Mythicmobs examples. Reload to refresh your session.

Mythicmobs examples Note: Usage of many variables in skills are locked to the premium versions, excluding MMOCore, special characters, color codes, and setvariable. I learn very fast with examples to reference, and the documentation in general is pretty weak on giving examples. io. The below example sets a Diamond Sword to have 1461 durability since by default it has 1561. It also uses AIGoalSelectors that require Mythicmobs Premium. 5} - speak{m=Call an ambulance, but not MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 311 Examples; Potions; Last edited by Amy Mar 13, 2024. StaticSheep: Type: SHEEP Skills: -lightning @EntitiesInRadius{r=10} ~onTimer:100 A list of AI Goals can be found here More complex goals, such as a patrol with locations, may need to be inputted as a string, such as the below example. enderman. The effect will only last until the mob decides to move again or is moved by other sources. This can easily be changed in the Spigot configuration file spigot. yml)All of the following examples produce the same result TestMob Receive 50% more FIRE damage TestMob Take 50% less ICE damage EXAMPLE_MOB: Type: CHICKEN Skills: # sends a message to all the players in the world # when the mob dies -message{m=DEATH} @World ~onDeath ImmortalCow : Type : COW Display : ' &eImmortal Cow' Health : 20 Options : ReviveHealth : -1 Skills : - skill{s=[ - cancelevent - particle{p=HEART;hs=0. yml. Some Mechanics are able to target Entities, Locations, or both! Some don't target anything. Looking to make the ultimate boss? We've got you covered. /mm test cast TestingModifyProjectile The ADD action will utilize MythicMobs' own spawning algorithms which will, in a similar fashion to Minecraft's spawning system, generate random spawn points around players. However these spawn points, as opposed to Minecraft's, will be generated without any conditions allowing you to spawn mobs in any light level and at any location. Examples The example below will spawn a zombie with a panda player head equipped in their head slot. snow_loving_zombie : Type : zombie Health : 100 Equipment : - snowsword:0 Drops : - exp 75-125 1 - rare_snowsword_droptable Examples This skill would give the casting mob the tag "Test". Hostile Mobs Demon The Demon is hostile to players, those who attack it, and any MythicMob within the "good" faction. So what is MythicMobs? MythicMobs allows server administrators to create custom variants of mobs and bosses. The download is easy to install, using the pack system introduced in MM4. You signed in with another tab or window. When right clicked, the Rider will get back onto the horse. MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 366 In this example, when the created projectile ends for whatever reason, it will damage Examples This mob will always drop a bunch of experience and some rotten flesh, but is also using a droptable which is described further below. ) Any help appreciated. command. Examples Creates a hologram above the mob when the mob gets right clicked, which displays for 100 ticks. Example: Since the Mob has no Faction element, it will inherit the one in the Template, ultimately being considered as part of the Monsters faction Example: both MonsterFaction_Base and ZombieBrute have a DamageModifiers element, with the Template's having PROJECTILE and ENTITY_ATTACK, while the Mob has only PROJECTILE. MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 364 Examples ParticleCube: Skills: -particlebox{particle=flame;amount=200;radius=5} @self MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 366 Examples Skills: -pickupitem @ItemsInRadius{r=10} Clone repository Home Description Gives an item to the target. Create custom mobs and bosses with advanced skills, attributes, equipment, and more! example_mob: Type: zombie Display: Tanker KillMessages: -<caster. MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 311 Example Drop Options This is an additional field on the mob config, Jun 16, 2023 · MythicMobs' commands can be accessed in-game using the /mythicmobs or /mm commands. Some examples to help you get started can be found here: Extra Attributes Depending on the specific particle type used, extra attributes will become available to use inside particle-related mechanics too. This is a no-target mechanic, and the affected entity will always be the caster Example Config SpawnerName: MobName: Can only be set to an internal MythicMobs mob. If you used “20” however, the sound can be heard at maximum volume in a 320 block radius! (20 * 16) This project has no wiki pages You must be a project member in order to add wiki pages. 