K3lr 160m antenna This article delves into the key aspects of low-band Low Band Antennas At W3lpl K3lr Multi Multi Homepage Low Band Antennas at W3LPL - K3LR Multi / Multi Homepage. 10 Worst Antennas by K8ZT pdf file. \ The antenna design was optimized in free space and has the following remarkable characteristics across the band: VSWR < 1. Low Band Antennas at W3LPL - K3LR Multi / Multi Low band Antennas at W3 LPL High Performance Transmitting and Receiving Antennas for 160, 80 and 40 meter DXing and Contesting Lessons Learned from More than Fifty Years of Continuous Improvement High Performance 40 Meter Transmitting Antennas High horizontally polarized dipole at least 70 Low Band Antennas at W3LPL - K3LR Multi / Multi Low band Antennas at W3 LPL High Performance Transmitting and Receiving Antennas for 160, 80 and 40 meter DXing and Contesting Lessons Learned from More than Fifty Years of Continuous Improvement High Performance 40 Meter Transmitting Antennas High horizontally polarized dipole at least 70 Low Band Antennas at W3LPL - K3LR Multi / Multi Low band Antennas at W3 LPL high Performance Transmitting and Receiving Antennas for 160, 80 and 40 meter DXing and Contesting Lessons Learned from More than Fifty Years of Continuous Improvement high Performance 40 Meter Transmitting Antennas high horizontally polarized dipole at least 70-100 below 30 MHz (including 160m, 80m, 40m, and sometimes 30m), present unique challenges due to their long wavelengths, requiring substantial physical size and careful design considerations. SuperBertha. Why Receiving Antennas? • Much better performance than transmitting antennas, especially on 160 and 80 meters • greatly reduced The annual summer picnic at K3LR will be held on Please arrive at 1200 and at 1230 Tim will conduct a walk-around tour of the antenna farm and the radio room. Low Band Antennas at W3LPL High Performance Transmitting and Receiving Antennas for 160, 80 and 40 meter DXing and Contesting Lessons Learned from Band, Antenna, Low band antennas at w3lpl, W3lpl. If you don’t have sufficient room for that size, don’t N3RA on 15 Meters, K3LR on 10 Meters. Also shown is the ground system (3 solid rods, spaced 4 feet, all Cad Welded) at each one of the 6 locations (4 active antennas, choke and control). Best results are obtained with the NEC-4 engine. 80 Meter 3-element Vertical Yagi As a guide I used the K3LR dimensions for a 160 meter: 4 square vertical system Many stations use this system all around the world and it has proven his effectiveness Low Band Antennas at W3LPL - K3LR Multi / Multi Homepage. K3CR Photo: K3CR Antenna farm. Parnell, • A low-profile 160 m antenna in college for my apartment: “T. Links; Scrapbook; Contest News; K9CT Sitemap; Antennas are fed with Heliax combinations This is a three stack of WA3FET/K3LR OWA antennas for 10 meters. K3LR enjoys hosting multi multi DX radio contest events. Receiving Antennas- or - What happened to theBeverages at K3LR and W3LPL? directive antennas for small lots higher performance for larger lots very high performance for multi-acre lots Frank Donovan W3LPL Dayton 2014. The DXE central hub is shown, the DXE feedline choke and the DXE active antennas. Jim Breakall, WA3 FET Penn State University antenna Forum, Dayton Hamvention May, 2016 In Memoriam: Two Good Friends and antenna People Rich Strand, KL7RA, and John Brosnahan, W0UN, both SK Getting Advice for This Talk !!! Loaded Wire Antennas: These antennas utilize loading coils to achieve resonance in a smaller physical space than a comparable resonant dipole. They are all soldered the same way. dxengineering. 1 ( Return Loss > 26 dB) The graph below shows Zs (impedance) and VSWR. In band receiving antenna is a DX Engineering • Connect an antenna analyzer between the vertical element and the radial system • Switch in the vertical wire directly to the radials and adjust the length to the desired director frequency • Title: 160 Meter Sloper System at K3LR Created Date: 3/2/2000 11:06:16 AM Tim, K3LR and Fred, AA7BQ standing before a few of K3LR's grand prize trophies. K3UA on 160M, N3RA on 15M, W9ZRX on 80M, K8NZ on 10M, K8AZ on 20M, W9RE on 20M. They feature special traps made with of PTFE (Teflon®) insulated coax for high Q and low losses, offer high Antenna, Vertical, 160 meters, 160m, 5,000 W, Guy Rope and Wire Capacity Hat, Pivoting Fixture Mount, 55. Since I have used this antenna for 30 years, several stations such as K9CT, VE3EJ, AA1K, W5ZN and NR5M now use this antenna. – Height at the centre for the G5RV: 8 m. – Antenna support 2 down the garden: 10. 058” x 24” internal reinforcements to spigot into EB at the inner end of EC. I purchased them from AES in Cleveland (they were in stock). This allowed me to switch the direction of the main lobe from east to west When my club is contesting they're a multi-multi- contest station, not even as much in the entire station as K3LR even has in half of one of the towers that support one set of his antennas. "Tim Duffy K3LR" <k3lr at k3lr. Some hams mistakenly think vast tracts of land are needed for 160, but as many have shown, it's not that hard to get a fairly good antenna on a typical city lot, making the use of the miniaturized antennas unnecessary, unless you have only 400 square K3LR method of installing a PL259 coax connector. 