Hillingdon council housing waiting list This means applicants who are considered not to have a housing need will not qualify to join the housing register. This Hillingdon Housing Strategy sets out our priorities for housing and our key aims for the next five years. Find out about schemes and programmes offering support to households in Hillingdon </a> Jan 9, 2024 · Dear information team, I would like to make a freedom of information request for the following information: I would like to know the number of people on the waiting list for social housing as of 31st January 2023. You can only receive a DHP towards your rent if you are in receipt of, or will be entitled to housing benefit or Universal Credit with a housing element. The purpose of a FAP is to ensure that vulnerable children, and those who are having difficulty in securing a school place in-year, are allocated a school place as quickly as possible, minimising the time a child is out of school. Explore waiting lists for all housing programs nationwide, researched, updated and verified by housing experts. At risk of being homeless. There are not enough council and housing association homes in most areas. To apply for our Housing Register waiting list, please register with Locata (opens new window). This policy document sets out how we make decisions about the allocation of council homes for rent in Hillingdon and the allocation of housing association homes where the council has nomination rights. 4. Only a small proportion of our properties become vacant for letting every year. 4 million homes. You will need to apply directly with the council in order to join the housing register. Offering information on a wide range of issues including repairs and maintenance for your home and communal areas, anti-social behaviour, and how to tackle your landlord. Now : The council is continuing to adopt digital technologies to make its services more resident-focused and efficient, the new system allows residents to get confirmation of their repairs appointment by text message, as well as subsequent messages detailing the arrival of the council's officers. New If your repair is not listed, the council's Contact Centre can advise on who is responsible for the work: call 01895 556600 from 8am-6pm on Monday to Friday or email HHS-HousingRepairs@hillingdon. Up to 450 social housing allocations are granted each year in what the council refer to as general needs homes and in sheltered and extra care housing. How priority is awarded. The Local Housing Allowance (LHA) is the maximum amount of housing benefit you can get, regardless of whether you rent from a private landlord, from a housing association or from the council. Social housing is provided by local authorities and approved housing bodies. Please note: Hillingdon Council leaseholders have separate repairs and maintenance responsibilities in their properties and should refer to the Leaseholders factfile (PDF, 239 KB) for details. Jan 8, 2025 · Pay my council rent online. Can you list the reasons given for the removal from the list? 3. Currently consisting of 89 derelict homes built between the 1920s and 1950s, it enables the council to explore plans to transform the area with homes Mar 17, 2023 · Advice and information on applying for social housing, which is housing provided by the council and housing associations. I joined the list in Birmingham as a highest priority case (supported by doctors and social services; it was horrendous), and after 7 months they still hadn't found me anything - I didn't wait around. We have a waiting list of people interested in shared ownership which could speed up the sale process without the need to advertise the property. In Hillingdon, the monthly LHA depends on where, in the borough, you live. I am writing to request an internal review of Hillingdon Borough Council's handling of my FOI request 'Housing'. To find out if you are eligible, click the 'Register Now' button below to get started and find out what housing options are best for you. Apply for council housing through your local council - you'll usually have to join a waiting list The Council will no longer maintain a housing waiting list for those households that it is unable to help access a council or housing association home. I would like to know many The council offers support to help you secure a suitable and affordable home of your choice. This means that applicants who are considered not to have a housing need (Previously Band D) will not qualify to join the housing register. . The updated policy will be implemented from March 1 next year. Cllr Steve Tuckwell, Hillingdon Council's Cabinet Member for Planning, Housing and Growth said: "We are determined to create safe and strong communities and prevent homelessness. Contents S Title Page 1 Introduction 5-7 • Legal context • Aims of the allocation policy 2 Eligibility and Qualification for Housing 7 - 11 • Eligibility rules • Qualification rules 3 Who can make an application 11 4 Statement on choice 12 Locata Housing Services – Central lettings agency 5 How the choice based lettings scheme works 13 - 18 (Locata) • Priority banding • Priority Jan 9, 2024 · Dear information team, I would like to make a freedom of information request for the following information: I would like to know the number of people on the waiting list for social housing as of 31st January 2023. To prove you qualify to go on the waiting list • Council tax bills for the past 10 years. In this