Runescape machine learning The Boltzmann distribution is governed by the equation – P i = e (-∈i/kT)/ ∑e(-∈j/kT) P i - probability of system being in state i ∈ i - Energy of system in state i T - Temperature of the system k - Boltzmann constant ∑e (-∈ j/kT) - Sum of values for all possible states of Mar 4, 2019 · We’re releasing a Neural MMO, a massively multiagent game environment for reinforcement learning agents. Learning and sharing information to aid in emergency preparedness as it relates to both natural and man-made disasters. com/drive/folders/0B26krj Jun 4, 2019 · TensorFlow is a machine learning library developed by Google. A) Do Brink of Extinction and get yourself obsidian armor. account is currently 45 attack 30 str and 99 mage, but using mage to train slayer instead of melee or range where goal has not been met? Apr 28, 2023 · have my account set to base 70s melee and 80 mage 60 slayer as goals. python java machine-learning reinforcement-learning deep-learning runescape pytorch artificial-intelligence gym rsps osrs oldschool-runescape ppo self-play Selecting a machine updates the per-hour counts and takes account the divine charge cost. Half a year ago I remember dissamblers mark II where the best afk money when dissambling maple logs for divine charges. The colors in stoplights are much easier to tell apart (for me at least) due to how bright and vivid they are. I started to be less bad and learned ED1 finally. My coursework involves learning statistics, analytics, and predictive modeling and I'd be interested in applying it to RuneScape. Mods - some kind of acknowledgement is better than nothing. Hello everyone, I've been working on a project to use reinforcement learning to learn PvP in Old School RuneScape for the past year. Its a PvP bot that focuses on NH fights, trained via deep reinforcement learning on a RSPS, a, RuneScape 2007 Cheating, Apr 28, 2023 · Motivation: The idea is to build your account in 1 click, without endless and janky config editing. I am now asking myself which of these three I should build and for what purpose. You'll want to try to start out by learning when is a good time to use threshold ultimate abilities. GitHub repo. I'd be all for a machine that makes arrow shafts/headless arrows. An Open-Source Machine Learning Plugin The Bot Detector Plugin is an open-source community-run machine learning plugin made for Old School RuneScape using the popular third-party client RuneLite. Explore the fascinating journey of building an AI-driven OSRS bot in this detailed blog post. Jun 20, 2019 · If anyone could use machine learning to play RS, I don't think they'd be here on the forums talking about it. Complete new quest that came out try the new skills you can try them until a specific level and get familiar with the game do what you already know skills you already know see what’s been added to them and just branch out form there and idk about about old school but I know RS3 has these things called adventure paths and you choose what you . Alchemiser is probably the most reliable and simplest method. 01 and is available in the client! Changes: Script should stop far less frequently; Accurate trade restriction detection Apr 28, 2023 · Is there a list of items that the bot wont get itself? Example is a Slayer Helmet I had to unlock & build for the bot to start to use it. This is very impressive, however, I would be more impressed if it displayed a level of “control”. Nov 20, 2021 · Energy-Based Models: Boltzmann Distribution is used in the sampling distribution of the Boltzmann Machine. 5) score of 0. Machine learning mouse clicker version 0. Outside of the game I'm a 20 year old university student studying Industrial Engineering. Both of us really only did GWD 1&2 stuff before that. Apr 25, 2020 · Imagine learning skill which earns you 100k a year to make good runescape scripts If you actually had a totally machine learning script 100k a year from runescape gold would be a breeze. Crafting glass for 8 hours a day to get to level 90 crafting for fury is just obscene. This guide is purely for educational purposes. Also it would need a very skilled group of person to do that. For safer number, let's just assume it's 750 with the machine. This makes the cost of one charge equal to 18. Jan 29, 2020 · Can Machine Learning predict the prices of Old School Runescape (OSRS) Grand Exchange (GE) Items? Learn how to execute a machine learning project from start Apr 4, 2017 · 15. as well as pray flicking every other attack on last phase. Apr 28, 2023 · small bug when ranging on slayer tasks, sometimes will try to bank but get stuck at the bank and the listed task for the bot will rapidly swap between ranging and banking. com/InderPablaLink: https://drive. Our platform supports a large, variable number of agents within a persistent and open-ended task. Here's how I'd do it: One machine with a GPU that runs inference exposed over a basic HTTP API, the rest of the VMs/containers/etc. The claim that I also head with it was that everyone has their own sort of signature with the way that they interact with the game. A project to automatically scrape the web for information on the grand exchange and update prices. This would reduce the amount of times we have to tear down and build new machines for the various uses they all provide. Apr 28, 2023 · I've use this script for 5 days - for non-ironman accounts it does great. An attempt to predict price changes in Runescape using Machine Learning. RuneScape Wiki ^^^linker | This was generated automatically. The plugin aims to use machine learning algorithms to separate players from bots and send likely bot accounts to Jagex's anti-cheating team for swift removal. 