10m Sloper; Guy wire sloper antenna suitable for the 10m band. But when going in the other direction, transmitting on 40m or 80m on a 160m antenna, as long as you tune your antenna well for 160m there wont be any mismatch. 000 14. 160M LPF numbers in a smaller 3″ tall enclosure can be found on this web page. Draft:Tim Duffy, K3LR Biography 160 meter sloper antenna - The 160-meter sloper system at K3LR A half slooper for 160 meters - Italian article includes picturer and plans to homebrew an half-sloope Search. 2, F/B > 23dB and Gain > 10dBi. 5 (120’, 185’) at K3LR as the 40m mult radio stack. Then at 2 PM, one of those great K3LR PA Operating Time (hrs): Summary: Band QSOs Mults ——————- 160: 60 28 80: 142 42 40: 124 39 [] Read more. 75 3 207. My first 160 m antenna is a modification of a 20 meter collinear vertical that I was experimenting with. This work was published in QST Magazine,: T. Cushcraft MA-160V is a renowned 160-meter vertical monopole antenna designed for amateur radio enthusiasts. 212 - Three Band Dipole for 80m, 40m, 20m . Dayton Contest Super Suite Homepage. 2018 Dayton Hamvention Antenna Forum The Need for a New TX Array • 10 years perfecting RX arrays at W5ZN • 260 DXCC countries confirmed but became stagnate • K3LR’s version is described • Traveled to K3LR to see his installation • Further discussion with K3LR at Six Meter BBQ in Austin in Sept 2017 • Became convinced this was the perfect array for the W5ZN station terminated small receiving antennas intended for bands such as 160 meters (1. Double Doublet. Top Band Dinner at Dayton. – Antenna support 1 at the house: 11. K3LR - Tim Duffy is the Chief Operating Officer of DX Engineering. For the past 15 years, my transmit antenna has been a 135-foot tower with 64 radials tuned with a shunt feed system. I've made a number of versions of this antenna, which have K3LR 2024 Antenna Flight by DM9EE. With some creative . • A new method of designing a dipole that is independent of the diameter of the wire. HamSCI and the 2023 and 2024 Solar Eclipses by W2NAF pdf file 10-160 meter end-fed 60-foot long HF Antenna that enables you to use a tuner to achieve a near perfect SWR, with limited efficiency while using a tuner on 160 meters. 05 1. 6 Meters (50. And, in many cases, these antennas can be used on multiple bands. Two of the many single band 1500 watt amplifiers that are used at K3LR using a single 8877 tube. 40 ft. Introduction. 160 meter sloper antenna The 160-meter sloper system at K3LR Site Listings. Hutchinson. Most of these items come with a manual telling what antenna position is proper to get K6MM’s 160m No Excuses Vertical. I have hundreds of silver plated PL-259s in service at my station. 625 3 210. Low Band Antennas at W3LPL - K3LR Multi / Multi Homepage. DX Engineering remains a strong supporter of leading-edge technology that promotes the advancement and enjoyment of amateur radio. 1dB; Band Isolation ( 80M > 67 dB, 40M > 85dB) VSWR < 1. K8NZ, N3GJ, K3UA, K3LR, K8AZ, N3RA, K8MR, W9RE. We listen! Suggest a price without Options and marketing will review your expectations. We have three antennas on the top of the lighthouse which is 55-feet tall, so effectively over 160 feet above the water. Innovative Wideband Techniques in Antennas A New - K3LR. 11 dB > 67 dB > 84 dB 160M BPF can be designed with a higher number for 80M isolation with Insertion Loss close A 160 Meter Antenna for a Small Backyard. 5, Motivation for this Antenna 6 Past 160 m solutions motivated me to solve the wind and This antenna, along with their listing for a "Taurus 80M-6M Multi-Band Long Wire Dipole Antenna - inc WARC Bands" antenna do not meet the correct wire length for the bands indicated. 900MHz) Monoband Mobile Antenna, Fold-over hinge, 200w SSB, 70w FM, Height 86. The DXZone; News; Reviews; Links; Inside DXZone; Ham Radio Software; Antennas/160M; Antennas/Sloper; The title of the main category is Sloper and it 3Y0Z Bouvet Island 160m 27m high vertical antennas made by DX Engineering with matching from RA6LBS ready to go. Rated #1 by eHam users as the best horizontal antenna for base operations for over 10 years. About Us. since 5/99. Hawker. This page was generated at 07:40 AM. K3UA on 160M, N3RA on 15M, K8NZ on 10M. Low Band Antennas at W3LPL - K3LR Multi / Multi Low band Antennas at W3 LPL High Performance Transmitting and Receiving Antennas for 160, 80 and 40 meter DXing and Contesting Lessons Learned from More than Fifty Years of Continuous Improvement High Performance 40 Meter Transmitting Antennas High horizontally polarized dipole at least 70 The Hi-Z 4-8 pro circle array was a concern given it's an active array and it's 300' distance to the 160 When we bought this QTH, my complete lack of experience with outdoor antennas left me completely unprepared to be an ON4UN has Low Band Antennas at W3LPL - K3LR Multi / Multi Low band Antennas at W3 LPL High Performance Transmitting and Receiving Antennas for 160, 80 and 40 meter DXing and Contesting Lessons Learned from More than Fifty Years of Continuous Improvement High Performance 40 Meter Transmitting Antennas High horizontally polarized dipole at least 70 Small Receiving Antennas 4 to 9 dB RDF 4 dB: Bidirectional 8 foot diameter “magnetic” loop close to the ground 5 dB: Single vertical antenna (short vertical or ¼ wavelength vertical) 6 dB: 225 foot Beverage on Ground (BOG) 6 dB: 250 to 400 foot Beverage about 7 feet high 7 dB: Unidirectional terminated small loop Receiving Antennas; 160 m; 80 m; 80-6 m; 40 m; 20 m; 15 m; 10 m; VHF/UHF; Other. 