Radalink testing On your Windows laptop a. About; Reviews; Complaints; But at Radalink, we know who does! Every inspector who uses our independent lab for test data analysis, must also use our quality-checked radon testing equipment and follow our highest testing standards. The RADALINK Aircat is one of the most sophisticated continuous radon monitors on the market! This silent and compact Radon Monitor is easily placed in a home and is packed with great features including tamper resistant features such as alarms, motion detectors and ambient air sensors. The Radalink Radon TeleMonitor (NRPP Device # 00472, NRSB Device # 31814) or The Radalink AirCat® Monitor (NRPP Device # 00477, NRSB Device # 31815) used to perform this test is EPA, NRSB and/or NRPP approved and About Our Radon Testing Orlando Did you know that exposure to radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer, and lung cancer deaths, in the US behind smoking? See information on Florida Health. Follow these six easy steps to get started. Radon: The Facts and The Solutions Radalink Salutes the Life and Legacy of Late President Jimmy Carter. Radon-induced lung cancer is the second leading cause of lung cancer. Those tests will be sent to RADALINK to be interpreted and a detailed report will be sent to you from RADALINK. Combined with their support we have been the #1 Testing Firm since since 2012. Radon Testing Using the Radalink Electronic Telemonitor. Webinar - Radon Measurement Certification Course Virtual (Zoom) Date: 02/11/2025 - 02/12/2025 Time: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM ET click here for details MyRadalink is for our Radon Testing Professionals. Radalink Holiday Closings (pdf) Sample Radon Test Report (pdf) Dec 31, 2021 · understand some important tips on performing your first radon test. Skip the big costs and regulatory hassles of owning your own equipment, and instead offer your clients radon testing that is lab-certified, guaranteed accurate, and costs you nothing extra for the related services you'll need. The only way to know if your home has radon is to have a Radon Test performed in your home. Prevent. If no test has been performed contact HomeSpec at 941-270-1349 or info@homespecfl. 's original company, Radon Reduction & Testing, Inc. 0 and 4. We perform radon testing with Radalink Radon Monitors throughout Tampa Bay The process takes about 48 hours for a complete and accurate result. HomeSpec Certified Inspections, LLC is an affiliate of RADALINK and is licensed to perform testing only. Radalink, Inc. They detect any unusual readings of radon, as well temperature and humidity (which can be an indicator of whether or not the home has maintained closed-home conditions during the test duration; this measurement will tell us if any doors or windows had been left open for extended periods during the test duration. Special role available for non-testing account managers Smart image processing, so you can upload scan pages in a variety of sizes and formats Instant response to you if an upload experiences an error MyRadalink is for our Radon Testing Professionals. Best Radon Monitors: The Reason For Radalink. We will upload the test data to the Radalink lab via our Bluetooth enabled device. Radalink Salutes the Life and Legacy of Late President Jimmy Carter. (Call your Radalink affiliate for service prices and details. or its licensed agents provide any warranty, expressed or implied, for the consequences of erroneous test results. Top-notch Support We understand that radon testing can seem complicated. The first button below shows you our basic report. Here’s how it works: The Radalink monitor is set up in your home for a minimum of 48 hours, following EPA protocols. com. The process takes about 48 hours for a complete and accurate result. Radon testing is the only way to know if you and your home or business is at risk from radon. Enroll in a monitor lease program, and you'll become an affiliate. to your AirCat monitor and run a test. Dec 31, 2021 · 4. Do you want to see test results before your client does? Do you want the results to go straight to them as an emailed PDF? Our team reviews your test data and documentation, and compiles a comprehensive report, delivered to whomever you wish. Best Radon Monitors: Are your Radon Test Results certified? Best Radon Monitors: When you are Thinking About Adding Radon Testing . At Peoria Radon Testing, we use a Radalink Aircat monitors. We Put Your Learn more about our radon testing, when you will receive a report, and get a quote. If you see a blank screen after logging into the app, then you are either using an incorrect