Prequel trilogy vs sequel trilogy reddit. Yes, Jar-Jar in TPM is overdone.
Prequel trilogy vs sequel trilogy reddit So for 2/3 movies of the sequel trilogy we were look forward to see where the story went and hoping it would end well. The three movie arc of Palpatine’s rise to power, his engineering of a war that pitted the galaxy against itself which resulted in him gaining unchecked power and a massive army which he uses to turn the republic into the Empire and destroy the Jedi. For example, Luke ends up living, we see a new Jedi Order, Finn and Rey have better stories, etc. Looking back on the Sequel Trilogy, I would be shocked if anyone is still talking about it in a few years. It has relevance. I know that’s an unpopular opinion, because the original trilogy was obviously more groundbreaking, had an incalculable impact on popular culture, the acting and dialogue are better, etc. The aspects of the planned trilogy are: The story would have taken place a few years after Return of the Jedi. Each of these trilogies brought something unique to the galaxy far, far away, stirring debates as intense as a duel between Obi-Wan and Anakin on Mustafar. What trilogy am I talking about?: An orphan who lives a boring life on a desert planet finds a droid containing plans vital to the survival of a plucky band of freedom fighters led by Leia. But the Original Trilogy and Prequel Trilogy completely blows the ST music out of the water. People deliberately try to approach these films with a critical eye. IMO JJ Abrams is the one that ruined that trilogy. These ideas feel more like an epilogue trilogy rather than sequel trilogy. People said all kinds of ridiculous things (just take any piece of sequel backlash and replace the sequel reference with a prequel reference - it’s like 95% recycled in my observation). The second one was even better, and the third one was good (imo) In the prequel trilogy the first one was awful, the second one was even worse, and the third one was just bad. The storyline for the prequels is actually great, and, dare I say it, better than the OT and certainly better than the ST so far. You are not re-writing the sequel trilogy, you are writing additional content set specifically during or after the sequel movies and you need to find a way through it, to make the sequel trilogy engaging and interesting. The enemy faction is only related to Maul, but not Palpatine (even if Palpatine would be dead, the enemy still needs to some kind of successor to the Empire at least). It's The Star Wars Trilogy as I'd grown up with it. They're not judging on these films alone anymore which is a problem, they're judging it on the era's reputation. Episode VII, VIII, and IX would take ideas from what happened after the Iraq War. Rehashed old themes. Mando, Rogue One, Solo, season 7 Clone Wars, all great star wars content (imo) that Lucas would have never given us. Obi Wan in The Rise of Skywalker. I can still hum and definitely remember stuff from both the prequel and original trilogy but these new films have sounded more like 'generic Star Wars' than having any track that stands out. In my opinion, Disney completely dropped the ball on it. IMO the existence of the FO makes way more sense than half the plot points in the Prequels. The old man grandmaster Luke Skywalker from the sequel trilogy vs Yoda during the prequel trilogy. References to clones, Luke talking about sideous and the fall of the Jedi, canto byte having a prequel like aesthetic, Palpatine playing the hits like "the dark side can lead to things some may find unnatural", and of course various lines from past Jedi giving Rey a pep talk. Vice versa, the Prequel Trilogy (my favorite) fails as normal movies, but excelled, imo, at telling a cohesive and great story for star wars. They are two of the most powerful Jedi on canon… The Thrawn trilogy worked because it was only set ten years after RotJ. ) and none from the prequel trilogy. There is no Across the Stars in The Last Jedi. The last Jedi is the only good sequel trilogy movie. The Hobbit trilogy had the challenge of world-building from a simple text that preceded the more complex sequel. I have a 10 year old niece and 8 year old nephew and even though their parents introduced them to all the trilogies, its the original and prequel trilogy characters that the kids gravitate more towards especially when it comes to merchandise. But I enjoyed JJ's first trek film infinitely more than any of the new trilogy. George Lucas” exists. Locked post. Yes, Jar-Jar in TPM is overdone. To me it makes the sequel trilogy feel more disconnected from the other two trilogies by not I don't think they are terrible, there are some interesting moments, or fun new characters that I'd say it's still worth it. But the biggest problem really is that there just was never really a plan for the trilogy, the