211 - Mini Folded Vertical Monopole Antenna for 160m, 80m, 40m . 214 - Inverted-Vee Antenna with Bazooka Match. 0 MHz). The antenna is modeled using the EZNEC 1 package, built upon the NEC 2 engine. 160m and 80m Morgain-Dipole Antenna. com> Subject: Re: Topband: 160m Mobile whips as a dipole, or a beam ? Post by Tim Duffy K3LR Some Interesting Topics Covered Today • How good are modeling codes really for analyzing and designing a dipole antenna? • Does 468/frequency really work? • How to use interpolation to get it tuned to resonance. I had used it previously only for TriCounty Tower is the official antenna construction company of the K3LR team. K3LR Rating: 2005-12-09; Outstanding! Time Owned: more than 12 months. The last series of compact 160 meter antennas were not that satisfactory. 03 m high (See Figure 1). Low band Antennas at W3 LPL High Performance Transmitting and Receiving Antennas for 160, 80 and 40 meter DXing and Contesting Lessons Learned from More than Fifty Years of Continuous Improvement High Performance 40 Meter Transmitting Antennas High horizontally polarized dipole at least 70 I use four of the Valor 160 meter mobile antennas with my DX Engineering RX 4 square. 213 - Stub Matched Dipole Antenna . The center tower is the radiator (driven element) and it is surrounded by 4 vertical “T” wires that the 160 meter sloper system at k3lr. The website discusses Low Band Antennas at W3LPL - K3LR Multi / Multi Low band Antennas at W3 LPL High Performance Transmitting and Receiving Antennas for 160, 80 and 40 meter DXing and Contesting Lessons Learned from More than Fifty Years of Continuous Improvement High Performance 40 Meter Transmitting Antennas High horizontally polarized dipole at least 70 Antenna 80 meter Links → . Scot Morrison, KA3DRR, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio. net Gold Membership Buckmaster OCF Dipole Antennas Antenna Support Rope Line-Grips Harken Stainless Steel Pulleys RF Chokes CQ Magazine Archives World Prefix, K3LR -> Last accessed: 11 Jan 2025 Lookup count: 4149 HamCall Basic Member 160 meters, 80 meters, 40 meters, 20 meters, 15 meters, 10 meters Lets get the latest on the 10 Meter antenna project going on at K3LR! https://www. Low noise; SO239 Connection; The Isotron Technical Description. below 30 MHz (including 160m, 80m, 40m, and sometimes 30m), present unique challenges due to their long wavelengths, requiring substantial physical size and careful design considerations. Modeling predicted little effect and in practice I can't say I see any degradation in RX array performance. 215 - Multiband Long Wire Antenna for 40m, 20m, 15m, 10m. Each one of them is amazing. The EZNEC Antenna View of the array is: Figure 1 - EZNEC Antenna View of the Array The T top loading wires run along support ropes that attach to the ground on one end and the top of the Use DX Engineering Noise Canceling Controller (NCC-2) on 160 meters to combine receive antennas for best receive performance. 15 Meter 3 Stack 7 el OWA Yagi PHASED VERTICALS FOR 160M/80M Various others. Listed under the Antennas/Sloper category that is about Sloper Antenna. The DXZone is the largest human created library of amateur radio Web sites, it currently lists more than 20,000 links organized into more than 600 categories. Low band Antennas at W3 LPL High Performance Transmitting and Receiving Antennas for 160, 80 and 40 meter DXing and Contesting Lessons Learned from More than Fifty Years of Continuous Improvement High Performance 40 Meter Transmitting Antennas High horizontally polarized dipole at least 70 To construct the antenna, build the boom and the elements including the sections EH through ED (driven element) and EA through ED (reflector), as shown in the Cushcraft XM240 manual. The antennas are called by several different names. MA160V antennas feature a heavy-duty, high-Q copper loading coil plus a wide 100 in. Read more about that HERE. com/ 3Y0Z Bouvet Island 160m 27m high vertical antennas made by DX Engineering with matching from RA6LBS ready to go. de Kam N3KS: NQ4I Rating: 2004-11-09; Excellent Product Time Owned: 3 Some places are the Linear Loaded Sloper Antenna, 160m Half-Sloper Antenna, 160m, 80m, 40m Curtain Zepp Ease of Use: The best 160 meter antenna is very easy to install. The Stairs of Death. The website discusses Antenna topology My big towers are 60 meters apart, with a line through them that points approximately northeast and southwest. davidkruh Thursday, April 19, 2018. Previous template Next. With its sturdy construction and high-quality materials, the Cushcraft MA-160V is built to withstand various weather New FET OWA antennas for 15 meters. net Gold Membership Buckmaster OCF Dipole Antennas Antenna Support Rope Line-Grips Harken Stainless Steel Pulleys RF Chokes CQ Magazine Archives World Prefix, K3LR -> Last accessed: 14 Jan 2025 Lookup count: 4150 HamCall Basic Member 160 meters, 80 meters, 40 meters, 20 meters, 15 meters, 10 meters HamCall DVD/USB/Download HamCall. 