Aita reddit grandma Also don't take their BS excuses about her not having much time left etc, bc maybe she may be different in their eyes, you have your own boundaries and know what you accept around you. For context, me and my brother have never met my grandad. My moms trying to guilt me into visiting and my aunts a really pushy person so I know its gonna be even worse from her. I tell her I don't know. g. Not one of them bought her a drink, got her some food, took her toilet, actually sat and spoke to her, stood her up when her bum got numb, nothing. Our family usually has two large family reunions each year (one on Christmas, one in March since we have a bunch of birthdays around that time), and my grandma did most of the cooking, and was very good at it. As someone who grew up with an abusive grandma who nonstop commented on my body, I freaking applaud you for having the balls I wish I did at that age. My grandma came to live with us a couple weeks English isn't my first language and i'm using the mobile app so please have mercy So i (26F) live 30 minutes away from my grandma. I figured since tech had advanced so much I could treat myself to one of those fancy new OLEDs or something, but due to some extenuating circumstances I found myself out of work for a while and also living with my grandma and helping her out day to day. Mood Spoiler: happy ending First Post: July 8, 2021. Apologise to your grandma, then talk to her about how you’re feeling. Grandma said she had more of a right to stepson than me and I was on her property so she could call the police. Based on what you said, your grandma has been stewing about your sister and has probably made up a story about how she (grandma) has to intervene for the good of the family. When they over my grandma starts acting different, she tries to seem more like and authority figure in my parents house. I was told when I was born, my grandma saw my hair (Red) and begged my parent's to name me after my aunt. My grandma (dad's mom) left me (27F) my dad's (52M) portion of her inheritance but left him and my brother (30M) nothing. I was kept for my dad my mom lied used different address all sorts of stuff, right before I turned 18 I got a letter from my grandma. My Grandma was a wonderful baker, and had a secret cake recipe that she had created herself. She then figured out that my grandma had given it to my brother and she lost it on my grandma and they argued. Memes allowed, shitposts only on weekends. You are setting yourself up for your son to lose all respect for you. No problems there, they were happy for her. It was first worn by my grandmother (late 1800's); used with Grandma's 5 children, 23 grandchildren, don't know how many great grands, right on down to a couple of great-great grandkids (my kids included!). I can see why OPs brothers are hurt. When i found this out i was furious. I also suspect, if health is an issue, that dad is starting the grieving process early and doesn't know how to deal with the impending loss of his mom. I emailed my grandma, and she came to my last wrestling match, which was yesterday. Sister should not only ban grandma from the delivery room, but also from visits with the baby. She doesn’t have a testing kit to hand, so my mother went to bring one to her. Actually, it's not a comment on my mom at all, it's a comment on my grandma, who is also a great mom to my mother and grandma to me. Therapy may help. I said that if she doesn't hand stepson over husband will call, stepson will be retrieved and there will be no more visits. NTA, clearly your grandma was fine with you wearing a suit since she bought them for you. I'd wear them to every family event and make grandma look like a huge asshole. I didn't read it until I was 18 because my mom had it but it's been almost 7 years since Opie turned 18. According to my dad, he and his father had a very toxic relationship. she knows that my grandma is declining, and she is siphoning money from her (like, thousands of dollars a year minimum) because she blows all her money and has credit cards and people she just never paid coming after her. Wtf. (English is not my first lenguage, so sorry for any mistake) My relationship with my grandma is rather hard, she loves me, but she dosen't act like it, If she offers something like food and I refuse she'll insist till I lose my short temper, and that's what happens to me, so most of our conversations end with me shouting at her after more than ignored 5 no's. Grandma has been self-entitled and running roughshod over sister. OPs other grandma seems was alright, took op in during a bad time of life. For the most part I enjoyed it, but it did something permanent to my personality that hasn’t been very conducive to a happy life. Tell Shay to go the JNMIL sub reddit to get advise right now about setting boundaries and the worst she's going to have to deal with because of the crazy lady who is going to try and act like the mother And grandma had that same opportunity. I told her if she wants someone to take care of her so bad then she can sell her house and move in with her. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here I used to share the same bed with my grandma back when I was 11 up until 13 then i was forced to sleep on my couch. Added if for whatever reason this won't work, smoke odour candles are a lifesaver. As a old sister I would do the same thing. My mom says my grandma is just a "crazy old lady" and that I should learn to accept her as she is. She wants to live with my aunt but my aunt had moved out to get away from her. So I'm going to let you imagine what I think about a "Grandma shower". We did this to my great-grandma. My mother decided that my brother (14M) and I should go with her to visit our grandma. You are acting like a spoiled brat. I began to try and explain but she suddenly hung up. 5K votes, 349 comments. You have your own life, thats okay. Grandma Mary's skills as a seamstress will not be lost. OOP is u/grandmascakes. YTA—your grandma didn’t ruin your birthday, YOU did by getting all hung up on your own birthday “perfection” and not realizing that the best gift you could EVER get would be a grandma who cared and loved you as much as she does. To start off, my grandma and I (17M) shared a birthday. My mom is visiting my grandma whos being taken care of by my aunt. Terribly imaginative, I know. A 40 lb. My mom took her to the hospital to get her leg in a cast and now she can't move. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered! NTA. She made me sit and take those pictures. But she’s 7. One day I decided that I want her to stop, to be honest I might have been rude to her when I said that ( we don't talk much about these topics in the family), her reaction was kinda predictable she said no because since I was a kid she has been touching it and aita for telling my(30f) husband(30m) what his sister(27f) and grandma(75f) called me? English is not first language sorry for errors My husband, Rick has always had an estranged relationship with his family I mean when we were dating and got married he barely spoke to them and our wedding only invited his grandma and sister,Amanda(this is the Yesterday, my grandma calls my mother to tell that she had fallen and broke her ankle. AITA for skipping a new years eve party that my sister expected me to attend without my child. She is so cliche & childish acting like this. I (15NB) recently had to deal with the passing of my grandma (80F). Regardless, you shouldn't talk to anyone that way, let alone your 11 year-old grandchild. Grandma was probably thinking 'I bet my grandkid likes the color blue, better use it twice'. My grandma acted similarly with my sister. If racist grandma can't deal with a POC in the home, then she can leave the home and figure out care for herself. Why didn’t you make brothers name food? Grandma: I left your sister with him. Even if we leave that aside, it's not your responsibility to take care of her. Her recovery, however, has been great. Then Grandma started trying to manipulate other family into being her power of attorney. Even if her grandma and aunt don’t have her “best interest” at heart, we’re so glad Growing up I was The babysitter. Don't risk the lives and well-being of very much currently alive animals for the sake of messing with your grandma. My mom and youngest brother haven’t went yet but on Wednesday night my grandma packed up the essentials for the week. Age is not an excuse for emotional manipulation. Another suggestion is to check in with the extended family about exactly what story is being told about Grandma. Then we got the butt dial of the century, in which we heard Grandma badmouthing her daughters to her visiting friends. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. And anyone else who is saying E-S-H or TA have obviously never dealt with stubborn, toxic people in their life. (Mainly my grandma) My mom would always have fights with my grandma because of how much of an asshole she was being to everyone. Your grandma's kids need to realize that dementia is not something that can be overcome by confronting the memory holes. Spoil brats have grandma pay their bills. Good luck. She cried once, when my mom told her her parents where dead. She was my favourite person and I loved that we shared a birthday together, she always got me the best stuff :) Your grandma is a big girl who wears big girl underpants and can decide for herself what sort of relationship she wants with her own son and her other granddaughter. I was stuck in a cycle of depression and grief for about 2 years. We had no clue. Your grandma's dementia makes things worse, because your mom can't even talk it out with her. My grandma left Lara one of her rings of average value and an amount of approximately 10 USD. My grandma has been amazing to me and my mom found out how much I gave and told me I was cheap and should’ve gave more. I couldn't take it anymore and I just starting yelling at her of how much of a bitch she is for