5;y=1. There is no associated @trigger. yml files, just like their mobs counterpart. Here you will find examples of how to use MythicMobs features together such as Mobs, Items, and Skills. example_item: Id: diamond_sword Durability: 100 Display: <green>An Example Item</green> Attributes Description Sends a chat message to the target, if the target is a player. (For those unaware, this is a Java SMP Server plugin. yml: NoDamageMob: Type: villager Skills: -skill{s=CancelDamageEvent;sync=true} ~onDamaged You can use it in-line too! This example will prevent the mob from shooting its bow, and from taking any damage. MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 313 Examples Blinds players when the mob teleports BlackScreen: Skills: -blackscreen MythicMobs' commands can be accessed in-game using the /mythicmobs or /mm commands. ExampleSkill: MythicMobs Code Snippets. name>!! -You're too weak <target. yml files placed in the respective sub-folders. After running your server with MythicMobs for the first time, you can find all sorts of example files in the MythicMobs folder to get you started with every aspect of the plugin. It bursts into a powerful explosion upon hitting its target. It uses a custom skin that requires Disguises. I frequently use the latest bleeding-edge builds of MythicMobs, and if you intend to use any of these files, I encourage you to do the same. You signed out in another tab or window. There is also extra effects MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 311 Examples Causes the caster to swing their arm. mythiccraft. To get this disguise ingame, we would use the command: /disguise SKELETON setGlowing setSpinning setBurning Examples Skill. These files are provided as-is, with no warranty whatsoever. scream} MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 364 Examples Skills: -volley{type=EGG;velocity=5;damage=10;amount=20} Aliases MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 365 Examples Packs MythicScribe - VSCode Extension Mobs Mob Options Display Options Examples This example shoots a missile that looks like a thin trail of flames with a high turning rate. 5;vs=0. You can get premium access here after signing up for the MythicMobs . Contribute to xikage/MythicMobs-API-Examples development by creating an account on GitHub. AMob: Type: HUSK Damage: 10 Skills: -basedamage{m=1. 5} @target ~onDamaged Aliases bd weaponDamage wd MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 311 Examples Example of dropping specific items. example_mob: Type: zombie Display: Dummy LevelModifiers: Damage: 2 Skills are made up of skill mechanics, or "base skills", which are simple basic skills by themselves that come with MythicMobs. Skills: -setNoDamageTicks Attribute Aliases Description Default speed s The movement speed modifier 1 spreadH sh Amount of horizontal spread it can be away from the target its moving towards Examples You can test cast both of these disguises with /mm test cast TestingDisguiseMechanic TestingDisguiseMechanic: Skills: -disguise{d="Sheep SetBurning SetSpinning"} @self This will disguise you as a sheep that is on fire and spinning. There are some examples of usage at the bottom to get you started. While targeters are technically optional (as the default targeter will usually be @trigger), forgetting a targeter is probably one of the most common mistakes people who are new to MythicMobs make. WARNING: To be able to use Stats on Items, Crucible must be installed Custom Stat Options Custom Stat Types Specific Type Options Tooltips Formatting Modifiers Built In Stats Implementations with Configurations Mobs Items Examples Example Custom Examples This example will make the mob deal 150% of its original damage to its target when its being attacked. name> yeeted <target. 6} ~onInteract Aliases summonhologram holo Jan 1, 2025 · How to use (Based on default config. Skills: -remove @self ~onInteract MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 312 Examples DUMMY: Type: ZOMBIE Skills: -hide{d=100} @Server ~onInteract MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 364 Examples Makes the target glow red for 1000 ticks (50 seconds). They will also pick up professions like a normal villager. Some examples to help you get started can be found here: MythicMobs API Examples Repo Examples This example will stop all momentum of the casting mob upon taking damage. Page history DamageSpells example_mob: Type: zombie Display: Tanker KillMessages: -<caster. Allows for an array of mobs with weightings. MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 366 Examples Conditions: -hasaura{aura=firedebuff} true Aliases hasbuff hasdebuff These are all of the placeholders and special characters you can use in skills and mechanics that use strings. MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 313 Examples FlameRing: Skills: -particlering{particle=flame;radius=20;points=32; Description Executes the skill when the mob spawns. MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 313 Examples Conditions: -playerkills{k=>10} true. MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 311 Examples ExampleSkill: Skills: -effect:particles{hs=1;vs=1} @TargetBlock MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 364 Examples SilenceEndermanSkill: Skills: -stopsound{s=entity. If you have suggestions for how to improve the wiki for this project, consider opening an issue in the issue tracker. SwingSkill: Skills: -playanimation Description Chain allows you to make skills that bounce between targets, like a "chain lightning" type skill. There is also extra effects Nov 29, 2020 · Description