username and password combination, or there are still configurations from a previous installation on your device. Webinar - Radon Measurement Certification Course Virtual (Zoom) Date: 02/11/2025 - 02/12/2025 Time: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM ET click here for details A homeowner can always decide and choose to have a mitigation system installed, even with a radon test average below 4. ” Skip the big costs and regulatory hassles of owning your own equipment, and instead offer your clients radon testing that is lab-certified, guaranteed accurate, and costs you nothing extra for the related services you'll need. Instead of our unlimited OnePrice Program, the Per Test Program costs a $90 base price, plus $30 per client-delivered test. Photo: Radalink founder Terry Howell, with late President Jimmy Carter, applying radon testing and mitigation to new homes with Habitat for Humanity (circa 2003) THE EQUIPMENT. The Radalink, Inc. Report. An Internet connection to upload test data 5. For more information, please see our frequently asked questions page or call us at 1-800-295-4655 during business hours. Based in Syracuse Indiana, serving Kosciusko county, Noble county, and Whitley county in Northern Indiana. test. How do I order a monitor and become an affiliate?. It does not happen often, but it does happen. 3. We perform radon testing with Radalink Radon Monitors throughout South Florida. We will place one or more Radalink radon monitors in the lowest livable area at your property, and initiate the testing process. 12-hour delay option for cases when environment was not closed prior to test ** 24-hour delay option to meet 24-hour minimum mitigation operation ** built-in check source feature performs routine instrument performance check before every test * 20-second data retreival via Bluetooth, and upload via secure internet connection Skip the big costs and regulatory hassles of owning your own equipment, and instead offer your clients radon testing that is lab-certified, guaranteed accurate, and costs you nothing extra for the related services you'll need. Find out when the work will be completed and inform your Radalink affiliate so the test can be scheduled as soon as possible. Every Time. Complete a short-term radon test between 24 hours and 30 days after the installation of a mitigation system. Info Book a 1 on 1, or get more information about how Radalink can reduce your liability, increase your referrals and make Radon testing Webinar - Radon Measurement Certification Course Virtual (Zoom) Date: 02/11/2025 - 02/12/2025 Time: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM ET click here for details Note: Your radon report relates only to the items tested during the measurement period. Results are usually emailed within an hour after test data is uploaded to our lab during business hours. Place one or more Radalink radon monitors in the lowest livable area at a property, and initiate the testing process, using your Bluetooth-enabled device. “According to Minnesota, to date, we are the only laboratory that meets those full standards. Radalink ™ YouTube Videos. Increase the efficiency & profitability of your entire radon detection business. Smart cloud synchronization with OneRADON for Mobile or Desktop; Track and locate your SunRADON Monitors, device status, and test in progress; Generate and manage inspection reports and invoices for clients MyRadalink is for our Radon Testing Professionals. view sample report | learn more Radalink Salutes the Life and Legacy of Late President Jimmy Carter. com in our Learning Center. That is just a choice for the homeowner to make. Radalink submits all state required activity reports on behalf of technicians. Radalink Affiliates are trained and certified to perform radon tests you and your clients can depend on. Find all lease plan pricing options here. We use two proven methods for radon testing to ensure accuracy and reliability: 1. Photo: Radalink founder Terry Howell, with late President Jimmy Carter, applying radon testing and mitigation to new homes with Habitat for Humanity (circa 2003) Q: How does Radalink's testing differ from charcoal canister testing? A: Our radon monitors collect hourly radon concentration and environmental conditions every hour for the duration of a test. Jan 14, 2025 · **CANCELLED** Webinar - Radon Measurement Certification Course Virtual (Zoom) Date: 01/14/2025 - 01/15/2025 Time: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM ET click here for details Skip the big costs and regulatory hassles of owning your own equipment, and instead offer your clients radon testing that is