88. I estimate I spent quite literally This project leverages deep reinforcement learning, specifically PPO, and self-play techniques to develop an AI agent capable of mastering 'no honor' player versus player fights in Old School RuneScape (OSRS) (such as in Last Man Standing). I looked into a variety of OpenCV’s object detection algorithms such as SIFT, SURF, and Haar. You can do any boss you want, learning a boss on mobile is different than learning same boss on desktop. Its not as hard as it seems and will involve alot of the things you have learnt but building on it too. One of my friends makes over 100m per month using it. Bots are ra This Guy Made a Machine Learning RuneScape PVP BotBotwatch needs to be implemented in OldSchool RuneScape! Machine learning bots are here, and without an adv The OSRS Bot Detector plugin is an open-source community-run machine learning plugin made for Old School RuneScape using the popular third-party client RuneLite. If you're new to this field, this tutorial will provide a comprehensive understanding of machine learning, its types, algorithms, tools, an Apr 28, 2023 · I'm all low 60s combat on the character its running on Mine gets stuck in a loop of: I click on smithing It switches to "obtain ice gloves" pull out combat equipment Deep Learning is a subfield of machine learning with neural networks inspired by the structure of the brains artificial neural networks. its hard for someone to learn these basics if they have really good gear, i was doing vindy and helwyr with a sunspear and subjugation. I will also gladly share loadout and stuff. | View me on GitHub . My advice, find a good helpful clan early, having people to fire questions at will save you ALOT of time trying to Google the same information yourself. The days the 2 gems are available from the locked houses in Menaphos. TL;DW - Got some help to gather over 1 million data points and talked to the one and only SirPugger about how to properly utilize machine learning for our use case. 6b or something so there’s that perk lol. Also grico is at like 1. For ironman it struggles immensely (2k total level). The player must use it to shrink the giant top hat so they can get a regular sized top hat for the King Slime to wear. robot must come up with correct limb positions and joint torque to move efficiently/quickly • Manufacturing program must maximise total units of product produced each day by controlling/tuning sub Hey, i just purchased an mmo mouse, razer naga trinity, with 12 side buttons. 15 mil a week, which is pretty respectable. com/sirpugger to find out how you can get 3 months for free! Thanks to ExpressVPN for sponsoring this video. Haven't tested the queries per second that it can handle but sure it can hit the bot farm scale. Machine learning recap 3. https://github. Discussion for those preparing to weather day-to-day disasters as well as catastrophic events. Additionally, combat dummies will only give you information on damage abilities, which makes defensive abilities basicslly useless even if they can be Use these same rune combinations and key in amount from Rune Goldberg Machine. This is also where I recommend learning yaka and aod The other machines are all about the same, around 30-40k an hour per machine (so around 120k per hour total) with optimal items (reg planks for plank maker, dragonstone bracelets for alchemiser, royal dragon leather for tanner, and magic logs into empty divine charges for dissasembler). Thing is, you want to make Material Crates and the arch materials above should give you the lowest junk chance, they also have a small components pool so you should roll the classical/historic components more often. 44 votes, 19 comments. expressvpn. 1 high alcher mk2 for relics from elite dungs/ onyx bolts/ rune salvages 1 high capacity plank maker (mk2) for your mahogany logs that you get from miscellania) And 1 auto dissasembler mk2 for when you want a steady supply of simple /crafted parts (simple parts for making divine charges ofcourse) Or just 1 high capacity plank maker and 2 mk2 alchers Apr 28, 2023 · P2P Master AI has been updated and is now live on the SDN! It's currently at v1. Other slot 3s are to narrow down your most profit. The Shrinking Machine is a machine made by Eva that the player uses during Once Upon a Slime. 