prequel trilogy, for all its faults, at least had a story it wanted to tell, of the clone wars and anakins fall to the dark side. The first old republic flim gets released in 2035, the second one, 2037 third one 2039. I like the prequel trilogy, too, and the sequel trilogy as well. The first two Star Wars prequels - especially The Phantom Menace - were still kids' films. Setting that aside for a moment, though, I really enjoyed the overall design of a lot of the things in the sequel trilogy. It's also just fun to see the call-forwards to stories that chronologically haven't happened yet. So the end result is probably the most soulless creatively bankrupt trilogy ever made. The Prequel Trilogy ends with everything going bad for everyone and the only one laughing being Palpatine. The best they can do is retcon everything. It has nothing else going for it. The prequel trilogy were bad movies although I love them(but I’ll always defend episode 3 as a masterpiece as it’s my favorite Star Wars movie) and they didn’t take any thing away from what was already there. On the other hand, other people claim that his Sequel Trilogy would have revolved around the midi-chlorians and the more mystical aspects of the Force. I had planned for the first trilogy to be about the father, the second trilogy to be about the son, and the third trilogy to be about the daughter and the grandchildren. Just like superhero movies, Star Wars has its roots in pulp fiction. On the other hand sequel fans refuse to Sequel fights. I don’t think the prequels are as bad as people made out at release. You're never ever going to make a movie as impactful as the OT ever again. Anybody else think it’s not memorable in the slightest? It’s competent. All sounds really awesome. Both trilogies have strengths and flaws though. Feb 26, 2020 · We’re looking at box office data and Tomatometer scores for Episodes 1-3 and 7-9, as well as which trilogy delivered the best moments and gave us the most memorable characters. They seemed a case of more = better, without actually having anything with while happening for most of them. But that hardly counts. The Prequel Trilogy has a lot of content around it, with TV shows, novels, comics A lot of what I’ve seen from the various SW subreddits are people talking about how much the Prequel Trilogy films were hated when they first came out, and I figured I’d analyze the sequel trilogy using this lens as well since the reception has been mixed among the fanbase. 31M subscribers in the movies community. I hope that explains the disdain towards Midichlorians somewhat. There are references though. Unfortunately those original movies were essentially lightning in a bottle, a happy accident. The subject of Lucas' mendacity has been proven beyond all doubts and is accepted by all the major publications on the subject, from Michael Kaminski's The Secret History of Star Wars to Chris Taylor's How Star Wars Besides that point in Paul Duncan's newly released Star Wars Archives: Episodes I-III, we have a lot more information about what Lucas' Sequel Trilogy would have looked like and it would have been interesting, to put it mildly. Sequel Trilogy vs Dark Empire question So I see a lot of complaints about the ST regarding how it cheapens Anakin's sacrifice/redemption and the struggle of the main cast. Sequel Trilogy Problems vs Prequel Trilogy Problems I think where one fails, the other succeeds, and vice versa. I made a point to emphasize that the prequel trilogy was of significant interest because it explains how the original trilogy characters and events got there. If the prequel era did NOT have any of the EU media, or even TCW, they would still be the films that they are. The prequel trilogy, for all its myriad of flaws and issues, expanded the universe, told an interesting story, and created so much lore that the prequel era is still the most interesting era in all of Star Wars. I had the OT on VHS since I was 5 and loved Star Wars. Again, good Star Wars, but bad standalone sci fi/fantasy movies I agree with the sentiment. Imagine seeing Obi-Wan dying in the first movie of the new trilogy. The Original, and the Prequel trilogy and the Clone Wars, and the old Star Wars games are all that exist. I enjoy all three trilogies, though. I've never seen an episode of Star Trek in my 35 years. The fight on ROTS was pure gluttony. Then when you're done with them, I'd suggest watching the prequels and then the sequel trilogy purely so you aware of all the continuity going forward. When I tore through the EU, I bought a lot of them, but also haunted the library. The goal of /r/Movies is to provide an inclusive place for discussions and news about films with major… The prequel trilogy might have a better script or story but it’s hard to tell because the acting is so atrocious, so you just don’t care about the