making she starve and she also said that she took the food because I needed to lose weight. My grandma only has one extra bedroom but tried to get my mom to come with my brother. My cousin died the summer before her and he was the oldest of the great-grand babies. My grandma wouldn’t answer any calls from me afterwards. NTA But grandma needs to change name of account holder or mom and brother will empty it without paying bills. Also you should look into moving now even if it takes longer to pay off debt. It was obviously heartbreaking as any major loss in a family would be. Does anyone else treat mom like a doormat, or just grandma? Are your parents dependent on grandma in any way? Just wondering what kind of a pickle your mom is in. OP this is classic Projection, the thief is accusing someone else of being a thief (I. Nah my dude, video games are life. Sep 16, 2024 · I also wonder why the dad didn't reach out as soon as Opie turned 18. My mom let me bed rot basically all junior and senior year, and my grandma simply just never called to check on me. Despite everything, I ended up getting my ged last year and immediately started classes at a community college. She is the exact opposite of the stereotype of stepmoms. Taking the posts seriously is heavily discouraged. ". For a background story I moved about 2 years ago from my home country to another and haven’t seen my grandma at all only through FaceTime here and there lol,about a month ago my aunt went there on vacation and cameback this morning,my grandma tagged along and came to see us and is staying for a few months I think idk,she has 5 children and 3 of them are here so she has many places to stay at Also because you sound like you treat her as just some random guest, when she’s also your grandma. My grandma would have been clutching her pearls and everyone would have been on her side, but God the vindication felt would have made it more than worth it. Posted by u/Ok_Remove1138 - 1,482 votes and 196 comments Dude, I already think baby showers are one og the stupidest thing ever. NTA for not wanting to be a farm hand on your holiday break. " My husband calls her Grandma Jezebel. NTA Grandma has a unique name and was named after her father. Her grandma told her she that wanted atleast 5 grand, to which my girlfriend said she didn’t have and would have to set up a payment plan. I don’t remember a lot from my childhood about my grandma except that I was bullied by my cousins and my grandma would always side with them. I told her I wasn’t going to stay at my dad’s house when she was there. Your mom and grandma have been lying to you, I'm not sure why, because it seems cruel, but I'm sure they have their selfish reasons. NTA - but this is a HUGE change for everyone. Somedays she's fine, somedays she can't even get out of bed. Since he is also the one who is of said culture. She's wonderful and she's literally my hero. Mom: Okay, whatever. That‘s when i finally had a proper conversation with my grandpa. My mom said it was a bad idea but if that’s what I wanted, she wouldn’t stop me. 2) My mother believes that I am the asshole because I made a rude remark in reply to my grandma's comparisons and disparaging comments, and because I refused to miss sports practice to drive her somewhere when she can afford to take an Uber. " Grandma instead faked something to go back to the hospital and manipulated her way back onto the rehab center she liked better. Since my grandma's house was closer to my sister's college and work, my sister accepted. My parents divorced when I was 18. Subreddit Announcements Happy Anniversary, AITA! Follow the link above to learn more My grandma said we can move in with her. I live 1800 miles away and they all live within 50, so a 4 way split would just be them using the house as a beach house/vacation house while I visit once every 2 years. Your Grandma seems to treat you all like you're lesser than human and responsible for her emotions. A lot of stuff has happened these past few days. This greatly dampened the mood. child can cause pain stepping on someone's toe. It's your reaction to a situation. It wasn't one of the toddlers (thank goodness). To which I usually reply, I wasn't that much older, plus she isn't young now. He was not close to our grandma at all. OP mentions ‘venting’ to grandma, without expectations—perhaps grandma appreciated spending time with OP who genuinely enjoyed her company rather than because they anticipated a posthumous payday. NTA, poor grandma, left to suffer and her family members taking advantage of her. He’s been my biggest coping tool especially s And I assume only does it mean grandma in Serbian, so it would make more sense for them to use it to refer to your husband. Edit. Sassing your grandma with a "you can't make me" is childish and, she's not wrong, disrespectful. If you use Grandma for Nana she is so confused and corrects you. My sister went to live with my grandma in her last year of college, after grandma's suggested/asked for