Piosolver trainer. There are many new features and improvements.
Piosolver trainer It’s nice to have another option for PioSolver, like GTO Wizard, which is easier to use without sacrificing strategy depth. The Upswing Poker Lab is the best poker coaching option for No Limit Hold'em players. The main thing is that you get started and put in the repetitions. Now start PioViewer. 00 Buy Edge Training with Lucid, whether it was grinding the Leaderboard, practicing a spot with Custom Drills, or diving deep with the Sim Explorer, has been extremely humbling and exciting. Calculation, strategies and other concepts Why is solver sometimes choosing action with negative EV? The EVs are calculated against current solution (against current opponent's strategy). You need a fairly decent PC to run PIO for one as it is very processor and RAM hungry. Is this similar to MonkerSolver with less features? Solver Buddy - $69/month. Pricing. Product Quantity Price; PioSOLVER 3. Continue Nov 5, 2015 · We have used a random walk approach - at every step the subset is mutated in some ways and if the improvement is found that new subset becomes a new current one - rinse and repeat. Micro+Low or MTT - $49/month. To be honest I think the extra features/usability of these tools compared to the others are pretty minor. PioSolver. You can read the full documentation to see all the commands which you can use to make scripts for the solver. 5 Card - $89/month. May 2, 2020 · 這也是為什麼 DTO 或者 Simple GTO Trainer 許多玩家使用起來進步效果有限,當只是「死記」答案,卻無法了解整個雙方範的 策略 變化並無法體悟到 GTO 想要傳達的訊息。有些人喜歡批判說 GTO 玩家很白癡,一定要有 bluff 組合但對方根本不會蓋牌,或者對方沒有詐唬 Beat the best and crush the rest with GTO Wizard. PioSOLVER 3. 00: Total In PioSOLVER the Node Locking functionality consists of two things: Change strategy - changes strategy stored in the tree. 🔗 Useful Links 🔗🛒 For the solved ranges I use in this video 👉 https://www. See full list on pokernerve. The reason I ended up going with the High Roller subscription is because of the EV loss numbers. Here is an example of a BB vs BTN 3BP sim where the turn cbet node has been locked to use a single size, despite the original sim having 3 different bet sizes at this node. Piosolver is a powerful tool with great solver outputs and can Dec 17, 2021 · Importantly, PioSOLVER 2 and Simple Postflop include the must-have GTO Trainer tool. Online Range Viewer for the entire preflop gametree. 一つのcfrファイルについて、あるいは複数のファイルについてsolutionに対してプレイをすることができる。 2. Simple GTO Trainer lets you take either our existing precomputed GTO solutions, or your own custom GTO solutions that you create using Piosolver of Simplepostflop and turn them into playable postflop AI opponents, or systematic drills where you repeatedly practice specific actions (eg c-betting or c-bet defense). It's now possible to solve preflop heads-up spots in Holdem. 7(2020年1月31日),这个软件内置的Training可能是GTO+最具实用性的功能,是目前AI训练的最好选择之一。 Piosolver Basic only comes with one activation and the Pro has 2 activations. Unlock powerful GTO solutions, sharpen your skills with the trainer, and learn from top coaches to elevate your game. com telegram: @cheaPPoker discord: alexandr#0234 viber, whatsapp, signal: +447568759721 skype: Elite Poker Guide (live:. It's basically constructing a game tree which piosolver does and works out all the math, if you plug in the correct ranges it 100% has application in real games but getting the ranges precise is hard, I'm more looking to analyse generic situations anyways. Generating subtrees . Vision GTO Trainer makes GTO simple for beginners with a user-friendly design. In mid-2021, PioSolver 2. If you are serious about winning these fast paced sit n go poker formats, RangeConverter's Spins Reg and Pro subscriptions will give you the tools to crush your opponents. Simple GTO Trainer is built on the cutting edge SimplePostflop engine which is the fastest and most powerful GTO Solver in the world. The GTO Trainer is like a training tool where you can learn GTO strategies in poker. PioSOLVER - A very fast GTO solver for Holdem Poker. 0 was released, which was the first major update with many new features. Poker Academy Packages: 3-day trial + from $19 per month to $199 per month Mar 19, 2024 · Tools like PIOsolver and other apps are mostly used by professional players who have required resources (time, money, and computing power) to run complex calculations. Some of them are: Big performance improvements, the solver is 2x faster on average and even up to 5x faster on some trees using new algorithm (especially simple trees) GTO trainer Nov 21, 2024 · The original PioSolver 1. Dec 6, 2024 · Something else that’s neat about RangeConverter is that it connects to other popular poker training apps, including PioSolver. Bet / raise sizes Apr 8, 2024 · I like to run my own postflop sims with PIOSolver so I can choose the bet sizes and raise sizes I actually use in game. Previous Feb 20, 2024 · If you want to increase your edge at the tables even further, make sure to check the Pokercoaching training site. PIOSOLVER专业GTO软件。