Girlfriend is confused and needs space. She replied "just for now but don't go to far.

Girlfriend is confused and needs space It's different for everyone. Jan 15, 2025 · Why Giving A Girl Space Is Important? Your girlfriend or wife needs personal space to flourish and grow as a person. She's been stuck in a cycle of negative thinking and has inadvertently developed thinking patterns that affected her feelings for you and damaged her ability to love. Hey guys im (27m) and have been dating my girlfriend (25f) for 11 months. It can be hard to follow this advice but think of it like this: you will not lose her if you keep surprising her and talking to her. I am confused at 1st I contacted her now and then via msn and emails she keeps saying how bad she feels about doing this. Of course, the best thing you can do is actually sit down with her and have this difficult conversation. Definitely give her her space, but depending on how things left off, let her know you’ll be there waiting. He spends regular time with you […] Aug 19, 2022 · I love your videos, been watching them non-stop for the last couple weeks. She replied with I'm do in love with you. She is changing her major in school, her sister just miscarried, she lost her best friend from childhood, and she is depressed. But why does it happen so often? Sep 2, 2012 · Why You Don’t Need To FREAK OUT When He Says: “I Need Space” All is going great. One person in a couple might want more closeness and the other more space at any given time. Having differing needs for space and closeness doesn’t mean you’re a mismatch. However, she can only want some alone time which will never impact your relationship. We both love each other very much and care for each other a lot. When your ex boyfriend or girlfriend wants space after a breakup, you might wonder how much space they want and why they want this if they love and care about you. If a girl says she needs to be alone for a bit and doesn’t want to talk about anything else, that could mean any number of things. Some only need a couple of days to figure things out, others a few months depending on the severity and magnitude of his decision. (I need some space from you) she could date other people. He even moved out of their home, apparently. Also, asking for space does not necessarily mean she still wants to be in the relationship. Give her the space she needs to figure it out, when she’s ready to talk she’ll talk. Girlfriend is confused and needs space but does not want to break up. Feb 24, 2021 · "You could even plan a solo getaway for the weekend or with a friend — that way, you both get the space you need and come back feeling recharged. its kinda weirddd. ” Jan 22, 2024 · Oftentimes, in today’s times, depression leads to break up. She still needs space and this is not excuse to crowd her. She said she didn’t want to hurt me and said she sorry for needing this space. If a girl is confused, can't choose between you and another man, let her go. My girlfriend of seven months has asked for space. A lot of things can be said that basically mean the relationship is doomed under the guise of things like "I need space" or "I need to process this" 12M subscribers in the relationship_advice community. She is not getting the space she asked for, by constantly getting in touch. Just discuss what you need with your partner and see if there’s a way to compromise so you both get what you want. She told me that I really allow her to be herself and she really likes me. She's 23 and Im 25. Me and her clicked like no other. You are in a toxic relationship with a girl who seems like she is surfing for dongs bro. ” “I need time to find myself. he didn't communicate. You might even contact them to ask if they have had enough space and you might feel that they should now have what they asked for and that they should be ready to resume their Dec 18, 2017 · However, she is bouncing back and forth between saying she needs space, is confused and not ready for a relationship, but she contacts him when he backs off and they hang out, have fun and hook up. However, Tuesday my girlfriend said that she needs space and time to grow. Aug 11, 2022 · She is confused. Another of the very positive things that happen when you give your ex space is that you offer them room to heal as well. I'm not sure what she means by "space" if we're still going to be together? Sep 24, 2024 · It's essential to approach the situation with patience and understanding, giving her the space and support she needs to navigate her emotional landscape. I did other things in the mean time and just kept my mind off it. When my boyfriend is busy or tells me he needs time or space to do something, I instantly become extremely depressed. Ex girlfriend confused and needs time and space My girlfriend of 6 months broke up with me about two weeks ago. Jan 1, 2021 · My girlfriend (we are both 22) of 7 years isn't diagnosed with BPD but has many of the trademark symptoms. Most women dislike clinginess or excessive neediness. Quizzes. You’re partners who share hardships and celebrate milestones together. Taking Space in a Relationship: How It Can Help and Jan 3, 2025 · What You Shouldn’t Do When Your Boyfriend Needs Space. Jun 6, 2018 · When a girl says she needs space… Here is the bigger picture of this all. I