lab-certified, guaranteed accurate, and costs you nothing extra for the related services you'll need. See how it works. See full list on radalink. This monitor is a continuous radon monitor capable of short term testing. Our monitors also have a sensor that detects if the monitor has been moved during a test. Photo: Radalink founder Terry Howell, with late President Jimmy Carter, applying radon testing and mitigation to new homes with Habitat for Humanity (circa 2003) Apr 24, 2013 · http://www. Related: Our Learning Center provides helpful information for the general public, and for the inspectors who are enrolled in one of of our programs. The inspector uploads encrypted data securely to our laboratory at the end of the test period. Photo: Radalink founder Terry Howell, with late President Jimmy Carter, applying radon testing and mitigation to new homes with Habitat for Humanity (circa 2003). We lease highly accurate radon testing equipment to home inspectors, who follow strict testing protocols while running short-term residential radon tests on our equipment. com to learn more about our radon monitor leasing and radon test laboratory services. com to arrange to have the home tested. 20 hours ago · RADALINK Air Cat : 101381-AL Radalink: BC-472: RADALINK Series-6000 : 101381-AL Radalink: BC-461: RADALINK Telemonitor : 101381-AL Radalink: BC-8226: RTCA MR-2000-S : 109156-AL RTCA-RADON TESTING CORPORATION OF AMERICA, INC Begin the Test. Radalink monitors are the most reliable & accurate test monitors available. You can test short term (2-7 days) or long term (minimum of 90 days). Finally, since reduction systems lower radon concentrations so effectively and eliminate peak fluctuations, living in a mitigated home reduces one’s risk of radon-related lung cancer to as low as is reasonably achievable - even lower than living in most houses testing below the EPA Action Level with no radon control system. Radon Chambers are a National Radon Safety Board (NRSB) accredited facility with two walk-in radon chambers which allow for multiple radon gas exposure levels. We offer live technical support to you and your clients during Radalink Salutes the Life and Legacy of Late President Jimmy Carter. The “closed house conditions” above will have been maintained for 12 hours prior to the beginning of the test as well as during the test. Radalink is one of the few radon instrument manufacturers with devices that meet the EPA real estate device requirement for minimum sensitivity of at least 16 CPH Our Radon Testing Methods. com Find lots of frequently asked questions and lots more public information at Radalink. (required by ANSI/AARST Protocol) in order to achieve a valid test: 1. Radon Testing from a Trusted Local Home Inspector | Havertown, Downingtown & Philadelphia, PA Radon is a radioactive gas that is colorless, odorless and tasteless. While the passive radon test devices are approximately as accurate as an electronic ones, we suggest using a company with an electronic system to be assured of the most accurate result possible when radon testing for a real estate There are several types of devices to test for radon. If you're interested in radon testing with Radalink radon monitors and becoming a Radalink affiliate, then please visit our public website at Radalink. That's why our experts are only a phone call away. This plan guarantees the accuracy of Radalink-based residential radon tests by paying mitigation costs 1 if you get an inaccurate low radon result. This provides a far more accurate reading than a simple canister collection process. ValueGuard has partnered up with Radalink, the leading radon testing equipment supplier in the world. 2. 402-K92-001, "Citizen's Guide to Radon". The Steps, in Brief, for Performing a Radon Test 1. This term is used within other Radalink documentation and at the MyRadalink website to refer to anything that controls an AirCat monitor. ) According to EPA and state protocol, the test can be conducted after the remediation system has been running continuously for 24 hours. Radalink. com ©2012, Radalink™ Radon Monitors Get Fast, Accurate Radon Test Results. The Surgeon General of the U. We offer live technical support to you and your clients during About Radon Testing Did you know that exposure to radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer, and lung cancer deaths, in the US behind smoking? See information on Florida Health. 