a long time. At the time, he didn’t have a problem with it. Your male parental unit made his choices, as an adult, so now he gets to live with the fallout of those, and if an altered relationship with his own mother ends up as part of that If grandma had used white, blue, and red, your eyes wouldn't be seeing the swastika you would see this. The stress mom brings with you living there isn't good for grandma's health. If you took away Grandma and put BF, you'd be told to run to the hills because it's an abusive relationship. I laughed at her and said my husband has full custody and she has no rights. The grandma was from her moms side who at one point took OP in, making her comment about forgetting OP is her grandchild even weirder. My (20M) grandma (78F) was diagnosed with dementia last April. She shouldn't take any part in any decision concerning my kids. That being said, you’ve been through something awful and maybe you’re just not ready to do a lot of stuff. It's permanent. Grandma: we took a while to get ready so it wasn’t four hours ago. Your grandma sounds horribly obnoxious. Your mom's whole existence is in question, so she is understandably upset by this. Knowing grandma fucked up and stuck the golden child with fakes? Karma. I said ok then hung up and called my grandma. My maternal grandma hit her after she brushed her teeth the my cousin came to me crying and my mom was shouting at my grandma why did she hit her. My grandma has dementia and we let her say whatever she wants, because correcting her upsets her so very much. After I didn’t hear back, I asked my Mom (my Grandma’s daughter) if everything was ok with Grandma. My family has a christening gown like this. My grandma (79 f) and my grandpa (79 m) came to visit me (16 f) and my family for a week. My mom wants me to quit my job to move in with my grandma so i can be a “Stay at home mom” and take care of my grandma. 2. My grandma had a habit of touching me and my aunt butt, I won't go deep in details. sorry it's a long post AITA for not being nice to my grandma I (21F) was hurt by my maternal grandmother (76F), who stayed with my family and I for about 6 months. She had just started losing her memory and had had a very hard go when one of her daughters died previously. This is where my grandmother always argues I should be the better person and forgive her. I additional to all this, my mom is also financially abusing my grandma. The difference is that grandma was an adult for the entirety of the relationship. About 5 minutes ago she barged in my room demanding my cellphone and she told me if I didnt give it to her I wouldn’t have a ride to the college tomorrow. Jul 19, 2023 · One mom took to Reddit to vent about her own mother. When her grandma asked how much my girlfriend was offering, she asked if she’d take 1 grand. No need to apologize, ABSOLUTELY true. She’s been mostly coherent, though she occasionally struggles with tasks. Just a rude woman is my suspicion. My grandma sent my Mom to spend a summer with that uncle even after everything came out. Yta grandma can put all the string attachments she wants on her paying your bills. My grandma on my mom’s side never liked my dad and was happy after they divorced when I was 7. Yesterday was my great grandma’s 100th birthday so we were doing a big party for her. Not once she ever tried to pull such a ah move like the one OP’s grandma did. People who were supposed to love them and want what's best for them stopped because they didn't like what was best for them (adoption by the only mother they ever knew). "Performative activist" show what this is to your sister and call her in her bs. If she were willing to compromise for when she’s needed to step up as a grandma, I’d say it needs a discussion of mutual and reasonable boundaries (not reacting extremely too fast). 19 comments Nov 7, 2023 · Reddit AITA is so mad at this lying mother-in-law who lied in order to cut her granddaughter's hair. Grandma sounds hella racist and was using this argument to make sure your kids only use Serbian titles in a roundabout way NTA. I gave my grandma $50 for her birthday and $50 for Chinese New Year. If a 200 lb. NTA Time to lock the bathroom door when Grandma comes over. Screw grandma, her time was up as soon as that old bag left the house without a mask. But doesn't rise to ah imo. My grandma came to the room my cousin and I were in with a whip saying that my cousin should come with her but my cousin didn’t move she stood there crying so I lifted her and she demanded that she NTA, your grandma and dad have issues that can be addressed, if they truly wanted to, but I suspect they really don't. I cried and tried to make them stop (didn't work). The “ Silent Treatment “ is manipulative, childish, dysfunctional-take your pick of descriptors- and emotionally abusive. AITA for introducing my boyfriend's parents as "Grandma and Grandpa" to my son? This last Thursday I (29 F) went over to my boyfriend "Jay's" (25 M) house for thanksgiving and brought