prices. , any help is appreciated. 50) Bare Primer Adapter, Knight DISC Elite/Extreme Nov 3, 2016 · I know of several people that got less than 100 shots out of the brazed in vent plugs. Nov 29, 2014 · That plug could probably be modified, I have modified several different plugs for shooting BH. 50). 50) and the matching breech plug ($16. Length is somewhat easy to adjust with shims ect. This A. Primer Caddy; 209 Primer Ignition Systems; Bullet Starters; Cappers; Speed Shells; Conversion Kits; Black Powder Measuring; Ram Rods; Breech Plugs. Is it better to just order the Lehigh, plain and not treated, or wait for my turn with Muzzle loaders. I use a custom breech plug thats totally different than original so the bare primer bolt shroud which is in front of primer slot in bolt gets machined out to allow shroud to go around the 7/16 hex on breech plug. You only need the BP and Ventliner. Mar 31, 2021 · The Lehigh Bare Primer adapter is a conversion component for Knight Rifles with the RPJ bolt assembly (Red Plastic Jacket). Feb 8, 2016 · The breech plug you get is made by Lehigh for Knight and is identical to the one that Knight sold with the previous bolt adapter/bare primer breech plug kit which I had installed in 3 Disc Extremes about 18 months ago. The 209 primer wedges into the breech plug that I have and you have to pry it out with a primer removal tool. 50cal. I have a total of three Knights that I want to enhance for use with the bare primer conversions and BH209 Jan 15, 2006 · Thanks GM54. The new plugs come with a primer holder, new plug, and a vent-liner. The Lehigh BP's are made from 17-4 stainless which stronger than the 416 Stainless of the factory breech plug. But As of Jan 27 2025 Optics Planet shows the SSK Breech Plug and Bare Primer Adapter have been DISCONTINUED by the Manufacturer. Only the original orange breech threads without problems Dec 6, 2005 · Do have a Spare Breech Plug an SSK version plus the Older Lehigh, as I was / am concerned once I add Permanent Shims to take up the Primer Pocket Head Space there is no easy wany to remove the Shims so got an extra, Trying to play it safe as these are now Discontinued per Optic's Planet shows. “Update" - both sets sold. Mar 8, 2015 · I look for the PR breech plugs to be much easier on the primer, and likely will not leak between the primer cup and battery cup like some primers do in the other plug. You don't even want to see the OEM Beech Plug with the orange primer carriers. Dec 6, 2005 · Have a Knight Disc Elite with the Lehigh 209 Conversion (Breech Plug, Vent Liner and Bare Primer Adapter) wondering how often do you replace the "Vent Jan 17, 2010 · chetmarks There is a plan in the works to make a clean FPJ plug and the possibilitiy of it happening are way on the good side. What is the overall length and depth of the primer pocket of the Lehigh Breechplug for the Knight D. Aug 20, 2019 · The TK2000 I just got has the nipple for the Red Jacket 209 adapters. I am having difficulty removing plug, socket does not connect on to breech plug until I start to remove plug with Knight tool. Aug 6, 2022 · Why can I seem to find a bare primer breech plug for my Master hunter. 005, . Dec 3, 2019 · This is with the Lehigh NFPJ bare primer conversion breech plug and primer adapter for the end of the bolt. it went from 1-2" groups to 6". Dec 6, 2005 · Guess I have something some have never seen before if it is to be at least 1/8 sized Hole. You get complete FPJ bolt, FPJ breech plug, bare 209 breech plug without vent liner, 209 primer holder, the bare plug was purchased from and gentleman and wife that sold them forgot there names, the plug is a little nicked up on the face. I only tried the conversion by shooting off a few caps to see how well it worked. Plug on left is a Bestill custom and the one on the right is a Lehigh. lehighdefense. Feb 15, 2018 · I contacted Lehigh defense and apparently they sold the breech plugs to Wilson combat 3 years ago. The breech plug body fits all Knight DISC Elite and DISC Extreme muzzleloaders. From the photo on their site, it appears that the 209 primer will simply butt up to the end of the tube of the breech plug and shoot the flame into the hole to ignite the powder chargemuch like the old 209 system. May 17, 2005 · I met this person a couple weeks ago. 99 Add to cart; Knight Rolling Block(KRB) Bare Primer Breech Plug $ 24. 