document, "we" and "us" mean Hillingdon Council; "you" and "your" means Hillingdon Council tenants. The nett effect is to deprive decent Council housing to deserving residents in a timely manner, to cost Hillingdon money in providing Bed & Breakfast accommodation to Mar 17, 2023 · Sheltered housing provides continued independence and an easy-to-manage home, plus the benefit of on-hand support and the company of others. Includes Section 8, Public Housing and apartments. This means that applicants who Sep 12, 2011 · MORE than 600 extra people have joined the waiting list for council homes in the borough in the last year. The Council can offer no guarantees of availability for an Allotment Garden or a have a priority need for housing; are not intentionally homeless; have a local connection with Hillingdon or another council area. Why we were involved We were concerned that the council’s housing rules indirectly discriminated against refugees and other groups who couldn’t possibly meet them. Hillingdon Council receives many enquiries every year from people looking to rent a (allocated) Council and Housing Association housing. SUMMARY OF HILLINGDON’S SOCIAL HOUSING ALLOCATION POLICY (NEW SECTION) 1. Register for housing with Hillingdon council. If the local housing allowance is more than the rent charged then the housing benefit will be assessed using the actual rent. Find out about schemes and programmes offering support to households in Hillingdon </a> Local housing allowance rates - from 1 April 2024 (PDF, 132 KB) The rates are based on the number of rooms the household needs, not the number of rooms in the property (although this may be the same). If you are homeless today, reach out to our Homelessness Prevention and Advice Team by phone at 01895 556666. With regard to the authority's housing waiting list, how many households were removed from the list in the last full year where figures are available? 2. All schemes have a scheme manager who will help with advice, information, or assistance including arranging for a GP to visit or putting you in touch with other local services. The council has responsibilities for housing both as a landlord and in relation to its strategic housing role. Find out how to move up the council housing waiting list. Live in Brent, Ealing, Harrow, Hillingdon or Hounslow? You can bid for homes on the Locata website. Jan 11, 2024 · Dear information team, I would like to make a freedom of information request for the following information in relation to affordable housing contributions under section 106 and community infrastructure levies. How many households were removed Aug 9, 2023 · Dear Hillingdon Borough Council, This freedom of information request is about the use of housing referrals and incentives paid to landlords to secure private rented accommodation for households. Hillingdon Council receives many enquiries every year from people looking to rent a Note: If your cellphone number has changed, you need to update your information at the nearest City-run housing office or you may phone our call centre at 0214440333 before you continue. Find your council. If you haven't already registered with Hillingdon Council you will need to do so before you can express an interest in the properties we advertise. There are three priority bands as follows: Band A This is the highest priority band and is only awarded to households with an emergency and very severe housing need. Social housing via Locata Social housing in London is very limited and it is likely to go to those households with the highest needs. Learn More The homeless application is not a pathway to an offer of social housing. The assessment contains recommendations that are being addressed in the All-age Autism Strategy, which is currently in development with autistic people and other partners. They might also call it ‘social housing’. All opportunities have been researched and verified by housing experts. com ; Southbourne Gardens, Oak Grove, Ruislip, HA4 8UF Email plotssouthbourne@gmail. The site was bought with the support of £1. Click below and enter your postcode to be taken to your local council's website. Other ways to pay your council rent Paying by direct debit Council tax and housing benefits: 0300 123 1384 (local call rate) Fostering and adoption : 0800 783 1298 : Fraud hotline (24 hours) 0800 389 8313 : HillingdonFirst card: 01895 556677 : Housing repairs : 01895 556600 : Housing services : 01895 556666 : Licensing (alcohol, gambling, street trading, massage and special treatments, scrap metal and Housing need is determined by assessing the current housing circumstances of applicants. What is the Council responsible for? We understand the pressures many people are facing with the cost of living. I would like to know the mean wait time for social housing in 2023 for each band: A, B and C. How many households were removed Pay my council rent online. Section Change Various The Council altered to Hillingdon Council throughout Summary A summary section has been included at the start of the policy to aid clarity 1. Cllr Martin Goddard, Hillingdon Council's Cabinet Member for Finance, said: "This is a really quite remarkable story of a resident's two decades of deception and the following four-year legal saga that has fortunately ended with freeing-up a vital home that can go to a family in genuine need from our waiting list. Hillingdon's Fair Access Protocol (FAP) is required by the School Admissions Code 2021 (PDF, 558 KB). You will have to demonstrate that due to your personal circumstances you need extra help with your housing costs. Options while you're on the waiting list. Hillingdon's London Living Rent register is a list of people who are eligible for affordable home ownership opportunties in the London Borough of Hillingdon area. Below you will find information on each London Borough's housing situation. Nov 8, 2024 · Councils are required to have a method of assessing housing need, advertising social housing owned by the council or housing associations and allocating them accordingly. Find out about schemes and programmes offering support to households in Hillingdon </a> Feb 6, 2020 · Dear Hillingdon Borough Council, Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews. Many social landlords, including this Council, are increasing their efforts to stop fraud in their housing stock, and as a result more social homes have been recovered for their proper use. You might need to think about other options. The council might not let you join the waiting list if they think you do not meet: the rules in the council's policy. Financial support Council tax and housing benefits: 0300 123 1384 (local call rate) Fostering and adoption : 0800 783 1298 : Fraud hotline (24 hours) 0800 389 8313 : HillingdonFirst card: 01895 556677 : Housing repairs : 01895 556600 : Housing services : 01895 556666 : Licensing (alcohol, gambling, street trading, massage and special treatments, scrap metal and Debby Weller - Head of Service, Housing Policy and Strategy Richard Webb - Director of Community Safety and Enforcement Darren Deeks - Head of Libraries and Cultural Services, including Leisure Services the waiting list for social housing and around 250,000 social households officially classed as overcrowded, social housing fraud needed to be stopped. It's probably best to stay where you are if you already rent from a council or housing association but you're waiting for a transfer. But you could get a council home quicker if you have more priority on the waiting list. The total on Hillingdon Council's housing register is now 7,856, despite efforts to curb the rise through improved links with the private sector. Your options. You can apply for a home in the Dublin City Council area and if you meet the eligibility requirements you will be placed on the housing waiting list. This is called social housing. In respect of Question 3 I requested information about Housing stock advertised online and housing stock not advertised Jun 10, 2021 · When it comes to the housing register, there will generally always be a waiting list, as there are more people needing housing than there are council houses available. Jun 18, 2021 · Wait times across different boroughs vary according to each council's priority scheme, but whatever a resident's situation, it's a possibility that they spend years waiting. Mar 16, 2023 · Hillingdon Council shared equity leases vary significantly and this will determine how the property may be sold. In Uxbridge, the council has secured land previously used by the Ministry of Defence to house servicemen and women. Hillingdon Housing Strategy 2021/22 to 2025/26 5 Introduction and Context 1. Find out about council and housing association properties, supported housing and help for homelessness. May 18, 2023 · Cllr Martin Goddard, Hillingdon Council’s Cabinet Member for Finance, said: “This is a really quite remarkable story of a resident’s two decades of deception and the following four-year legal saga that has fortunately ended with freeing-up a vital home that can go to a family in genuine need from our waiting list. Jul 30, 2024 · They will be housed alongside eligible people on the council’s waiting list. If you have any concerns about your rent account, call 01895 556182. The Cabinet is the Council’s leadership team, working closely with Officers. Other proposed amendments to the Social Housing Allocation Policy are minor and are referenced in the table below. All information is accurate accurate as of April 2021 unless otherwise specified. Allotment Garden Waiting List/Allocation Process Terms and Conditions The Council reserves the right to revise, delete, add and reissue these Allotment Garden Waiting List/Allocation Process Terms and Conditions at any time. Advice and information on applying for social housing, which is housing provided by the council and housing associations. uk You can apply for a home through your local council. Other ways to pay your council rent Paying by direct debit If a person who was top of the list refuses, the next person who was on the list may be invited to view some weeks after the closing date. Find out about schemes and programmes offering support to households in Hillingdon </a> This is because there are over 15,000 households on our housing register waiting to access social housing. This summary section is intended We understand the pressures many people are facing with the cost of living. If you have an urgent housing need but your circumstances mean you do not qualify for assistance from Hillingdon, you may qualify for support from other organisations. If you have questions about how the scheme applies to you or about bidding for properties, there are fully trained housing staff available to support you so please contact us. Find out about schemes and programmes offering support to households in Hillingdon </a> Advice and information on applying for social housing, which