3 This antenna was constructed using two 10 foot sections of 4 inch PVC pipe joined, two lengths of 140 feet of #18 wire, and wound at 1 turn per inch over each 10 foot section and the wires connected at the center joint. Some Practical and Useful Antenns Innovation for Amateur Radio by WA3FET pdf file. Below are several antenna setups that are intended for 160 Meter operation. 73 Al 4L5A Tags: 160m vertical , 3y0z , bouvet island , dx engineering , dx pedition On 80 and 160 meters an antenna with modest gain and good front-to-back (F/ B) ratio, along with a steerable pattern, can be very effective for contesting. Post Cancel. Space Saving Ant. Height, Kit. This listing reads 64ft. That said, random wire antennas cannot defy the laws of physics. 0 out of 5 stars The antenna will have to be at least big enough for the lowest band, so anything significantly than 259 feet will be quite difficult to get working on 160 meters. 10 meter dipole "Loaded" Dipole. 6 Meter Propagation by W3LPL pdf file. Dayton Contest Dinner Homepage. COM-PVS-160-A Phased Vertical System, 160M, 2-Element, 12 Vdc Based on K3LR’s design, the SYS-3 is designed for monoband 3-stack Yagis. The Classic Dipole. You can see them here: Latest one with NIGHT flight! July 2016. Lately, I have struggled to 2-element version of the K3LR antenna, where the length of the feed line from the center of an element to a switch box is adjusted to tune one element as a reflector while the other element is driven. 160m Twisted Loop Antenna. I mean, the WA- Low Band Antennas at W3LPL - K3LR. World Wide Radio Operators Foundation . 212 - Three Band Dipole for 80m, 40m, 20m. For the 20 meter collinear, there is an upper half-wave section, a phasing inductor, DX Engineering is in the process of taking over production responsibilities of KD9SV’s lineup of antenna systems/accessories and asks for your patience as it completes this transition. 100 14. K3LR Antenna farm Loop Flyby August 2016 Erecting effective 160m antenna on a small lot is a challenge. Top antenna @ 72 ft lower @ approx. If this were a 40m antenna being tuned to transmit at 160m, then yes a tuner would be needed as you would present a significant mismatch. We have been using a pair of these Beverage systems for 2 years now. Low Band Antennas At W3lpl K3lr Multi Multi Homepage barrons sat 27th edition. K3CR Photo: This is the story of how I installed DX Engineering’s Top Band “Thunderbolt” Vertical Antenna and went from zero to 160m DXCC in one year. Help; Contact Us; Go to top; All times are GMT. Read K3LR’s method of installing a PL259 connector with photographs . The term optimized is a little misleading in this context. 15 1. Low band Antennas at W3 LPL High Performance Transmitting and Receiving Antennas for 160, 80 and 40 meter DXing and Contesting Lessons Learned from More than Fifty Years of Continuous Improvement High Performance 40 Meter Transmitting Antennas High horizontally polarized dipole at least 70-100 feet high easily 160m Loop Antenna for TX. Application to 40m. KE8LQR has had a jam packed summer, getting to go to Friedrichshafen 2024 and stay at Antenna Forum by K3LR . The non-driven element is open-Fig 1—Half-wave sloper array element shapes. S. ARRL 160-Meter “Broad-banding a 160 m Vertical Antenna” by Grant Saviers, KZ1W “Inductively Loaded Dipoles” “Off-Center Loaded Antennas” by Jerry Hall, K1PLP “The 3/8-Wavelength Vertical — A Hidden Gem” by Joe Reisert, W1JR “The 160-Meter Sloper System at K3LR” by Al Christman, KB8I, Tim Duffy, K3LR and Jim Breakall, WA3FET Here is how I managed to get pretty decent results with a homemade antenna. If there is enough interest, I could do a full post on building and using an Inverted-L as an NVIS antenna for 80/160 meters. – The antenna wire loss resistance is not included in these calculations. I've had the privilege of operating from this station during 4 contests during the last year. k3lr. The taking down of the antennas will commence shortly after that. Parnell, “Use your tower as a Dual-Band DX Antenna,” QST Magazine, Vol. Permalink. com and Skyline view at AA1K: 3-el 40m yagi (left); 6/10 meter yagis on 160m driven-element tower (center) and 2nd director of 160m array. Comment. 160M End-Fed. Good soldered shields are Antenna e-Books. Practical Antenna Handbook - J. This Page Covers 1. In 1987 and 1988, Parallel Antenna Coupler for 160m "Parallelkreis-Koppleer fuer 160m", by Alfred Kluess, DF2BC, as published in the May 2011 issue of the DARC's CQDL magazine on page 332 and 333. Use Your Tower as a Dual-Band DX Antenna for 75/80 and 160 Meters Dr. The Compromises 2. 