257 and is available in the client! Changes: Added useful GUI buttons; Added quest anti-looping system For learning PvM you do not need to join our Discord channel unless we require it (Hard Mode Vorago/Raids feats, for example). Same issue! Really frustrating because it means I can’t use my iPad to play RS3 on mobile while working on my MacBook Pro. That said I will not use autohotkey, but will most definitely tell people to use autohotkey for just some basic understanding before calling all kinds of functions and arrays. 23 and is available in the client! Changes: Fixed item retrieval for ironmen/new accs/narrow builds You're missing the point tho, look at the unf pot maker, that doesn't make the potions for you, just the unfs, which you aren't losing that much exp by having a machine do it Stringing bows, used to be, one of the most effective way of training fletching, now it's arrows. Its incredibly important to manage the tasks before you start the bot - for example on craftting I only have cuttting gems enabled and it will do that. Aug 22, 2020 · OSRS Machine Learning Bot, Hey guys I am giving public access to my ML based bot that I have been using for skilling on OSRS for over a year and a half now. Now if you're talking about maybe just using machine learning on very small aspects (mouse movement, for example) that's something entirely different than playing runescape. It also has machine deep-learning functionality to try to predict future prices and trends. 259 and is available in the client! Changes: Added the following beta quests: Fishing Contest The colors in stoplights are much easier to tell apart (for me at least) due to how bright and vivid they are. Also, machine learning is probably pretty close to rocket science. The training system launches and manages the simulation I’m think I will go with 2 Auto Alcher MK2 for Money Making, an Auto Disassembler MK2 for Components (Just the 1 since I have 120 Invention so I like to use cape when Disassembling components for more rare ones and Im pretty sure machines don’t proc that) as Well as Partial Potion Maker V2 for a small assist with making huge qualities of potions for pvm runs\Selling. You will learn how to use defensive rotations properly, team Coordination with the back up tank. Repository also contains several blind coordinate clicker bots to serve the purpose until guibots have been finished. The config is still there behind the scenes - the script creates a unique profile for each account so it can find its own path to your goals. This subreddit serves as a hub for lively discussions, focusing on enriching the game through insightful feedback and fostering its continued growth and improvement. - OSRS Bot-Detector Each machine processes a different amount of actions per hour, at a specific cost of machine charge (and sometimes extra items). Posted by u/Bubble_tea_spy - 6 votes and 31 comments Hi everyone! I am currently working on a time series machine learning project to predict OSRS Grand Exchange prices. Contribute to gabriellanzer/OSRS-ML-Bot development by creating an account on GitHub. Prior to using TensorFlow, I tried to go with a more traditional feature-detection algorithm for object detection. g. Hey guys, I've been a lurker on this subreddit for a few years and a RuneScape player on and off since around 2004. EDIT: NVM FOUND IT ON THE DISCORD Masterwork is still fine and perfect for when you want to use melee, who ever told you it was worthless is wrong. Playing with Artificial Intelligence: Open your desired game (If you have already trained the artificial intelligence). I created it and I have n, RuneScape 2007 Cheating, The only "machine learning" part of the bot is for the decisions on whether it should eat/use 2h and so on. 244 and is available in the client! Changes: Bigger ban evasion update; Wintertodt can loot multiple invs Apr 28, 2023 · P2P Master AI has been updated and is now live on the SDN! It's currently at v1. - yodigi7/runescape-grand-exchange-data-analytics Apr 28, 2023 · P2P Master AI has been updated and is now live on the SDN! It's currently at v1. Apr 28, 2023 · Respectfully, Subs already has one, and it has a non-insignificant ban rate due to something there are like 2K people using the same robot to do the same tasks in the same robotic way. 5-4 mil safely but currently lantadyme is 8. A large number of items that were missing disassembly information are no longer missing it - there's still some left that I would appreciate help with, see this child comment. Granted it takes a massive amount of GP input to get that kind of profit. I heard that the price of maple logs has risen since I took a break and im curious now if dissamblers are still the best gp/h when it comes to invention machines? Apr 28, 2023 · Hi, I'm new to Runescape and I'm getting a little burned out playing my ironman. YOLOv5 🚀 is the world's most loved vision AI, representing Ultralytics open-source research into future vision AI methods, incorporating lessons learned and best practices evolved over thousands of hours of research and development. Jagex