need to work on myself. She is really confused but at the same time i am giving her space but not able to navigate this Kindly help. The reality is that the “I need space” comment happens often all over the world. I need time alone to think about it. Nov 28, 2022 · If your ex is behaving in a way that is leaving you confused about how they feel, you need to put a stop to it. We like her. Having a mental illness doesn’t just go away over night, you have to work for it. That being said, it is something you just need to work on, and trust that what she says is true unless given a reason to believe otherwise. They usually say it’s not you, it’s me. Girlfriend is confused and needs space [ 6 Answers ] Hey everybody my girlfriend and me were going out for 4 weeks and then I have the things she said saved >>>>> " ummm honestly like i don't know. It seems she isn't able or willing to put in the efforts you want her to and she's requesting space. Sometimes I do. So I sucked it up and let him be. If she gets the space she needs, she will be ready to talk. ” “I think we should have a break for a while. She might need time to think things through without pressure or judgment. When I want to just be alone and let time heal after fighting, she is trying to "patch things up". It sounds like she does really like you, but she probably needs the space to sort out what’s healthiest for her, as that’s usually impossible to do with an outside influencing factor. If a woman states that she needs space and you follow these tips, and she honestly does not want space, after all, you will find out. I am hurt. Very great insight. You don’t need to come into this conversation defensive breakup guns ablazing. The fact that THIS is giving her pause is fucked. Need help with your relationship? Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or… That's great to hear. If you are dating a girl who is confused, then she might ask for time to think. If she says nothing happened, then ask to see her phone and go through her social media. You have to have an iron will to do this - you will be refusing to be the guy she needed space from. You are not doing this. He’s attentive. We agreed to take physical intimacy off the table for awhile (ie Feb 25, 2023 · Sometimes, taking a break can help improve the relationship and bring the partners closer together. I am confused what to do, please help TL:DR; girlfriend needs space to understand her feelings as she has some feelings for a guy whom she met in foriegn land and who liked her back, also she says she loves me but needs to understand her feelings I know all her family and she flew with me to my mom's in Italy. Everything was going good in our lives I thought until a few weeks ago when she said we had to talk. Recommended: When He Pulls Away, Do THIS. Give her space if she wants space. She replied "just for now but don't go to far. doesn’t sound like he’s confused about you and the relationship can be saved if both of you back off easy and take a breather. Jul 2, 2024 · She needs some time and space to work out exactly how she feels and what she wants right now. Especially a 17 year old. imo she still cares about you deeply and appreciates you being there for her- she does not want to hurt your feelings given that other things in life are stressing her out it seems she isn’t in the right headspace for a relationship to potentially stress her out further, it makes sense she wants space, give her that space until she’ll be fully ready to come back to you (that’s if she . Part of loving someone is putting their needs on an equal level to your own. After all, she says she still loves me, so I am 21 and have had a girlfriend of two years just break up with me because she needs her space. You're still young and you'll both probably find people better suited to you and the people you are becoming -- don't move in with someone who has doubts. She also said things like “I don’t love her how she needs to be loved” and that it’s her not me and she can’t be in a relationship right now. Give her the time and space to figure out how she feels and get clear at her own pace. Are very conflicting statements. If she seriously can't understand that, I don't know that this can be resolved. You are feeling confused and heartbroken about your girlfriend's sudden decision to take a break. Apr 13, 2022 · When a guy says he needs space, there is no clear time of how long he’ll need. He desperately wants to have a relationship with her, but he is fearful that if he backs off more, she will find another guy, or if he pursues her In my head I’m giving him some space, but then he proceeds to cry and say that he me to come to bed and that he didn’t need space right at that moment and I’m just left so confused. 