没有教不会的初学者,也没有学不好的初学者。共同学习,共同进步~健康,快乐的德州~, 视频播放量 10381、弹幕量 2、点赞数 48、投硬币枚数 22、收藏人数 134、转发人数 49, 视频作者 小老弟阿飞, 作者简介 AfeiDPruanjian,相关视频:德州扑克插件Easy Hud的使用教程,Hand2note精品教程 Apr 26, 2020 · Acevedo instructs you how to use a number of different GTO solvers; PioSOLVER, MonkerSolver, GTO+, HoldemResource Calculator, and Simple GTO Trainer. It’ll actually end up cheaper for you overall but with a much better product. Please check out a video from our developer Kuba about it. プレイ中に任意のヒントがついている。 Number of Activations Enter the number of activations you wish to purchase. Feb 15, 2023 · NOTE: Pokernerve will soon be bringing you PioSOLVER simulations. com – Price $249 to $1,099. Some people find this useful for drilling vs. These apps are designed to let you go heads up in your simulations. Simple GTO Trainer. Extensive nodelocking tutorial so you can discover effective counter-strategies that print money in your games. I recently built a pc specifically for a gto solver and went with gto+ as pio basic is virtually redundant as it only uses up to 8 threads and need to buy the pro to get scripting aswell. 7 downloadable trees you can import into PioSOLVER to save time and effort when studying. In an era where technology and data reign supreme, the edge in poker has shifted towards the ability to effectively use cutting-edge software. com/product-category/preflop-poker-charts/🌐 For my website 👉 I'll start with the price, PioSOLVER is a one time payment thing and GTOwizard requires a monthly subscription. Lately i’ve been watching a ton of training videos and material because i’m trying to improve my game. PioSolver uses a universal poker interface to communicate, which is a text interface. After just a few sessions, I realized how powerful this GTO trainer is at both showing me my leaks and helping me plug them! Simple GTO Trainer Pro: A license for one computer with the option to deactivate it from the program. com Jun 19, 2023 · One of the best features of PioSOLVER 2. 2. 0 software was released in 2015 and has been regularly updated over the years. Oct 1, 2023 · In this GTO Wizard review, I discuss why this tool is my favorite poker solver and poker trainer for studying sims in 2023. To avoid that, you can set exactly what hands you want to be dealt when training a particular range. All the no limit holdem cash preflop ranges and strategy charts are available for every solution to view in PioSolver and MonkerSolver, starting from only $99. In PioSOLVER betting structure of a tree is specified as the list of lines. Click here to purchase my Tournament Poker Course: https: Mar 17, 2021 · PioSOLVER 2. Subscribe n Apr 4, 2021 · In today's video I go through my favourite feature of the upgraded, brand new PIOSolver Version 2. PioSolver 2. Also check out our Vision GTO Trainer review, our list of Vision GTO Trainer alternatives and Vision GTO Trainer promos. PioSOLVER PioSOLVER is a GTO solver software for Hold’em. (Like obvious folds). No, it isn't a trainer in the sense that GTO or PIOSolver are, and you're not going to get multiple player hands from those guys. Includes an analysis of 1k online hand history using PioSolver and other tools Part 3 : 100BB NLH Cash Postflop Aggregated Analysis and GTO trainer (4 videos) Includes : BB vs BN 97 Flops Subset Aggregated Analysis BB vs UTG 97 Flops Subset Aggregated Analysis Simple GTO Trainer : Play against the Solution (Regular Mode and Drills) FREE BONUS Poker Software - Poker-related software official support, e. Head coach Gareth James fires up PIOSolver's new GTO Trainer. The game starting from preflop is humongous that's why we make it possible to to run the solver using subset of flops instead of all 1755 strategically different ones. Poker training will never be the same. the GTO trainer, analyzing aggregated reports, or just going over individual hands. 610b165c570f6306) PioSOLVER. Do I have to pay $250 to… This is a small summary of differences between PioSOLVER versions: PioSOLVER free is a turn and river solver. In consequence it's not possible to specify different betting line on different runouts. I. one betsize everywhere and an option to seemlessly browse the tree on the turn and river with many betsizes - via subtrees created and solved autmoatically by the viewer. The real EV results we got were divided into a training set and a testing set to avoid a situation where the same data is used for both training and testing. 