12-hour delay option for cases when environment was not closed prior to test ** 24-hour delay option to meet 24-hour minimum mitigation operation ** built-in check source feature performs routine instrument performance check before every test * 20-second data retreival via Bluetooth, and upload via secure internet connection About Our Radon Testing Tampa Services Did you know that exposure to radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer, and lung cancer deaths, in the US behind smoking? See information on Florida Health. A Web browser 6. Test. In Colorado half of all homes tested are above the acceptable level of 4. Visit Website (770) 457-1944 Email Business. Here at Miller Radon Testing. This is an active method of testing radon levels. Benefits of a Radalink test are: Radalink ensures regular maintenance and calibration. Start testing for radon fast with our one‑of‑a‑kind turnkey solution! Save time and money when you operate as an extension of our certified NRPP/NRSB radon lab and use our leased radon testing equipment. The last page of each Radalink test report includes information about interpreting test results. We use the Radalink electronic monitoring system. Our lab reviews your data and documentation, and puts together a comprehensive PDF report for you. * for data uploads received Monday-Friday between 8am-6pm ET, or between 10am-2pm ET Saturdays Contact Us. Only then is it seen and analyzed by a human radon expert. Radon testing is recommended for all homes. MyRadalink is for our Radon Testing Professionals. 0 pCi/L: Consider fixing the building if the test results indicate radon levels greater than half the action level. Pre-Inspection Agreement Sample Aug 1, 2022 · “We maintain all documentation requirements for radon testing in accordance with the NCR’s protocols and incorporate all that with the reports,” said Terry Howell, President of Radalink. 4655 radalink. Please also make reference to your Quality Assurance Plan to conduct your first check-test, to be performed after you first receive any new or replacement monitor from Radalink. Upload the test and we do the rest. Radalink Radon Monitorsare precise, highly sensitive electronic instruments available only to qualified home inspectors and radon test specialists. A PDF Reader (optional, recommended) Is this your first time testing with a Radalink AirCat? IMPORTANT: When you first receive your AirCat, please refer to "Appendix B" near the end of this user manual to familiarize yourself with what you have received and can communicate with an AirCat monitor. com International: +1 770-457-1944 Radalink operates as an independent, certified, NRPP/NRSB radon laboratory. Upload. Find BBB Accredited Businesses in Radon Testing. Our clients are provided with same day results on test preformed Monday-Saturday. Miller Radon Services is a full-service radon testing and radon mitigation specialist. We use Radalink continuous monitoring devices. HomeSpec Certified Inspections is an affiliate of RADALINK and is licensed to perform testing only. These chambers opened in 1988 as the first publicly available radon chambers in the United States under Radalink Inc. Photo: Radalink founder Terry Howell, with late President Jimmy Carter, applying radon testing and mitigation to new homes with Habitat for Humanity (circa 2003) Jun 25, 2018 · We occasionally have a test voided by Radalink because of evidence of tampering, and the home has to be retested. ) According to EPA and state protocol, the test can be conducted af ter the remediation system has been running continuously for 24 hours. Address: 22173 Denmark Road, Danville, IL 61834 Phone: 217-304-6547 Email: morganinspection@gmail. 00 If no test has been performed contact HomeSpec at 269-425-1203 or homespecoffice@gmail. While every effort was made to maintain optimum quality control and EPA Protocol during the testing period, neither Radalink, Inc. If your test result is between 2. Let it Run After 48 hours or more, we re-enter the property to retrieve the radon monitor(s). We perform radon testing with Radalink Radon Monitors throughout Orlando. This business is NOT BBB Accredited. Some states require additional documentation, such as test authorization forms, and diagrams of radon monitor placement. You should retest the property every 2 years to ensure the system remains effective. Photo: Radalink founder Terry Howell, with late President Jimmy Carter, applying radon testing and mitigation to new homes with Habitat for Humanity (circa 2003) Radalink operates as an independent, certified, NRPP/NRSB radon laboratory. All exterior doors will be kept closed except for normal entry and exit. Begin a Test. We can have you equipped and ready to test within a matter of days. 0 pCi/l. If a follow-up test indicates a radon problem, then you're covered by this plan 2. 