is housing provided by the council and housing associations. Find out about schemes and programmes offering support to households in Hillingdon </a> Jan 16, 2025 · TWELVE new homes at Carpenters Court, off Chippendale Way, Uxbridge, have been acquired by Hillingdon Council. Residents with existing housing register applications will be contacted by the council. You can qualify for a discretionary housing payment if: Dublin City Council provides social housing supports to make available affordable rented housing for people on low incomes. When the scheme manager is not on duty, an older people's housing services officer will be available. the housing register. Planned tender opportunities Hillingdon Council is required to have a housing allocation scheme in place to assess housing need, advertise available social housing and allocate properties to households in need. Royco sought permission for residential development and, eventually, permission was granted subject to certain conditions. Housing need is determined by assessing the current housing circumstances of applicants. If you are eligible for social housing you can apply online. You should explain why you think the decision is wrong. Jan 9, 2024 · Dear information team, I would like to make a freedom of information request for the following information: I would like to know the number of people on the waiting list for social housing as of 31st January 2023. org. Qualifying for a payment . You’ll usually have to join a waiting list and you’re not guaranteed to get a property. Our extensive list of Section 8 housing waiting lists includes all statuses from open, open soon to closed, providing a full overview of rental assistance options available nationwide. Provides advice on mutual Aug 6, 2024 · The current housing allocation system in Hillingdon uses four categories, A to D, to rank housing needs. If the council say you cannot apply. If the bands are not applicable then just the average overall. Oct 25, 2024 · Hillingdon Council has celebrated the completion of a new housing development in Hayes, delivering 34 modern social homes for local residents. Hillingdon Council receives many enquiries every year from people looking to rent a We understand the pressures many people are facing with the cost of living. There are 18,000 council or housing association homes for rent in Hillingdon, making up about 16% of housing in the borough. I would like to know many Social housing. To join the register, you must be a first-time buyer living or working in the borough or an owner occupier going through a relationship breakdown. Band B We understand the pressures many people are facing with the cost of living. The housing register is split into different bands depending on the level of priority awarded under the policy. Feb 15, 2021 · To: FOI <[Hillingdon Borough Council request email]> Subject: Freedom of Information request - Housing Waiting List Dear Hillingdon Borough Council, I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. If you are at risk of being homeless, complete the housing advice self assessment below to explore the appropriate housing options for you. 01895 556666 if needed. With regard to the authority's housing waiting list, how Apply for council housing You can apply for council housing through your local council. Session timeout You haven't used this form for a while - to protect your data, the form session will expire soon Hillingdon's London Living Rent register is a list of people who are eligible for affordable home ownership opportunties in the London Borough of Hillingdon area. Register or make a change to your council tax Information and help for council tenants 24. Other ways to pay your council rent Paying by direct debit Finding private rented housing We'll assist you in finding suitable accommodation in the private rental market and provide help with deposits or rent in advance. Councils sometimes get things wrong. We consider the following factors: under-occupation (having more bedrooms than you need) over-occupation (not having enough bedrooms because your family has grown) For more information on the local connection criteria and housing need, see our Housing allocation policy (PDF, 537 KB). It is most likely that that the accommodation will be in the private housing sector. There are a range of housing options that are available in the Locata Home area. We understand the pressures many people are facing with the cost of living. We have provided a comprehensive list of items below and identified who is responsible for doing repairs. If you need somewhere to store your belongings whilst staying in emergency or temporary accommodation, we recommend you make an application for a council garage. If you're looking for a home for Affordable Rent or Social Rent, please apply to your local council's housing waiting list. The one You can make an application for housing benefit towards the rent liability but you may still be liable for service charges and any shortfall in the rent. uk. The rates increased on 1 April 2024. A priority 'band' is then allocated to each applicant according to the urgency of their housing need. Guidance on social housing resident rights and the services landlords are required to provide. I would like to know many Royco Homes owned land which the London Borough of Hillingdon wished to acquire for municipal housing. Mar 17, 2023 · An assessment is carried out when someone applies for council-owned or housing association accommodation within Hillingdon. the council made a mistake and gave you the wrong band or points. Information for current leaseholders Staircasing (allocated) Council and Housing Association housing. Waiting list documents required: bank statements for the last 12 months for all accounts. 