0 User manual What is included . Pick your hands, your position, and the style of your opponents. Perfect as a pre-session warm-up or to drill your knowledge of GTO strategy. The line is a betting sequence consisting of checks, bets, raises, calls and folds etc. Gto+ does pretty much everything pio does and id argue the UI is more intuitive plus you get the play against the solution similar to simple postflops trainer. Watch Aug 22, 2024 · GTO Trainer PioSolver has a built in GTO Trainer that allows you to train using your simulations. GTO Trainer is coming to Postflopizer in Summer 2024. Money isn't an issue. It solves turns and rivers with arbitrary amount of bet sizes at every spot (up to 10). It’s been around the longest, it’s competitively priced, well supported, updated frequently and (crucially…) fully customisable to your own needs. Offers directed training modes for easy learning. The ability to create your own trainings (regular & drills) using Simple Postflop or PioSOLVER. I see a lot of players using Piosolver. With the ability to Jul 24, 2019 · In this video I want to present you a program called "Simple GTO Trainer", which I find truly helpful and practical to improve my own poker game. 0! This is our first major version upgrade and it's a big one. To familiarize with the program, absolutely all users are provided with a set of free options: free GTO calculation on the turn and river, three solved flops from the book of John Juanda, solved preflop tree Will Tipton, as using all flops during calculation, and using different subsets of flops during the calculation. Here you will find detailed information about some more complex parts of the program that benefit from having a complete reference. carrotcorner. Also, I like running the sims over multiple different flops (known as scripting) so that I can then train against the trainer, again, using the bet sizes I actually use in game. Preflop solver with a variety of settings and nice Very fast and free calculation of GTO strategies on Turn and River. cid. PioSolver is one of the most powerful GTO solvers on the market. Mar 16, 2021 · We are happy to announce PioSOLVER 2. Cloud Training Packs for Simple GTO Trainer (work without Pro License): Apr 22, 2024 · There is a new version of PioSolver 3. You’ll need to create (or purchase) packs that have premade training scenarios. Jul 16, 2020 · Equity Trainer: Test your equity knowledge with predetermined quizzes or ranges that you define yourself. 0 is out! Read more. Thanks! I've been using PIOsolver 2 recently which has a GTO trainer and I've also used Simple GTO Trainer in the past. Complete key skills from the personalized training courses to master preflop and postflop strategy. Sep 13, 2024 · Customize what hands will be dealt when training. 3. Gives immediate feedback for quick improvement. You can set various parameters and work on specific actions, like what to do facing a c-bet on the flop. 0版开始提供了“Play against the solution”,类似于Simp GTO Trainer,但界面更为美观、使用更为方便。 随着版本更新至V1. Access to the training set "Core GTO Pack". This is a tool that allows you to practice GTO strategy and get real-time feedback. Steps to Redeem Your PokerGO 12-Months Subscription Step 3: Since you’ve been gifted a 12-Months subscription, please select the Annual Plan for $99. Hi, I'm new to GTO poker and I was wondering what is the difference between GTOwizard and PIOsolver and which one to get. I essentially have 2 questions. There is a Preflop-Chart editor to create images of your preflop strategies. This means those are not perfect equilibrium EV Oct 21, 2020 · As PioSolver is king of the poker solver market, so Simple GTO trainer is king of the GTO trainer market. Filters in GTO trainer; HH exporter - the feature to let the solver play against itself and generate hand histories in a format that you can import into your preferred database; No PioSolver Basic From version 3. Mar 29, 2019 · An analysis of the advantages and limitations of GTO poker solvers like PioSolver - what they are best for and how they can be misleading Hi all! I was wondering if I could get some advice about solvers. Jan 6, 2021 · はじめに (1/8 追記あり) ※今回紹介するソフトはいずれもPioSolver Pro以上が必要です。 年始からポーカーの研鑽に励んでいらっしゃる皆様、明けましておめでとうございます。さて、皆さんの中でこんな悩みを持っている方はいらっしゃらないでしょうか。 