would still be able to detect the bot based on client detection, mouse movements etc. The inclusion of many agents and species leads to better exploration, divergent niche formation, and greater overall competence. Apr 28, 2023 · I love the script Aeglen but, sadly on ironmans it does not use fire strike if chaos runes is not in bank / or use teleports with the magic spelbook like varrock,lumbridge,cammelot,falador, when you don't have Teletabs of it would be a excellent add for the starter/mid ironman. Whether you’re a student enhancing your resume or a professional advancing your career these projects offer practical insights into the world of Machine Learning and Data Science. Here is where I would recommend learning base tank at beast master. We achieved a mAP (0. The inputs are processed into outputs at the machine tick. com/@kergin/automating-runescape-using-machine-learning-8a06abfbcdcf. Potion maker can be pretty wild, but when dxp isn't affecting it, it makes about 3. My full concerns are listed below. For instance limiting 1 tick switches to 3 pieces of gear (9 gear 1 tick is impossible), implementing tab changes, and have it purposefully hit off prayer or miss not flick once in a while. A new vis wax maximum profit calculator can be found here. It can also be used to add 3,000 machine charges to a generator. A GUI Bot collection for OSRS (OldSchool RuneScape (tm)) using AutoPy and OpenCV for automating different processes. 3 How to use Choose a repetative task that requires left clicking in the same locations (agility in RuneScape works well) In this machine learning project, we will explore the possibility of classifying Old School Runescape (OSRS) players into bot or not-bot classes. Along the way we discovered that human behavior is pretty separable from bots (or at the very least, suicide bots Dec 20, 2020 · F2P Master AI F2P Master AI was in free beta from 23/12/2020 until 27/04/2021, tested for over 12 years by 2840 unique users. Seiryu is a new favorite, I enjoy… This subreddit is an unofficial community about the video game "Space Engineers", a sandbox game on PC, Xbox and PlayStation, about engineering, construction, exploration and survival in space and on planets. Your important thresholds are Wild Magic and Asphyxiate. Machines will continue to process and use charge for as long as they have machine charge and input items available, and as long as there is space in the An Old-School Runescape Machine-Learning Bot. 3X 100+ scale drops and 1X 50 scale drop. One of the fundamental principles of machine learning is training over tens of thousands of sample attempts. More commonly requires only 3 tries, and very rarely requires 5 (replace 3rd slot with Mind Rune) Swapping slot 2 once allows the machine to quickly figure out your slot 2 (out of 3). If you want I can share my action bars for mobile and how my inventory looks. machine-learning deep-learning runescape neural-network grand-exchange Updated Aug 28, 2018 Can Machine Learning predict the prices of Old School Runescape (OSRS) Grand Exchange (GE) Items? Learn how to execute a machine learning project from start Runescape doesnt require a deep level of strategic thinking, so an AI can definitely play it. Jan 23, 2025 · This article provides over 100 Machine Learning projects and ideas to provide hands-on experience for both beginners and professionals. Ever feel bad for harming the beautiful bovines that inhabit the lands of Runescape? Let Bill Nye The AI make things right!Please tell me if you are facing p A subreddit centered on Old School RuneScape, a captivating rendition of the game that originated in 2007 and has since flourished under the guidance of a dedicated development team. 226 and is available in the client! Changes: Improved script stopping; Prevented rare woodcutting timeouts Apr 28, 2023 · P2P Master AI [BETA] has been updated and is now live on the SDN! It's currently at v0. May 17, 2021 · My attempt to get 99 mining in the MMORPG Runescape using TensorFlow, OpenCV, and human mouse movements. Hi everyone! I noticed a popular post yesterday regarding learning from an ML + Gaming Starcraft II project and I just so happen to be working on one as well, I'm currently working on a Old School Runescape bot classification project to attempt taking the game's pesky botting matters into my own hands. Bot busting discord This project leverages deep reinforcement learning, specifically PPO, and self-play techniques to develop an AI agent capable of mastering 'no honor' player versus player fights in Old School RuneScape (OSRS) (such as in Last Man Standing). (OldSchool RuneScape (tm)) using AutoPy and OpenCV for automating different processes Abstract: using python for data collection and preprocessing, tensorflow for machine learning wirh recurrent neural networks (used for time series analysis) we try and predict grand exchange prices based on historical data Conclusion: We manage to quite accurately predict the price one day into the future. Red lights look orange to me, yellow looks