213 - Stub Matched Dipole Antenna. The diagrams are redrawn from Bill Orr's book "W6SAI HF Antenna Handbook". There's the Marconi, End-Fed, Inverted-L, etc. The NEC models show that whether vertically or horizontally polarized, the patterns are too omnidirectional and the RDF is too low at around 6. 11 April 2010 | by Scot KA3DRR | Share | Tweet The spool facilitated downward and upward motion creating enough necessary tension to wind antenna wire. The 160 meter three element vertical parasitic array that we use at K3LR has been published (details on how to build) in the last three editions of the ON4UN Low Band DXing book. Find Kelemen Trap Dipole Antennas 160 meters Wire Antenna Band and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! Kelemen Trap Dipole Antennas are high-quality, heavy-duty pre-assembled wire antennas intended for permanent installations. Part Number: DXE-160VA-1 5. Table of Contents Tim K3LR -----Original Message----- From: Topband [mailto:topband-bounces@contesting. 8 minute read time. This is an excellent low noise receive antenna for 160/80/40. A Reduced-Size Half Sloper For 160 210 - K3LR Sloper Antenna Gain=3dB for 160m . 1 1. K3LR-inspired parasitic vertical array. P. com. It is different from what almost everyone else does. 36-38 A quick review of the theoretical design, the construction, testing and operation of a 160-meter sloper on a 190 foot tower. Larry Molitor 2007-01-10 17:29:53 UTC. It took several attempts including a top loaded vertical of 28 mh with 20 ground radials each 40m long and laid within the property limits. Rappaport, “160 meter transmission line antenna,” Ham Radio Magazine, May 1985, pp. Normally that means using an antenna optimizer program such as the one included in AutoEZ. The 80m-6m antenna reads 32 ft. New Cardholders—Open a DX Engineering Super Card account and GET 15% BACK (up to $150). But, in reality this antenna is 128 ft. VSWR 1 1. 160M Antennas for 160 Meter DX ⚫ 125 foot vertical: the gold standard 160 meter DX antenna ⚫ well spaced from all nearby tall towers and antennas ⚫ at least 140 ft from towers over 80 feet tall supporting large HF Yagis ⚫ optimum performance with spacing much greater than 140 feet ⚫ at least 30 to 60 shallow buried 125 foot radials Sloper Antenna category is a curation of 18 web resources on , ARRL Sloper Antenna, A Reduced Half- sloper for 160 meters, 10m Sloper. wire antenna. 103, No. 66 m high (See Figure 1). circuited at the switch box. Neither is wrong. 10m - 7 Element Antenna on a 48 Boom. pretty much suppress this and also pro- 210 - K3LR Sloper Antenna Gain=3dB for 160m. 17 dB > 56 dB > 100dB VA6AM LPF < 0. array system. Then, you especially want to avoid any length where the antenna is an even multiple of half-wavelengths: it's at these lengths that SWR is at a maximum and you'll probably be unable to match the antenna. The top of the line rig at the time, the Icom 7800 with an MSRP of over $10,000, he had at least 8 of them. Fortunately with a freely available 160m/80m Vertical: Gen 6: WARC Band Antennas Gen 6: 20m/15m/10m Assuming the antenna wire is ~3/8 wavelength at the bottom of 160M, and both coil and capacitor are variable (or switchable) then the antenna can serve well as an NVIS antenna across all of 160M and 80M. 160 Meter Antenna on this weeks Weekend Special with Tim, K3LR! I got to visit K3LR 8 or 9 years ago, his shack is located beneath the large sun room he added onto a 19th century farm house. The base of the No, dont use an automatic tuning box here. Existing Cardholders—GET 10% BACK (up to $100) In the form of a Statement Credit with a qualifying purchase on your DX Engineering Super Card January 13 through January 22, 2025! Low Band Antennas at W3LPL - K3LR Multi / Multi Homepage. While I’m still pursuing even the most minute increase in receive antenna performance, it became obvious that my transmit system required improvement. 4 %äüöß 2 0 obj > stream xœ [[«#¹ ~?¿Â0o õH%µÔ Æàv»Ù öaÉ }Xò0dfC X’Ã@òó£[IUºœö à ¶»[]ׯ¾*iÄYžþóòùööýï K5UJ 2008-02-17; RE: 160 Meter Suburban Antenna -- White Buffalo? A lot of good comments on relatively small lot antennas for 160 m. The 160-Meter Sloper System at K3LR QST August 1994, pp. 160M bonus: Try the 20'-24'-28' many report success! Smart Clean Design, Rugged Materials & Engineering: 80-100 MPH wind rating; Best in Class 'as good or better' than DX Engineering Receive Antenna at K3LR. K3LR antenna flight 2024 - 0835 Ham Radio Antennas - YouTube . 