10) Eventually, communicate and ask him why. ” I’ve been dating this girl for 2 years and now all of a sudden she says she needs space and that she lost feelings for me and doesn’t feel the same anymore. The first email is from a viewer whose girlfriend asked for space two weeks ago. ” “I want some space, but I don’t want to break up. However, it is important to understand that sometimes people need space to work on themselves. We … What to do when your girlfriend is clingy and you I want to be with here and give her the space but its tough. So she's looking after her dying sister and she asked me for space. When a girl is confused about her feelings, giving her the time and space to figure out how she feels is important. like i don't really feel anything. Sep 17, 2010 · Sep 16, 2010, 03:04 PM My girlfriend is confused, wants space, but does not want to break up. don’t listen to other people negative responses when they say “if they ask for space it means it’s over”. Interestingly enough, and I’m sure you’ve noticed this in your daily life, many people have trouble admitting that they were wrong… Which brings us to another reason behind why a person might be confused after a breakup. In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email fro Hi, So on monday my girlfriend said she needs space and time to think about what she wants. Sometimes he'll need space, sometimes you'll need him just to hold your hand. You’ve noticed a change, and it might even have you worried. (I want to date other guys) she didn't know if she wanted to be with me (she doesn't want to be with you) wants us to talk and hang out still. That whole "need space" thing is just an excuse 99. </p> <p>I’m hoping for some pearls of wisdom here. I am confused what to do, please help TL:DR; girlfriend needs space to understand her feelings as she has some feelings for a guy whom she met in foriegn land and who liked her back, also she says she loves me but needs to understand her feelings I think you should leave her alone. ” “It’s not you, it’s me. I remained in NC with her and give her the space she asked for. When she says she needs space, navigating can be confusing and It sounds like she doesn’t know what she wants right now. I love her and wish to make it up with her. comWhat To Do When She Says She Needs Space (How To Win Her Back) - How To Make Her Want You More!When your woman says she needs sp Aug 31, 2023 · What Browning teaches is truly helpful for understanding the right mix between giving your ex space and making a reconciliation more likely by understanding more about the psychology of attraction. Mar 28, 2024 · People often tend to go their separate ways from this point when they say they need space. I need some space alone. Nov 21, 2024 · Many of us dream of having a warm, doting, and caring girlfriend — someone who brings color and excitement to our lives, making even the most ordinary activities, like cooking or grocery shopping, more fun and comforting. However, the two should not be confused. However, your feelings are just as important, and it’s okay to feel anxious Aug 11, 2022 · 11) She needs more time alone. Distracted. When your partner says they need time, focus on giving them what they have asked for. Before you overthink it, being distant and distracted could represent a couple of different things. She is afraid of hurting me, since she still has feelings to the owner and is dealing with all the problems that she have. May 6, 2019 · When a girl says she needs space, she means it. S1 just returned home after finishing his sophomore year and his longtime girlfriend (over 3 and 1/2 years) has said that she may need some “space”. Either way, if she straight up said she isn't attracted to you, it's time for you both to move on. Often, they have no idea what to do next. I am also wondering myself if it is possible to reestablish communication with a girl who I ended things. You also have control, you can also move on and focus on yourself. In your mind, things might be going well, so when she asks for space, you might be feeling a bit perplexed. This will only make things worse and might lead to further conflict. If she said she needs space, it’s time for a very powerful technique used for getting exes back: We have only been together for about 3 months, and I feel very strongly for this girl. Any advice would be helpful honestly I'm struggling a lot with this. It's give and take though you know, make sure you talk. Space to work on projects and hobbies without being pestered by the other person all the time. A study of 1403 participants from China and Greece identified several factors that cause strain in romantic relationships. ” You can feel suffocated when you put too much pressure on each other. Girlfriend is confused and needs space Hey everybody my girlfriend and me were going out for 4 weeks and then I have the things she said saved >>>>> " ummm honestly like i don't know. Or giving you excuses. I would take things at face value and just keep busy like you are. She isn’t sure if she wants to be in a relationship with you or not, so she might want some time to clear her head. With her. You may allow her to recharge and return to the relationship with a fresh perspective by giving her the space she needs. In a committed relationship, a man may need space if his emotional needs aren’t being met or if he feels unappreciated. However, this isn’t always the case. Sep 19, 2022 · She needs time to process what she’s feeling, so give it to her without judgment or pressure. Nov 29, 2024 · Give Her Space. 