「Solverを導入したはいいけど、どう Number of Activations Enter the number of activations you wish to purchase. For instance, PioSolver might advise a conservative approach on the flop with a specific hand, but a more aggressive line on the turn, if specific cards hit that, is favorable to the types of hand you hold. But if you can't afford Pio, I highly recommend GTOWizard as a valid option as well. PioSolver 3. Sep 28, 2023 · DTO Poker Trainer Review Conclusion. Buy Now Get Started. Whether you play poker for real money or just want to learn the game, RangeConverter's NLHE Cash Reg and Pro subscriptions will give you the tools to crush your opponents. g. All the Spin and Go and Hyper Turbo preflop ranges and strategy charts are available for every solution to view in PioSolver and MonkerSolver, starting from only $99. Join Poker Sep 28, 2023 · DTO: A Must-Have Poker Trainer ; GTO Wizard: A Valuable Poker Tool ; Hold'em Resources Calculator: An Essential Preflop Tool ; PioSOLVER, Simple Postflop, GTO+ and More: Advanced Tools for Serious Poker Players; Hand2Note: The Superior Poker Tracker for Enhanced Game Analysis and Performance 3. Is it worth the money if you are wanting to study hands and improve your game? It does seem quite a complicated program to work. What you get: GTO Poker Trainer + Preflop Range Viewer + Lobby access. For even more deep stacked strategy, be sure to check out my free poker training class on exploiting recreational players deep stacked. He demonstrates how to install the software, discusses the cost and shares which ones, in his opinion, provide the best value. Lock full range - strategy will not be changed in this node when resolving. Mar 30, 2019 · The core idea of exploitative play is that we deviate away from GTO/optimal play in order to win more cash from our opponents. You basically have to have individual solver files for range 1 vs range 2 in various situations (e. PioSOLVER - review and a tutorial by Uczniak (in Polish) (updated review here) Series of videos by David Alford, those get very good response among our users: Optimizing studying with PioSOLVER part1; How to NodeLock in PioSOLVER; Using Aggregated Reports in PioSOLVER; Reducing the tree size; By us Quick Start Guide - start here! PioSOLVER Tutorials: What is PioSOLVER? This PioSOLVER Training course is focused on optimizing your use of all the best features in PioSOLVER. $549. If you want to study poker the right way, you’ll need to eventually get on with the program and start using it. Range Explorer Mar 16, 2021 · We are happy to announce PioSOLVER 2. If you've spent the time building your own Ranges, now you can put them to use and import them into RangeTrainerPro. PioSOLVER is a strong program that can correctly figure out Nash equilibrium in complex post-flop situations, such as on the Turn and the River. Mid+High or Ante - $79/month. Our top-tier Heads-Up Holdem solver for high stakes players who like to have a bit more. Some of them are: Big performance improvements, the solver is 2x faster on average and even up to 5x faster on some trees using new algorithm (especially simple trees) GTO trainer Mar 16, 2021 · GTO trainer. Product comparison. The program will mostly help you develop the right habits in late game scenarios and complex situations. While the GTO Wizard AI study tool is very powerful, it may be too daunting for those with little experience. The first is, does anyone know what new features (outside of the handful listed on the website) Piosolver 3 has added? I know it's been claimed that GTO+ converges to solutions more quickly than Piosolver 2 and I was wondering if that has changed now. I putz around with mostly PIOSolver but also GTO, but that's to practice the art of getting that last opponent out of the hand. It’s widely used by professional poker players. So the training process can be not really time-efficient. Get the commercial version Download our installer; Select your version - PioSolver 3 pro or edge (click Menu -> Show Old Products if you have PioSolver 1 or 2), enter your licence code and download / install. Oct 4, 2019 · || Simple GTO Trainer: http://bit. New browser layout Based on your feedback we've created a new layout for the PioSolver, which is more interactive and combines in one view strenghts of an old browser and Range explorer. Have a database of all your ranges in your pocket at all times, and use the Range Trainer to memorize them whenever you have a free moment. Is there a way to try the PioSOLVER GTO Trainer for free? When I downloaded PioSOLVER Free the trainer menu was greyed out. But just wondered of all your experiences with it. I subscribed to the elite rio for 2 months and watched tons of videos but the only thing I got out of it is that you can cbet range on spots where doing so "won't cost you too much EV", but no one ever mentions how much EV is an acceptable loss. e. SELLING POKER Courses & Soft for CHEAP. I was… Select PioSolver Free version and download / install. And solves can take up a ton of space. Preflop study tool - Range explorer, quizzes, live hand search Preflop Whiz. フィードバック付きで、全てのハンドのヒストリーを見ることができる。 