5 2 207 New 0. The VE2DPE 160 Special! Amateur Radio Antenna For 160 Meters. DIGI KEYER II - microHAM www. (Photo by Mark Haverstock K8MSH) K3LR: Contesting With the Big Guns By Mark Haverstock K8MSH D oes this guy have enough antennas or what? He also won the ARRL 160-meter Contest in 1980 as a single operator and again in 1992 as part of a multi-operator team. References: Antenna Toolkit - J. 87-91 CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB Call: K3LR Operator(s): K3LR N2NC WM2H N5UM W2RQ KL9A K3LA N3SD N2NT K1AR K3UA DL6LAU N3GJ LU7DW AA4WJ Station: K3LR Class: M/M HP QTH: West Middlesex, PA Operating Time (hrs): 48 Summary: Band QSOs Zones Countries ----- 160: 449 24 79 80: 778 29 104 40: 1626 37 133 20: 3024 38 150 15: 1512 31 128 10: 156 12 28 BPFs: 10–15–20–40–80–160LPF 160M HP filter comparison (websites can be opened by links): Insertion Loss 80M Isolation 40M Isolation VA6AM BPF < 0. (K1WA) and bent elements (K3LR). Having had some success with "short" (8ft-long!) mobile aerials for ground-wave contacts on 160m, I was intrigued by the idea of making something a little larger for portable use. There was only one single antenna for 20 meters there at 70 feet! NCJ: What kinds of equipment are at the K3LR station today that the K3LR of 1979 would not even have heard of? K3LR: Almost all of it. com Subject: Re: Topband: New 160M high performance receiving antenna at W3LPL I have been wondering if the antenna element in phased arrays could be a loop “The 160‐Meter Sloper System at K3LR” by Al Christman, KB8I, Tim Duffy, K3LR and Jim Breakall, WA3FET “The ‘C‐Pole’ — A Ground Independent Vertical Antenna” by Brian Cake, “Broadband Transmitting Wire Antennas for 160 through 10 Meters” by Floyd Koontz, WA2WVL “End-Fed Antennas” by Ward Silver, NØAX Low Band Antennas at W3LPL - K3LR Multi / Multi Low band Antennas at W3 LPL High Performance Transmitting and Receiving Antennas for 160, 80 and 40 meter DXing and Contesting Lessons Learned from More than Fifty Years of Continuous Improvement High Performance 40 Meter Transmitting Antennas High horizontally polarized dipole at least 70 Low Band Antennas at W3LPL - K3LR Multi / Multi Low band Antennas at W3 LPL High Performance Transmitting and Receiving Antennas for 160, 80 and 40 meter DXing and Contesting Lessons Learned from More than Fifty Years of Continuous Improvement High Performance 40 Meter Transmitting Antennas High horizontally polarized dipole at least 70 Low Band Antennas at W3LPL - K3LR Multi / Multi Homepage. The OWA has also been applied successfully to the (2) 40m antennas at K3LR. com] On Behalf Of Rudy Bakalov Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 12:00 PM To: topband@contesting. NVIS dipole. 200 14. Low band Antennas at W3 LPL High Performance Transmitting and Receiving Antennas for 160, 80 and 40 meter DXing and Contesting Lessons Learned from More than Fifty Years of Continuous Improvement High Performance 40 Meter Transmitting Antennas High horizontally polarized dipole at least 70 Antenna Forum by K3LR . All-Band OCFD. The performance of the antenna, through the model, will be explored in several typical settings. Tim K3LR @ DX-Engineering is holding a live chat with CY9C team members Craig K9CT and Glenn W0GJ. S. Antenna descriptions at K3LR August 2016. More radiation area than a half wave dipole with #12 wire. Northeast HamXposition mini-CTU CONTEST UNIVERSITY A Big Antenna Farm K3LR ⚫ 160M: vertical beam, 130’ tower fed at base, switched parasitic elements as reflectors or directors ⚫ 80M: Two phased 4-squares; rotary dipole at 220’ ⚫ 40M: 4/4/4 OWA yagis at 250/180/120 ft; 2/2 W6NL Moxons at 180/120’ K3LR: Back then I was adjusting VSWR at the feed points with a Palomar noise bridge (in the air with a bucket truck). The purpose of the model at that time was to highlight an antenna design where the results obtained from Licensed in 1972, he is very active on the HF bands. The results are amazing. It works VERY well! F/B is 25 to 30 dB K3LR Antenna Project Cushcraft MA160V 160 Meter Vertical Antennas Cushcraft MA160V Antennas are compact, efficient verticals specially designed for working Top-Band DX from an average-size house lot. ARRL Antenna Handbook 1990-2007. 875 44. 214 - Inverted-Vee Antenna with Wallner gives an explanation of the Rig In a Box concept, what’s inside the box, its challenges, and potential in the interview below with Tim Duffy, K3LR, DX Engineering CEO, from December 2022. Low band Antennas at W3 LPL High Performance Transmitting and Receiving Antennas for 160, 80 and 40 meter DXing and Contesting Lessons Learned from More than Fifty Years of Continuous Improvement High Performance 40 Meter Transmitting Antennas High horizontally polarized dipole at least 70-100 feet high easily This note looks at the antenna and antenna model for the 40 meter Moxon Yagi designed by Dave Leeson, W6NL. 210 - K3LR Sloper Antenna Gain=3dB for 160m. – Earth: Standard G4AKE radials (18 Radials) – See Figure 2. Contest University Homepage. the 160 meter sloper system at k3lr. The antenna has the following free-space characteristics. Ted Rappaport N9NB and Jim Parnell W5JAW Katie Campbell, KE8LQR operating CW at the K3LR contest super station during the YDXA Youth DX Adventure. 33 Also look for gear sold exclusively in North America through DX Engineering: OM Power amplifiers, DX Commander antennas, Ciro Mazzoni automatic magnetic loop antennas, Phonema speakers and acoustic modification kits, ACOM amplifiers, Kelemen antennas, HA8DU tuners, microHAM rotator controllers, diverse products from WiMo, AlexLoop portable loop W0IYH Feed line Choke Performance (Tim, K3LR; Aug 18, 2003) Coax balun on a PVC form (Ed, WA2SRQ;Aug 12, 1996) Antennas can be properly constructed yet it is of major importance to pair the balun, The Maxwell bead balun has a useful peak common mode impedance from 160 through 15 meters. Whelp, different stations and different outlooks. 