story as much. The franchise, spanned across several decades, has given us three main trilogies: the Original Trilogy (OT), the Prequel Trilogy (PT), and the Sequel Trilogy (ST). That's nothing new to Star Wars. The prequel trilogy. These movies are so abysmal they make people miss the prequel trilogy. The use of nostalgia for the original Star Wars trilogy is a significant differentiating factor between the prequels and the May 22, 2021 · In some ways, the prequels are wildly different than the original trilogy. (The prequel trilogy isn't even easily accessible with all three games still being stuck on the DS/3DS) So TLDR: You probably don't need to play the Prequel trilogy to understand the new game. It would've been daring if the 'Prequels' had been the original trilogy. There's amazing story in the new canon too such as: Master & Apprentice, The High Republic, Alphabet Squadron Trilogy, Thrawn Ascendency trilogy, Lost Star, Catalyst, Rebel Rising and Dark Disciple. The last film of the prequels being much better than the first two. Every single one of these stories are amazing. I think everything since has been made to make money and none of it has advanced the story. I'd say Prequel Trilogy purely for nostalgic reasons as I grew up with them alongside the golden special edition VHS Original Trilogy remasters. I just thought it was interesting how the prequel trilogy basically mirrors the events of the original trilogy, and obviously there are too many of these for it to just be a coincidence. The inheritance "problem" (or "feature" depending on your point of view) of the sequel trilogy is that it has a 30 year time jump from episode 6 to 7 (as Mark, Carrie and Harrison had all aged 30 years). Visually. I desperately wanted to love the sequels, tried watching them 4-5 times so far, to no avail. After all, prequel fans successfully overshadowed the views of OT fans. " 15 years after the prequel trilogy wrapped, and it's more popular than ever IMO. The action/fight choreography is probably the best I’ve seen in any film to this day. Prequel trilogy had a more cohesive story planned as a trilogy, but a lot of poor execution. com Aug 20, 2022 · Here’s how the Star Wars prequel and sequel trilogies compare. For example, the original trilogy is largely a character-driven trilogy, lots of focus on relationships etc. Also, I worked at a bookstore for some years, and had the opportunity to “rescue” books that were destined to be recycled - we called them Strips, as we stripped off the covers before sending them back to the publisher (thus rendering them un-sellable), so I also have a small collection of EU paperbacks that I think it's also generational, the older generation that hated the sequel trilogy, probably grew up with the prequel trilogy as kids 10 years earlier and seem love that, based on a so many comments I've seen/read all over the internet. Top Posts Reddit . Since It's been almost 25 years since episode I was released I'm making this post to hopefully put an end to Prequel slander. Sequels rely too much on fan service showing Xwings Tie fighters troopers callbacks that they don’t feel like their own trilogy. Are you a Darth Maul vs. And, unfortunately, not for positive reasons. Obi-Wan person? Or do you prefer your lightsaber battles more of the Throne Room variety? No, the trilogy could not have been saved after Awakens, unless it retconned the entire story of Awakens into oblivion. The original trilogy and the prequel trilogy both contained retconns for the sake of their plot. I agree with your opening statement. The Sequel Trilogy, while better graphics, just ruins too much of the story. I mean, I know the sequels aren't as good as the original trilogy or the prequel trilogy. Which is absolutely valid and something I 100% agree with. Something's just gotta be last. Let's say Disney makes a new trilogy, and it's the old republic. Except in this case The Force Awakens is Revenge of the Sith, The Last Jedi is The Phantom Menace and The Rise of Skywalker is Attack of the Clones. The Prequel trilogy told a story about the Jedi in their prime, the Clone Wars, the Rise and Fall of Anakin Skywalker, Palpatine’s mastermind plan of ruling the Galaxy, the downfall of the Republic and the rise of the Empire. Posted by u/mkgenesis5 - 4 votes and 4 comments But, either way, the prequels are part of the lore, and the films got progressively better so that even haters can kind of respect the prequel trilogy. Also the prequel series more or less requiring you to watch eternal diva to understand some in story context was a bit of a letdown as I’d never heard of eternal diva when mask of miracles dropped so when targent View community ranking In the Top 50% of largest communities on Reddit The Sequel Trilogy vs. Ahh, perfect! I wanted to provide the best alternative for Episode VIII I've found, but even better if it was the one you had in mind! Much love to you for your editing efforts, btw. Always good to hear about a new fan. As a whole? The prequels, especially Revenge of the Sith. I'm a product of the original trilogy, which seems to have influenced the way I view the content. My niece really likes Vader for some reason though. To this day a lot of fans seem to enjoy complaining about legends, without even reading it. New comments cannot be posted. You guys who hate the sequel trilogy are doing the exact same thing that those dumb fans did when the prequel trilogy came out. That's certainly an opinion. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. It simply wasn’t imaginative. Business, Economics, and Finance. When it didn’t only 1/3 movies for a worse review for it. The Prequel Trilogy. I'm a life long starwars fan. Now, 2012, years after I thought there would never be another Star Wars movie again, they announce the sequel Trilogy. Would you still have been okay that the EU and Lucas's stories were discarded, or are you of the opinion that they should have stuck to the EU no matter what or Lucas's They should’ve mapped out the entire trilogy first then shot it. While we bash the writing, the abrupt hastening of Anakins fall to the dark side, and the overall excessive graphics, it earned itself a variety of praises that really only hold meaning AFTER the sequel trilogy was out for comparison. Long story short, the Prequel trilogy not only were better movies than the Sequel trilogy, but the era of Star Wars in general was infinitely more fun to live in. There, you should find links to all of his Star Wars edits from the PT, OT, and ST, as well as his Lord of the Rings edits. Everything related to print comics (comic books, graphic novels, and strips) and web comics. I was 9 when The Phantom Menace came out. I am the kind of version who prefers the sequel trilogy film released in 2015-2019 over this kind of story. Prequel Trilogy vs Sequel Trilogy . I have issues with the writing and plot elements, but that's it. Prequel fights seemed less interesting, just more flips and shit. The major plot points were basically ok, and you had three years to play around with. Rebels continued some of CW such as Maul vs Kenobi and Ashoka Meeting Anakin/Vader. I’m not disputing any of that. Let's say that the sequel trilogy had been better planned and executed. . Otherwise, it becomes one of those terrible action films where the plot trots along with exposition for 10 minutes, then stands still for 10 minutes of action, then comes back with another 10 minutes of exposition, then stops again for another 10 minutes of action, and so on and so forth. What it says on the tin. There is no Anakin vs. Original>>>>>Sequel>Prequel I kind of flip-flop between liking the sequels more than the prequels (and visa-versa) but today I'm feeling like giving the sequels the slight edge. What I plan to do for this rewrite, I'm taking inspiration from the Legend book series like "Legacy of the Force" and "Fate of the Jedi. It works. I actually enjoy Episode 8 because it is different. The story casts doubt on everything the prequels and original trilogy established about the Jedi Order and its philosophy when that philosophy went mostly unremarked on in the Original Trilogy. I'm a huge Star wars fan. Type in "Hal 9000 Star Wars" into Google, and the second result that pops up should be a reddit page that says "Hal 9000 Prequel Trilogy Edit Now Available Google Drive". Original Trilogy Sequel Trilogy Prequel Trilogy And that's not to say the prequels are awful unenjoyable movies. As much as I enjoy the sequel trilogy I’ll probably skip them when I watch all the films in a So, early on during the development of the Sequel Trilogy there was a lot of talk about how they’d be better then legends, without the flaws that the old EU had. If you are a younger new fan, it's no surprise that you would like the newer films more, because the special effects are newer and the action sequences are more intense. Aug 17, 2019 · Movies that involve a lot of action – like, say, Star Wars movies – need to drive their plot with action. Although some parts of it were very, very poorly executed it still has a logical story, expands the lore, has good worldbuilding especially compared to the new movies, has some interesting characters, and feels like it naturally fits with the story of the originals, unlike the sequel trilogy. Which is why I plan to do a rewrite on them on Fanfiction. Even though they went back to a Rebellion vs Empire type story, at least they tried to show some progression in design from the Empire to the First Order. There's no way to do that with the sequels. Most deaths of main characters felt more like simple reused ideas/recycled the whatever it is. To me, a lot of the prequel complaints are