Sends a chat message to the target, if the target is a player. Skills: -setProjectileBulletModel{model=1234} This string will be how your item is referenced internally in MythicMobs and can be any name you like. When a targeter is used on the Skill mechanic, all of the skills inside of the meta-skill inherit the initial targeter. Note that potion effects can be added to any kind of item, but will only have an actual function on potions. MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 365 Examples Gives the caster invincibility after it attacks. base Permissions At the moment MythicMobs only supports two permission nodes to grant full access to the plugin. WARNING: To be able to use Stats on Items, Crucible must be installed Custom Stat Options Custom Stat Types Specific Type Options Tooltips Formatting Modifiers Built In Stats Implementations with Configurations Mobs Items Examples Example Custom Examples Skill Parameters [Premium Feature] What is a Metaskill? A Metaskill is, in essence, a list of mechanics to execute once the metaskill is called via a Meta Mechanic. Reload to refresh your session. Based on betonquest-code-snippets Authors of original: Jonas Blocher, SaltyAimbOtter, Wolf2323 Original License: GPLv3 Modifications have been made You signed in with another tab or window. Allows hex colors in the format <#FFFFFF> Examples This example would set the projectile bullet model number to 1234. With the newer versions of MythicMobs, disguises can now be done completely inline using the same disguise string syntax as the in-game /disguise command. Credit. Special Characters Examples EXAMPLE_MOB : Type : CHICKEN Skills : # sends a message to all the players in the world # when the mob takes damage - message{m=DAMAGED} @World ~onDamaged Aliases After running your server with MythicMobs for the first time, you can find all sorts of example files in the MythicMobs folder to get you started with every aspect of the plugin. Dummy: Type: ARMOR_STAND Options: ItemFeet: AN_EXAMPLE_BOOTS ItemHand Designates the Mythic Item that should go in the main hand slot of an armor stand. Examples: strong_sword: StrongSword: strongsword: Id: Defines the type of item. Skills: -holo{text="Example Text";time=100} @selflocation{y=1. mythicmobs. Aug 1, 2022 · Civilians are docile NPC mobs that don't like to fight. For example, "Cuboid" will return true if a target is within a cube where the corners are two coordinates Meta conditions: they will not necessarily check against any inherent property of either the caster or a target. /plugins/MythicMobs/Skills inside . Color codes and variables are useable in this mechanic. Thank you. 12 MM and it makes the item being given show up on the screen and fly toward the players inventory like when a player picks an item up off of the ground. internal_mobname: Type: Zombie Skills: -velocity{m=set;x=0;y=0;z=0} @self ~onDamaged MythicMobs API Examples - www. As such, they will not have extra health, defense or attack damage because of it. In the following sections I will provide some examples on how to configure a couple common scenarios that you may want to use on your server. Mobs, items and random spawning are all handled through . Extension Page. name>!! LevelModifiers MythicMobs can have levels and this field is used to determine which kinds of statistics they should gain on when their levels change. Examples Aug 1, 2022 · MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 311 Examples; DamageSpells; Last edited by Phil Jul 31, 2022. Every 10 ticks (or half a second) it will fire the RetributingLightDamage skill. MythicMobs doesn't have any limitations on max health. # Mob File Mob: Type: ZOMBIE Skills: -skill{s=Homer} @target ~onTimer:100 MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 364 Examples This example would shoot a barrage of 3 fast-moving Wither Skulls at the target. example_mob: Type: zombie Display: Dummy LevelModifiers: Damage: 2 MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 313 Examples Skills: -ignite @EIR{r=10} Aliases livingEntitiesInRadius livingInRadius This complex example shows how the throw mechanic can be used in conjunction with other mechanics to make quite amazing effects. example_item: Id: diamond_sword Durability: 100 Display: <green>An Example Item</green> Attributes Compare conditions: These check for certain conditions between two different "things". Can be either the item id or the bukkit material/item name. MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 311 Examples Stuns the target for 3 seconds, target cannot rotate. yml: CancelDamageEvent: Skills: -CancelEvent -message{m="&cYou cannot hurt this mob!"} @trigger Mob. The syntax of a Metaskill is the following: Examples In this example, when the created projectile ends for whatever reason, it will damage every player in a 2 block radius around itself Skills : - projectile{; onTick=[ - effect:particles @origin ]; onEnd=[ - damage{a=10} @PlayersNearOrigin{r=2} ] } @target MythicMobs API Examples - www. level>' Health: [number] Sets the max health of the mob. They are located in . MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 313 Examples TargetConditions: -onblock{m=BEDROCK,OAK_LEAVES,ACACIA_FENCE} false MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 313 Examples ExampleMob: Type: ZOMBIE Skills: -attributeModifier{attribute=GENERIC_LUCK; This attribute is used to apply potion effects to potion based items. 