yellow, and green looks white, however I can still tell which is which. account is currently 45 attack 30 str and 99 mage, but using mage to train slayer instead of melee or range where goal has not been met? A buddy and I started on Nex as our first 'real' PVM experience. | ^^^NEW: use optional modifiers rs3:osrs to specify wiki sites in searches. We end up achieving an overall classification accuracy of over 99%. Key Information: Build F2P accounts from 0 Avoid paying for membership Smash trade restrictions Specific skill/quest requirements Avoid buying tut accounts which are flagg If you have a Wicked Hood in your bank, you can use that to teleport directly to the top of the tower just by right-clicking on it (when wearing it or it is in your backpack) and selecting Runecrafting guild teleport. I made my first acct in like, 2006, played on and off since then, and the steam deck I got almost exactly one year ago has turned into basically just a RuneScape machine (at least, until Baldur's Gate 3 came out) and since addig my current RS acct to steam a year ago I've played like 1400 hours on deck alone (not counting mobile use afking etc) Mobile is the nost annoying way to play The community for Old School RuneScape discussion on Reddit. A simple macro may just move the cursor to a certain position and perform a click while more advanced ones may interact with the game client directly; as technology advances, botting methods as well as their countermeasures have evolved from I'd say 5-man for learning Vorago, but 4 would be fine. It would more or less be passive income. To answer ops question, if you are doing a lot of slayer you could get trimmed, but if you find yourself doing other stuff or using other styles for slayer, maybe save the gp and get masterwork Dec 20, 2020 · Update on my experience as ironman: 1. It is located in the building north-west of Aubury's Rune Shop in south-eastern Varrock. Dec 20, 2020 · Master AIO F2P has been updated and is now live on the SDN! It's currently at v3. Join us for game discussions, tips and tricks, and all things OSRS! OSRS is the official legacy version of RuneScape, the largest free-to-play MMORPG. Then, we explore way Apr 28, 2023 · The script is still under construction, notably in your case: Slayer is scheduled for release July 3rd, right now you can only do "virtual tasks" via the combat skills. To request a commercial license please complete the form at Ultralytics Licensing. We aim to detect bots in Old School RuneScape using Machine Learning Algorithms. We utilize the state-of-the-art online object recognition deep learning architecture yolov5 to classify over 800 objects from the mass multiplayer online game RuneScape. 5. Been playing since 22nd august, was a very steep learning curve the first 2-3 weeks but since then I’ve come a long way (total level 2681) and started to kill some of the end game bosses. Rune Goldberg Machine slot 1 and 2 best runes, and scores for all alternate runes for both of those slots. After Nex most other bosses were pretty easy but she was very manageable as a duo. I used it to train a convolutional neural network for object detection. For example: it won't do construction because I don't have varrock teleport tabs. just sending frames and getting back coordinates. I am mainly reaching out for OSRS and ML ADVICE because I realize I may be out of my league with time series analysis right now. People like that could be earning 250k/usd so whats the point for them to spend time making bots. I learnt a lot learning rax and working on reaction times, learning to res an ability on reflects. It processes 25 items an hour, so 4200 a week = 3. The community for Old School RuneScape discussion on Reddit. I heard somewhere that Jagex uses some crazy machine learning algorithms to analyse if a player is botting or not. This will make pvm alot easier for me but i dont know which abilities… All Disassemblers MKII filled with Aetherium Alloy, Quintessence, Fossilised Bones and Warforged Bronze iirc. If you want to read more about it. but machine learning before machine learning was really a mainstream Nov 5, 2023 · Machine Learning PvP Bot Plays LMS in Old School RuneScape, Heres some footage of a project Ive been messing around with. In an ideal world I'd just have the VM running scripts while I do regular computer stuff without my scripts interacting with my cursor, keyboard, or me in any way. Apr 28, 2023 · P2P Master AI has been updated and is now live on the SDN! It's currently at v1. Running the training process directly in Runescape would likely trigger bot watch. Most expensive alchs have the highest margin, when Zuk came out, the margin on huge blunted ork was massive, now it's normalized, but there is a reason the richer get richer, the more money you have the more you can make, was temped to yet my newly bought fsoa because of this reason, it's fun to have the flex of owning it but honestly it doesn Macroing, botting, or autoing is the act of using third-party software to perform automated