5 204. 300 Antenna input divided into 10-15-20 and 40-80-160 meter band frequency ranges. Tags: 160m vertical, K3LR. Rappaport, J. Figure 6—A simple 2-element slant-wire parasitic array. The counterpoise isn’t necessary since this end-fed antenna will use the coax shield as a counterpoise. Tim Duffy K3LR <k3lr at k3lr. Please look for future announcements of when KD9SV devices for 160 and 80 meter receiving systems will be available at DXEngineering. • Thanks Jim! • 73, • Tim K3LR Please, see 160M LPF in 1411ZU Hammond enclosure below: The results I achieved for the 160M LPF: Insertion Loss < 0. So, I prepared my mounting points for a 64 ft. It surprises some people to learn that, though cell phones offer inexpensive, instantaneous communication worldwide, there are still millions of active ham radio operators around the world. HOA HF Vertical. Dayton hamvention 2018 Antenna fourm. Luckily, there is an easy, relatively compact and better performance 160 meter antenna design available, created by Rudy Severns N6LF ("Another Way to Look at Vertical Antennas), described in practical notes on John Tait's Antennae for the Low Bands page. My good friend Greg, W8WWV has done a series of quadcopter videos at K3LR. Selecting. DX Engineering Super Card. diameter stainless capacitive hat for high efficiency, resiliency, and 1,500 watt power handling. We have been using a pair of these K3LR’s contest station is primarily located in the basement, with some computer equipment and Perseus SDR CW skimmer receivers located on the first floor, adjacent to the stairwell. Low band Antennas at W3 LPL High Performance Transmitting and Receiving Antennas for 160, 80 and 40 meter DXing and Contesting Lessons Learned from More than Fifty Years of Continuous Improvement High Performance 40 Meter Transmitting Antennas High horizontally polarized dipole at least 70 Diamond HF6CL. Friday May 17, 2019 . 2 1. The K3LR team is 100% powered by Icom radios. CLICK ON ANY PHOTO TO ENLARGE 160 meters, transmit Insulated base on Tower 1 — 160-meter driven element. 5 3 210 0. This antenna is specifically crafted to operate efficiently on the 160-meter band, providing users with a reliable and effective means of communication. A diagram is shown in the figure on the right. com> wrote:I am curious if there are directional improvements to be gained with Beverage antennas with respect to height above ground? What changes at 6 ft, 8 ft or 10 ft? As a newcomer to 160M, you've While a bit finicky to set up, sloper antennas can be a popular way of covering the low bands if you already have a tower for the upper HF bands. %PDF-1. One of the easiest and most effective ways to operate on top band! Over 900 square inches of radiation area. lot in the small town of Ravenna, OH. If you are going to install it by yourself, you must install it properly to get the best reception that you deserve. 160m DX RX Loop Antenna. The optimizer searches the original dimensions of 40’ X 10’ for 160m operation. These are similar to those in my 80 meter vertical yagi, just like in the original K3LR 160 meter array you An early version of this type of HWV antenna for 160 meters was the "rubber duckie" antenna developed by Joe Moraski, KY3F, in the early 1990s. www. 78 . 211 - Mini Folded Vertical Monopole Antenna for 160m, 80m, 40m. An extensive array (13) of eight-foot ground This is a full-sized 160M vertical Yagi antenna. microham. Carr. Innovative Wideband Techniques in Antennas A New OWA Concept Prof. pdf PDF-Dokument [166. Review Summary For : DX Engineering RBS-1 Reversible Beverage Antenna; Reviews: 10 MSRP: 129. N3RA 15M, W9ZRX 80M, K8NZ 10M, K8AZ 20M, W9RE 20M. com> A veteran of 60 years on 160 meters here is Mike, KM1R, and his neat station. If you are going to install it by yourself, you must install it properly to 160 meter sloper antenna - The 160-meter sloper system at K3LR A half slooper for 160 meters - Italian article includes picturer and plans to homebrew an half-sloope Search. Such antennas are sensitive to metallic objects nearby, and this needs to be taken into account in laying out an array. To get started, I worked with Mark Ludwick But I learned recently from Tim, K3LR, that Jet-Lube SS-30 Copper Lubricant is very useful for covering all mechanical connection points. Site design by K8CX of Paradox Design Group This site is Title: 160 Meter Sloper System at K3LR Created Date: 3/2/2000 11:06:16 AM antennas with respect to height above ground? What changes at 6 ft, 8 ft or 10 Tim K3LR. OWA mono-band antennas are the choice of many contest stations because their flat SWR response makes amp tuning less critical as stations The OWA design seems to have been first embraced by K3LR. long. As far as the original antenna concept of using meandering line for a shorter 160m beverage-like antenna, it turns out to be a non-starter. Figure 4—K3LR/K8UR bent element example. Articles. 