036". In that link it doesn’t says “Lehigh breech plug”. The flash hole is clear, clean, and dry. Both ways require changing the bolt body and they might even require minor machining to fit a DISC action. I can blam blam blam with bare 209s. The Lehigh bolt adapter and Lehigh breech plug will not close(3/4 close with or without primer). 5 in. If interested email Buddy: ginatruckley@ymail. There is a safety factor in shooting a bare primer in an open breech gun with todays powders. Should be enough clearance Dec 14, 2024 · As I’ve been searching I’m starting to think I may have to either stick with orange primer disc or put gun in safe until someone comes back out with a new bare primer plug. Nov 5, 2021 · Initially I used the tool that came with rifle to tighten plug. 50 Knight Elites. Jan 14, 2010 · When they are done being tested they are ready to be sold. I measured the primers and they generally measure . 775" w/primer. Both of these Knight plugs would have to be modified, preferrably in the primer pockets for the H&R/NEF. Probably can find a vent liner to send with. FOR SALE Lehigh Bare Primer Breechplug for Knight D. Hi All Currently my Ultra-Lite is set up for caps. The neat little tools that T/C sells to clean the plug and the threads all work really well for me. The FPJ bolt with FPJ breech plug works fine. $180 Jul 26, 2014 · Nothing wrong with the red plastic primer holders. I had forgotten that. Plugs are available for $50 shipped to your door also nipple available $5 for Treso 1/4-28 #11 nipple $5 for Treso 1/4-28 musket nipple [email protected] Thanks and god bless! Jul 15, 2005 · Got my new 2007 Knight catalog today. I have shot it with plastic Jacket and bare primer. Now I need to decide whether to try it on my Elite or one of my Disc extremes. Nov 11, 2022 · Yes it can and there are 2 ways you can go bare primer. Have no idea what the value is? Am willing to part with the plug because i am using a plug made by Bestill Creations; it works great. His plug also works with the Lehigh NFPJ bolt adapter. Lehigh no longer makes the breech plug, but it can be found by asking on other websites, etc. 00 shipped. scare. The Red plastic jacket and vented plug will certainly work, but I like the Bare primer BP mush better. Using a Win209 or even a WinT7 primer i get a slight primer crush in all of my Knights. lakeplainshunter; Jan 20, 2025; Muzzleloading Classifieds - For Sale / Wanted; Replies 5 Views 172. For safety reasons, all Knight breech plugs and/or breech plug kits cannot be returned or exchanged. When I install all the new components, the bolt does not close all the way, probably 1/16th inch gap between frame and bolt body. Their plug though is not as good in the long run as the other options. I. Ventliners are not included. another sign that the breech plug is eroded Oct 17, 2009 · Bare Primer Breech plug. This breech plug is compatible with the CVA™ Buckhorn, Eclipse, Eclipse Hunter, Stag Horn, Magbolt 150, Firebolt, Firebolt Ultramag & Hunterbolt Magnum. Bare Primer Muzzleloader Breech Plug. The 'bare primer' model from Knight requires you to feed the primer into the rails on the nose of the bolt. Nov 7, 2021 · Lehigh bare primer plug and NFPJ adapter is the easiest and cheapest route. Expert Advice! Dec 28, 2005 · The barrel is on the large side, . I don't want to have to spend 10. It was promptly delivered and I took it to the range Monday this week. 7/16" socket for removal like Knights and Mar 22, 2016 · STS, CCI and 209A primers were/are too short to seal in Omega rifles using OEM breech plugs. 00 each shipped. 015 & . And the price cant be beat. i probably got about 100 rnds thru the rifle when the flash hole eroded out to far when the accuracy starts to fail. Its just enough for a excellent seal but not so much that it would create a dangerous situation. I have kept the charge to around 90gr with no adverse pressure problems. Dec 23, 2024 · SOLD Knight D. Oct 10, 2006 · this muzzle loader can shoot that's about all i can say for it. This muzzleloader breech plug converts almost all Knight rifles that use our patented Full Plastic Jacket, waterproof/waterproof technology so they can utilize a bare 209 Primer ignition system. or 2) Extreme type FPJ bolt body, Lehigh NFPJ adapter for the bolt and a bare primer plug. The Knight Extreme conversion is an entire new bolt but its over $200 now. These plugs cannot use the old primer holder from Knight. Mar 28, 2013 · Will that work for the 209 primers? 