my son (4) with me. One of my biggest ones is the character Scaramouche from Genshin Impact. Your mom was wrong to call you ungrateful and a brat. (I wouldn't take anything Grandma says about it seriously, though, as dementia can elicit unexpected reactions. You can still help grandma with rides but living with mom is going to only get worse. Her grandma was not too impressed that she couldn’t afford it and had also tried to low ball her. Not once. Now my grandma knows how little I talk to my dad and how out of the loop I keep him. As my Mom got older she moved away from home and had me. I and Jay have been together for a year and a half now, and he is the most amazing man in the world. However, they both live in a different state and my grandma didn't want to leave behind her friends and family so she promised she would be respectful to me and my mom. My mom moved from Russia to the US in the 2000s, leaving my grandma and great-grandma in Russia. My grandma also raised the first 5 of my mom’s kids (myself included) and I kicked her out of my house and had low contact with her but I 100% regret it now that I’m in therapy and realizing what an impossible position she was in. Posted by u/steppenwolf0007 - 8,100 votes and 3,977 comments Some light reading for you today! I am not OOP. So she stayed with us in the US for a few years, until her visa expired or smth and she had to go back. I barely consider her a stepparent. NTA. Not going to my grandma’s funeral 2. I have no idea why he told her this. As I was I heard my aunts and uncles grilling my parents for what I said. Don't do this, OP. Today was the reading of my grandma's will and Lara was there, since she is still legally the daughter of my parents and the lawyer did not want to read my grandmother's will without her. Grandma is projecting her unconscious self-loathing onto OP ( and any other handy objects). "His wife knows, so it's ok. In my culture woman have to take care of their family, so when my mom’s dad passed away I moved into my grandma’s house and took care of her (This grandma was my best friend and we spent so much time together even before my grandpa passed away, so until we could find someone who could take care of her full time, I moved in) My grandma had alzheimer so she needed someone there with her. My grandma recently hired someone to help her twice a week, but she still prefers that I take her to appointments. My mother (grandmas daughter) lives 10 minutes away (only five when she's at Work). Posted by u/Throwa676899 - 16,336 votes and 7,841 comments This is something my grandma said as well, she knows splitting 4 ways would be really difficult to navigate. Sadly my Italian Grandfather passed away just a month ago and I'm staying all the time with my grandma to comfort her and apparently, this is getting on my mother's nerves cause "I should spend the same amount of time with my other grandma" even if she's not involved with my life like my Italian grandma is and she hasn't lost her husband of 52 The event was witnessed by other parents, possibly kids, as well but the echo chamber that is Reddit believes OP is in the wrong; it seems as if OP was a woman and Grandma was a JnMil, the consensus would flip the other way (based on far too many hours of research). My grandma took me to get ice cream and I explained everything. My grandma has always been fatphobic, commenting on people’s bodies, weights, and suggesting that I workout to get a smaller butt (when I in fact lift to grow my glutes). The AITA part: During visits to my grandmother (restrictions allow it) she asks me how my sister is doing. AITA for getting mad at my parents for focusing on my dead grandma when it’s my birthday? Title makes me sound like the AH, but I want outside opinions. She has three whole other bathrooms to desecrate. And if this story were real, yes, YTA. A lot of you suggested getting in touch with my grandparents, so I did. NTA, your grandma have some experience with helping people and your sister should learn from this and not judge every step. I would kill to have a grandma who hosted a party at her house for me. She basically slowly killed her own dog, which was put down a week after she moved in with us. When I joined the Navy when I got used to being away from my grandparents on both sides of my family and doing my own thing with family or friends. Make the place so uncomfortable for granny. Posted by u/Live_Study7778 - 7,045 votes and 1,465 comments AITA for telling my grandmother stop trying to make me to be her dead daughter? I 18 f was named after my aunt who died in a car accident at 15, almost 20 year's ago. The 28-year-old who originally posted (the “OP”) has a 5-year-old son, a 68-year-old mother, and a pretty upsetting sense of self. My fiancee had a low key proposal a week ago and I told my mom, my uncle (mom's cousin) and my grandma. I told her I would call my grandma to come pick me up, and she said I shouldn’t and that it’s not that serious. People still seemed interested