Board Of Directors Learn More Voluntary And Community Driven

Executive Director

Emily Park
Executive Director

In December of 2015 Emily joined MSU Extension Mineral County as the Administrative Assistant, in August of 2017 she became the Economic Development Extension Agent, providing leadership in economic and community development in Mineral County. In 2019 she became the Executive Director of the Mineral County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC) while continuing her work with extension.  Her priorities include strategic planning and implementation of educational programming throughout Mineral County with emphasis on community and economic development, leadership and capacity building, and workforce development.  She lives in St. Regis and has two children: Kaleb (14) and Dominic (9).  


Board Of Directors

Kathleen Brown

Kathleen started serving on the MCEDC Board in 2004 and has served at Board President since that time.  She has been a resident of Superior since 1998 and is an advocate of economic growth in Mineral County.  Kenn and Kathleen have a son and 2 grandchildren.  Kathleen served as Mineral County Clerk Of Court for 14 years.  Kathleen’s hobbies are quilting, enjoying time with her family and grandchildren and camping.

Sharon Patterson

Sharon has been an MCEDC Board member since 2004.  She started serving as the Secretary/Treasurer in 2004 and is still serving in that capacity today.  Sharon is an advocate for economic development in Mineral County.  “I have seen many changes in the past 17 years in economic growth in Mineral County.  I have lived in St. Regis for 44 years and have never regretted moving to little piece of heaven that she shares with her husband.  We raised 3 boys and now have 6 wonderful grandchildren.”

Erin Woodson

Erin Woodson is the Patient Access Facilitator at Mineral Community Hospital. I live in Superior MT. I am the mom of 2 teenage boys that keep me on my toes. Outside of being a mom I like to quilt, and shoot archery. I also archery and rifle hunt.  I like to keep busy all day long. 

Dan Fultz

IMEG Project Manager and Civil Designer specializing in onsite water and wastewater systems and residential development.  I live just outside of the town of Alberton with my wife, Shannon, and daughter Reyn.  I am passionate about our community and way of life here in western Montana. When I am not spending time with my family, I am either hunting or getting ready for hunting season.

Pelham Monte Turner

Pelham Monte Turner is a 3rd generation Missoulian that served in the USAF before learning the family business and deciding it was not for him (owning a Lincoln-Mercury dealership). Restless, he worked in the Bakken living in Sydney, MT in the late 70’s and then to Los Angeles as a professional bartender and then back to Montana and created a career in broadcasting in radio and television. He also started and ran a successful commercial sign business/advertising agency before moving to Superior, MT with his wife and dogs (all children were grown-and-gone by now) working in public relations and emergency planning for Mineral Community Hospital. Semi-retired today working for the Mineral Independent as a reporter and staying active in the county.

Carol Young

Carol Young and her husband Steve retired to St. Regis in 2004, Carol had a 20+ year career managing and owning private employment agencies. The agencies worked as an extension of the personnel department for a wide variety of industries recruiting and screening candidates from high level legal professional positions to assembly line workers. Since moving to St. Regis, Carol worked as a substitute for St. Regis public school until she was elected to serve on the St. Regis school board where she served for 9 years.  Because of the challenges funding a small public school in a county where the federal government controls over 80 % of the land. Carol focused on the lack of financial support generated by our national forest lands, in 2013 she became part of a group of concerned residents and businesses, Mineral County Resource Coalition (MCRC). Carol now serves as the group’s co-chair, in addition to this group Carol also serves on the Mineral County Economic Development board and the Lolo Forest Resource Advisory Committee.

Judy Stang

Judy has been an active member of the MCEDC Board since 2004.  She comes from a family-owned business background and spent 18 years as Mineral County Commissioner. Currently she works as a Real Estate Broker and has a great understanding of how Economic Development effects our local economy and its relationship with county government, including infrastructure, tax base, and services. Mineral County has challenges with its history with income from mining and timber jobs. Mineral County has been discovered and its important to keep the balance of what we all love about this place with the economic opportunities of the future. Like everyone She loves the Clark Fork River, golfing, ATV and hiking and enjoy the great outdoors that make our county special. I look forward to working on Economic Development in this area and have a great understanding of the challenges for a small business and the future of Mineral County.

Jim DeBree

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