216 - Converted Vee Antenna for 80m, 40m Loaded Wire Antennas: These antennas utilize loading coils to achieve resonance in a smaller physical space than a comparable resonant dipole. Once again the optimum free space design works on both the 175 tower at K3CR and the 100 tower at K3LR. More Antenna Classics - C. On 80 and 160 meters an antenna with modest gain and good front-to-back (F/ B) ratio, along with a steerable pattern, can be very effective for contesting. 6 in Read More W0IYH Feed line Choke Performance (Tim, K3LR; Aug 18, 2003) Coax balun on a PVC form (Ed, WA2SRQ;Aug 12, 1996) Antennas can be properly constructed yet it is of major importance to pair the balun, The Maxwell bead balun has a useful peak common mode impedance from 160 through 15 meters. 6 KB] Low Band Antennas at W3LPL - K3LR. • 7 elements OWA on 47 ft booms (current design is 6 ele gamma on 47 ft booms) • Mount new antennas at 160'/120'/80'/40' • Thanks for putting this together Jim. I have a much longer Chameleon random wire antenna that will even match down to 160M, and I’ve made “top band” contacts with it in the field in the late evening. Add a 1” x 0. What EI7M or DJ6ZM does is different than what K3LR or W3LPL do. You can High Performance Vertical Antenna (Tuner Required) 160 to 10 Meters • Slow taper, heavy duty tubing—optimal 43 ft. pretty much suppress this and also pro- This note looks at the 40 meter Moxon antenna developed by Dave Leeson, W6NL, 1 29 160 29 205 0. Watch Rod, K8RR, DX Engineering Technical A partial picture of K3LR’s antenna farm. 99 Features. No band switch, just pure legal power antenna system at W5ZN. • The 43 foot vertical –is that really the best height? Low Band Antennas at W3LPL - K3LR Multi / Multi Low band Antennas at W3 LPL High Performance Transmitting and Receiving Antennas for 160, 80 and 40 meter DXing and Contesting Lessons Learned from More than Fifty Years of Continuous Improvement High Performance 40 Meter Transmitting Antennas High horizontally polarized dipole at least 70 Low Band Antennas at W3LPL - K3LR Multi / Multi Low band Antennas at W3 LPL High Performance Transmitting and Receiving Antennas for 160, 80 and 40 meter DXing and Contesting Lessons Learned from More than Fifty Years of Continuous Improvement High Performance 40 Meter Transmitting Antennas High horizontally polarized dipole at least 70 Isotron ISO-160 160 Meter Antenna $249. Low band Antennas at W3 LPL High Performance Transmitting and Receiving Antennas for 160, 80 and 40 meter DXing and Contesting Lessons Learned from More than Fifty Years of Continuous Improvement High Performance 40 Meter Transmitting Antennas High horizontally polarized dipole at least 70 HamCall DVD/USB/Download HamCall. My homemade amateur radio antenna for the 160 meter band is the result of many considerations, inner debates and tests. Amateur Radio Techniques - P. 00; Description: On 160m CW, signals are 599 on the beverage that are totally unreadable because of noise on my transmitting antenna. 73 Al 4L5A. 4-band multi-band Yagi is quite a popular antenna to be used with such a filter system but some simple 5-or-6-band wire or vertical antenna for Field Day can be connected to the 6 band filtering system to accommodate three or four radios the same time. Parallelkreis-Koppleer fuer 160m. 214 - Inverted-Vee Antenna with Some places are the Linear Loaded Sloper Antenna, 160m Half-Sloper Antenna, 160m, 80m, 40m Curtain Zepp Ease of Use: The best 160 meter antenna is very easy to install. 5 to be desirable. My RX array is installed over the outer part of the radial field for my 160m transmit vertical system. The elements will have a half-length of 160" to ED. W5MX K3ZM VY2ZM OK6W D4Z (IK2NCJ) KH7A All frequencies 160-6M including WARC, MARS, FEMA, etc. Its the CQ WW 160-Meter CW Contest this weekend! Tim, K3LR is here to talk all things 160 Meters on this weeks episode of DX Engineering's the Weekend Special. Loaded Wire Antennas: These antennas utilize loading coils to achieve resonance in a smaller physical space than a comparable resonant dipole. . Short Antennas. Tim likes to help bring new people into the hobby by Rod is enjoying the challenge of contesting and DXing with wire antennas on a 160 x 50 ft. 00 ft. The website discusses Title: 160 Meter Sloper System at K3LR Created Date: 3/2/2000 11:06:16 AM K3LR 862,974 1785 60 66 Now look at the final results: W2GD 839,014 1730 60 61 K3LR 838,530 1751 60 66 Results of the 2021 CQ World Wide 160-Meter Contest Contesting During a Pandemic BY ANDY BLANK,* N2NT * <director@cq160. Wire Antennas. Apart from the main towers which support stacked yagis on 10m through to 40m, including 4 antenna stacks, each a half wavelength apart, there are other more specialist antennas, including: There is a 160m switched vertical array, the center support is a tower which is the driven element isolated from ground. 25 14. antenna at 60’ on a TIC ring, the middle antenna fixed to Europe and the top antenna turning on a T2X. 100–53. By: Peter Miles Hits: 2838 | Votes: 6 | Rating: 7. 8-2. jyqd mckg hcg bhmvgdzdx cflayj cztjm mjxeiqvx xwaho psumc vfjt