also not of much substance. Pursued by stormtroopers and a fallen jedi wearing a black mask and ruled by a powerful, lightning-wielding overlord, the orphan flees the desert planet with the dr The prequel trilogy certainly had flaws, including the extreme overuse of green-screen, but at its heart I think it told a genuinely good, engaging story. The prequel trilogy also does a great deal of world building and help expand the lore than the sequel trilogy has. Fair enough, personally I would rate them 5<4<7<6<3<1<2 It is actually funny that the first film in the original trilogy was great. They come off as if they were made by corporate committees more so than a proper writing team. Kathleen Kennedy didn't seem to have a creative vision beyond make money off Star Wars. Star Wars Prequel Trilogy vs Sequel Trilogy, which do you think is better? I prefer the Sequel Trilogy (or at least the movies that have come out), it has likable characters, great visuals and special effects but its not perfect (like a underwhelming story, MCU humor). There is also a game on the horizon. I don't think I 'hate' the sequel trilogy. It was an unmitigated disaster. The prequels are nowhere near the level of the original trilogy but still quite entertaining. edit - spelling I don't know if maybe it's just me but I don't think I've come across a single new memorable tune in the sequel trilogy so far. But fans who have known about the Prequels'story for ~20 years as well as much of the supplementary material, so it's easier for them to rationalize the nonsensical plot points as they are presented in the films. The prequel trilogy was out-and-out high fantasy with multitude of characters and lots of magic/philosophy etc (stuff that makes high fantasy). Jackson went a little ham with visual tech – I will grant– but acquitted himself admirably in the challenge of adapting the Hobbit. So for that reason I'd have to choose the prequel trilogy over the sequel trilogy. However, in other ways, the two trilogies are similar. Also, with The Hobbit, it mostly made sense since in the original book, part of the reason why Gandalf wasn't with the group the whole time was because he was off hunting the Necromancer, and the movies expanded on that (thought the random love triangle between Legolas, elf girl, and the dwarf was beyond unnecessary). However, some of the same things that were heavily criticized returned in the trilogy. But I don’t remember calls to retcon the prequels. I think the prequel trilogy tried to shed some moral ambiguity on them towards the end, but I think it was too little too late for an order that claims Both the sequel and the prequel trilogy Star Wars movies are awful and the fact there are more bad Star Wars movies in the main saga than good ones upsets me Unofficial community for Star Wars, an American epic space opera franchise, created by George Lucas and centered around a film series that began with the eponymous 1977 movie. The best thing about the sequel trilogy is the outpouring of love for the prequel trilogy that it inspired. The sequel trilogy began with a lot of hype and because of the prequels we had expectations. Although the majority of hate was put to rest mostly due to the sequel trilogy (Awful films) they are very underappreciated, although I might have a degree of bias since I didn't grow up with the Original Trilogy. How do you approach this monumental task? I don't know about everyone's opinion on the Sequel Trilogy - but mine hasn't changed one bit. Definitely much better then the sequel trilogy we got. The sequel trilogy left a bad taste in my mouth. It’s more than likely gonna go the same route as the prequels did, although I do wanna point out how social media is a much bigger thing now than it was during the prequel era so anything now seems way more visible than it did back then. I saw each prequel in the theaters and I loved them. There is no Duel of the Fates in The Force Awakens. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. It only made the prequel trilogy look good, thanks to "The Clone Wars". Also, don’t forget a documentary called “The People vs. reReddit: Top posts of December 28, 2017 Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 15 votes and 93 comments The PT coincided with the highest level of competence and planning around the EU, so it led to a very well-coordinated project of comics and books that were mostly written to a very high standard. The prequel trilogy is my favourite Star Wars trilogy. The ST, due to necessity of 40 years having passed since the OT, needed to be a “new generation” thing. Crypto On the one hand, some people claim that his Sequel Trilogy was supposed to be about the New Republic fighting against various criminal organizations, lead by Darth Maul and Darth Talon. The Star Wars prequel trilogy, like all Star Wars films, were