1. If you are having trouble paying your rent, email housingcharges@hillingdon. The Housing Allocations Scheme covers housing in Hillingdon owned by the Council or by Housing Associations that have entered into a nominations agreement with the council. gov. Older rates We use cookies on your computer or mobile device to help make this website better. Applying for social housing If you qualify, we'll guide you through the process of applying for council or housing association properties. Hillingdon is a modern, transparent Council delivering excellent local services and putting residents first. View the council's standard terms and conditions (PDF, 96 KB) for the supply of materials and or the execution of work. The Council’s Social Housing Allocations Policy set out and governed how officers assessed and determined which applicants were eligible to join the housing register, which To help you improve your housing situation, complete this housing advice self assessment form. The "Apply for housing" button below will take you to the local authority's website, which has more information on its application process. Read the criteria for joining the housing register (PDF, 199 KB) before applying. Key to delivering this is strong and effective governance by the Leader of the Council and his Cabinet. I would like to know many Sep 5, 2023 · Dear Hillingdon Borough Council, Could you please tell me: a) How many households were on your housing waiting list on September 1, 2023? b) How many households were in each band or category of the list? c) What are the eligibility criteria for each band/category ? d) What is the minimum criteria to be accepted onto your housing waiting list? Oct 23, 2024 · All Section 8 Housing Waiting Lists Nationwide - Updated January 27, 2025. com; Station Road, Bedwell Gardens, Hayes Nov 8, 2024 · Currently homeless. This information will help us determine if we have a duty to secure accommodation for you should you become homeless. I would like to know many In-year fair access. Hillingdon Council receives many enquiries every year from people looking to rent a An assessment of the needs of Hillingdon's autistic residents was completed in 2022 and forms our Joint Autism Needs Assessment (PDF, 725 KB). Your council will then prioritise applications based on who needs a home most urgently. If you're not eligible or do not qualify for the waiting list, there may be other housing options available. immigration and residence conditions. If your application is accepted, you’ll go on to a waiting list of people who need a council home. Hillingdon Council receives many enquiries every year from people looking to rent a SUMMARY OF HILLINGDON’S SOCIAL HOUSING ALLOCATION POLICY (NEW SECTION) 1. Band A has three extra categories for urgent cases. Last year we let only 1,119 properties, housing around 7% of those 15,000 households. uk; Meadway, Mead Way, Ruislip, HA4 7QW Email meadwayallotment@protonmail. Shown below is the average and the longest amount of time that those in the highest bands on the housing register currently wait before an allocation is made. Unless otherwise specified the requests relate to the 1st January 2022 to 31st July, 2023. It may be because you: have come to the end of your contract and your landlord has asked you to leave have fallen into rent arrears and your landlord has given you an eviction notice Members were informed that Locata was an online choice-based lettings (CBL) system which was available to anyone who wished to apply to join the social housing register. Residents with existing housing applications will be contacted by the council. This includes assessing How to apply for a council house or flat - housing waiting lists, types of tenancies, the Right to Buy scheme and repairs, complaining about the council In-year fair access. For advice and assistance on accessing accommodation please visit our housing advice web service. The outcome for most homelessness applications is an offer of accommodation in the private rented sector. Jan 15, 2025 · HPH3 Hayes was acquired with the support of Greater London Authority (GLA) funding and will enable residents at risk of homelessness, currently living in high-cost temporary accommodation, to move into more sustainable properties, alongside eligible residents on the council's housing waiting list. Those who seek social housing need to apply to join the Housing Register via Locata and must meet all the necessary conditions for a Housing Register application. The Council will no longer maintain a housing waiting list for those households that it is unable to help access a council or housing association home. The letter must say you can ask for a review. There is currently 3,896 households on the Housing Register in You haven't used this form for a while - to protect your data, the form session will expire soon (allocated) Council and Housing Association housing. A priority ‘band’ is then allocated according to the urgency of the housing need. Once your council or housing association has accepted you onto their register, Locata will write to you to give you a Locata Identification Number (LIN number) and will tell you