in my post about introducing my boyfriend Jay's parents to my son as "grandma" and… I'm not implying that my mom isn't a good mom. That would make you the ah. I never saw you as my child. I want to pay respects to my grandma but not sure if I can afford it. the police came the next day and almost arrested me but my grandma didn't press charges and said that I was being abusive even though I was using self defense because she has marks on her. I love my step mother. It's not a bitter comment. I'm not drawing a comparison between my mom and me and my mom and grandma. We kept the name a surprise. Your Grandma is an older woman. It sucks seeing my grandma like that, there were bad smells since you know and she barely remembers us. Trauma isn't a situation you go through. I was still going to go though because I've always been close to my great-grandma. She posted in r/AITA. Jul 8, 2024 · My grandma gave a piece of her mind to my mom, my mom is trying to have a bond with me and my siblings and I'm trying to find a therapist for her so hopefully she'll be able to be better as a mom. Whatever your grandma went through isn't your girlfriend's fault, but understanding more of where your grandma is coming from may help your approach to this situation. It was a higher end Samsung model I had bought back then. Your cousin is pressing her own views onto your grandma. This might make me the asshole because I didn't attend her party without my child when she did attend my Christmas party without her "child". My (17F) grandma’s (79F) friend (76F) has Covid-19 and my grandma has exhibited some Covid symptoms. Posted by u/lilacswans - 17,718 votes and 1,816 comments Good on her for standing up for herself, obviously we don't know the whole story, but he's an asshole for insisting on something that makes her uncomfortable, and I don't think she actually wants to be called grandma in bed, just wanted to prove a point and make him understand, somehow he's not getting it. My mom is awesome. AITA for telling my grandma (76F) that it is not appropriate to enter my fiancé (24M) and I’s (23F) home without permission? I moved into my first apartment by myself 1 and 1/2 years ago mostly due to privacy issues with my parents, my fiancé moving in with me this past October. I'm pretty sure that the only part they're hearing is the "Wife told Grandma to get the fuck out," not "Grandma was warned that Wife is struggling mentally postpartum, and decided to chastise her anyway. Suddenly my grandma got very sick and had to stay at the hospital almost 24/7. They agreed. You feel how you feel, and for very good reason. I simply CANNOT imagine treating my granddaughter the way you’re describing. Compared to what she left me or my cousins, it's nothing. Your home, your rules. It is the appearance of withholding love to elicit a desired outcome. NTA for getting upset. Turns out grandma strongly disliked her name and always went by a nickname that started with the same letter. Perhaps grandma felt better leaving a gift to someone she actually felt loved by. I am autistic and I use my special interests to cope with difficult times. I have told her no repeatedly but she keeps pressuring me into taking care of my grandma. He is getting married soon and I was talking to his fiancée, who told me that my brother told her that our grandma wanted his future wife to get married wearing the jewelry she wore at her wedding. Last time I visited about 6 months ago I just felt bad. My parents aren’t upset but I do feel like I ruined the party by saying what I said. So AITA. Grandma and mom are YTA. Reddit user "Simple-Band-9096" revealed the situation on the AITA ("Am I the A--hole") subreddit in a post on Thursday, March 7, asking, "AITA for taking my grandchildren to Disney for the first Op, only because you're in the UK, if not I would ask if your grandma is my grandma. Report for elder abuse, start documenting everything so the family doesn't put this back on you. Most nights I would go to sleep at 1 AM and be late for school. You then have the right to chose to her term and accept the money or not. Just because it's been a few years doesn't mean your grandma is unaffected or can or has to be "over it". My Mom, hesitantly told me that she had spoken to Grandma and my Grandma mentioned something about how I missed her birthday but then called her twice because I heard she gave my sister money and now I wanted her money too. When you’re rude to your grandma, it likewise reflects poorly on your parents as well as they’re the host. I'd really only see him on birthdays or when he came to grandma's home when I was there. But the above syrup on the seat solution works too. Your grandma truly dosen't sound like a nice person to be around. We never had a close relationship. My grandma would be 97 today. Grandma has also slept with a married man for the past 45 years and been very open about it and proud of being a homewrecker. To my step brother, step sister, kid sister, my two nephews, my niece, and my dad’s neighbor’s three small kids. Mom and grandma want her to stay skinny as a rail with no regards to the changes the ten year old girl faces with heightened awareness. She was a devout Christian and knew my sister and I were not. Complying with grandma's racist demands makes you complicit, OP. I’m actually proud My grandma is in her late 70's. This step dad is going to be this poor girls ally and that is great. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! I’m a grandma to a wonderful 8yo girl and my youngest son is 11yo - the same age difference you’re describing. I think everyone knows what comes next – she asked me to take care of my grandmother again. Grandma: when I was 15 I could cook. Bless your grandma, give her a hug and lots of support. Agreed, NTA. A few days ago I found out from my grandma my dad is going to be there and more than likely with his kids. They are labeled Nana, Grandma, Granny and family friend is G-ma. Adults pay their own bills. this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. I yelled at my grandma for trying to give me emotional support Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. The kids don't call her grandma, I don't consider her a grandmother. I'd do the opposite. A few of my relatives laughed and said it was cute but my grandma was dead silent. YES, my daughter has 2 grandma's, a great grandmother, and a family friend I call mom. Proclaim to a room full of people how much you loved the gift she gave to you and how happy and seen you felt. I then apologized to my grandma and walk away. At this wedding, my grandma had 2 children, a daughter-in-law, and 4 grandchildren (all adults with long term partners). She didn’t have a lot of help while I was growing up. She does not have an ally in her mother, who apparently think her mother walks on water in child rearing. Grandma: oh my and fiancé are having dinner! Mom: for four hours. You don’t get a pass for “free hurting younger people” once you reach a certain age. Your grandma definitely doesn't sound fun to be around and as you're an adult now, regardless of your family's influence, don't feel obligated to see her. At one point, their kid, who we will call Ty, was saying that I don't deserve my gaming laptop that I saved up for and said, "You should just stick to washing shoes and having a blackberry. All the pictures your grandma has, she staged. If you happen to know grandma’s favorite flower, maybe you can add one to the lapel of the suit coat. Recently my Great grandma(86) (grandmas mother) has been really sick and we have been with her a lot because we don’t know how much long she has. I don’t think they’d appreciate you treating your grandma like that. Her choice in the matter. I love my grandma dearly, but I personally think I’m too old to have my phone taken, and being treated like I’m 15 but given the responsibility of a 22 year old. I was shocked and confused. Who knows what grandma will feel entitled to do with the baby? You did good by stopping grandma, and don't let anybody tell you different. Game on, gamer. We used to get along quite well, but she lives in a different country so she calls us a few times a week so we can talk and catch up, but lately, every time we spoke, the conversation would start out nice, she would ask me about school and home, and if I didn't respond exactly the way she wanted me to, (e. When the kids are together, and it happens often, they’re treated equally. My family will judge me for not going and it may be a selfish decision. my room was always messy and full because my family put there clothes i'n my room for my grandma to fold. you) My guess is that your cousin is saying that you’re a thief so that all eyes are off him so that he can steal your grandma‘s stuff, OP you and your grandma had an agreement, she would pay you $70 for taking care of her, my guess is that your cousin is jealous, and your aunt is just greedy, as long I have been more than willing to help my grandma and take care of her, but it has taken a toll -- especially because I am young and looking for jobs. . I'm thinking (hoping) that he said quite a bit to her after you left. My grandma lives in a pretty small country town where she knows everyone and can do pretty much everything by herself. My grandma has taken care of me with money and food. She is 15. I had grandma sat on my table with me, my partner, and my brother. Mom was raised in Grandma’s dysfunctional household. She's been diagnosed with diabetes, and last October just gotten a toe partially amputated because of it. Slay some werewolves or kill of Nazis or something and forget about the old sick hag. Dad remarried (Jane) when I was 29. saying ive washed the dishes AND done the laundry AND It becomes a family heirloom. So, AITA? Step-granny is just pissed (and more than a little bitter) that her son didn't match with a person step-granny would approve of. So about a year ago my TV finally died after a faithful 10 years of service. If you don't want her interference then grow up and act like an adults. e. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ Ngl most of my mom’s family is high key racist and is been problems sometimes growing up. we had my aunt over. My grandma (F75) lives in another state and wants to come stay with my mom, but that's where the problem starts. And maybe even your bedroom door if you can. She lived alone and she wasn't found for a while. My great-grandma died a few weeks before i was born, and my grandma wanted to meet me because she lonely. Similar to OP, my grandma kept financially supporting my irresponsible mother. I probably wouldn't feel any different than you do, it's only natrual. I haven't talked to my grandma about 5 days. He told me how my grandma was a liar all her life and, for some weird, unexplainable reason, she made it her mission to just keep me aways from my grandpa. A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. Aggression, cruel language, and the rest of her behaviors sound like they could be dementia. So today within an hour, my grandma told me that, "you should get contacts so you'll be pretty", "get off your Prozac because they aren't good for you", "you should get a job" (I'm disabled, I can't work), and that I'm an illegitimate child and it's her fault I was born. As she was so young when everything happened. AITA for telling my Dad his wife can’t be called Grandma? AITA for saying my stepmother will not be called grandma? My (33F) husband (33M) and I are having our first baby. Notify social security so MIL doesn't try to change the account back, freeze grandma's social security number and get a credit report just in case. My names Emiliano and my grandma always complained how hard she tried to change my parents minds and it’s a shame I got stuck with it. We see the swastika because OP called it that. I am a straight A high honor roll high school student and have a clean record and have never attacked anyone. Grandma had some money, so we put her into a good care home, basically about two months after she came to live with us. They died almost 60 years ago. She’s the one hurting it with her ‘terms’, and you have every right to feel she doesn’t need to be in your life if not as your mom&grandma. When I asked her what was wrong she demanded to know why I chose Lucy. Think "Tommie" named after a Thomas (not the actual names), most people assume it is a nick name and not a full name. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. You have already advocated for yourself and drew the line, yet your grandma came into your home, started to force her religious beliefs onto you, and insulted your identity. I'd keep them just to spite the cousin and grandma. Mom: she can’t cook. If you can find any documentation showing when your dad first had the necklace in his possession (value estimates, emails from the previous owner, etc) that may help you My maternal grandma has been living with my family for almost a year. Grandma was looking for an opening to complain about your body and she pulled a muscle with that stretch. My grandma would always blast music the ENTIRE night. My dad has two older brothers and initially my grandma was supposed to move in with one of them because grandma is racist. However, according to your step-sister, your dad, step-mom, and step-grandmother all argued for half an hour before step-grandma left angrily. Everyone was talking to my grandma and she was saying that she wanted everyone to be really sad when she died (she perfectly healthy btw). AITA annoyed with grandma So my grandma and I spent a lot of time together since I was a kid, but the older I got the less that I found myself wanting to spend time with her. We had Grandma from place X and Grandma from place Y, also Grandma Far Away/Old Grandma (she wasn't actually that old, but she was Grandma from place X's mother and her, my grandma and my mom had kids young (17/18-18-21 respectively I think) so in kid's logic, she had to be the old one). For context, my (F17) grandma (F62) has had some health problems in the past few years. From a young age, I was aware she favored me. For background, I am a college student going from home to save money. Our actions often reflect on the people around us. man stepped on someone's toe and it hurt, no one would say it's because he needs to lose weight. Your grandma has lived long enough to be a grandma…she probably will understand more than you do about what’s up. Especially since we had two large dogs, which my Grandma could have killed, or made seriously ill, and nearly did. At best there may be an order to allow the grandparents some annual time set aside for a visit (which in this case could actually backfire on grandma because the mom may now decide to only let her see the kids as little as the court requires after all this drama, rather than any sort of friendly visiting whenever’s convenient. Ignore your cousin and wear what you’d planned to wear.
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