2 weeks ago (1 month before we had to go to Italy) she broke up with me. Avoid contacting her or trying to see what she’s up to online. And if she is cheating, you want her to make up her mind about who she wants without feeling pressured. And then she hit me with the text asking for space. But let's dig deeper. May 19, 2009 · <p>I don’t know if this is the right forum for this- moderator-please move this if necessary. I didn't speak to her from that time. Or perhaps things have been rocky To get out of the relationship without a fight, she may then say something along the lines of, “I still love you, but I need some space,” as a way of letting him down gently and giving herself some time to find a replacement guy. She said she thinks its the distance between us now and she needs space to figure it all out. he needs space and he packed a bag and wants to stay with his mom for a little to figure himself out him being with another girl and his constant lying I’m so confused on why he treats me the way he does and why he wants space. I've read other posts and this seems normal to happen. So, here I am, a bit confused. “If you’re not sure how best to support your partner, ask If she wants space and you try to talk it out, you will smother her. However, I really struggle in doing this. We have heard quite frequently that My girlfriend is depressed and broke up with me. She has issues with favorite people, she has debilitating abandonment issues, she can be very hyper-sexual, mood switches very quickly, she splits, history of depression and self harm and anxiety, she has impulse control issues and she self sabotages, among other things. Dec 15, 2022 · In the following guide, I will share the strategies I tell clients to use when their girlfriend says she needs space. Instead, give her space. Jun 30, 2006 · Tell her you want to be there as her friend, but as long as she needs space from you, you want to keep it strictly on a friendly level and save the relationship talk for when she is less 'confused' and decides she no longer needs 'space'. . Focus on what you need to do. I told her I want to give her the space she needs and I respect her decision. So, I've been dating this girl for 2 years now, we are both 16 although she's a bit older than me. Tell her that you respect that she needs space, but so do you because you have genuine feelings for her and her reaching out and you knowing she asked/needs space will just hurt you both in the long run. I’m not sure where I’m able to be at this point in my life. 9999% of the time and only in the rarest of rare occasions does it end with the couple reconnecting. He’s handsome. A lot of times people say they need space because they are confused as to what they really want for themselves. I don’t know how long it will take or for how long she needs time and space. We got together through the pandemic and have basically been inseparable. I want to be with here and give her the space but its tough. I just need some advice so I can help her. It is possible for a partner to use the need for space as an excuse for falling out of love. It’s not proper to ask him why he needs space right away even if you want to. Every man and every relationship is different. i’m sick of people saying that. We seen each other a few times after that trying to work things out but we fought again. I did it because similarly, she wasn't sure about things and I ended it because it started to deeply affect me emotionally and mentally. Sometimes people just shut down when they are overwhelmed. And when I say often, I’m talking once every 5 minutes. Women are complex *just like men!*. Instead of focusing on your girlfriend and why she’s blocked you, try focusing on yourself. So now I’m super confused and honestly a little hurt because I feel like my best friend just up and left. if he’s asking for space he’s confused right now about what he’s feeling. It’s necessary to spend time in our inner sanctuary of thoughts, ideas and dreams in order to reduce stimulation (introverts process information and stimuli deeply) and replenish our energy. It's normal and healthy. Maybe because she is not confident enough. I hope things work out for us Should I avoid all contact? I'm confused with his response and I'm a neutral party and you're obviously confused enough you're asking for advice, because as much as he responded. I would be grateful for some advice. If she says she is confused, she probably is. Also, as someone who has dealt with depression in the past, when someone needs space you need to respect that. I have to take a step back, get some space and calm down before I can sensibly approach the situation or I feel like I will do something I regret. (lets be friends!) my suggestion: a break = end the relationship. Basically, she is saying she still loves me and wants me in her life, but for now she can't use me as a crutch anymore. if a girl says they need space, that it's basically done. ” If your girlfriend says so, you might be in a difficult situation and will only think of the negative. I'm really confused. It can also be defined as: Emotional space to have “me time” even when you’re living together. She would not tell me why she was confused. Resources. but it's something she has to do. Give her space. But we also need to grow as individuals. She said that she needs time and space to find her feet and to get settled before we can try again. It will only stress you out. My partner and I have been together for 5 years and have lived together for 4. She has told me that she needs time and space. He’s got