3. There are many new features and improvements. It's the first in a new generation of tools moving poker from a game based mainly on intuition to a game based on analysis and math. Apr 22, 2024 · There is a new version of PioSolver 3. Now it's possible to load a flop save with e. While it has a steeper learning curve, the depth of analysis it provides is unmatched. Best Prices For The Best Courses! Any Proofs Greetings! USE MY CONTACTS ONLY: email: ElitePokerGuide@gmail. Join the discord - find the study group section - come study with the Jan 7, 2024 · Plugging Leaks With GTO Trainer. 99. For maximum benefit, it is worth buying the entire program package, but having only the Trainer can achieve quite good results. PioSolver is one of the most popular tools used for hand analysis these days. This poker training course is updated monthly so the learning never stops. Advanced poker training for all preflop and postflop solutions for your chosen game type. Training against a GTO poker bot. We hope this manual will be helfpul, however it's not intended to be exhaustive nor complete. If you like Oct 6, 2023 · Tl;dr: Go with PioSolver over MonkerSolver. Biggest Database on the Market. It will greatly reduce the amount of time you PioSOLVER has a bulit-in trainer which allows to test yourself playing vs a computed solutions. You can import your own custom SPF solution files and, if you own SPF, use the SPF engine for real time turn and river solving to enhance your training. 2. Over the last few years, ‘Pio’ has become synonymous with solvers in general, to the point where nearly all mid and highstakes professionals I know frequently use the verb ‘to Pio’ a hand the same way people use ‘to Google Integrates with the SimplePostflop and Piosolver Engine. Some of them are: Big performance improvements, the solver is 2x faster on average and even up to 5x faster on some trees using new algorithm (especially simple trees) GTO trainer PioSOLVER is a very fast GTO solver for Holdem. A very fast GTO solver for Holdem. Wit Mar 16, 2021 · We are happy to announce PioSOLVER 2. Dec 15, 2015 · Today we are releasing long anticipated preflop solver. Over 250,000 solutions, from 10BB to 100bb. I feel it would be remiss of me to start a discussion of GTO poker solvers software with anything other than PioSolver. GTO+ I've spent dozens/hundreds of hours on Piosolver but I'm kinda running around in circle. Piosolver. It handles heads-up postflop spots with arbitrary starting ranges, stack sizes, bet sizes as well as desired accuracy. PLOCalc (equity calc+range explorer) - $300. But Simple GTO software can make things much easier, and make actual solutions available to every player so make sure to check it out. 0. It's completely free and has performance of a pro version but allows to solve only two example flops, which can let you play with almost full set of features, evaluate performance before deciding to buy the commercial version. 0 GTO Trainer Exercises Easily import your own PioSolver Ranges in seconds. A player can't have different betting sizes on different turn card. 1. Integrates with the SimplePostflop and Piosolver Engine. This is a small summary of differences between PioSOLVER versions: PioSOLVER free is a version of PioSolver for evaluation purposes. This solver also came out much later than GTO+ or Piosolver. Apr 2, 2019 · How to get the most out of poker study with a solver - six features people often overlook when studying GTO poker solutions with PioSolver And also it's missing other features that solvers like GTO+ have like trainer mode and such. PioSOLVER is great for high volume analysis Jun 6, 2019 · Want to stop wasting valuable study time and really get to grips with PioSolver? This course is for you – over 2h of material, featuring a full walkthrough guide to everything from purchase and setup to advanced features like node locking, scripting and aggregate reports. ly/SimpleGTO for a 10% discountIn this video, a short tutorial on how to make Simple GTO Trainer work with PioSolver. x; Changed the text label at the end of the hand "Hero last best frequencies" to "Hero's last highest frequency action": Beat the best and crush the rest with GTO Wizard. exe and follow the instructions. GTOTrainer brings you a solver strategy that is easy to use and understand. , poker trackers, solvers, equity calculators. May 17, 2020 · PioSOLVER poker training from Guerrilla Poker - high stakes poker coach Uri Peleg helps us understand the essentials of useful PioSOLVER analysis. Improve your poker game while playing up to 500 hands an hour against the smartest artificially intelligent poker players ever designed. 