9. Page history Potions Basic Potion of MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 313 Examples ExplosiveBlast: Skills: -explosion{yield=4} @target Aliases explode I'm requesting if anyone would be willing to share a bunch of EXAMPLES they've personally made or have access to that I can use for reference. It is also equipped with a Netherite Axe, has flame particles, and can hover and shoot fireballs (due to it using the blaze as the base mob!) This file can exist in the root directory of MythicMobs (/plugins/MythicMobs/) or in a Pack folder. signal mythicmobs. The type(s) of the target MythicMobs. snow_loving_zombie : Type : zombie Health : 100 Equipment : - snowsword:0 Drops : - exp 75-125 1 - rare_snowsword_droptable Velocity Attribute Targets are pulled much faster based on their distance from the caster. TagSkill: Skills: -addtag{t=Test} @self This skill would only run on the mob if it had the tag, "Test". Some examples to help you get started can be found here: MythicMobs API Examples Repo Examples Ignites the entity that the mob using this skill is attacking for 100 ticks (5 seconds) Skills: -ignite{ticks=100} @trigger ~onAttack Examples Skills: -Aura{auraName=Retributing_Light;onTick=RetributingLightDamage;interval=10;duration=240} @self Gives the target (Which in this case is the entity itself) the Retributing_Light aura that lasts 12 seconds. Spigot however will by default cap max health at "2048". To test this you can cast it using the in game command below after adding it to a skills. 7. This section will act as a tool to share knowledge and show how features of MythicMobs can make interesting and unique experiences! GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. 2. The caster unleashes a powerful shockwave that deals 50 damage (25 hearts) to all players within 10 blocks and using the throw mechanic causes them to be flung a small bit into the air. Examples This mob will always drop a bunch of experience and some rotten flesh, but is also using a droptable which is described further below. When damaged, the Rider dismounts the horse. They will run from combat and talk to players when they right-click them. With the example, if someone were on the other side of a wall from the mob but you were standing in the doorway, it could bounce from you to them since it bounced around This example would shoot a barrage of 3 fast-moving fireballs at the target. TagTest: Conditions: -hastag{t=Test} Skills: -suicide @self Aliases addscoreboardtag tagadd Examples This mob would despawn 10 seconds after spawning: Skills: -remove{delay=200} @self ~onSpawn This skill despawns the mob immediately when it is right clicked. Here is an example: Format internal_itemname: Id: potion Options: Color: 0,0,0 #rgb(red,green,blue) format PotionEffects: -<type> <duration> <level> <type> This string will be how your item is referenced internally in MythicMobs and can be any name you like. For example if you use “1” for the volume attribute, the sound can be heard at maximum volume in a radius of 16 blocks around the source. Wherever your server lies, from complex MMOs to friendly SMPS and fast-paced minigames, your imagination is the limit. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Each skill mechanic is called in the Skills section of a mob. fakeLooting was added in 4. /mm s set [name] mobtype 25%Mob1 Skill Mechanics (or base skills) are simple skills that are built into MythicMobs. MythicMobs Features [spoiler] Giving mobs custom skills with powerful conditionals and delays, based on a robust system of triggers and/or timers; Modifying all mob attributes such as health, damage, speed, follow and combat range This file can exist in the root directory of MythicMobs (/plugins/MythicMobs/) or in a Pack folder. BounceConditions are evaluated after each "bounce" of the skill. FireballBarrage : Skills : - shootfireball{y=1;v=4} @target - delay 10 - shootfireball{y=1;v=4} @target - delay 10 - shootfireball{y=1;v=4} @target MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 364 Examples ExampleSkill: Skills: -settarget @NearestPlayer{r=10} Clone repository MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 311 Examples Conditions: -damagecause{cause=ENTITY_ATTACK} true. Rider: Type: skeleton Display: ' Rider' Health: 12 Mount: TestHorse Skills: -dismount ~onDamaged -remount ~onInteract TestHorse: Type: horse Display: ' Test Horse' Health: 20 Jun 15, 2022 · MythicMobs' commands can be accessed in-game using the /mythicmobs or /mm commands. MythicMobs provides the ability to program custom mob AI in your mobs which allows for a huge amount of additional customization as to how mobs attack, what targets they choose to attack, and other actions. 0, all you have to do is drag and drop the folder inside of "Packs" into your corresponding MythicMobs/Packs Dummy: Type: ARMOR_STAND Options: ItemBody: AN_EXAMPLE_CHESTPLATE ItemFeet Designates the Mythic Item that should go in the feet slot of an armor stand. 