a good job. TLDR: my bf says he needs space but won’t break up or take space when I try to give it to him. 4) You give them space to heal. ” Pack any stuff of hers remaining and tell her that you need the space she vacated and she needs to pick it up. no offence or nothing but ur not my typa guy so like i don't know what to relle say widd you. Mar 16, 2022 · Here are the five most common reasons your girlfriend says she needs space: Reason #1: She wants to break up with you. She said we can talk on Sunday, fine. Nov 18, 2022 · So my girlfriend of a year just told me that she has been recently working through some trauma. And as the late, great Thich Nhat Hanh said, “You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free. I have told her that I just need a night of alone time to heal, but she doesn't respect that. If she’s at the point where she’s telling you she needs space, there is nothing you can say to fix it and any effort will make it worse. Your only option if you want this to work out with her is to give her what she wants. know all of this is too cliche but it wouldn't be if it wasn't true. You have some learning He’s going through a breakup. - Give her what she's asking, space/time. Also that I would give her time to think about it, that I dont need an answer right now. He’s not hung up on an ex girlfriend or wife. We kissed and fooled around in the midst of this chat and she sobbed when I left and texted me saying she's ruined everything and thinks she's overreacting. But also, you will be forming a foundation where this woman will not want to do this again as you were honoring space for her. It sounds like you’re handling it wisely so far by acknowledging her request and avoiding pressure on her for a timeline. If you really care about her, respect her boundaries and give her space. We need it for personal clarity: We don’t want to spend all of our time alone but we do need a break from people in order to get back to ourselves. Badger him to start talking to you. ” I wonder how many men have heard their girlfriend ex-girlfriend say “I need space”. Nov 24, 2022 · The first thing you need to do when your man needs some space is to actually give him some space. And I wanted to make it work and he showed me he did too. By truly giving her space she can figure out what she wants, and of course you would only want to continue to date her if the feelings are reciprocal anyways. Tldr - girlfriend has lots of bad things going on in life and needs space from me to figure things out. I don't know what to do. Those boundaries may involve physical, sexual, emotional, intellectual, and even financial conditions over how you choose to interact with your ex moving forward. “I’m not sure what I want, I just need a little space right now. So with that said, it could mean that whoever it may be that said this either wants to break off your relationship, or literally just needs his space/alone time. if you start thinking that your girlfriend broke up with you and is unable to love you because of her depression, you need to tread carefully. She seems to push away the thought of depression and that she is only just going through a “phase”. Or maybe she abhors conflict. In case you are wondering “my girlfriend wants a break but she still loves me” You should do the following if she needs a break: 1. So the other day she asks me to hold her phone and I noticed that she was talking to some guy that she met a couple a days ago. Especially after an argument. Mar 5, 2018 · When your girlfriend says she's confused about you and displays signs of doubt, the cold truth is that your girlfriend's been thinking poorly of you recently. Sep 24, 2018 · My girlfriend for 2 years has asked for a break to figure out how she feels. It's crucial to understand that “needing space” doesn't automatically mean she's unhappy with you or thinking about leaving. Sep 21, 2024 · When women say 'I need space', it can be one of the most confounding relationship moments for men. That way she won't blame you later. Nor are you able to move on. Wanting to be around you all the time isn't necessarily a bad thing, but not respecting your space or relationships with others is. We had a great relationship and almost never fought or argued and we both cared about each other very much. I have been dating my current girlfriend of a year and 7 months. Space could take a long time, so prepare yourself. Do not call her and do not text her. When you give him the space he needs, there’s a possibility that he’ll look forward to being with you again. The unknown is terrifying, especially in relationships. This is compassionate love and allowing a person to heal while giving them them space. The ONLY reason that I even thought that her needing space was code for "I want to break up with you", is because I don't know what people are trying to say,I don't know why I'm like that, I'm just always trying to find hidden meanings and shit when people tell me things, so I look it up online, and that is what most people said. Here’s a list of things you really shouldn’t do when your boyfriend says he needs space because they will only drive him further away from you: Think of the worst. To conclude: What to do when a girl says she needs time after a breakup? The most important thing to do is