0 release - your favourite poker solver just got a lot better!1)Performance improvements (1:10)2)GTO trainer (7:29)3)Job queue (18:25)4)Node-lock Christophe gets familiar with effective stacks and creates a training pack on Piosolver. Oct 2, 2023 · Filters in GTO trainer; HH exporter - the feature to let the solver play against itself and generate hand histories in a format that you can import into your preferred database; No PioSolver Basic From version 3. When training, if you are dealt two random cards in each hand, most of your decisions might be very easy. It's completely free, a bit slower than a pro version (it doesn't really matter for turn and river spots). PioSolver uses advanced optimization algorithms to solve complex situations and gives you more control over the settings. 0 is the GTO Trainer, which you can open by pushing CTRL + T. Lock range - prevent solver from resolving certain hands in a node. For example, if we’re in a spot where we think our villain won’t fold as much as he should, rather than structuring our range with an optimal ratio of value bets and bluffs, we’ll drop a few bluffs from the range and potentially add a few thinner value bets. 0, we will be shipping only the Pro and Edge versions of PioSolver, and each will include only one activation. The Edge version is not really necessarily unless you are doing some serious HPC stuff. There is a new feature that automates process of creating subtrees. Based on this DTO Poker Trainer review you can get a sense that I really like the app, After about 500 hands I have really noticed a positive change in my poker game. 0 Pro : 1x: 249. You can use these for study, load them into PioSOLVER 2 GTO Trainer for practice, or simply have them on hand to check you are using the correct strategy at the table to beat your opponents! Here's some information about PokerNerve's PioSOLVER simulations to help Mar 30, 2021 · Added the support for more than 7 bet sizings in custom training; Now the auto-selection of actions (if there is only 1 action on the node) can be enabled / disabled in the settings menu: Added support for piosolver version 2. Looking at the pricing on their website buying Pio edge is equivalent to paying for wizard for 1 year if you choose the annual option. GTO Trainer, on the other hand, is extremely simple and very useful, and it can help you quickly improve your game and plug any leaks you may have. Is PIOSolver worth it in 2024? Or should you choose Postflopizer instead? Right now PioSOLVER offers two products, Pro and Edge. 5 hours of training that will help you use PioSOLVER like top online pros. Oct 2, 2023 · There is a new version of PioSolver 3. These will cover various positions and scenarios around the table. Jan 8, 2025 · Utilizing the popular poker tool PioSolver, Tristan teaches poker players how to properly overbet in deep stacked cash games. GTO+自V1. Jul 21, 2021 · #gto #piosolver #pokerAre the new wave of GTO products actually helpful for your game, or are they a passing fad? Today, we talk about what training with GTO Jul 3, 2024 · There is a new version of PioSolver 3. . BB vs BTN, UTG vs BB when they're 40bb/60bb deep, in single raised pots, 3 bet pots, etc) and each of those solves can take up gigabytes' worth of space. If you’re an advanced player, and the GTO Wizard library of solutions is not enough for you, you can consider getting PioSolver to run custom calculations on your device. I've tried several other solvers, but for the price and for the quality of the user interface, I prefer this tool over many of the other options available. Nov 5, 2015 · We have used a random walk approach - at every step the subset is mutated in some ways and if the improvement is found that new subset becomes a new current one - rinse and repeat. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to setup your first GTO poker sim in PioSOLVER 2 so you can get started with some PioSOLVER GTO poker analysis. Mar 31, 2019 · PioSolver. I'm sure it still works great though, but I just find being able to save all my files locally instead of having it hang out in my browser cache is much easier to work with. That combined with heavy memory opt Oct 31, 2024 · Trainer is the Simple GTO package program that is most suitable in this category. dexzozbkccjlalgrugqyvotccleqpkvzovjgcwsymkjpkaqwxyflbnvdbqfnyoqronsklmfhdc