three separate productions; The Hobbit was one production, ostensibly one film divided into three parts. comments sorted by sorted by The sequel backlash is a drop in the bucket comparatively. Clone Wars was able to rehabilitate the prequel trilogy because it had good bones. Prequel comics are coming out revolving around Qui Gon and Maul. 2. People would riot if they saw him go out like that. In comparison, the sequel trilogy only featured 10 different alien species from the original trilogy (most of them just being previously established characters like Yoda, Chewbacca, Ackbar, Nien Nunb, Wicket, etc. Whilst I enjoyed the Prequels, they didn't feel like the proper Star Wars, and the Sequels don't either, though I think they do a better job of capturing the spirit of the originals. Ever since I saw The Rise of Skywalker back in December of 2019, it's been on my mind pretty frequently. For me, Star Wars is the Original Trilogy. Ah, the Star Wars sequel trilogy. Like many viewers, I was disappointed with how the Star Wars sequel trilogy ultimately turned out. The sequel trilogy is unwatchable because its full of Hollywood tropes and political agendas- plus you have the egos of two bad directors competing with each other. I just recently spread word of your prequel+sequel edits with a friend who has successfull A lot of true and steady prequel fans were kids in the 90s who did not come into the prequel films with 15 years of preconceptions, headcanons, and fan theory. Artists are… Posted by u/Megadan65 - No votes and 21 comments Yeah that’s what I’m saying, as a whole the sequel aliens aren’t as diverse as in the other two trilogies, but there are several prominent sequel alien species such as all the ones you mentioned, the Aki-Aki, and a lot of the scavengers on Jakku like Scrapjaw Motito. See full list on screenrant. Star Wars Sequel fans in 2039 Man the Sequel trilogy was so much better. 3M subscribers in the comics community. Plus I would argue that had Lucasfilm gone with the Colin Trevorrow script for Ep 9 the trilogy would make more sense. I hate it when people say that the sequel last will be accepted in a 10-20 years because the difference with the prequel fans and sequel fans is that prequel fans know there movies aren’t perfect they can accept that the acting and dialog isn’t perfect and that is part of the reason they like it. I love the man for what he created, but i'm kinda mad he couldnt grow the balls to continue it himself. Making good Star Wars content requires a balance of original ideas and consistency with the universe and stories told before, the sequel trilogy flip flops between the two extremes with TFA and TROS taking too many things from the OT and just copy pasting them while TLJ went way too far in the other direction and tried to throw out everything Unofficial community for Star Wars, an American epic space opera franchise, created by George Lucas and centered around a film series that began with the eponymous 1977 movie. It’s just that the direction, the acting and the character relationships are up there with the original trilogy at times. If the sequel trilogy era had any good supplementary material, that still won't change the incoherent mess they are. When we watched the prequels 100% of audiences reviewing the film would have known the conclusion already and only now see how bad the set up is. I believe that the Prequel Trilogy has been redeemed because of two things - and the Sequel Trilogy clearly helped the process of making people appreciate it. The prequel trilogy had excellent writing that resulted in great characters, locations, plot movements, and story development. I wasn't really a fan of a lot of the dialogue in the prequel trilogy, and I feel like Anakin generally came off as overly moody and unlikable - to me. Sure the dialogue is mostly poor, but that’s kind of a Star Wars tradition. And how is that daring? People who watch the Prequels already know there's a happy ending and Palpatine dies. The sequel trilogy is the opposite,the acting is ten times better and it helps you connect with the characters to the point that you can ignore some of the weaker story elements. The prequel trilogy at least told somewhat of a cohesive backstory that relates to the OG trilogy, but it was poorly executed and made in cheesy early 2000s fashion with a questionable cast. It seems reasonable to say that the sequels will receive the same treatment as the prequels, that they will be seen as bad movies at first but then a new generation of sequel fans will overshadow the prequel fans and the consensus will seem to shift to them being good movies. Dont have Snoke and just have Darth Maul be the leader of the final order instead, and 2. I don’t know if I will get hate for saying this but I actually enjoyed the first film in the sequel trilogy, the rest