tasks. A macro operates by automating user input to the game. Mar 18, 2023 · Machine learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that enables computers to learn from data and make predictions without being explicitly programmed. Your important ultimate is Metamorphosis (or Sunshine once you do The World Wakes). • Agent must maximise cumulative reward by learning to optimally interact with an environment by choosing ‘good’ actions • E. Or use my iPad as my RuneScape machine when I’m traveling. I wouldn't have more than 1 learner on a 3-man, and more than a 5 man gets a bit deadly with learners as it's more difficult to stand apart from one another (bombs do more damage when you're in range of someone else). Please post any suggestions below to be edited in! I hope this list helps everyone in their RuneScape journey and makes things a little bit easier for us players. Upgraded Alchemisers require 55/160 Machine Power, so you cannot have three of them at the same time, but you still have 50 Machine Power left at the end, and that is enough for a Partial Potion Producer DX, an Optimised Hide Tanner or a Disassembler MKII. 1000%. After the quest, Eva mentions that the player was the first to test it, and that it also 100% worth learning raksha, prayer flicking practice from raksha will do you a world of good and learning to soulsplit flick there will also be super handy. The mage helm gives you animate dead damage reduction + 9% damage reduction + 10% accuracy boost in the entire fight, including Zuk. Oct 5, 2017 · I trained a bot to fight in PVP using a Rune 2H Pure account in Runescape. See you in the FC! Archived post. I've finally reached a point where I'm satisfied with the result, so I've open sourced (most of) the project, and released a youtube video going over how it works from a high level. google. Essentially, you make recording sessions of your gameplay (doing some repetitive task) and the program trains a CNN to learn where to click based on screenshots of the game client. script has to be restarted in order to start again Another good idea would be allowing us to turn machines off if the machine is empty of input materials, and allowing us to toggle on another machine in one of the (currently) empty machine slots. I am currently doing rasial on mobile and getting 1:20-1:30 kills. Reinforcement learning. Rune Goldberg Machine slot 3 (sort of). Truly powerful Machine Learning bot would use so much computing resources that it would be cheaper just to hired some Vene to play the game for you lmao. I also own a RuneScape-related Discord and Friends Chat as well, so if you're down to give some support, check out the two listed below for a great hangout with lots of experienced Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning; Computers & Hardware; Consumer Electronics; DIY Electronics; Programming; Software & Apps; Streaming Services; Tech News & Discussion; Virtual & Augmented Reality Train a neural network to PvP in Old School RuneScape using reinforcement learning. It keeps all of this data in the sqlite3 database. 81 and is available in the client! Changes: Improved ban evasion; Improved GE logic; Improved farm runs May 25, 2021 · Go to https://www. Is your machine learning algorithm godly enough to perform each task differently for each player using it? Apr 28, 2023 · Yes I could add the gear soon, it's just that the gear you currently have is not implemented as it's very end-game! Also, please be careful using that account on the script as after months of next to no bans, there's finally been a banwave today, although we suspect it's just for users who did GOTR as that blew up on reddit. https://medium. Apr 28, 2023 · have my account set to base 70s melee and 80 mage 60 slayer as goals. Discover how advanced machine learning techniques can automate gameplay and optimize strategies in Old School RuneScape. Dive into the blend of medieval fantasy and modern technology, with insights into the project's planning, development phases, and the innovative use of Python, TensorFlow, and Can Machine Learning predict the prices of Old School Runescape (OSRS) Grand Exchange (GE) Items? Learn how to execute a machine learning project from start machine-learning computer-vision runescape osrs runescape-bots osrs-bot. May 3, 2020 · This is part 2 of a machine learning project series where we explore the data we’ve collected of over 2000 Old School Runescape players. because now it needs to walk straight to varrock when you have to runes to teleport for as example. But yeah python is still the most flexible where we can make dynamic datasets with machine learning and do even computervision detecting real-time. I want to try to bot for a little while. After playing with scripting with some success, I'd like to run my bot(s) on a virtual machine, and ideally have this virtual machine not affect my normal activity. 78 after training on 25,000 640x640 in-game screenshots.
ymyo ukibx uyia apmriewa ptrxq vxpkxn dfgqu kdymx ordnpe xxd ujpt zryh feofs jjfhmz tysd