2. Ok I purchased/received the Knight Bare Primer Kit (Knight Manufacturing Number (SKU) #M900608) as well as the 3 parts from Lehigh: Vent Liners, Bare Primer Adapter, and Breech Plug. Jan 21, 2025 · The Lehigh Bare Primer adapter is a conversion component for Knight Rifles with the RPJ bolt assembly (Red Plastic Jacket). Ron Laughlin posted some pictures years back. It stays in unless you remove the bolt. And no ignition problems with BH209 using Lehigh recommended Apr 27, 2006 · It would be my suggestion that you order a Red Plastic Jacket (FPJ) model from Knight and then modify that with a drop in primer adapter and breech plug from Lehigh Defense. The Lehigh adapters have been 100% trouble free for me in 2 different guns. So you pick up the Disc Extreme from Knight for $350, the conversion from Lehigh for $31, and boom, you have a BH209-ready Knight for less than four bills. Mar 25, 2015 · The bare breech plug and matching plunger are a much better set up for the early MK 85 rifles. Can't find the Lehigh or knight. 50 caliber (original orange primer) disc rifle with a new Lehigh breech plug and a new conversion bolt. 99 Add to cart; Out of Stock Mountaineer and Ultra-Lite FPJ Breech Plug $ 40. Aug 6, 2014 · That includes the bare primer adapter ($14. This allowed me to shoot 209 primers with out any of the jackets. Two available, $20 each. Adapter Bare Primer Adapter, Knight DISC Elite/Extreme Plug (out of stock atm) Breech Plug Body, Bare Primer, Knight DISC Elite, Extreme, Master Hunter, and Long Range Hunter Vision/KP1/Shadow Bare Primer Breech Plug $ 27. In my experience, it takes 150 shots of 120 gr of BH209 with a 200 gr bullet to increase the size for the orifice in the vent liner from 0. 503". If you have a Knight NFPJ bolt you would not order the "Primer Adapter". Recoil with no vent was noticeably harder. Jan 20, 2025 · (2) new Lehigh Bare Primer Breechplugs for Knight D. Or with the changing of the breech plug can also shoot the Red Jacket Primer holders. The coolest thing for this year (besides the KP1) is the "Non Full Plastic Jacket" breech plugs that use a bare 209 primer: #900044 - Extreme, LRH #900945 - Bighorn, W209, TK #900946 - Vision #900047 - Revolution II No MSRP listed in this year's catalog. 1) Bare primer bolt body and a bare 209 primer plug. The removable vent liner of the Lehigh BP is great. lakeplainshunter; Vision/KP1/Shadow Bare Primer Breech Plug $ 27. Nov 13, 2024 · For me I bought the Lehigh (Breech Pug, the Bare Primer Adapter & A Pack of Vent Liners) 01 12 2019. 00 delivered for one, or $80. Haven't checked in a while did something happen I'm unaware of? I just ordered the bolt finally and now I can't locate a breach plug. SOLD Lehigh bare Mar 10, 2008 · When he was promoting these 209 primer breech plugs, it was no longer valid. 25 ACP breech plugs, even if you use Magnum primers in both. com of Oregon. I believe this plug with replacement nipples should last a lifetime. Lehigh makes a plug that will fit the old Disc rifles, the Extremes, and the Elites which do away with the plastic primer jackets. red FPJ breechplug modified to use a vent liner. 426. Black Powder - Knight Breech Plugs/Conversion Kits - Does anyone know where I can get a conversion kit or just the breech plug for a 50 cal Knight Wolverine? I would like to find the original 209 conversion type not the new extreme that uses the plastic disc. It is a bare primer 209 plug for Knight's plunger guns. Jan 28, 2025 · Picked a a lehigh bare primer and threaded down just fine until it stopped then slipped and wouldn't go any farther. creme-master-hunter-and-long-range-hunter. I have had no problems with spacing or anything. Vent Liner not included. I am hoping someone with a newer rifle upgraded from the 209 bare breech plug, to the 209 disk system, and will part with the 209 bare breech plug set up. But it is The original. SAVE! BEST DEAL ANYWHERE! "Savage 10 ML-II Type" vent Liner muzzle loader Multi Packs Ship Free replacement for Badger Ridge Hunter breech plug Savage 10 ML-II muzzle-loader 10 ML2, Lehigh breech plugs, SSK breach plugs Dec 6, 2005 · Yes Got the Spare Bare Primer Adapter and Vent Liners sooner that the 6 to 8 Weeks as suggested (was only 4 weeks). Just put the new bolt in and the breech plug for bare primers and this is done. After further research I purchased a 7/16 deep socket with 1/4 inch extension to remove and install plug. I always have instant ignition with my Lehigh plug. D. Mar 11, 2009 · I have an original Disc (orange primer jacket). com> $45. Newer boxes of Winchester shotgun primers are also too short to seal using OEM Omega breech plugs. Note: The 209 Disc Extreme Breech plug is not compatible with our Orange Disc ignition system. 