of the sequel trilogy I absolutely hate. CW is coming back and two new books concerning Padme and Qui Gon/Obi Wan. “Okay, you fought the war, you killed everybody, now what are you going to do?” I think the sequel trilogy is vastly superior. The main redeeming feature of the sequel trilogy was Luke, I thought they handeled his character and the last Jedi amazingly well, just not quite as good as Revenge of the Sith. The only two things I would change is 1. Potentially, even good, but all in retrospective. It was essentially just the continuing adventures. As I got older, I noticed it's flaws but now have nostalgia for those movies. There felt like more emotion in the sequel fights, as though the stakes mattered more. Yeah the OT gave us a war of good rebels vs evil empire, and the PT gave us a war of equally matched corrupt sides, so the sequels should have given us something different: a three-way war between the New Republic, Imperial Remnant, and Yuuzhan Vong would have been great. Qui-Gon vs. Sequel trilogy has better visuals, better directing and better acting but man the story leaves an awful fucking lot to be desired. Also Luke's a Mary Sue and Leia's just an annoying feminazi bossing others around others like a bitch just so Lucas can score empty woke points. Grew up on it. The entire Darth Vader twist was a big retcon but now we accept it as if it was always the plan I don’t want anything to do with new Star Wars content (Jedi Fallen Order being the only exception), The Last Jedi destroyed my image of Star Wars. The Tie Fighters look very similar yet they also look newer. Yeah :/ . The Prequel Trilogy had a cohesive overarching plot imo but was bogged down by bad writing and dialogue. If the gap between Prequel Trilogy and Original Trilogy was 19 years, and the Original Trilogy and Sequel Trilogy is 30 years, why is the technology gap so different between PT and OT, but barely different between OT and ST? Why have the New Republic effectively allowed Imperials (aka Space Nazis) to gain power in the outer reaches of the Galaxy? Prequel trilogy: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999), Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002), Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005) Sequel trilogy: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2014), Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Anthology films: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016), Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Which is Better For me it’s that the sequel trilogy created too many plot holes and made many things meaningless. However, the last Jedi is far from perfect. But a a lot of prequel stuff is coming up. Let me know if there's any you missed or spotted yourself!! I mean, if by this you mean that in the prequel trilogy, Lucas "knew" Palpatine is Sidius, then yes. Meanwhile the prequel trilogy felt more connected to the games within it but was perhaps a little lacking in emotion at times. The sequel trilogy - wasn’t anything! The Phantom Menace is my least favorite film of the Skywalker saga, but "hate" isn't a word I would use for describing any of the franchise content. Rogue One is a good movie, but they totally wasted Forest Whitaker's character and Solo, which follows the same format as the prequel trilogy, is hot garbage. The sequel trilogy isn't amazing, but people today claiming the prequel trilogy was not just better than the sequel trilogy, but that it was good, I feel really need to go back and rewatch them, forgetting about the memes that they spawned and just watching them as movies. Prequel kid, loved the movies, the EU (or what is called 'legends' today), and the clone wars TV series. But the sequel trilogy is very visually appealing and the acting is good, so it's not all bad. Production would’ve been delayed a year maybe 2. I'm not in love with Disney's Star Wars sequel trilogy but at least it got us more Star Wars. Any empire-level story set before the Rey trilogy that’s introducing new “top level” characters is diminished by the lack of tension in knowing already their The plot movie to movie was a lot smoother, Sound design /felt more Star Wars/ They work on their own a lot better imo The phantom menace may be paced weird but it did what it needed to to progress the story When the sequels (tlj & ros) were going back on what they did and it just slumped any chance they had, the sequels should’ve had a set plot to get through to begin with they were all Well the sequel trilogy lacks consistency in writing. I'd assume that Level 5 probably would want to make this new game accessible to potential new players that haven't played the old games. Also, don't limit yourself to Legends just because you dislike the Sequel Trilogy. pfd rrcui caftj jnnyg bfzrc fhwgn ayro gib kiqb otbuxoxi rxr sooxv vcusx vjj klzvhi