to respect her wishes. He’s available. I replied to her text apologizing that I had done something and saying that I wish something had been said sooner and hope that we can go back to normal. Girlfriend of 5 years wants space to think, "confused" Girlfriend wants space, I pulled back. she needs some space and needs to work on herself. I’ve had this. I May 11, 2024 · Instead, give him the space he needs and try not to get frustrated. Aug 22, 2024 · When your partner utters the phrase “I need space,” what emotions stir within you? Is it confusion, worry, or perhaps a fear that the relationship might be on shaky ground? Hearing that she needs space can be daunting, yet it’s important to recognize this as a normal and often beneficial request. My girlfriend and I have almost been living together a year. When a woman says I need space, it means she feels like she’s being smothered. ” “I need to find out if I really want to be with you. Focus On Yourself. He’s just sending in his updated boyfriend resume. Blame yourself as it might not be your fault. I understand having an anxious attachment, but that is your responsibility to work on and stay on top of. She might also be confused about how she feels about you. This is his 1st and only love so far. She might be going through a really hard time in her life and she needs her space. However, 29% of married couples say they do not have enough “privacy or time for themselves. Space is such a powerful thing. I, recently told her, that I will give her space, I gave her one month to decide. She’s distant. But don’t take it so personally. She is confused as to what she wants and doesn't know what to do. Do they really want physical space or is it Mar 16, 2023 · Here are 10 signs you might see when your partner needs space. Nov 2, 2024 · When your girlfriend says she needs space, the first reaction might be a wave of anxiety, confusion, or even frustration. Respecting her need for distance while maintaining a connection takes a It sounds like you need to give her space and work on your own insecurities in the meantime. I was very confused. You There has been times when she has wanted to come over, but I just needed my space that night. She has been straightforward with you and told you what is going on, so try to give her what she needs. This came after she had distanced herself from me since i had trigger her unknowingly. This will only push her away further. When a Girl Says She Needs Space . After a month she informed me that although she really likes me after running into her ex who she used to love she is conflicted and needs time to heal and make the right decision. Recently me and my girlfriend got into a pretty big argument and she tends to take a bit longer to get over these things than myself. Let her focus on what she needs to do. So let’s figure it out one by one. I told her how I felt, she responded equally, and I told her I understand if she is confused but I would like to make things official if we are to carry on our relationship. Our relationship went very fast. We can tell you every woman has their own reason for needing space. Oct 31, 2023 · If your girlfriend needs some space, physical intimacy is often the first to go as it’s the most immediate form of closeness. When your girlfriend wants a break, she needs space. She left a toxic but pretty good paying for her age job and is struggling woth her new job that pays less and sadly ended up being toxic as well , she is going to start school up again soon as well and is stressed in how shes gonna make ends meet and pay for that as well. “I need space. Mar 9, 2021 · “How much space a person needs will depend on the individual,” Anjani Amladi, MD, a board-certified psychiatrist, tells Bustle. Understand that this is just his way of coping, and he will come back when he has a handle on the situation. The best way to do this is with boundaries. Jun 9, 2023 · Some partners may feel the need for space to reaffirm their independence, nurture their personal identity, and engage in activities or connections outside of the relationship. So I went no contact. Know your worth! Don't let your girlfriend ruin your self worth, confidence, and future ability to trust. Space and Time. But my personal opinion is to find an another girl asap. She's been saying that I'm cold, and not affectionate enough and I don't tell her how I feel. She knows that she has suffered from depression before and I just wish she would realize that she needs help. Respecting your partner’s need for space is crucial, even though it’s tough not knowing what will happen next. You deserve honesty and up frontness. She now requested to have space but she still in the same house as me. Apr 19, 2021 · Signs ex is confused: Pride vs realizing a mistake. She lost some feelings during the relationship and wants to know how she really feels. When your girlfriend says she wants to take a break from your relationship, she might simply be trying to soften the blow of a full-on break-up. And we're still here, we're still good :) sometimes you do just need a breather. cause 85 percent of the time it’s Give her space. My girlfriend and I split up roughly 2 weeks ago. Conditions Discover. “I need some space. You are 19, this girl is gonna destroy your self worth. As i talked with her