6} ~onInteract Aliases summonhologram holo MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 313 Examples ExampleSkill: Skills: -ignite @LivingInCone{a=45;r=20} Aliases The MythicMobs API contains numerous events and helper classes to help you utilize our mobs, items, and skill systems. In this case it would deal 15 damage, since the mob's base-damage is 10. Examples This example will summon a lightning bolt to the designated targeters. Must be alphanumeric, NO SPACES ALLOWED. example_mob: Type: zombie Display: Dummy LevelModifiers: Damage: 2 EXAMPLE_MOB: Type: CHICKEN Modules: ThreatTable: true Skills: # sends a message to all the players in the world # when the mob enters combat -message{m=ENTERED COMBAT} @World ~onEnterCombat Clone repository Aug 1, 2022 · A food consumption example skill that, when used, replenishes saturation and gives a short burst of the saturation potion effect while playing three sounds and particle on a slight delay. example_item: Id: leather_chestplate Display: <green>An Example Item</green> Model: 12345 Durability Sets the amount of durability to take off the item. Clone repository Home MythicMobs Project overview Project overview Details Activity Issues 366 Examples Would remove a stack of dirt from the nearest player's inventory The formula for this is v * 16 = maxvolume distance. . The defined velocity is a "base" velocity, and the skill scales the velocity based on distance to attempt to pull the entity directly to the mob if it is possible based on the base velocity. A collection of config files I use with the MythicMobs plugin on my server. Examples This example will turn off the ai of the mob for 5 seconds TemporaryAISwitcher : Skills : - setAI{ai=false} @self - delay 100 - setAI{ai=true} @self The ADD action will utilize MythicMobs' own spawning algorithms which will, in a similar fashion to Minecraft's spawning system, generate random spawn points around players. Examples This example is a Mythic Mob named Rider, riding a Horse. Implementations MythicCrucible Examples EXAMPLE_MOB: Type: CHICKEN Skills: # sends a message to all the players in the world # when the mob spawns -message{m=SPAWN} @World ~onSpawn In this example when you shoot the projectile you will watch it slow down gradually to a halt. Supports Droptables. This complex example shows how the throw mechanic can be used in conjunction with other mechanics to make quite amazing effects. For example, let's say we want a skeleton that is glowing, spinning, and on fire. Allows hex colors in the format <#FFFFFF> Jun 8, 2023 · Queen's Tutorial Mob Pack A set of 10 mobs and 1 boss to use as examples for what MythicMobs is capable of. As a brief summary, Mythic allows you to: Mob Skills: Give mobs custom skills through the use of a Mar 11, 2021 · MythicMobs' commands can be accessed in-game using the /mythicmobs or /mm commands. Skills: -dropitem Please note that mmo stats on the armor DO NOT work on MythicMobs. Clone repository Home Changelogs example_mob: Type: zombie Display: Tanker KillMessages: -<caster. Can be a list Examples ExampleSkill: Skills: -ignite @MobsInRadius{r=10;types=IncredibleZombie,SpookyScarySkeleton} Aliases example_item: Id: leather_chestplate Display: <green>An Example Item</green> Model: 12345 Durability Sets the amount of durability to take off the item. you can find more by accessing the specific particle's page from the particle types wiki page Examples Creates a hologram above the mob when the mob gets right clicked, which displays for 100 ticks. Mar 19, 2022 · Don't know how to use MythicMobs? Are you new to it? Then these files can lead you the right way! ⚔ MythicMobs [Free Version] The #1 Custom Mob Creator v5. Lets take a look at an example of what this looks like: The MythicMobs API contains numerous events and helper classes to help you utilize our mobs, items, and skill systems. You can call these basic skills by themselves in your mob's Skill List, or you can create your own meta-skill by combining these mechanics together. Examples: Display: 'Super Zombie' Display: '&eSuper Zombie' Display: '&cSuper Zombie&r - <mob. The reason for this is that nearly all commands in MythicMobs are heavily abusable, and at the moment I don't see a reason for individual permissions for each feature. yml file. Skills: The MythicMobs API contains numerous events and helper classes to help you utilize our mobs, items, and skill systems. MythicMobs API Examples - www. This mechanic inherits every inheritable attribute of the Damage mechanic. Must be alphanumerical and is case sensitive with no spaces allowed. Examples: strong_sword: StrongSword: strongsword: StrongSword1: Id: Defines the type of item. This mechanic do nothing when targeted target's have no space in its inventory. Just want to make simple mobs for your RPG? MythicMobs is your plugin. This extension simplifies the process of creating MythicMobs by providing code snippets for all Mechanics, Conditions, Targeters, and Triggers. ukaq edsgsm cjwtgu srku bzrlz chwbf ubla tvit prum bgvdm