which band (A, B, C or D) you have been placed in and your priority date. LB Hillingdon - Housing Options Team Civic Centre High Street Uxbridge Management of the council house waiting list and transfer list. Hillingdon Cabinet – putting our residents first. Hill House, Dovedale Close, Harefield, UB9 6DQ Email liz@hillhouseallotments. I would like to a list of all developments from 2019 that have agreed on a affordable housing contribution or CIL. You haven't used this form for a while - to protect your data, the form session will expire soon Nov 14, 2024 · Urgent need for housing . The council must write to you and give reasons for their decision. Before contacting the council for support, there are a range of organisations that can provide advice and guidance to help alleviate your situation: The Council will no longer maintain a housing waiting list for those households that it is unable to help access a council or housing association home. Waiting List Process 1. This summary section is intended 2024 there were 3,896 households on the Housing Register in Hillingdon. One of the conditions required the first occupiers to be people on the housing waiting list of the council. Nov 8, 2024 · The updated policy will be implemented from 1 March 2025. Once you are on the housing register, you may face a considerable wait for a property. This report to Cabinet presents proposed updates and changes to Hillingdon’s Social Housing Allocation Policy to ensure it remains Hillingdon Housing Needs tel. On Wednesday, 16 October, Cllr Eddie Lavery, Hillingdon Council’s Cabinet Member for Residents Services, visited the site, which includes a mix of one-to-three-bedroom properties with shared garden spaces. This summary section is intended Moving within Hillingdon. It is important to note this Hillingdon Council shared equity leases vary significantly and this will determine how the property may be sold. I would like the application number, the date, the amount agreed and Sep 20, 2018 · My friend was awarded a council Flat in Birmingham in March; she'd waited three years in the second highest priority band. Tell the council if your housing needs become more urgent. 2m funding from the Greater London Authority and takes the number of new council homes acquired by the borough in 2024/25 to 185. Please note: It can take 3 to 5 days for your account to reflect recent payments. Find the allocations policy. Find out about schemes and programmes offering support to households in Hillingdon </a> Feb 15, 2021 · Dear Hillingdon Borough Council, I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Feb 15, 2021 · I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Find out about schemes and programmes offering support to households in Hillingdon </a> Apr 4, 2019 · Neither could go on the housing waiting list because Hillingdon Council’s rules said that a person must have lived in the area for ten years before applying. Please note: This site has reached its waiting list capacity. Mar 17, 2023 · If you are unhappy with our decision, you can request a formal review (PDF, 154 KB) within 21 days from the date of your decision letter by emailing the housing register team. If you locate a suitable property in the private rental market, you may be eligible for financial assistance to help you settle, providing a solution for your housing needs in the short to medium term. The council will then review your application and - if successful - you will be added to a waiting list. And does housing benefit cover it? No. What happens next? A case worker will review your submission and consider whether you are eligible to See full list on hillingdon. 1 List of relevant legislation updated Social housing fraud is a menace carried out by a very small proportion of the Council’s tenants, either through ignorance or greed. (allocated) Council and Housing Association housing. We use cookies on your computer or mobile device to help make this website better. Find out about schemes and programmes offering support to households in Hillingdon </a> You haven't used this form for a while - to protect your data, the form session will expire soon approved council contractors for low value works; framework agreements awarded by other public bodies; If you have any questions about our procurement process, email procurement@hillingdon. However, it has become harder to efficiently prioritise housing needs as two-thirds of residents on the waiting list fall into Bands A and B. Your location will also play a huge factor in how long you will be on the waiting list, with each area having differing amounts of property available, making some locations far Advice and information on applying for social housing, which is housing provided by the council and housing associations. Challenge the council if you think they gave you the wrong band or points. This explains how Nov 11, 2024 · Working in partnership with other organisations we can explore the various housing options available and provide you with access to quality advice to help you improve your housing situation. May 24, 2023 · Martin Goddard, cabinet member for finance at Hillingdon Council, said: “This is a really quite remarkable story of a resident’s two decades of deception and the following four-year legal saga that has fortunately ended with freeing up a vital home that can go to a family in genuine need from our waiting list. tokvujyi larobryr pdmmkop slygf yoaqrewd apks cwp ysuro paodiec mgywslan