before starting and giving the space i understood she doesnot want to give me the confirmation that we will be together as she might still have feelings for this guy which is not fair to me and this relationship. And you focus on yourself, not her or trying to figure her out. You have decided that your wish to see her outweighs her need to be alone to process her emotions from the fight. Obviously I’ll give her space. It is understandable that you are feeling this way because you love her and want to be with her. Distance yourself but make him reach out to you. There has been nothing but happiness throughout the entire relationship for both of us. It's out of your control. When she is saddened by you needing your own space, you ultimately have to do what's best for you. Sure, there might be a part of her that is secretly hoping that you’ll pursue her more, but don’t bank on this. Naturally, I was like Whoa! So, I asked her if she was breaking up with me, and she said no. 2 weeks go by and I ask her again. Apr 15, 2022 · Taking space can be incredibly helpful for a relationship, but it needs to be intentional. It may be hard to do, but it’s important to respect his wishes and give him the time and space he needs. If your girlfriend needs space, it’s essential to give it to her. Nov 30, 2020 · What you should do and what it means if your girlfriend, wife or woman you are dating says that she needs space. Dude, sorry, but “ I need space” is girl-speak for “I found someone better and need to explore them. Nov 21, 2023 · Managing Opposite Needs Regarding Closeness and Space . As a college student with bpd myself, I relate to what your girlfriend is going through. Needs time and space but still wants me as best friend. Sep 13, 2023 · Perhaps you are in a committed relationship or you just started dating a woman you really like. Recently, I removed the “deadline”. Send me a message if ya need advice further. The best interpretation when your girlfriend says she needs space is to give her space. Jul 17, 2022 · http://myalphaempowerment. It comes to us blowing up, and her explaining how she is confused (about life) and needs to find out who she is. Nov 29, 2023 · When navigating the complexities of a relationship, hearing your partner say they need space can be confusing and painful. The problem is, I am an introverted and shy person. Nov 29, 2023 · Respect the Need for Space. I need to get my head together. By communicating openly and empathetically, you can create a safe environment for her to express herself and work through her uncertainties. But if you two had gone through a rough patch or are having constant problems, there are some negative vibes when she says so. Jul 11, 2016 · So we have been together for 6 years, married for 1. I was seeing this girl for a month. If your girlfriend said she needs space but still loves you, it’s crucial to understand that love and the need for personal space can coexist. My girlfriend is exactly the opposite. But she might be struggling with letting that go and/or she's confused by her feelings. If you can't honor her emotional needs, you are not the right partner for her, and she should not marry you. Is she pulling away? Does she want to break up with you? Is there someone else? Stop. It’s important not to assume the worst if she isn’t in contact with you for a few days. 10 steps to take when your partner says she needs space. Nov 3, 2023 · “What to Do When Your Girlfriend Says She Needs Space”: Advice From A Relationship Coach The Pause Button in Relationships Alright, let’s chat. Oct 14, 2024 · When your girlfriend asks for space to gain clarity, it often indicates she’s confused about her feelings or the relationship itself. Giving Her Space to Process Her Emotions. " So the next time your partner asks for time Aug 28, 2023 · Photo by iStock/Eleganza. I find that if my SO and I fight, she wants/expects us to resolve it right away. If you are dating a girl who is confused, then you should be patient. She's since messaged me I miss you and when I asked her if she still wants space. What it means when your ex comes back to rekindle things but now says that she needs space. Apr 16, 2012 · Hello my girlfriend is pregnant I met her 3 months ago and she’s 10 weeks pregnant at the time she got pregnant I wasn’t ready for a baby as I’m only 20 years old I told her I dint want anything to do with the baby then down the line I knew I made a mistake by saying that as she don’t believe in abortions we was still speaking for a week and both told each other we won’t speak to Oct 4, 2023 · The 7 most common signs that say you need space in your relationship are: Less excitement around partner; Irritation rather than joy; Difficulty connecting emotionally; Frequent disagreements; Feeling overwhelmed; Need for personal growth; Desire to miss each other; For a detailed list, refer to these 15 sure signs you need space in your Jan 10, 2014 · Why we like space. Try to explain that you need time to be with friends because those relationships are important to you and so is time to just be alone. We both previously had really bad relationships and we got together about 9 months after we ended them. Sometimes she needs space. You don't need the stress, the waiting, the uncertainty she brings in your life. Then yesterday