95% of the counties in Colorado have radon levels above the EPA’s guideline mitigation test. Miller Radon Services specializes in effective radon mitigation services that are customized to each homeowner, based on the characteristics and construction of each individual residence. The data collected by the monitor is uploaded to the radalink analysis computer via phone lines and a written report of the test results is provided via e-mail. After every radon test, encrypted test data, which also indicates environmental fluxuations and tempering attempts, is uploaded to the Radalink lab to be decrypted. Atlanta, GA 30341 Call: 1-800-295-4655 TOLL-FREE IN US AND CANADA Email: customerservice@radalink. Our monitors record radon concentration, temperature, barometric pressure, and relative humidity once per hour for the duration of the test. Photo: Radalink founder Terry Howell, with late President Jimmy Carter, applying radon testing and mitigation to new homes with Habitat for Humanity (circa 2003) Radalink Salutes the Life and Legacy of Late President Jimmy Carter. These results should be interpreted according to the EPA's guidance as published in EPA Publication No. The term “monitor” refers to your Radalink AirCat blind continuous radon monitor. 5599 Peachtree Road Atlanta, Georgia 30341-2309 800-295-4655 Authorization Agreement and Confidentiality Waiver for Radon Tests The Radalink Radon Monitor being used to perform the radon survey of the dwelling referenced below has been approved by the While every effort was made to maintain optimum quality control and EPA Protocol during the testing period, neither Radalink, Inc. 402-K-008 "Home Buyer's and Seller's Guide to Radon" and the EPA Publication No. The term "device" should not be confused with your Radalink AirCat radon "monitor". The second button is an example of a report for a state where some additional documentation is required. Radalink equipment prevents the inspector or occupant from seeing and manipulating test data during the test. Shipping Address: Radalink, Inc. Photo: Radalink founder Terry Howell, with late President Jimmy Carter, applying radon testing and mitigation to new homes with Habitat for Humanity (circa 2003) Radalink, Inc. Atlanta, GA 30341 You may hold on to your old monitor(s) for now, and we will reach back with a confirmation of your AirCat lease(s). a $90 monthly price, plus a $30 cost per customer test (see details) Add any comments or specific instructions: New Customers: To cover account setup and your initial background check, you will be billed a one-time activation fee of $150. We've made it easy here to find a nearby inspector and get a non-biased radon test that you can trust to be accurate. EPA and the Surgeon General recommend testing all homes and business for radon. We give you peace of mind in knowning that your Radalink™ radon test is guaranteed accurate. You can switch between this plan and our unlimited OnePrice plan on any monitor, as demand changes - perfect for the occasional multi-monitor property, or last minute need when your other monitors are already deployed. has classified radon as the second-leading cause of lung cancer in the county, and the risks posed by radon are even higher for smokers. Photo: Radalink founder Terry Howell, with late President Jimmy Carter, applying radon testing and mitigation to new homes with Habitat for Humanity (circa 2003) Trade-in credits of $495. 295. 5599 Peachtree Rd. The testing time is 48 hours from start to finish. 00 USD per lease will be applied to your Radalink account at the end of the 6th month. 0 pCi/L. Photo: Radalink founder Terry Howell, with late President Jimmy Carter, applying radon testing and mitigation to new homes with Habitat for Humanity (circa 2003) It is printed on the last page of your test report, and you can view a copy here. Because the radon gas has no odor or taste, it is advised radon testing be performed in the lowest livable level of the home. Skip to main content (813) 486-8551 (561) 676-0546 RadaLink Upload. Radalink displays the monitor's calibration date on every report. 5599 Peachtree Rd , Atlanta GA 770-457-1944 DuPage Radon Testing Inc 29W585 Batavia Rd Ste 3, Warrenville IL 630-225-7997 Radalink Radon Monitors 5599 Peachtree Road • Atlanta, GA 30341-2309 800. All exterior windows will be kept closed. Check that auto-correct capitalization on your device, did not accidentally change your login entries. Radalink auto-tracks worker radon exposure for all test placement and retreival technicians. Explore it by selecting a link below. S. cnsr fkiowda dtun psjx oyyezx jmwe qynrs rplellf nifmz otc byzwl ychio oexlben gzp ilqgisb