52 caliber. That and using Federal's 209A primer in lieu of a CCI 209M has greatly reduced blowback and tightened my groups. Is that correct, or does the 209 primer actually go into the tube of the breech plug? 3. Now I just need to get out Conversion of non vent liner breech plugs to accept a vent liner-or-Removing vent liners brazed into a breech plug - or- Modifying Savage 10ML breech plugs to take Savage 10 ML2 type vent liners New lathe is in place and we are working through the back log. Two 4-pk sets available. The original Lehigh plug vents lasted a much longer number of shots. 50) Breech Plug Body, Bare Primer, Knight DISC Elite, Extreme, Master Hunter, and Long Range Hunter Lehigh Non-FPJ adapter ($14. Expect 4 week turn around (from when it hits my hand until I put it back in the mail). New posts Search forums. Shop Knight Rifles! The Lehigh Bare Primer adapter is a conversion component for Knight Rifles with the RPJ bolt assembly (Red Plastic Jacket). com if you need any assistance finding the right breech plug for your rifle. Knight DISC Extreme and Long Range Hunter; Fits . both fit fine and the bolt cycled without issue without a primer. The knight bare primer bolt that i got constantly has primers stick in it. For Sale / Wanted . rifles? Feb 13, 2016 · The Lehigh breech plug was made for the Extreme/Elites and sold by Lehigh. Just recieved FPJ breech plug. 00. Jan 21, 2015 · First let me say that I have been reading the many posts on improving headspace in Knight rifles using the Lehigh Bare Primer conversions. A leatherman was required to remove the primers from the breech plug when there was no vent liner. It now shoots the bare 209 primers. Sep 12, 2012 · Anyway, so all I have to do is order the conversion kit for $120 and then a bare primer breech plug for $42 = $162 in a conversion kit (my disc uses the orange ones currently with 209s - that's how I bought it used). The bushing plug is custom fit to your rifle with the primer of your choice. Make your black powder rifle more versatile with the Vision Bare Primer Breech Plug from Knight Rifles. From experience one learns W209 primers come in many different lengths. I liked the reviews of the Lehigh plug so I ordered one. Dec 6, 2005 · Being Looking to get a Used Primer for Testing of How Many Shims are needed for my Knight Disc Elite using the Lehigh Conversion? Will I do any damage firing Just a Primer in my Rifle inside my Basement? Trying to be Safe? As there is 3 sizes of Shim Thicknesses . S. Dec 5, 2013 · OK so I got all the parts to convert my night original disk to bear 209 primer with Lehigh breech plug and adapter. To achieve a good seal between the adapter, and the breech plug, the socket on these plugs was made deep enough to use an o-ring, which provides a 'seal'. 99 Read more This CVA® replacement breech plug uses a standard 209 primer and is constructed of stainless steel. For Sale / Wanted; Replies 0 Views 105. It worked GOOD. Dec 24, 2009 · M900608 conversion kit. You can do this with either the Knight Extreme conversion kit and about $40 in parts from Lehigh or a bare primer bolt body and just the Lehigh breech plug. Breech plugs for Mountaineer, Ultra-lite, Disc, and Plunger style guns. My buddy still uses them, even after I gave him a Lehigh NPJ breech plug with the removable vent liner. Never had to do anything to get the spent primer out of either gun, just tip it and the primer falls out every time. Jul 13, 2014 · To achieve a perfect seal between breech plug, and primer it is kinda necessary to 'crush' the primer some. ALL SALES ARE FINAL. S. Jul 31, 2010 · Black Powder - Lehigh Gen. Ron Huff; Nov 18, 2022; Inline Muzzleloading; Replies 2 Views 606. 00+shipping for them. CVA Steel Apollo Nipple & Breech Plug Wrench For In Line Muz Dec 16, 2024 · Like i said. Breech Plug Body, Bare Primer, Knight DISC Elite, Extreme, Master Hunter, and Long Range Hunter. Knight sells a bare primer kit with the bolt body and plug. Free Shipping Option* Remove from Compare Add to Compare. 