she messages me with some small talk and then asked me out on a date with her. Started officially being boyfriend and girlfriend a month ago. Usually if a person is feeling controlled, allowing them the personal agency to make their own decision about what to do about whatever they believe has caused it is absolutely necessary. Is she putting me in a gray area just to dip her waters somewhere else and want to keep me as her backup? I am confused and I don't want to trigger her in anyway. " I said okay I'll give you all the space you need. She had been dealing with a lot recently. A guy might then think, “Well, I suppose I can give her some space. However, a week ago today I was over at her house and we got into a conversation and she told me that for the past month or so she has been very messed up in the head and confused about how she Hurting: Girlfriend Needs Space/Confused, What to do? Unless there’s a reason why space to think is required (abuse, cheating, toxic behaviors) where she’s not sure if she can continue the relationship for her own well being… space is usually code for “I don’t want to be with you anymore but I’ll call it space in case I find that I can’t be alone and don’t find anything better”. The safest thing to do is to do what she asks and give her space right now. You’re in a fantastic relationship. We are both very strong in Christ and we live according to GOD’s word and HIS WILL. Do not contact her, do not check in on her. That being said, it sounds like you have some issues in your relationship, so maybe take some space for yourself while she is taking hers and reflect on some things. Space isn’t always about spending time apart though. Perhaps your ex has come to the realization that breaking up with Space in a relationship is Not Falling out of Love. Jul 16, 2021 · If your girlfriend wants space but still texts you, you need to understand that her logic behind it may be completely different from what you may think. What's more, if he doesn't have the decency to check in and let you know he's not dead he doesn't deserve you waiting around. The ones who can respect that they're a part of my life, not my entire world, are the ones who have successful relationships with me; the ones who I say "you are suffocating me, I need time to myself" (like this girl has done) and they whine, plead, guilt, blow up my phone, or otherwise don't respect my need for space are the ones I dump pretty Jan 6, 2024 · Give your man space while showing him that you still care. Don’t rush her into making choices or pressure her to answer immediately. A partner who loves you and is interested in maintaining a happy relationship can still need space. I agreed to give her this space but it’s eating at me because I hate not talking to her but I have to respect her wishes and give her the space she said she needed. It’s not like his mom died or he’s in a rough life spot and needs a friend to help him through a depressive episode. They have been a sweet couple and seemed to Aug 21, 2023 · And even though her interests have been going up, it’s going to go down really quickly to the point where she’s canceling dates, blowing you off, not wanting to see you again. Space to spend time with friends and family, without always having to include the other person. The problem itself: Now she is confused with her life and asked for space. She then messaged me saying she missed me all week and how she doesn’t want to stop seeing me, but how she also needs to get her life together. In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a viewer who dumped his now ex-girlfriend because he felt like she was slipping away and losing interest. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss two different emails from two different viewers. For right now I don’t see a person wanting to end it permanently, just someone confused at what they want. You’re finally dating a wonderful man. I. ” “I don’t know what I want. It has nothing to do with her, I just need it. Stopped following her on social media (still friends) for some space. Aug 11, 2011 · Met this girl 3 months ago. Tonight, she said that she needed some space. What it means and what you should do when your girlfriend says she needs space to think about things. After that we decided to move there. Now she told me that she needs space and wants to have fun and be independent. im lost Ok gang, so it was NYE and my girlfriend came over upset about the tanning salon being closed and got more upset by the fact that my friends bailed to go to the bars instead of the party we were going to. Insists she needs space and time and wants to be separate to learn who she is again. Subscribe. Jun 27, 2023 · A. When your girlfriend says she needs some space, it can feel like a punch to the gut, right? But before we dive into the panic pool, let’s breathe and unpack what this really means. As a result, she says that I'm smuthering her since I'm already over it and am messaging her pretty frequently; so she needs time and space to get over it (only a couple of days) before returning back to normal. The fact that she's already wavered on that should tell you all you need to know. To establish a healthy family relationship, you both need space. You're awesome. hdb mirrh rpkf tqiz qcgb mjaq dviaw qakzg cyecgw wlag