2) Get the bare primer bolt body model and also buy just the Lehigh breech plug. Thats around another $40 total. I wouldn't waste my time with the Red Full Plastic Jacket beech plug that come with the Knight bolt conversion. I really do prefer the Lehigh plug to the Knight plug. May 2, 2021 · Good morning. Fits . Couple of other interesting items: Dec 16, 2012 · The Lehigh breech plug accepts a bare primer and has a vent liner, but their ventliner is removable where the one you ordered will be fixed. No more burning scopes with this plug. Nov 9, 2008 · I still haven't decided whether I'll use Teflon Tape on the plug or not, as I don't ever recall having any issues with the old X7's plug. It is a Lehigh breech plug built for Knight using the specifications supplied by Knight. Any insights into this change of breech plug designs would be appreciated, thanks! Old No7 Jan 11, 2019 · For those of you that might be interested Lehigh Dave is back offering conversion parts - 17-4 breech plugs, primer adapters and Vent lines Have a brand new Knight Disc Extreme with the FPJ in which I would like to try BH209. Jan 21, 2015 · That information is incorrect. Then I realized I should get a few additional Vent Liners just to have some so on 01 25 2019I bought 3 Packs of Vent Liners and the Lehigh Tool to Replace the Vent Liners also just to have, being it could be a Standard Allen Wrench but I have these extras in my Muzzleloader Field Box. The Lehigh plug is 17-4 stainless a really strong metal and the Lehigh/Knight plug is 416 stainless. Dec 2, 2014 · Knight Dis extreme FPJ/Bare primer, bolt and breech plugs and primer holder. I still like the idea of the FPJ sealing the breech from moisture being able to get through the BP to the powder. 4. The knight Mar 10, 2008 · The length of the 5/8" NEF plug is 1. OD is not. This setup is a full rebarreled knight. as I just learned from Optics Planet they have shipped me a Spare "Bare Primer Adapter" got the email Oct 7, 2010 · Muzzleloading, Firearms & Optics. It fit some others like the Super Disc and also the LRH. . of Win209 or FED209A primer sticking out of the breech plug. Lehigh is now producing a 17- 4 metal Breech plug, primer adapter, and Vent Liners. I installed the new Lehigh adapter and B/P in my . This is what the bolt will look like, and both types of breech plugs. Bestill's plug is also 17-4 and really is a good plug, But with the Lehigh I have I do not have a great need for Bestill's. Its probably not quite as water resistant as a o-ring or FPJ but ive never had a problem. The Adapter in combination with the correct Bare Primer Breech Plug will convert the rifle from Red Plastic Jacket to a Bare Primer rifle (209 shot shell primer). I have read that Knight now has a BH209 plug for this gun & I will be checking into that, but I didn't want to wait & waned to shoot my gun. Jan 24, 2021 · Lehigh makes the plugs for Knight but the vents in the Knight plug are braised in and they are 416SS instead of 17-4. If you don't mind having a fixed vent liner and a little blowback, the M900024V will work fine. 243” but the Dec 18, 2024 · Been doing a little Research on the Conversion to Convert a Disc Elite with the Lehigh Defense System and read that the Bare Primer Adapter when you remove the Bolt from the Disc Elite can Fall Off? So Is it a Good Idea to have a Spare? Also Do you need anything else but the "Lehigh" Breech Apr 26, 2010 · I haven’t been happy with groups this fall and decided I may have worn out my CVA BH 209 breech plug. CVA AC1678 209 Shotgun Primer Repl. The nitriding was pretty reasonable at $15. After buying the 209 open-breech conversion I decided to go whole hog and get the Badger closed-breech conversion. On Knights website in the Breech Plugs listed is a ( KRB 209 Bare 209 BP ), is that the correct replacement BP for the factory one? Shop All Major Muzzleloader Brand Breech Plugs. Seems the skinny for this is to convert to bare primer with Nov 29, 2014 · I have no intention of doing a 209 primer option or doing a vent liner plug. 52 caliber; 209 Bare Primer Bolt Design; 209 Bare Primer Breech Plug Jul 11, 2010 · I decided to test my Knight . I checked them with both standard and metric thread pitch guages. Can anyone tell me exactly how to get a bare primer breech plug for my knight 45 disc extreme. as I just learned from Optics Planet they have shipped me a Spare "Bare Primer Adapter" got the email Jan 4, 2015 · It's easy to clean up after shooting, no crud ring in the barrel, consistent performance etc. nhscpsax yuthepo cqk blyktw glrr yej oiz xmtaixt mvwi aadthiy eilxuk cqalshr kljce ixgpor sdlrxf